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what are the rules for serving in pickleball

by Andrew Harvey Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The rules of pickleball require the serve to be hit below your navel (in other words, your belly button) with, at the point of contact:

  1. Your arm moving in an upward arc (to note, you may hit the serve with either a forehand or backhand motion); and
  2. The highest point of your paddle head being below the highest part of your wrist (which is the point on your wrist where your joint bends).

The serve is initiated with at least one foot behind the baseline; neither foot may contact the baseline or court until after the ball is struck. The serve is made diagonally crosscourt and must land within the confines of the opposite diagonal court. Only one serve attempt is allowed (let serves are allowed).

Full Answer

What is considered a legal serve in pickleball?

Serving above waist level (i.e. naval level). If the point of contact is made below waist level, it is a legal serve. A paddle head above the wrist. Now, this is where things can get confusing. When serving in pickleball, only the paddle handle can be above the wrist. A serve that takes longer than 10 seconds.

How to serve in pickleball for beginners?

  • At least one foot must be planted on the ground during the serve.
  • If either opponent interferes with the flight of the ball during a serve, it’s a point for the serving team.
  • It’s a fault if you miss the ball. ...
  • It’s a fault if the ball touches any permanent object before it lands.

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What are the basic rules of pickleball?

In case you are forgetting any of the points, here is a quick recap of the aforementioned rules:

  • The ball must bounce on both sides of the court before you start volleying. (The two-bounce rule).
  • The points in pickleball are given as 11, 15, or 21 and the game is won by two points. (Scoring rules).
  • You can’t volley in the non-volley zone. (The kitchen rule).
  • You can’t serve the ball above the waist. ...
  • The ball can not go out of the boundaries. ...

How to hit a consistent pickleball serve?

  • Ask a friend to watch your pickleball serve and provide pointers. A different point of view from a trusted friend can make a big difference in your game.
  • Record yourself. Grab your phone or a Gopro and record yourself when you serve. ...
  • Practice. Set aside some time to just go and work on your serve by yourself or with a friend. ...


What are the 5 serving rules in pickleball?

5 Rules of PickleballRule 1: The ball must stay inbounds. ... Rule 2: There must be one bounce per side. ... Rule 3: You must serve at the baseline. ... Rule 4: Serves cannot land in the no-volley zone. ... Rule 5: The game ends at 11, 15, or 21 points.

What are the new rules for serving in pickleball?

The new rules say server can use only one hand to release the ball to perform the serve. If the ball is visibly spun by the server during the release, the part(s) of the hand contacting the ball must be bare (no gloves, band-aids, etc.).

How does serving work in pickleball?

Points are scored only on the serve; the receiving side cannot score a point. At the start of the game, the player on the right side (even court) serves to the diagonally opposite court. If a point is scored, the server moves to the left side (odd court) and serves to the diagonally opposite court.

What are the 3 criteria that you must follow when serving in pickleball?

Based on these official pickleball serve rules, there are 3 criteria to having a legal serve: (1) arm must be moving in an upward arc – or, in other words, the paddle needs to be going in an upward motion, (2) contact with the ball must be made below the waist and (3) the highest part of the paddle cannot be above the ...

Is the drop serve still legal in pickleball in 2022?

The 2022 rule changes have now adopted the “drop” serve as a permanent option. For the “drop” serve, the serving player may drop the ball from his or her hand or paddle face and hit the ball after it bounces. However, the ball must be dropped only and must not be thrown down or up.

Does the return serve in pickleball have to clear the kitchen?

Your serve must land in the proper service box and must clear the kitchen. You must play serves that touch the net and land in the proper service court; there are no lets. You cannot volley in the kitchen. You may step into this zone to play a ball if it bounces in there.

Can your foot cross the line when you serve in pickleball?

However, the rule has been changed by the National Pickleball Association (USAPA) so that now both feet must remain behind the baseline until after the ball is struck. Players must announce the score prior to serving.

Do you have to be behind the line when serving in pickleball?

You must be inside the sideline and centerline and behind the base line when you strike the ball to serve and you cannot touch inside the court (usually with your foot – unless you fall over) until after you hit the ball.

Where do you stand when serving in pickleball?

