Knowledge Builders

what are types of expenses

by Velma Kuhn Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Types of expenses

  • Cost of goods sold (COGS)
  • Depreciation
  • Financial expenses
  • Fixed expenses
  • Irregular expenses
  • Research and development (R&D) expenses
  • Taxes
  • Variable expenses

There are three major types of expenses we all pay: fixed, variable, and periodic.Jan 16, 2020

Full Answer

What are the major types of expenses?

Types of Expenses

  1. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
  2. Operating Expenses – Selling/General and Admin
  3. Financial Expenses
  4. Extraordinary Expenses
  5. Non-Operating Expenses

What are the classifications of expenses?

The following four are the most common expenditure classifications:

  • Cost of goods sold
  • Administration expenses
  • Selling expenses
  • Financial expenses

What is the difference between purchases and expenses?

purchases with examples - Purchasing refers to a business or organization attempting to acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of its enterprise. expenses In common usage, an expense or expenditure is an outflow of money to another person or group to pay for an item or service, or for a category of costs.

Which expense is considered a fixed expense?

Some of the most common fixed expense samples include:

  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Renter’s insurance or homeowner’s insurance
  • Cell phone service
  • Internet service
  • Health, disability or life insurance premiums
  • Property taxes
  • Childcare expenses
  • Student loan or car loan payments


What are the 10 types of expenses?

Types of ExpensesOperating. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Marketing, advertising, and promotion. Salaries, benefits, and wages. Selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) Rent and insurance. Depreciation and amortization.Non-operating. Interest. Taxes. Impairment charges.

What are 4 types of expenses?

Terms in this set (4)Variable expenses. Expenses that vary from month to month (electriticy, gas, groceries, clothing).Fixed expenses. Expenses that remain the same from month to month(rent, cable bill, car payment)Intermittent expenses. ... Discretionary (non-essential) expenses.

What are 5 types of expenses?

The several types of expenses are:Cost of Goods Sold.Operating Expenses.Financial Expenses.Extraordinary Expenses.Non-Operating Expenses.Non-Cash Expenses.Prepaid Expenses.Accrued Expenses.More items...

What are the 3 categories of expenses?

There are three major types of expenses we all pay: fixed, variable, and periodic. Do you know the difference?

What are expenses in accounting?

An expense in accounting is the money spent, or costs incurred, by a business in their effort to generate revenues. Essentially, accounts expenses represent the cost of doing business; they are the sum of all the activities that hopefully generate a profit.

What are work expenses?

Working Expenses means all operating expenses excluding internal access charges by Network Access, loss on disposal and devaluation of assets, depreciation and amortisation and interest expense.

What are personal expenses?

Personal expenses are costs that are beyond your tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. Personal expenses include necessities like laundry, cell phone service, clothing, personal care products, prescriptions, car insurance and registration, recreation, and more.

What are direct expenses?

Direct expense is an expense incurred that varies directly with changes in the volume of a cost object. A cost object is any item for which you are measuring expenses, such as products, product lines, services, sales regions, employees, and customers.

What are 2 types of expenses?

Operating expenses: Expenses related to the company's main activities, such as the cost of goods sold, administrative fees, and rent. Non-operating expenses: Expenses not directly related to the business' core operations. Common examples include interest charges and other costs associated with borrowing money.

What are monthly expenses?

Create a list of monthly expenses. While this includes your recurring living expenses, such as your rent or mortgage, car payment, and utilities, it also includes the more variable amounts you spend on haircuts, groceries, and clothes each month.

What are examples of personal expenses?

Personal expenses are costs that are beyond your tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. Personal expenses include necessities like laundry, cell phone service, clothing, personal care products, prescriptions, car insurance and registration, recreation, and more.

What are true expenses?

What is a True Expense? True Expenses are your large, less-frequent expenses. For some, you'll know the amount and due date—like your auto registration or annual insurance premiums. Others aren't as concrete.

What are the different types of expenses?

Following are the main types of expenses: Cost of goods sold. Selling and distribution expenses. Operating, general and administrative expenses. Salaries, wages, and benefits. Rent expense. Cost of utilities. Provisions and impairments.

What are some examples of communication expenses?

Examples of costs that are classified as a communication expense are: 1 Phone charges 2 Cost of internet 3 Cost of mailing business correspondence

How to calculate depreciation expense?

You can calculate depreciation expense by dividing the depreciable amount of an asset (i.e., cost minus its value at the end of its useful life) over its useful life.

What is the cost of goods sold?

The cost of goods sold is the cost of manufacturing or acquisition of the goods that have been sold to customers during an accounting period. It is subtracted from the sales revenue to calculate the gross profit in the income statement.

What are selling and distribution expenses?

