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what are the side effects of taking iron supplements

by Dora Labadie Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Anemia: Side effects of taking too much iron supplements

  • Symptoms: If you have insufficient iron in your body, you may have body pain, tiredness, hair fall and low amount of thyroid gland secretion.
  • People who are affected by anemia should know this: Mostly the symptoms those mentioned above known to be the reasons for iron deficiency. ...
  • Reasons: Reasons may vary according to the food culture. ...

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  • Backache , groin, side, or muscle pain.
  • fever with increased sweating.
  • flushing.
  • headache.
  • metallic taste.
  • nausea or vomiting.
  • numbness, pain, or tingling of hands or feet.
  • pain or redness at injection site.
Sep 1, 2022

Full Answer

What are the dangers of taking iron supplements?

Symptoms of an iron overdose can affect the entire body and include:

  • Stomach and intestines: liver damage, nausea and vomiting blood, metallic taste in mouth, black bloody stools
  • Respiratory system: buildup of fluids in the lungs
  • Heart: low blood pressure, fast and weak heartbeat, shock, dehydration
  • Nervous system: chills, fever, seizures, headache, drowsiness, apathy, coma

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What are the symptoms of too much iron supplements?

  • dizziness
  • low blood pressure and a fast or weak pulse
  • headache
  • fever
  • shortness of breath and fluid in the lungs
  • a grayish or bluish color in the skin
  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin due to liver damage)
  • seizures

What side effects are common for iron pills?

Side Effects of Iron Pills. Iron pills are LIKELY SAFE for the majority of people when they are taken by mouth in proper quantities. However, it can cause side effects consisting of stomach upset and pain, constipation or diarrhea, queasiness, and vomiting. Taking iron supplements with food seems to lower a few of these side effects.

Is it dangerous to take iron supplements?

Iron overload and high-dose iron supplementation may increase the risk of infection in certain individuals. In short, iron can be dangerous in high quantities. However, unless you have an iron overload disorder, you generally do not need to worry about getting too much iron from your diet. Iron supplementation is another story.


Is there any downside to taking iron supplements?

Yet, iron supplements can cause stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea in some people. You may need to take iron with a small amount of food to avoid this problem. Milk, calcium and antacids should not be taken at the same time as iron supplements.

What are the long term effects of taking iron tablets?

Iron supplements can cause side effects like dizziness, fainting, and hives. Too many iron supplements can cause long-term side effects like liver damage and heart disease. If you want to take iron supplements, talk to your doctor about finding the proper dosage for you.

Is it OK to take an iron supplement every day?

Most people should be able to get all the iron they need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you take iron supplements, do not take too much as this could be harmful. Taking 17mg or less a day of iron supplements is unlikely to cause any harm. But continue taking a higher dose if advised to by a GP.

When should I take iron morning or night?

The ideal time for taking an iron supplement is one hour before a meal, or two hours after, to ensure an empty stomach.Take your supplement before bed. This is likely to be the easiest time to have an empty stomach. ... Have a large breakfast or lunch. ... If you need food, plan to eat a piece of fruit with your supplement.

Do iron pills cause weight gain?

Weight gain related to iron therapy is a common problem in female patients with iron deficiency anemia. Patients under iron therapy should be counseled in terms of weight gain complication and benefits of diet and followed up serum ferritin and Hgb levels to prevent prolonged iron therapy.

Why do I feel weird after taking iron supplements?

Iron pills may cause stomach problems, such as heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and cramps. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat fruits, vegetables, and fibre each day. Iron pills can change the colour of your stool to a greenish or grayish black. This is normal.

How do you know if iron tablets are working?

Your doctor may recommend a red blood cell count test after 2 to 4 weeks to see if it's working. If you feel tired, but have not been diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia, it's important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking ferrous sulfate.

How long does it take to get iron levels up?

It may take 6 months to one year for your body to restock its iron stores. Your iron levels will be regularly reviewed with blood tests. If you have an underlying problem that is causing your iron deficiency, it is very important that the cause is investigated.

