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what are the movements of the trunk

by Boris Beier Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Flexion of the trunk involves the external and internal obliques on both sides together.
  • Lateral flexion involves the external and internal oblique on one side only.
  • Rotation of the trunk involves the external oblique on one side working with the internal oblique on the opposite side. The trunk then rotates towards the side of the internal oblique ( Figure 10.6e ).

The vertebral column can move the trunk forward through flexion. We generally call this “rounding” of the back. Moving the trunk toward the rear occurs through extension (Figure 2). This is generally referred to as “arching” the back.Apr 28, 2019

Full Answer

How do the muscles of the trunk move?

Most of the movements of the trunk are performed by large muscles arranged in sheets around the axial skeleton. The position of the muscles and direction of the fibres determine the ways in which each contributes to trunk movement.

What are the movements of the trunk of the spine?

The movements of the trunk, shown in Figure 10.3, are described as follows: Flexion occurs in bending forwards, or sitting up from lying. The thorax moves towards the pelvis. Extension straightens the trunk from flexion and the trunk can bend backwards from the upright position.

What are the different types of trunk exercises?

This isn’t an exhaustive list of trunk exercises, as there are other categories that can be trained – for instance, Pilates type, static bridging exercises and Swiss-ball movements. These can also be included in your programme to improve postural control and trunk coordination.

How does the trunk stay upright when standing upright?

The joints and muscles of the trunk combine to form a stable system when standing upright. The muscles act like guy-ropes keeping the balance when external forces act on the trunk. If a group of muscles becomes weak, the trunk changes its position, in the same way that a tent will lean to one side if a guy -rope is loosened.


What movement is trunk flexion?

Trunk flexion was the result of a simultaneous forward pelvic tilt and flexion of the spine. For trunk movements up to 550, spine flexion dominated the movement, whereas for larger movements a major part of the amplitude was caused by pelvic tilt.

What joints move is trunk?

Joints of the trunk include the intervertebral joints between the vertebral bodies and the vertebral arches, the costovertebral joints, and the sternocostal joints.

What is the trunk in anatomy?

Trunk or torso is an anatomical term for the central part of the human body from which extend the neck and limbs. The trunk includes the thorax and abdomen.

What are the trunk muscles?

The muscles of the trunk include those that move the vertebral column, the muscles that form the thoracic and abdominal walls, and those that cover the pelvic outlet. The erector spinae group of muscles on each side of the vertebral column is a large muscle mass that extends from the sacrum to the skull.

What are the types of movements?

Types of Body MovementsFlexion.Lateral Flexion.Dorsiflexion.Plantarflexion.Extension.Hyperextension.Abduction.Adduction.More items...•

Is the trunk a gliding joint?

Gliding joints are also formed in the axial skeleton throughout the neck and trunk to improve the flexibility of these regions.

What is the function of the trunk of the body?

The trunk (core) muscles are involved in daily functions (i. e., stabilizing the body in everyday tasks) and force generation of the limbs during athletic tasks such as kicking, throwing, or running.

What are the three parts of the trunk?

The trunk includes the chest (in front), the back, the shoulders and the abdomen.

What are the functions of the trunk in human body?

Trunk muscles have a few very important functions; they contribute to the protection of the thoracic and abdominopelvic viscera and they assist essential body activities such as breathing, movement, defecation and micturition.

What muscles does trunk flexion?

TRUNK LATERAL FLEXION The major muscles involved are the rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, erector spinae, semispinalis thoracis, latissimus dorsi, deep posterior spinal muscles, quadratus lumborum, and psoas.

Which muscles lift the trunk?

Erector spinae muscles extend the spine. Their job is to return the body into the upright position from the forward bend, and bend backwards. These are very important movements for most of us since we sit so much making our backs weak and sore.

At what joint does motion between the pelvis and the trunk occur?

Pelvic muscles that cross the lumbosacral joint attach the pelvis to the trunk. These muscles assist with the sacrum and lumbar spine in flexion and extension and affect lumbar spine rotation and lateral flexion.

What are the 4 types of joint movement?

Types of joint movementFlexion – bending a joint. ... Extension – straightening a joint. ... Abduction – movement away from the midline of the body. ... Rotation – this is where the limb moves in a circular movement around a fixed joint towards or away from the midline of the body.More items...