Selling and distribution expenses include any costs that relate to the sales and distribution activities of a business. These include: Cost of shipping goods to customers. Commission and royalties on sales revenue. Salaries and wages of sales and distribution staff. Promotion and marketing expenses.

Why do businesses need repair and maintenance expenses?

Repair and maintenance expenses help to keep the assets of a business in good shape.

When a business invests in its own source of electricity, through, for example, a power plant,?

When a business invests in its own source of electricity, through, for example, a power plant, a solar system, or a wind turbine, it will be necessary to capitalize its cost and depreciate it as an electricity and power expense over its useful life.

What are the different types of expenses?

The more you understand these 3 types of expenses, the better you can financially prepare for them. To review: 1 Fixed Expenses occur in predictable amounts and intervals. In most cases, they occur on a monthly basis. 2 Periodic Expenses are similar to fixed expenses, but they occur much less frequently. (i.e. quarterly or annually) 3 Variable Expenses can be influenced by your financial behavior and decision-making. Additionally, they can be divided into 2 sub-categories: necessary or discretionary.

How many types of expenses are there in personal finance?

When it comes to personal finance, there are 3 types of expenses with which you should familiarize yourself. Beyond that, if you want to improve your financial situation, you should learn how to budget and prepare for them properly. With that in mind — and before we get too much further — allow me to address the most obvious question: what are ...

What is discretionary expense?

The discretionary portion of variable expenses are things like recreational spending. For example, buying a new pair of shoes that you didn’t technically ‘need’, would be considered a variable, discretionary expense.

What is the easiest expense to control?

Variable expenses are the easiest to control when it comes to your financial life. You just have to make a conscious choice to do so.

What is fixed expense?

Fixed Expenses. Fixed expenses are the easiest type of expense for which to prepare, because they come in at both a consistent interval and amount. For example, expenses like your rent or mortgage, your car insurance, and your internet bill are fixed. Sure, they may vary by a few dollars from one month to the next, but for the most part, ...

How to budget for fixed expenses?

The easiest way to budget for fixed expenses, is to start each month with a copy of the previous month’s budget. That way, none of your fixed expenses will fall through the cracks.

What are the two categories of variable expenses?

Variable Expenses. You can break variable expenses into two sub-categories: necessary and discretionary. The necessary portion of variable expenses are things like gas for your car, your electric bill, and your monthly food budget.

What is a Fixed Expense?

Fixed expenses are the kind of expenses most people think of when they’re drafting a budget. They are standard expenses that happen every month, on a certain day, and for a certain amount. Your mortgage, cell phone bill, car payment, gym membership, utilities, and Netflix are all fixed expenses. Think of fixed expenses like your bills.

What is a Non-Recurring Expense?

Non-recurring expenses are the ones that trip people up all the time when they decide to get on a budget. These expenses may only happen once or a couple of times a year. But when they hit, they might hit big, so forgetting to account for them can be a costly mistake. Common examples of non-recurring expenses include a water bill, car registration fees, or your Amazon Prime membership.

What happens when fixed expenses go up?

If a price goes up, that may incentivize you to shop around or call to ask for a cheaper rate. But you’re only going to know to do that if you have a good handle on your fixed expenses. Another side effect reviewing all of your fixed expenses might be that you start seeing some overlap.

What is the easiest expense to eliminate?

Fixed expenses are sometimes the easiest to eliminate from your budget. I can’t tell you how many times when we’ve asked a client to review their monthly expenses, that they get surprised. We see a lot of clients who have signed up for a “free” month of some online service and forgot to cancel it, so now they’re getting billed for that monthly expense.

What does it mean to have a savings account for each non-recurring expense?

Having a savings account for each type of non-recurring expense means when that expense hits, your pulling from a savings account, not your monthly income. Let’s say your water bill hits twice a year and is around $500 each time. Your goal is to open a savings account that puts a little toward that bill every month.

What is an emergency savings account?

An emergency savings account should be used for just that: a true emergency. It provides a cushion when you’ve suffered a severe blow to your finances. It’s not meant to cover the gaps because you forgot to budget for new tires (a non-recurring expense) even though yours already had 50,000 miles on them.

Is a daycare payment a fixed expense?

Weekly expenses like a daycare payment, dog walking services, or house cleaners, while not a monthly bill, are fixed expenses too. They occur on a regular date and for a standard amount, even if that withdrawal happens multiple times during a month.

Operating costs

Operating expenses are associated with the manufacturing and sale of products (including administrative costs), the purchase and resale of goods, as well as costs associated with the performance of work, the provision of services.

Non-Operating expenses

These are the costs of covering fines, penalties, losses of previous years identified in the reporting period, exchange rate differences, expenses associated with maintenance of the leased property, etc. These are also known as non-recurring items because they include one-time expenses incurred or unusual costs.