Does iron supplement affect sleep?

Our study shows a significantl positive correlation between sleep quality and iron supplement intake (p <0.17). A deficiency in iron has an effect on sleep quality, quantity and timing; iron also affects the modulation of REM sleep.

What causes low iron?

A lack of iron in your diet. Your body regularly gets iron from the foods you eat. If you consume too little iron, over time your body can become iron deficient. Examples of iron-rich foods include meat, eggs, leafy green vegetables and iron-fortified foods.

Can you take iron and vitamin D together?

There is no reported issue with vitamin D and iron supplements, according to the National Institutes of Health. That said, you should talk to your doctor about any dietary supplements you take, including vitamin D and iron supplements.

What can I drink to boost my iron?

7 Scrumptious Drinks That Are High in IronFloradix. Although not technically a beverage, Floradix is a liquid iron supplement that's a good choice for people with low iron stores. ... Prune juice. ... Aviva Romm's iron tonic. ... Green juice. ... Pea protein shakes. ... Cocoa and beef liver smoothie. ... Spinach, cashew, and raspberry smoothie.

How long can you take iron tablets for?

Do not regularly take large amounts of iron for longer than 6 months without checking with your health care professional. People differ in their need for iron, and those with certain medical conditions can gradually become poisoned by taking too much iron over a period of time.

Are iron supplements hard on your kidneys?

Conclusions: Oral iron supplementation might attenuate the progression of anemia in nondialytic CKD patients without ESAs and not impact kidney function.

What happens if your iron is too low?

Without enough iron, your body can't produce enough of a substance in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen (hemoglobin). As a result, iron deficiency anemia may leave you tired and short of breath.

Are iron supplements safe for seniors?

Elderly people sometimes do not absorb iron as easily as younger adults and may need a larger dose. If you think you need to take an iron supplement, check with your health care professional first. Only your health care professional can decide if you need an iron supplement and how much you should take.

What happens if you take iron and your stool is tarry?

4. Stained teeth. If you take a liquid form of iron, it can stain your teeth.

How to help iron bowels?

Increasing the fiber in your diet with fruits and vegetables and including probiotics like those found in yogurt can also work to regulate your bowel habits. 2. Upset stomach. Stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting may also develop as iron supplement side effects. It’s generally recommended to take iron on an empty stomach to help its ...

How to treat iron deficiency anemia?

Thankfully, iron-deficiency anemia can often be treated by taking iron supplements; these are taken orally by most people, but some must receive iron in fusions because they don’t respond well to oral iron. If you take oral iron, there are a number of common side effects to be aware of. Here are some you may experience, along with suggestions for managing them.

How to get rid of iron stains on teeth?

Mixing the iron with water or juice and drinking it with a straw can help avoid this. Brush your teeth after taking it, as well. Keep in mind that iron stains are usually temporary, but baking soda and peroxide can help remove them if any should develop. 5.

What to do if you have a metallic taste after taking iron?

You can try drinking some water or chewing a piece of gum to help elimina te the taste. As the iron is absorbed and processed by your body, the taste should eventually dissipate. 6. Heartburn.

Can you take iron supplements for anemia?

Thankfully, iron-deficiency anemia can often be treated by taking iron supplements; these are taken orally by most people, but some must receive iron infusions because they don’t respond well to oral iron. If you take oral iron, there are a number of common side effects to be aware of.

Can you stop taking iron supplements?

Iron supplements take time to work, and you need to continue taking them for some time even after your iron levels get back to normal. You don’t want to just stop taking your iron because side effects become too troublesome. Instead, talk to your doctor to see what adjustments can be made.

How does iron affect the body?

Symptoms of an iron overdose can affect the entire body and include: Stomach and intestines: liver damage, nausea and vomiting blood, metallic taste in mouth, black bloody stools. Respiratory system: buildup of fluids in the lungs. Heart: low blood pressure, fast and weak heartbeat, shock, dehydration.

What are the symptoms of iron poisoning?

