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what are the muscles in the upper leg

by Eunice Marquardt Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The thigh has three sets of strong muscles: the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh, the quadriceps muscles in the front, and the adductor muscles on the inside. The quadriceps and hamstrings work together to straighten (extend) and bend (flex) the leg. The adductor muscles pull the legs together.

What are the muscles in your upper leg called?

Quadriceps include four large muscles located in the front of the thigh: vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris. They start at the pelvis (hip bone) and femur (thigh bone) and extend down to the patella (kneecap) and tibia (shin bone).

Why do the muscles in my upper legs hurt?

Pain in the upper leg is common and likely a result of muscular issues. Cramps caused by dehydration, certain medications, or overuse of the muscles could be the culprit. An injury, such as a strain or stress fracture in the bones, may also be causing this pain.

How many muscles are in your upper leg?

Anterior: You have three main muscles in your upper leg. You also have another muscle, the iliopsoas, that starts in your lower spine and attaches to your femur (thighbone). The main upper leg muscles are: Pectineus.

Where are the muscles in your upper thigh?

The thigh has three sets of muscles: Hamstring muscles: Located in the back of the thigh to extend and flex the leg. Quadriceps muscles: Located in the front of the thigh to extend and flex the leg. Adductor muscles: Located on the inside of the thigh to pull the legs together.

Why does the top of my thigh hurt when I walk?

Muscle injuries. Share on Pinterest Muscle injuries, such as sprains and strains, are a common cause of pain in the upper thigh. Sprains and strains can affect any of the many muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the thigh. A sprain is a torn or stretched ligament.

How do you relieve upper thigh pain?

Treatment options Treatment for upper thigh pain depends on its cause. Minor injuries often improve with home treatment, including rest, heat, ice, compression, elevation, and gentle massage. Other treatment options may include: pain relief medication for unexplained chronic pain.

What is the upper front thigh muscle called?

quadricepsThe quadriceps located at the front of the thigh is responsible for extending the knee and bending the leg. The quadriceps group is made up of four muscles: Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius and Vastus Medialis.

What muscle is back of upper leg?

The hamstring muscles are a group of three muscles that run along the back of your thigh from your hip to just below your knee.

What are the 3 muscle compartments of the thigh?

The thigh has three muscle compartments:Anterior compartment (pink) – Sartorius and quadriceps muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis). ... Medial compartment (green) – Pectineus, obturator externus, gracilis, and adductor muscles (longus, brevis, magnus, minimus).More items...

Can you pull a muscle in your upper thigh?

A muscle strain in the thigh causes sudden pain that can be quite severe. Someone experiencing a muscle strain in the thigh frequently describes a popping or snapping sensation as the muscle tears. The area around the injury may be tender to the touch, with visible bruising if blood vessels are also broken.

What causes pain in upper thigh and groin area?

A groin strain is an overstretch or tearing injury to the muscles of the inner thigh or front of the hip. Groin strains make walking, lifting the knee, or moving the leg away from or toward the body hard to do and painful. Groin strains can occur from overuse of the muscles.

How long does it take for a pulled muscle to heal in your leg?

Once your leg muscle is strained, time and rest are needed to allow the muscle to heal. A mild or grade I strain may need ten days to three weeks to heal. A severe strain to the hamstrings may take up to six months. The healing outlook depends on the location and the severity of the muscle strain.

How many muscles are in the upper leg?

Your upper leg includes seven major muscles. Your lower leg includes three main muscles, located behind your tibia or shinbone. Pain in your thigh or calf can be caused by muscle or tendon-related injuries, as well as conditions related to the nerves, bones, or blood vessels.

What muscle group is the front of the leg?

There are two main muscle groups in your upper leg. They include: Your quadriceps. This muscle group consists of four muscles in the front of your thigh which are among the strongest and largest muscles in your body. They work to straighten or extend your leg. Your hamstrings.

What muscles are used to bend the knee?

The key job of these muscles is to bend or flex the knee. The four muscles that make up your quadriceps include: Vastus lateralis. The largest of the quadriceps muscles, it’s located on the outside of the thigh and runs from the top of your femur (thighbone) down to your kneecap (patella). Vastus medialis.

What muscles are attached to the hip?

The three main muscles in your hamstrings run from behind your hip bone, under your gluteus maximus (buttocks), and down to your tibia (shinbone). The hamstring muscles include: Biceps femoris.

Why does my thigh hurt?

Muscle strains are among the most common causes of thigh pain. A muscle strain occurs when the fibers in a muscle are stretched too far or torn. Causes of thigh muscle strains include: overuse of the muscle. muscle fatigue. insufficient warmup prior to exercising or doing an activity.

Which muscle is deepest in the quadriceps?