Fixed costs

Major types of expenses also include fixed expenses. These costs do not depend on the volume of production. These include the costs of heating and lighting manufacturing units and offices, salaries of management personnel, depreciation of fixed assets, rent, etc.

Variable expenses

Variable costs per unit are normalized, their amount is directly proportional to the volume of production. These include the costs of basic materials and raw materials, wages of line workers, insurance contributions, the cost of transporting goods (large volumes of products require appropriate transportation capacity), etc.

How much does renters insurance cost?

Renters’ insurance is about $17 a month, and homeowners is roughly $35 a month for every $100,000 in home value.

What is the second largest budget item?

Transportation. Transportation accounts are the second-largest budget item for most people, with average monthly expenses of $813, including vehicle purchase and gasoline. 3. Food​. Everyone’s gotta eat—and most spend an average $660 on monthly groceries and eating out. 4.

Why is it important to know the average cost of living?

Knowing the average cost of living can help you identify opportunities in your budget for saving and align your spending with your goals. Use these averages to help ensure your own budget categories are under control.

How much does child care cost in Mississippi?

Childcare costs range from $401 per month in Mississippi to $1,886 in Washington, D.C. Once your children are of school age, you may need to account for private-school tuition. But even if you send your children to public school, you will need money for various fees and school trips.

What are the different types of expenses?

What are three major types of expenses? 1 Fixed expenses are those that don’t change for the foreseeable future. These can include auto lease payments or rent. 2 Variable expenses are expenses such as utilities, which can change from month to month. 3 Periodic expenses are ones that happen occasionally, like business travel or emergency car repairs.

What expenses are included in a business vehicle?

Under actual expenses calculations for vehicles, you may include gas, oil, repairs, tires, insurance, registration fees, licenses and depreciation (or lease payments) prorated to the total business miles driven.

What Else can I Deduct as a Business Expense?

Or, you can claim the standardized deduction, which is $5 per square foot up to 200 square feet.

How much can you deduct for every square foot?

As long as the space is exclusively used for business, you can deduct $5 for every square foot, up to $1,500 . Business expenses are the costs of running a company and generating sales. Given that broad mandate, the IRS doesn’t provide a master list of allowable small-business and startup deductions. As long as an expense is “ordinary and necessary” ...

What expenses can be deducted from a business?

Office expenses and supplies: Items such as cleaning products, paper, notebooks, stationery and even snacks and beverages for employees can be deducted as supplies. The expenses category includes costs related to operating your business, such as website hosting and software.

What are some examples of expenses that can be deducted from an interview?

Costs for candidates who are traveling for an interview are deductible. Examples include parking fees and flights. Utilities: Costs include cell phone, electricity, internet, sewage and trash pickup fees (for commercial spaces). Business meals: You can deduct 50% of qualifying food and drink purchases.

What is included in office supplies?

Postage and shipping: Stamps, freight and postage fees to mail business-related items, including products to customers and return shipping labels, count. Envelopes and packaging materials are included in office supplies.


Expenses vs Capital Expenditures

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Expenses Example – Amazon

  • Below is an example of Amazon’s 2017 income statement (statement of operation) which lists their main categories of expense. As you can see, Amazon separates its costs into two categories. Operating expenses consist of the cost of sales, fulfillment, marketing, technology and content, general and administrative, and others. Non-operating expenses comprise interest expe…
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Tax Deductible Types of Expenses

  • Most, but not all, expenses are deductible from a company’s income (revenues) to arrive at its taxable income. The most common tax-deductible expenses include depreciation and amortization, rent, salaries, benefits, and wages, marketing, advertising, and promotion. Items that are not tax-deductible vary by region and country. It’s important to consult a professional tax adv…
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Additional Resources

  • Thank you for reading CFI’s explanation of Types of Expenses. To keep learning and advancing your career, the following CFI resources will be helpful: 1. Free Reading Financial Statements Course 2. Capitalizing R&D Expenses 3. Depreciation Methods 4. Goodwill Impairment Accounting 5. Projecting Income Statement Line Items
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1.Expenses - Definition, Types, and Practical Examples


36 hours ago  · What finally helped me overcome my budgeting struggle was when I gained an understanding of the three types of expenses: fixed, periodic and variable. First Type of Expenses: Fixed Expenses Fixed expenses are payments we have very little control over as they represent a legal obligation to pay, such as your rent or mortgage.

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9 hours ago  · Major Types of Expenses in Accounting | office supplies. legal expenses. payroll. telephone and internet expenses. creation of cash reserves. depreciation expense. taxes. sale and write-off of goods, fixed assets, finished products.

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