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what can i grow on a shady balcony

by Peyton Bailey Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

6 Plants that are Ideal for a Shady Balcony

  1. Impatiens. Impatiens are considered unique in the flowering plant world because they thrive in total shade but still...
  2. Coleus. The Coleus plant is well-known for its recognizable leaves, which come in a variety of eye-catching colors.
  3. Begonia. Begonia plants are some of the most beloved shady flowering plants. There...

  • Lettuce. Lettuce is easy to grow and tolerates shade well! ...
  • Spinach. Spinach is our favorite thing to grow and can handle shade like a champ! ...
  • Mint. Mint is pretty much invincible and will tolerate most any conditions you throw at it. ...
  • Green Onions (Chives) ...
  • Parsley. ...
  • Rosemary. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Kale.
Sep 28, 2021

Full Answer

What plants to grow on a shade balcony?

Here are our recommendations for plants to grow on shady balconies! There are plenty of plants that need little or no sun. When it comes to flowers, you can try fuchsias, begonias, hydrangeas or busy lizzies. Some plants that really thrive on sunny balconies are also satisfied with shady places.

What are the best plants for a shady container garden?

25 Plants for Shady Container Gardens. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is just one plant that does well on a shadier balcony. Photo by Jensflorian. Many balcony container gardens are shady due to large trees, other buildings, awnings covering the balcony, and walls on either side of the balcony.

How to grow indoor plants on a balcony to save space?

So growing them vertically in the balcony is the best choice to save space. They need plenty of sunlight and moisture to grow well so make sure they get a good spot where these are available.

What are the best herbs for a balcony?

Herbs are the perfect low-maintenance addition to any balcony, and you can snip off a bit for cooking whenever you like. If you have full sun, choose basil and rosemary. For part sun, cilantro and chives are good choices. Herbs need sun to shade, depending on the type. This tropical climber loves the heat!


What potted plant grows well in shade?

34 Shade-Loving Plants for Containers and Hanging BasketsHens-and-Chicks. Another popular succulent, hens and chicks (sempervivums) are both shade and sun tolerant. ... Hosta. This common shade garden plant can make a happy home in pots. ... Lamium. ... Brunnera. ... Begonia. ... Fuchsia. ... Herbs. ... Hydrangea.More items...•

What can you grow under a balcony?

Plants that love shadeFerns. "Boston ferns are easy," said Wells. ... Coleus. Wells suggested Coleus, and Troglen agreed, saying it provides color through its leaves, is hardy, and can stand alone or be mixed in with other plants. ... Begonias. ... New Guinea Impatiens. ... Caladium.

What is the best plant to grow in balcony?

Best plants for balconiesHerbs. Herbs are brilliant plants for balconies. ... Houseplants. If you're growing houseplants, give them a summer holiday on your balcony. ... Bedding plants. ... Japanese maple. ... Tomatoes. ... Jasmine. ... Bulbs.

Can you grow vegetables in a shady area?

Root vegetables, such as beets, carrots, and potatoes will grow in partially shaded areas that have less direct sunlight, but will appreciate at least a half-day of full sun and some partial shade. Leafy vegetables, such as chard, spinach and salad greens, are the most tolerant vegetables that grow in shade.

What can grow under a deck with little sunlight?

Select shade loving plants since the space under your deck likely doesn't get a lot of direct sunlight. Even though the area under the deck may appear dark, it still receives some light. Plants that thrive in this environment include hostas, coleus for foliage plants, and impatiens and begonias for flowering plants.

What outdoor flowers dont need sunlight?

Annual flowers to grow in shade will fill even the shadiest corner with plenty of color.Alyssum.Baby Blue Eyes.Begonia.Calendula.Cleome.Fuchsia.Impatiens.Larkspur.More items...•

How do you garden a small balcony?

Turn your balcony into a vertical garden. Attach pots, shelves, or trellises to the walls; and if your balcony has a ceiling, add a few hooks for hanging plants. Cover the railings of your balcony with chicken wire to support climbing plants, or purchase plant hangers that can be attached to the top of a railing.