What bones make up the trunk joint?

Bones of the trunk: The 51 trunk bones consist of 26 vertebrae, 24 ribs, and the sternum. The 26 vertebrae comprise 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar vertebrae, plus the sacrum and the coccyx.

Which muscles flex the trunk?

Rectus abdominis flexes the trunk. If you shorten the front of the body and round forward (just like you do in the abdominal crunch), you will feel it working. We shouldn't do too much of that without balancing it out with other actions. Erector spinae muscles extend the spine.

What is the function of the trunk?

In summary, the trunk: maintains the upright posture; protects the organs of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis; ventilates the lungs in breathing;

What is the trunk of the body?

The trunk is the central axis of the body. The limbs use the trunk as the base on which to move. When the body is upright, the trunk supports the head and maintains the erect posture with minimal effort. The trunk consists of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, stacked one above the other ( Figure 10.1 ). These three areas form two enclosed cavities, ...

When the trunk moves in different directions, the movement between adjacent vertebrae is small?

When the trunk moves in different directions, the movement between adjacent vertebrae is small, but the result of combined movement of vertebrae at all levels results in a considerable range of movement.

What are the three parts of the trunk?

The trunk consists of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, stacked one above the other ( Figure 10.1 ). These three areas form two enclosed cavities, with bony and muscular walls, separated by the muscular diaphragm. Any change in the pressure inside one of the cavities affects the other.

How to see curves in a skeleton?

Look first from the side to imagine a line from the ear through the vertebral column to the hip and knee, ending just in front of the ankle. Move the trunk until the position looks balanced. Notice the curves of the back. Refer to an articulated skeleton to see the curves more easily.

What is anatomical movement?

Anatomical movements are no different. They usually involve bones or body parts moving around fixed joints relative to the main anatomical axes (sagittal, coronal, frontal, etc.) or planes parallel to them.

What is the movement of an entity?

Without going into complicated physics explanations and equations, movement involves an entity moving from point A to point B. The movement is carried out around a fixed axis or fulcrum and has a direction.

Which axis of the leg moves backwards?

Anatomical structures: The tibia of the leg moves relative to the femur of the thigh. Reference axes: The movement is in the sagittal plane. The fulcrum is provided by the knee joint, through which the frontal/coronal axis passes. Direction: During flexion, the leg moves backwards (posteriorly).

Where do protrusion and retrusion take place?

The movements of protrusion and retrusion take place in the sagittal plane. Since they are also related to the frontal/coronal axis, but instead of only moving around it, these movements are also taking place parallel to it. Protrusion involves a movement going straight ahead or forward.

Which direction do flexion and extension take place?

The opposing movements of flexion and extension take place in sagittal directions around a frontal/coronal axis. Flexion, or bending, involves decreasing the angle between the two entities taking part in the movement (bones or body parts). In contrast, extension, or straightening, involves increasing the respective angle.

Why are rotations different from abductions?

Although very similar, rotations are distinct from abductions/adductions, due to the planes the movements are happening in.

What is direction in anatomy?

Direction, which in anatomy is usually related to a standard plane, such as the median, medial, sagittal, frontal, etc. Learn everything about the human body movements with our articles, video tutorials, quizzes, and labeled diagrams. Types of body movements Explore study unit.

How does the trunk work?

The trunk can (1) flex forward and extend back, (2) flex to the left and right side, (3) rotate about its centre, and (4) perform any combination of the above movements in three planes . Exercises that integrate these three planes will provide the biggest challenge and benefits to an athlete looking to develop functional core strength. 4.

Why are trunk muscles important?

The trunk muscles are important for maintaining good posture and spinal alignment. This is a 24-7 task – in other words, the trunk muscles have to perform this function all day every day and thus must have good endurance. The trunk muscles are also integral in power movements, e.g., throwing, jumping and hitting, ...

How to do a squat?

1. Medicine-ball push down. Perform the crunch movement, holding a ball directly above your head. As you reach the top of the crunch, your partner pushes you back down to the floor. Resist the push but let your shoulders return, and then repeat.#N#2. Leg pushes. Lie on your back with your legs straight. Hands behind your head, hold on to your partner’s ankles for stability. Raise your legs so your ankles are above your hips; at the top, your partner pushes your legs back to the floor. Resist the push but let the legs return and repeat.