Vastus medialis. Shaped like a teardrop, this muscle on the inner part of your thigh runs along your thighbone to your knee. Vastus intermedius. Located between the vastus medialis and the vastus lateralis, this is the deepest quadriceps muscle. Rectus femoris.

What causes numbness in the inner thigh?

Hernia. An inguinal hernia can cause pain where the groin and inner thigh meet. Diabetic neuropathy. A complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that causes pain, tingling, and numbness.

What muscle is used to pull the lower leg up?

This motion is aided by other flexors, and together, they are referred to as the hamstrings. The hamstring muscles originate up here at the pelvic bone and insert down here on the tibia and fibula of the lower leg.

Where are the muscles that move the leg located?

These can be divided into muscles that flex the leg and those that extend the leg. This flexion and extension occurs at the knee. Most of the muscles involved in flexion of the knee and leg are located along the back (or posterior) and side surfaces of the leg.

What are the muscles above the knee called?

For now, let's run through a quick review of the leg muscles above the knee. The muscles of the lower limbs, or legs, are considered to be appendicular muscles because they are attached to the bones of the appendicular skeleton. Both the muscles and bones of the legs are attached to the axial skeleton via the pelvic girdle.

What are the muscles on the top of the pelvis called?

The muscles of your legs are called appendicular muscles because they are attached to the bones of the appendicular skeleton. This attachment site is called the pelvic girdle, these bones here, which are attached to the axial skeleton here at the sacrum. On top of the pelvic bones are muscles that move the hips, or pelvis.

What muscles move the hips?

On top of the pelvic bones are muscles that move the hips, or pelvis. These movements consist mostly of rotation of the hips, side-to-side movement, or back-and-forth movements and are often paired with movements of the thigh or upper part of the leg. All of the muscles that move your legs can be divided into three groups: muscles ...

Why are the legs considered appendicular?

The muscles of the lower limbs, or legs, are considered to be appendicular muscles because they are attached to the bones of the appendicular skeleton.

Which muscle is the largest and most well known of the gluteal group of muscles?

First up: the gluteus maximus, or your butt muscle. This muscle is the largest and most well-known of the gluteal group of muscles, which includes the gluteus medius, maximus, and minimus, as well as the tensor fasciae latae. Together, these muscles extend, flex, and rotate the hip.

What are the muscles of the leg?

Leg muscles (Musculi cruris) Anatomically, the leg is defined as the region of the lower limb  below the knee . It consists of a posterior, anterior and lateral compartment. In accordance, the muscles of the leg are organized into three groups: Anterior (dorsiflexor) group, which contains the tibialis anterior , extensor digitorum longus , ...

What are the legs muscles?

Key facts about the leg muscles. Definition. Muscles of the lower extremity below the knee joint that mainly produce movements of the foot at the ankle joint. Anterior (dorsiflexor) group. Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, fibularis tertius, extensor hallucis longus. Posterior (plantar flexor) group.

What is the posterior layer of the triceps surae?

The superficial layer of the posterior group consists of the gastrocnemius, plantaris and soleus. The two heads of gastrocnemius together with the soleus comprise a three headed compound muscle collectively known as the triceps surae .

What nerve is the extensor hallucis longus innervated by?

The extensor hallucis longus is innervated by the deep fibular nerve (L5). It receives its blood supply mainly from the anterior tibial artery, with contributions from the fibular (peroneal) artery, anterior medial malleolar artery, dorsalis pedis artery, and the plantar metatarsal artery of the first digit.

What nerve innervates the extensor digitorum longus?

The extensor digitorum longus is innervated by the deep fibular (peroneal) nerve (L5, S1) , and vascularized by the anterior tibial and fibular (peroneal) arteries . The functions of the extensor digitorum longus are extension of the 2nd-5th toes and dorsiflexion of the foot.

Where does the fibularis tertius originate?

It originates from the medial aspect of the distal third of fibula, the adjacent anterior surface of interosseous membrane and the anterior intermuscular septum and runs downwards along the lateral aspect of the leg. It then extends into a tendon that passes deep to the superior extensor retinaculum, accompanied by the extensor digitorum longus . The tendon of the fibularis tertius then inserts onto the dorsal surface of the base of the fifth metatarsal .

Where is the extensor digitorum longus?

The extensor digitorum longus is a feather-like muscle originating from the proximal half of the medial surface of fibula , the anterior surface of the lateral tibial condyle and the anterior surface of the interosseous membrane. It descends inferiorly to just above the ankle, where it extends into a tendon that passes under the superior extensor retinaculum and through the inferior extensor retinaculum. Within the extensor retinaculum, the tendon splits into four smaller tendons that insert onto the dorsal surface of the middle and distal phalanges  of the lateral four toes.

Which muscles are found on the front and back sides of the lower leg?