How do you grow a garden on a balcony?

Balcony Vegetable Gardening Quick TipsChoose varieties that won't grow too large for your, pots, boxes, or balcony.Use large enough containers for each vegetable or herb.Use good quality potting soil.Make sure pots have drainage holes.Don't let the planting bed dry out too much.

Can we grow vegetables in balcony?

Growing a balcony vegetable garden doesn't need a green thumb or crazy amounts of space. A lush vegetable garden is just as accessible to apartment-dwellers as it is to those who live away from the city, though it may not seem so.

Will tomatoes grow in shade?

Tomatoes typically need at least 6 hours of direct sun every day, but can adapt to growing in the shade. Typically, tomatoes grown in shade will be more leggy as they try to stretch to reach the light. They will also have a small fruit set. But the biggest difference is that tomatoes will take longer to ripen.

What fruit or vegetable grows in shade?

Root crops such as radishes, carrots, potatoes, and beets can grow in as little as 3-4 hours of direct sun with light or dappled shade for the rest of the day. Leafy greens such as lettuce, arugula, kale, bok choy, and chard are happy with just a few hours of sunshine each day.

What fruit grows best in shade?

10 of the best fruit crops for shadeRhubarb.Blackberries.Blackcurrants.Raspberries.Pears.Redcurrants and whitecurrants.Plums.Alpine strawberries.More items...•

Can I have a garden in my balcony?

A balcony garden is exactly what it sounds like—a garden arranged on a balcony. Given the limited space, this type of urban gardening relies on container gardening. Depending on the size of your balcony, you can add small trellises to your pots and containers to enable some plants to grow vertically.

Can you grow vegetables on a balcony?

Balcony vegetable gardening will yield a great amount of vegetables so long as your plants get plenty of moisture and sunlight. Be sure to harvest your vegetables when they are at their peak of ripeness. This will give you the best tasting vegetables from your balcony vegetable garden.

How do you make a balcony like a garden?

Turn your balcony into a vertical garden. Attach pots, shelves, or trellises to the walls; and if your balcony has a ceiling, add a few hooks for hanging plants. Cover the railings of your balcony with chicken wire to support climbing plants, or purchase plant hangers that can be attached to the top of a railing.

How do you grow vegetables on a balcony?

Balcony Vegetable Gardening Quick TipsChoose varieties that won't grow too large for your, pots, boxes, or balcony.Use large enough containers for each vegetable or herb.Use good quality potting soil.Make sure pots have drainage holes.Don't let the planting bed dry out too much.

What plants can grow on a shady balcony?

When it comes to flowers, you can try fuchsias, begonias, hydrangeas or busy lizzies. Some plants that really thrive on sunny balconies are also satisfied with shady places.

Do balconies get much sun?

Urban gardening is becoming increasingly popular, but some balconies don't get very much sun. Here are a few plants who love the shade! More and more people live in cities, and we all want to enjoy the pleasures of having our own little gardens - even if they are only on the balcony.

Can begonias survive in a pot?

Begonias. These easy-care potted plants can survive in shady locations where other plants often have problems. Begonias prefer partial shade and shade, where they can bloom until October. It is important to note that they do not tolerate waterlogging.

Can you use herbs on a balcony?

Herbs are also a wonderful way to beautify your balcony. The added benefit is that you can use them in the kitchen! The herbs that grow best in the shade naturally prefer shade. Among others, these herbs are.

What is the best vegetable to grow in a shady area?

1. Mint. Mint is probably a best choice for shaded position. If you think to plant it in your shady backyard, just grow it in a confined space. Otherwise it will spread like a weed. 2. Ginger. Most of the root vegetables tolerate lack of sun. Ginger grows well in partial sun.

How to keep plants healthy in shade?

In the shade you need to be careful as moisture quickly develops all kinds of diseases. Provide good ventilation and drainage to plants and do not place them too close together.

What vegetables can you use in salads?