How to do a knee chop?

Hold a medicine ball with arms extended above your head. Keeping your arms extended, bend down from the waist, touching the ball between your feet ; return up to the top and repeat, just as if you were bringing down an axe. 2. Disk/wobble board one-leg ankle chop. Stand on one leg on a wobble board or inflatable disk.

What is the difference between a one leg squat and a knee extension?

The key difference between the two exercises is in functionality. The one-leg squat movement is related in function to natural athletic movements such as running and jumping, whereas the knee extension is related only to kicking in a seated position.

Where does the driving force come from in tackle?

To perform a quality tackle, the driving force comes from the legs and the grasp is performed by the arms. However, the trunk ensures that the leg power can be transferred through to the grasp, thus delivering the tackle’s impact with little energy dissipation and less injury risk.

Should you do trunk exercises standing up?

Ideally, most of your trunk exercises should be performed standing up, since this is the position of most athletic movements. In addition, while you’re standing the exercises involve all the trunk- and hip-stabiliser muscles and not just the abdominals or low back in isolation. 2. Training should target endurance, strength and power.

What is movement disorder?

The term "movement disorders" refers to a group of nervous system (neurological) conditions that cause abnormal increased movements, which may be voluntary or involuntary. Movement disorders can also cause reduced or slow movements. Common types of movement disorders include:

What are the different types of movement disorders?

Common types of movement disorders include: Ataxia. This movement disorder affects the part of the brain that controls coordinated movement (cerebellum). Ataxia may cause uncoordinated or clumsy balance, speech or limb movements, and other symptoms. Cervical dystonia. This condition causes long-lasting contractions ...

What is the name of the neurological disorder that causes problems with walking, balance and eye movements?

Parkinsonism. Parkinsonism describes a group of conditions that has symptoms similar to those of Parkinson's disease. Progressive supranuclear palsy. This is a rare neurological disorder that causes problems with walking, balance and eye movements.

What is the condition that causes a person to feel strange sensations in their legs?

This movement disorder causes unpleasant, abnormal feelings in the legs while relaxing or lying down, often relieved by movement. Tardive dyskinesia. This neurological condition is caused by long-term use of certain drugs used to treat psychiatric conditions (neuroleptic drugs).

What is the name of the neurological disorder that causes involuntary rhythmic shaking of parts of the body?

Tourette syndrome. This is a neurological condition that starts between childhood and teenage years and is associated with repetitive movements (motor tics) and vocal sounds (vocal tics). Tremor. This movement disorder causes involuntary rhythmic shaking of parts of the body, such as the hands, head or other parts of the body.

What causes jerks in muscles?

Myoclonus. This condition causes lightning-quick jerks of a muscle or a group of muscles. Parkinson's disease. This slowly progressive, neurodegenerative disorder causes tremor, stiffness (rigidity), slow decreased movement (bradykinesia) or imbalance. It may also cause other nonmovement symptoms.

What causes sudden jerks in the brain?

It can also cause low blood pressure and impaired bladder function. Myoclonus. This condition causes lightning-quick jerks of a muscle or a group of muscles. Parkinson's disease.

What is the condition that causes involuntary twitching?

What is choreoathetosis? Choreoathetosis is a movement disorder that causes involuntary twitching or writhing. It’s a serious condition that can affect your posture, walking ability, and everyday movement. More severe cases can cause permanent disability.

Is it normal to have involuntary movements?

Involuntary bodily movements are normal. But when they become chronic, uncontrolled movements can cause disabilities and discomfort. Choreoathetosis symptoms are easily recognized, they include: Choreoathetosis episodes can occur randomly. Some factors can also trigger an episode, like caffeine, alcohol or stress.


1.Muscles of the trunk: Anatomy, diagram, pictures | Kenhub


8 hours ago  · Muscles of the abdominal wall. Rectus abdominis. Rectus abdominis muscle. Musculus rectus abdominis. 1/6. Rectus abdominis is a long, strap-like, paired muscle that …

2.Movements of the Trunk - YouTube


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