Generally, you should stand well behind the baseline, but if you know for sure a server will consistently serve short then it's okay to stand within the court. The receiver's partner should stand up at the net just behind the non volley line.

What 2 things should the server do before serving in pickleball?

Players must serve from behind the baseline and either on the left or right side of the center line. The server must call the score and then serve the ball into the service area diagonally across the court. All serves must be underhand and served below the waist.

Can you take a step when serving in pickleball?

The basics serving rules for feet placement apply. At the point of contact between your paddle and the pickleball on your serve (whether a pickleball volley serve or a pickleball drop serve), at least one foot must remain in contact with the ground behind the baseline.

Can the return of serve in pickleball land in the kitchen?

Can the return of serve in pickleball land in the kitchen? Yes. The return-of-serve can, indeed, legally land in the kitchen. It's only the serve that has to be hit beyond the non-volley zone (kitchen).

Do you have to be behind the line when serving in pickleball?

You must be inside the sideline and centerline and behind the base line when you strike the ball to serve and you cannot touch inside the court (usually with your foot – unless you fall over) until after you hit the ball.

What are the new rules for pickleball in 2021?

RULES UPDATE (1/25/2021) - A new provisional rule allows for a "drop serve". You can now drop the ball and hit it after the bounce while serving. You can drop the ball from any height but you can't throw it with any force to bounce it.

Do both players have to be behind the line when serving in pickleball?

▪ Both players should stand behind the baseline. After the ball is served, both players on the serving side should remain back behind the baseline in preparation for the second bounce and return shot. Remember the ball has to bounce again on the serving side before it is returned, otherwise it's a fault.

What 2 things should the server do before serving in pickleball?

Pickleball serving line rules1 – You must serve with both feet behind the baseline. Positioning is important in pickleball, especially when it comes to the serving. ... 2 – You must serve diagonally across the pickleball court. Every pickleball serve should be made diagonally across the court.

How many serve attempts are allowed in pickleball?

The server will alternate from right to left service areas after each service point, but unlike tennis where the server gets two attempts, only one serve is allowed in pickleball. However, if the ball hits the net and lands in play, the server gets another attempt.

How do you serve a pickleball ball?

To begin the game, the ball is served diagonally over the net. The server will stand behind the service line of the right-hand service square and hit the ball underhand and below the waist. Furthermore, the server cannot bounce the ball off the ground before hitting it.

What determines the correct server and receiver position?

1.2.1. Server and Receiver. The correct server and receiver and their positions are determined by the score and the players’ starting positions in the game.

How does Server 1 serve?

Server 1 will serve, alternating service sides after each point is won, until a rally is lost or fault is called on the server’s team. After Server 1’s team loses a rally or faults, Server 2 will serve from the correct position and will alternate serving positions as long as the serving team continues to win points.

What happens after a server loses a rally?

After the server loses the rally or faults, a side out occurs and service is awarded to the opponent.

What is the foot rule for a tennis court?

At the time the ball is struck, the server’s feet may not touch the court or outside the imaginary extension of the sideline or the center line and at least one foot must be on the playing surface or ground behind the baseline.

How long does each player serve in the 'Rally' game?

1.2.3. Each player will serve until a rally is lost or a fault is declared against the player or team.

Types Of Serves

The volley serve and the drop serve have four rules that are common between them: (1) forehand or backhand swing can be used, (2) line rules for feet apply, (3) correct service court must be used, and (4) the serve must happen within 10 seconds of the score being called.

Pickleball Volley Serve (Traditional Serve)

The pickleball volley serve rules state that the server can only use one hand to release the ball and the server’s arm must move in an upward arc, contact with the ball must happen below the waist and the paddle head must not be above where the wrist joint bends.

Pickleball Drop Serve

The pickleball drop serve is now legal. The server can drop the ball from any natural height, let the ball bounce, and then hit it. It’s recommended that the server hold the ball out in front as high as they want to get a higher bounce before hitting it.


When stating the score in doubles, the first player to serve in a game will announce the score: 0-0 start or 0-0-2. Saying ‘start’ or the number 2 means they’re the first and last server and it’s the start of the game. Once a fault occurs, the other team serves.

Partner Positions

In pickleball doubles, with the exception of the server, there is no restriction on the position of any player as long as players are on their team’s side of the net. The server must serve from the correct service court and the correct receiver must receive the serve.