Nervous system: chills, fever, seizures, headache, drowsiness, apathy, coma. Skin: bluish-colored lips, fingernails and palms of hands; skin flushing, pale skin. Symptoms of iron toxicity may decrease in a few hours, then return again after one or more days. Advertisement.

How long does it take for iron to replenish?

Iron pills, if taken correctly, can replenish the iron in your blood to normal after about two months, but MedlinePlus suggests you should continue to take the supplements for another six to 12 months to build up the iron stores in your body's bone marrow. If you think you are feeling worse after taking iron supplements, ...

Why is iron important for muscle growth?

Iron supports muscle contraction and helps maintain healthy connective tissue. It is also necessary for neurological development, synthesis of hormones and proper growth. Advertisement. The amount of iron you need on a daily basis depends on your age and gender.

Can you take iron pills without iron?

Without sufficient iron, your body cannot produce the number of normal red blood cells needed to keep you healthy. Your doctor may recommend that you take iron pills, but you should be aware there are side effects of iron pills and you may even experience feeling worse after taking iron supplements.

Is too much iron bad for you?

It is important to make sure you take the correct dosage because too much iron can be dangerous. Excessive iron from supplements can accumulate in your organs and could result in advers e health complications including damage to your liver , warns Mayo Clinic. Advertisement.

Can iron pills cause liver damage?

Iron pills, available as various ferrous ion salts, can be beneficial to treat a deficiency with the proper dosage but taking too much can result in health risks of toxicity, including acute liver damage.

How does iron affect the body?from

Symptoms of an iron overdose can affect the entire body and include: Stomach and intestines: liver damage, nausea and vomiting blood, metallic taste in mouth, black bloody stools. Respiratory system: buildup of fluids in the lungs. Heart: low blood pressure, fast and weak heartbeat, shock, dehydration.

What are the symptoms of iron poisoning?from

Nervous system: chills, fever, seizures, headache, drowsiness, apathy, coma. Skin: bluish-colored lips, fingernails and palms of hands; skin flushing, pale skin. Symptoms of iron toxicity may decrease in a few hours, then return again after one or more days. Advertisement.

How long does it take for iron to replenish?from

Iron pills, if taken correctly, can replenish the iron in your blood to normal after about two months, but MedlinePlus suggests you should continue to take the supplements for another six to 12 months to build up the iron stores in your body's bone marrow. If you think you are feeling worse after taking iron supplements, ...

Why is iron important for muscle growth?from

Iron supports muscle contraction and helps maintain healthy connective tissue. It is also necessary for neurological development, synthesis of hormones and proper growth. Advertisement. The amount of iron you need on a daily basis depends on your age and gender.

Can you take iron pills after taking iron?from

Your doctor may recommend that you take iron pills, but you should be aware there are side effects of iron pills and you may even experience feeling worse after taking iron supplements.

Is too much iron bad for you?from

It is important to make sure you take the correct dosage because too much iron can be dangerous. Excessive iron from supplements can accumulate in your organs and could result in advers e health complications including damage to your liver , warns Mayo Clinic. Advertisement.

Can iron pills cause liver damage?from

Iron pills, available as various ferrous ion salts, can be beneficial to treat a deficiency with the proper dosage but taking too much can result in health risks of toxicity, including acute liver damage.

How to tell if you have iron overdose?

Patients in the late stages of an iron overdose may notice pale and clammy skin. Clammy skin generally feels wet, moist, or sweaty. The skin often becomes significantly paler than usual, and this symptom could occur suddenly. Patients with pale and clammy skin might have lips and fingernails that appear blue, and the palms of the hands take on a blue discoloration as well. Patients who have pale and clammy skin along with weakness, unusual tiredness, and shallow and rapid breathing should be taken to an emergency room for immediate evaluation. These patients may develop a weak and fast heartbeat, and seizures could occur. Doctors will make a note of the patient's skin symptoms, and blood tests will be performed to determine the underlying cause. Most patient's skin returns to its normal color once the iron overdose is corrected.

What does it mean when you feel weak after iron?