Tibialis muscles. These muscles are found on the front and back sides of the lower leg. The muscles in the front allow for dorsiflexion. This involves pointing the toes upward. The muscles in the back help with plantar flexion and supporting the arch of the foot. Peroneus muscles.

What is the upper leg called?

Upper leg anatomy and function. The upper leg is often called the thigh. It’s the area that runs from the hip to the knee in each leg.

Which muscle is involved in plantar flexion?

It also helps with plantar flexion. Plantaris. This is a small muscle in the back of the lower leg. Like the gastrocnemius and soleus, it’s involved in plantar flexion. Tibialis muscles. These muscles are found on the front and back sides of the lower leg.

What muscles are in the adductor?

The adductors are five muscles located on the inside of the thigh. They allow the thigh s to come together. The five adductors are the: adductor magnus. adductor longus. adductor brevis. obturator externus. gracilis. Learn how to strengthen your adductors.

What muscles are used to straighten knees?

The quadriceps are four muscles located on the front of the thigh. They allow the knees to straighten from a bent position. The four quadriceps are the: vastus lateralis. vastus medialis. vastus intermedius. rectus femoris. Try these three quadriceps stretches if you’re a runner.

Which bone is the weight bearing bone in the lower leg?

Tibia. Also called the shin bone, the tibia is the longer of the two bones in the lower leg. It acts as the main weight-bearing bone of the leg. Fibula. The fibula is located next to the tibia. It mainly serves as an attachment point for the muscles of the lower leg.

Which ligament runs from the heel to the toes?

This is the longest ligament in the foot. It runs from the heel to the toes, forming the arch. Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament. This ligament is found in the sole of the foot, where it connects the calcaneus and the navicular bones.

What are the symptoms of upper leg pain?

Minor upper leg pain is not a cause for concern, but it is important to seek immediate attention if you experience the following upper leg pain symptoms: Deep cuts or exposed bones. Fever and upper leg pain. Inability to walk.

Why does my upper leg hurt?

Autoimmune: Diseases that affect nerves, particularly in the lower back can deliver pain to the upper leg. Spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease are examples that can impact the upper leg.

What are the symptoms of repetitive strain injury of the upper leg?

Rarity: Uncommon. Top Symptoms: upper leg numbness, thigh weakness, hamstring pain from overuse. Symptoms that always occur with repetitive strain injury of the hamstring: hamstring pain from overuse.

What are the symptoms of a quadriceps injury?

Top Symptoms: upper leg numbness, thigh weakness, thigh pain from overuse. Symptoms that always occur with repetitive strain injury of the quadriceps: thigh pain from overuse. Symptoms that never occur with repetitive strain injury of the quadriceps: upper leg injury, severe upper leg pain. Urgency: Self-treatment.

What is the term for the inflammation of the bursa of the greater trochanter?

Greater trochanteric pain syndrome, also called trochanteric bursitis or GTPS, is an inflammation of the bursa of the greater trochanter. Bursae are the small "cushions" between tendons, bones, and muscles. The greater trochanter is th..

What are the symptoms of a thigh nerve issue?

Symptoms that never occur with thigh nerve issue (meralgia paresthetica): new headache, swollen hip, swollen hips, swelling of one hip, leg swelling, weakness of both legs, leg weakness.

Why do my legs hurt?

Upper Leg. Upper leg pain can be caused by a variety of conditions, including trauma, systemic disease, or inflammatory conditions. Read more below to learn about upper leg pain, including causes, possible treatments, and more.

How to treat upper leg muscle pain?

Here I will tell you the most common and familiar wayes for the upper leg muscle pain treatment ways you can do by yourself. You can use the Ice as the treatment for the pain. Heat. The Acetaminophen can be used for pain relief. You have to manage your Weight.

What are the symptoms of a leg muscle?

All of this could be accompanied by some of the symptoms as the following: The first cause is the Itching Symptom. Secondly, you can notice that the Burning is another symptoms.

Where does hamstring pain occur?

It may occur in any part of the body, but it really common to occur in the hamstring and causes upper leg muscle pain . Here are some symptoms of the Muscle strains

Can blood clots cause muscle pain in the lower leg?

Many people suffer from blood clots, they don’t feel Upper leg muscle pain. But on the other hand, When a person suffers from deep major veins, so it is a serious problem commonly known as Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT. It appears in the lower legs. Sometimes it doesn’t have any symptoms but other cases it has as:

Is upper leg muscle pain hard?

Upper leg muscle pain is a very hard pain affect the leg pain as a whole. If you feel it you need to take care of the causes of this hard pain. When We knowing the causes of the Upper leg muscle pain it will be simple to treat and relieve the pain. On the other hand, Also, It will be easy to take the right decision to make home treatments ...


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