Fenugreek. Fenugreek is a nutritious green leafy vegetable grown in South Asia, it is easy to grow. You can use it in salads, soups and, many other recipes. Also Read: How to grow Fenugreek. 4. Malabar Spinach. Malabar spinach is a climbing spinach grows in tropics.

Can you grow bak choi in the shade?

It grows in part shade and moist soil, you can grow this green leafy vegetable in shade year round if your climate is frost free, otherwise grow it as annual. 5. Pak choi. Pak choi or bak choi is also called Chinese cabbage, a diverse plant you can grow from spring to fall.

Do plants grow in shady areas?

Plants in shady areas tend to have darker and bigger leaves than those that grow in the sun and there is nothing to worry about this.

Can you grow tomatoes in shade?

They grow sometimes in less sunny positions but it’s hard for them to bear fruits in shade.

15 Great Plants to Grow on Your Balcony

No yard? No problem! Plant lovers can still grow plenty of their favorite foliage and flowers, even with just a little balcony space. There are plenty of plants out there that will thrive in the conditions of your balcony.


The Lobelia looks amazing, flowing out of baskets or containers with its white and violet hues. A Lobelia does not require a lot of maintenance once you have planted it on your balcony, but during hot or dry spells throughout the year, it needs to be consistently watered.

Sweet Potato Vine

Unfortunately, you will not be actually growing sweet potatoes with this plant, so you’re going to have to find another way to make a sweet potato pie if you choose to grow this plant. This vine streams around hanging baskets and containers with its beautiful green and violet colors.

New Guinea Impatiens

The New Guinea Impatiens brings a whole different level of color to your balcony with varieties of colors such as orange, pink, white, and red. Unlike the Lobelia, they don’t need to be pinched back to keep the plant healthy.


The Fuschia is also a great flower to attract Hummingbirds and other pollinators such as Honeybees. It comes in colors like pink, red, and purple and fits best when planted in a hanging basket or window box.

Sweet Alyssum

This flower blooms for a long time as it’s able to withstand periods of colder temperatures. This plant is a member of the mustard family and has white flowers. Unlike the previously mentioned flowers, it prefers full sun, but it also needs to be regularly watered.


Caladium has beautiful heart-shaped leaves with vibrant lime green coloring and red or pink markings. This plant is best suited for larger balconies as it needs a large pot and can grow as big as 2 feet tall.

How much sun does a balcony get?

Before purchasing plants, pay attention to how much sunlight your balcony receives at different times of day. Full sun means six or more hours of direct sunlight, while part sun is about half that. Some balconies also may be full shade.

How to grow mesclun?

There are hundreds of varieties, they're easy to grow, and you need only a window box or two (their roots are shallow). Keep it moist while it's sprouting, and trim (don't pull!) the pieces off as they mature. It will produce until super-hot weather arrives.

Can hibiscus be overwintered?

Read the label to make sure you’re giving them plenty of space, as some varieties become quite large. Some can be overwintered indoors, though it’s a bit tricky because they need full sun. SHOP HIBISCUS.

Can you grow edibles on a balcony?

And there's no rule that says you can't grow edibles, too! Why not make the most of your space by raising a few herbs or compact veggies?

Do lavender plants need sun?

Lavender needs full sun.

Can hydrangeas grow in pots?

There’s no reason you can’t grow these stunning shrubs in pots on your balcony. Look for dwarf varieties, and make sure to choose a large pot made from a material that won’t freeze and crack in cold climates. Some varieties tolerate more sun than others, so read the plant tag. Hydrangeas need part sun to shade.

How much sun do you need to grow a leafy vegetable?

In warm subtropical or tropical climates, you can even grow these leafy vegetables in 2-3 hours of sunlight.

How much sunlight does a pea need?

Freshly picked peas are tastiest, so why not give it a try. You can even grow it in 3 hours of sunlight if you are living in a climate where the sun is hot and intense.

Can you grow edibles in a shady garden?

Growing edibles in a shady space of your garden is possible, see the best vegetables you can grow in a shady garden. Most of the gardeners have gardening space that is shady. They don’t want to grow just a few shade loving plants there, but something productive and edible.