In these cases, overall weakness occurs in the absence of dizziness or feeling faint. Overall weakness also develops in the later stages of an iron overdose. If weakness is present after receiving an iron injection, the patient should alert the healthcare provider who administered it immediately.

What is iron in the body?

By. Emily Fowler. Iron is a mineral that helps with the transportation of oxygen around the body, and it is a major component of red blood cells. The nutrient also helps keep the skin, hair, and nails healthy. Patients who do not get enough iron in their diet may develop iron-deficiency anemia.

How long does it take for iron to work?

To reduce the risk of these symptoms, doctors may start the patient on a half dose of iron at first, working up to a full dose within a few weeks. Iron is absorbed most effectively if it is taken on an empty stomach. However, doing this can increase the chance of experiencing stomach pain.

Can iron cause an increased heart rate?

The overuse of and allergic reactions to iron supplements could both lead to an increased heartbeat. Excessive iron in the blood is associated with an increased risk of heart rhythm abnormalities too. While oral iron supplements are not typically associated with an increased heartbeat, this side effect is relatively common when iron is given via an injection. For adults, a normal heart rate is between sixty to one hundred beats per minute. Heart rate can be affected by anxiety, medication use, physical activity, caffeine intake, and dehydration. Individuals who receive iron injections should let their nurse or other healthcare provider know immediately if they notice an increased heart rate.

Can you take vitamin C with iron?

To increase iron absorption, doctors recommend patients take their iron supplements with vitamin C. Patients might want to eat an orange or take a vitamin C supplement immediately after taking their iron supplement. Of course, iron supplements can result in some side effects, which are discussed below.

Does iron increase heart rate?

While oral iron supplements are not typically associated with an increased heartbeat, this side effect is relatively common when iron is given via an injection. For adults, a normal heart rate is between sixty to one hundred beats per minute.

What happens if you don't have iron?

Lack of iron may lead to unusual tiredness, shortness of breath, a decrease in physical performance, and learning problems in children and adults, and may increase your chance of getting an infection.

How to keep iron from getting on teeth?

Mix each dose in water, fruit juice, or tomato juice. You may use a drinking tube or straw to help keep the iron supplement from getting on the teeth.

What is the best source of iron?

The best dietary source of absorbable (heme) iron is lean red meat. Chicken, turkey, and fish are also sources of iron, but they contain less than red meat. Cereals, beans, and some vegetables contain poorly absorbed (nonheme) iron. Foods rich in vitamin C (e.g., citrus fruits and fresh vegetables), eaten with small amounts of heme iron-containing foods, such as meat, may increase the amount of nonheme iron absorbed from cereals, beans, and other vegetables. Some foods (e.g., milk, eggs, spinach, fiber-containing, coffee, tea) may decrease the amount of nonheme iron absorbed from foods. Additional iron may be added to food from cooking in iron pots.

How old is too old to take ferric gluconate?

Studies on sodium ferric gluconate have shown that this supplement is safe to use in children ages 6 to 15 years. The safety of sodium ferric gluconate has not been determined in patients who are younger than 6 years of age.

How to remove iron stains from teeth?

Iron stains on teeth can usually be removed by brushing with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or medicinal peroxide (hydrogen peroxide 3%).

Can older people take iron?

Problems in older adults have not been reported with intake of normal daily recommended amounts. Elderly people sometimes do not absorb iron as easily as younger adults and may need a larger dose. If you think you need to take an iron supplement, check with your health care professional first. Only your health care professional can decide if you need an iron supplement and how much you should take.

Can you take iron without a prescription?

Injectable iron is administered only by or under the supervision of your health care professional. Other forms of iron are available without a prescription; however, your health care professional may have special instructions on the proper use and dose for your condition.

Why is iron overload bad?

It is caused by the body’s regulatory system failing to keep iron levels within healthy limits. For most people, iron overload is not a concern. However, it is a problem for those who are genetically predisposed to excessive absorption of iron from the digestive tract.

How to get rid of iron?

The body has no easy way to dispose of extra iron. The most effective way to get rid of excess iron is blood loss.