Pickleball Doubles vs Pickleball Singles

The serving rules for doubles and singles are the same with the only difference being that when a fault occurs in singles, the ball goes to the other team (opponent).

Pickleball rules on service faults

A service fault is when a rule is violated and the serving team/server loses the serve. Examples of a service fault:

What is the rule for pickleball?from

As well as getting the movement of the pickleball right, you’ll also need to focus on its position. Pickleball rule number 4.A.7 states that the pickleball paddle must be below the server’s waist level when they hit the ball.

How many players can serve in pickleball?from

In any pickleball game, only one player from the first team can serve before the service gets passed to the other team. After this, both players get a chance to serve before it is passed back.

Why is pickleball so easy to play?from

Since pickleball can move quickly and involve lots of switching sides, this makes it easier for everybody to keep track!

How do you serve a pickleball ball?from

To begin the game, the ball is served diagonally over the net. The server will stand behind the service line of the right-hand service square and hit the ball underhand and below the waist. Furthermore, the server cannot bounce the ball off the ground before hitting it.

How does Server 1 serve?from

Server 1 will serve, alternating service sides after each point is won, until a rally is lost or fault is called on the server’s team. After Server 1’s team loses a rally or faults, Server 2 will serve from the correct position and will alternate serving positions as long as the serving team continues to win points.

Why is serving important in pickleball?from

Why the pickleball rules for serving are crucial. In pickleball, serving is what kick starts each turn and, ultimately, determines how the turn will play out. More importantly, though, you can only score in pickleball when you are on the serving team. That means that a poor serve – or worse, a fault – can hold you back from scoring and cost you ...

How many lets can a server serve?from

There is no limit to the number of lets a server may serve . The serve is a let and will be replayed if:

Pickleball Serve Basics

The right-hand service square should be started first, then alternated with the left-hand square each time at Pickleball. The serve must land on the diagonal service court after clearing the non-volley zone in front of the net.

Rules for Serving in Pickleball

Underhanded, diagonal serves must be served with both feet behind the baseline, and underhanded, diagonal serves must be served underhanded.


Serves that happen to land in the non-volley zone (including the line) or fail to reach the receiving side.

Doubles Serving

Depending on the score, the serving order for doubles is determined. Serves are made from the left side of the court if the score is odd or even. To start the game, the right-handed player serves. As long as this player is not at fault, they will continue to serve. Every time the player serves, he or she switches sides.

Updated Pickleball Serving Rules

A new provision in 2021 allowed players to drop pickleball and hit them over the net after they bounced. Although the drop has no height restriction, it cannot be bounced with added force. Also, check the How To Score In Pickleball?

Pro Tips for Powerful Pickleball Serve

Practice and patience will help you get an effective serve even if you’re not a professional. Serving requires the use of your entire body. The potential of your serve will not be maximized if you serve with only your arm. By using all your body muscles, you can deliver consistent strong serves.

Question 1: Does your side have to change when you serve in pickleball?

Answer: Get on the same side as the receiving team at all times. Right-side players starting on the right side are always even; left-side players starting on the right are always odd. A correctly rotated serve will always lead to an even score for the serving team.

How is a pickleball served?

The Pickleball ball is served underhand with your arm following an upward motion. The ball must make contact with the paddle below your naval area.

How many points does pickleball have?

If you are playing a game of pickleball, the scoring ends at 11 points. However, to determine the winner, the winning team or player has to be 2 points ahead of their opponent. This means that if you are at 11 and your opponent is at 10, the game will continue until there is a 2 point difference to announce the winner.

How many times does a shot bounce in tennis?

The ball must then also bounce once on your side before you can return the shot. The point can then continue and you can return the shot on the full or with one bounce.

Where is the pickleball ball served?

The Pickleball ball is served firstly from the right hand side of the court into the left hand service area of your opponent. They can return the ball into any area on your side.

Where is the first serve in tennis?

The first serve of the game is always from the right hand side of the court. This applies to singles or doubles. If you win the point, you then continue to serve but now from the left hand side of the court. This continues until you lose the point.

Do you have to have both feet behind the baseline?

You must have both feet behind the service baseline

Is a let allowed during a serve?

If the ball is hit into the net it is a fault, even if it continues to the other side whilst the game is in play. A let is only permitted during a serve.

How to serve in pickleball?

There are two ways to the serve in pickleball. The first is a pickleball volley serve. To do a pickleball volley serve, you must toss or release the pickleball and then hit the pickleball with your paddle without allowing the pickleball to bounce on the court (in other words, volley the serve).

What is the proper way to hit a pickleball serve?

The Official Rulebook for pickleball requires the serve to be hit below your navel (in other words, your belly button) with, at the point of contact: your arm moving in an upward arc (to note, you may hit the serve with either a forehand or backhand motion); and.

How to increase spin in pickleball?

For any advanced pickleball players, consider adding some spin to the pickleball on the toss (whether by using your hand or your paddle). This additional spin technique (made known by players like Morgan Evans and Zane Navratil) will increase the spin upon contact and make for a more difficult shot for your opponents.

What is crosscourt serve in pickleball?

Crosscourt Serve – The pickleball serve must go over the pickleball net (although the pickleball may touch the pickleball net – there are no service lets in the game of pickleball) and land in the service box that is crosscourt from the server.

What is the underhand serve in pickleball?

Although there are many nuances to the serve in the sport of pickleball, there are three basic rules for the pickleball serve: Underhand Serve – Pickleball uses an underhand serve (unlike tennis, which has an overhand serve). The Official Rulebook for pickleball requires the serve to be hit below your navel (in other words, your belly button) with, ...

Why is the drop serve in pickleball considered a provisional rule?

The pickleball drop serve was originally included in the Official Rulebook for pickleball because it is a better serving method for players with a physical disability (for instance, any player with one arm). However, the pickleball drop serve has other benefits, too, which is why the drop serve has been included as a provisional rule in the Official Rulebook. These other benefits include that the drop serve may:

Why is it easier for referees to enforce pickleball?

be easier for referees to enforce because referees only need to determine whether the player dropped the pickleball correctly.

Basic Rules Summary

Basic Rules Summary is an abbreviated form of the rules to give a quick overview of how the game is played. To get started, click the button below.

Rule Revisions

To aid in recognizing and understanding the rule changes, we are providing a rulebook revision document. This document is not intended to cover every wording change but is designed to guide you through the significant rule changes for 2022.

Equipment Standards Manual

The USA Pickleball Equipment Standards Manual contains equipment rules, specifications, and testing details that had previously been contained within the USA Pickleball Official Rulebook.


1.15 Must-Know Pickleball Serving Rules - Pink Pickleball


20 hours ago Pickleball Volley Serve (Traditional Serve) The pickleball volley serve rules state that the server can only use one hand to release the ball and the server’s arm must move in an upward arc, …

2.Pickleball Serving Rules (Explained Simply!)


16 hours ago Before you grab the ball and land it in the other team’s court with an expert serve, check off all of these boxes to make sure your serve is in line with the official pickleball rules. When you serve …

3.Pickleball Serving Rules: Serve To Win (2022) - Pickleball …


21 hours ago  · 1 Why the Pickleball Rules for Serving are Crucial: 1.1 Pickleball Serve Basics: 1.2 Rules for Serving in Pickleball: 1.3 Volleying Rules: 1.4 Faults: 1.5 Doubles Serving: 1.6 …

4.Videos of What Are The Rules For Serving In Pickleball


16 hours ago  · The first serve is always from the right hand side of the court You must have both feet behind the service baseline The serve is underhand Always serve diagonally across the …

5.Pickleball Serving Rules - The Pickleball Source


5 hours ago  · According to the official rules of pickleball serving, you must keep the paddle below the waist level while serving. However, there’s an issue with the waist level as it is tough …

6.Pickleball Serving Rules - Rules & Techniques


26 hours ago The USA Pickleball Equipment Standards Manual contains equipment rules, specifications, and testing details that had previously been contained within the USA Pickleball Official Rulebook. …

7.What are the Pickleball Serving Rules?


28 hours ago  · Serving Basics The purpose of the serve (at the developing levels) is simply to place the ball in play and is not intended as an... The serve must be hit with an underhand …

8.Pickleball Serving Rules – Master the Start of Every …


19 hours ago

9.USA Pickleball Official Rulebook and Rules Summary


13 hours ago

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