How does the body regulate iron levels?

The body regulates iron levels by adjusting the rate of iron absorption from the digestive tract. Hepcidin, the body’s iron-regulatory hormone, is responsible for keeping iron stores in balance. Its main function is to suppress the absorption of iron. Basically, this is how it works ( 4. Trusted Source.

Why is iron so tightly regulated?

There are two reasons why iron levels are tightly regulated within the body: Iron is an essential nutrient that plays a role in many basic body functions, so we must get a small amount. High levels of iron are potentially toxic, so we should avoid getting too much.

What is the role of iron in the body?

It is a crucial part of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is responsible for delivering oxygen to all of the body’s cells . There are two types of dietary iron:

Why is iron important for the immune system?

The immune system uses iron to kill harmful bacteria, so some amount of iron is needed to fight infections. Elevated levels of free iron stimulate the growth of bacteria and viruses, so too much iron can have the opposite effect and increase the risk of infections. ).

Where is heme iron found?

Heme iron: This type of iron is only found in animal foods, mostly in red meat. It is absorbed more easily than non-heme iron. Non-heme iron: Most dietary iron is in the non-heme form. It is found in both animals and plants.

What is iron supplement?

Iron supplements are used to treat iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia. They are not typically used to treat other types of anemia (such as vitamin-deficiency anemia, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, or anemia of chronic disease) unless iron deficiency is diagnosed. The response to oral iron supplements can vary by the underlying cause.

How long does it take for iron to kill you?

The symptoms of iron poisoning usually become apparent within six to 24 hours of a dose and may include severe vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, oftentimes with bloody vomit or stools (especially in children). 5 .

How to keep iron from degrading?

To avoid this, keep the supplements in their original light-resistance container and store in a dry, cool room. Always check the use-by date and discard of any expired, discolored, or damaged supplements.

What is the term for the state in which your body lacks the iron needed to maintain normal function?

Iron deficiency , also known as sideropenia, is the state in which your body lacks the iron needed to maintain normal function. Iron deficiency is common in the developing world where more than a quarter of the population may be affected (mostly due to poverty and the lack of nutrition).

Why does iron deficiency occur in children?

Iron deficiency can also occur due to physiological changes that leave you at a deficit. Iron deficiency can occur in children, for example, because their bodies grow so quickly.

What is iron pill?

Other Questions. Iron supplements, also known as "iron pills," are commonly used to treat anemia (a condition characterized by the lack of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin ). Iron plays a key role in making red blood cells that transport oxygen molecules throughout the body.

How long does iron deficiency treatment last?

When used to treat iron-deficiency anemia, the duration of therapy may be as long as six months. This requires a commitment on your part. Once started, you would need to continue treatment even if you feel better and no longer have symptoms.

What happens if you have too much iron in your body?

This increases the risk for certain cancers.

How to get iron levels?

The best way to achieve optimal levels of iron is through diet rather than supplements. This minimizes the risk of overdose and ensures good iron intake along with other nutrients. 10  What you pair iron with also matters: vitamin C enhances iron absorption, while calcium and tannins (such as those found in tea and coffee) limit absorption.

What Is Iron Used For?

Iron is helpful for treating anemia, one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. Anemia results when hemoglobin is below normal ranges. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, fast heart rate, and an overall feeling of sickness and weakness. 2 

How long does iron deficiency last?

People with low iron experience fatigue lasting several weeks or longer.

Why is iron important for women?

Women lose blood every month during their menstrual cycles, which is one of the reasons women may be more likely to suffer from anemia. 2 

Why is iron important for the immune system?

Iron plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. It promotes hemoglobin, which provides oxygen to damaged cells, tissues, and organs and is necessary for the body's ability to fight diseases and infections.

Why is iron important for muscle contraction?

Adequate levels of iron help provide the necessary oxygen for muscle contraction and endurance. (Muscle weakness is one of the most common signs of anemia.) 4 . Low iron also makes muscles fatigue easier. A lack of iron will leave muscle tissues inflamed, causing pain.


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