Can you grow spinach indoors?

It’s a must grow vegetable, it loves slightly acidic and moist soil and does well in 3-4 hours of sunlight. You can also grow spinach indoors. Must Read: How to Grow Spinach in Pots.

Can mustard be grown in containers?

Mustard leaves are acrid in taste. You can make delicious curries of it and add it to your salads. It can be grown easily in containers. Mustard needs regular watering and at least 3-4 hours of daily sunlight.

How many mushrooms are there in a balcony garden?

51 Mushrooms. Mushrooms are not technically a vegetable but a fungus. You can grow them in your balcony garden as long as you know the process which is a bit different than growing other vegetables. I don’t enjoy mushrooms as much so I won’t be growing them in my garden.

Why don't you want to put weight on a balcony?

You don’t want too much weight on your balcony because of large and heavy containers and plants.

How much sun do you need to grow lettuce?

You can use a medium-sized container that is 8 to 10 inches to grow them. Some of them don’t need much sunlight. Vegetables like lettuce and spinach prefer the shade and partial sun. If there’s intense sunlight they risk wilting or getting leaf burn.

What vegetables are colorful?

These are the vegetables that you will find colorful and full of flavor. Vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.

Do you need a pot to grow herbs on a balcony?

That’s because herbs are easy to grow and are hardy plants. They don’t need a lot of sunlight and can tolerate the wind that may blow on a balcony. You don’t need to have large pots to grow herbs. Most of them will be happy to grow in a 4 to 6 inch deep container.

Do leafy vegetables grow?

Like herbs, leafy vegetables will keep on growing as you keep harvesting the leaves. You can get a lot of salad for the entire season just with a few leafy vegetable containers on your balcony.

Can you grow a sage plant in one season?

They are also a good choice to fix nitrogen into the soil. So you can grow them in one season and then grow a leafy vegetable in the soil after they’re done.


Classics For Shady Balconies

Popular Balcony Plants For Shadier Balconies

  • Here is a list of plants that feel at home on shady balconies: 1. Farmers hydrangeas 2. Begonias 3. Chrysanthemums 4. New Guinea impatiens 5. Ivy 6. Angel's Trumpet 7. Fuchsias 8. Bellflowers 9. Hydrangeas 10. Mexican organe blossom 11. Primroses 12. Star Jasmine
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  • Herbs are also a wonderful way to beautify your balcony. The added benefit is that you can use them in the kitchen! The herbs that grow best in the shade naturally prefer shade. Among others, these herbs are. 1. Wild garlic 2. Watercress 3. Tarragon 4. Lovage 5. Japanese parsley 6. Coriander 7. Mint 8. Parsley 9. Chives 10. Woodruff 11. Wasabi
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  • With the right plants, you can enjoy a green and colourful garden even in shady places. On hot summer days, you won't have to worry about your plants burning. In addition, when plants develop away from the sun, you can enjoy more intense hues. You also don't have to worry about watering your plants as often!
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1.How to grow plants on a shady balcony


14 hours ago  · Especially the following flowering and green plants are suitable for the shady balcony: Begonias Tears of heart Forget-me-not Ivy Edel readchen Asparagus

2.Plants for Shady Balconies - Bloomling International


2 hours ago  · 6 Plants that are Ideal for a Shady Balcony 1. Impatiens. Impatiens are considered unique in the flowering plant world because they thrive in total shade but still... 2. Coleus. The Coleus plant is well-known for its recognizable leaves, which come in a variety of eye-catching colors. 3. Begonia. ...

3.Edible Plants that Grow in Shade - Balcony Garden Web


23 hours ago 25 Shade Plants. 1. Pothos ( Epipremnum aureum) 2. Peace lily ( Spathiphyllum floribundum) 3. Bush lily ( Clivia miniata) 4. Spider plants ( Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’)

4.15 Great Plants to Grow on Your Balcony


7 hours ago Edible Plants that Grow in Shade 1. Mint. Mint is probably a best choice for shaded position. If you think to plant it in your shady backyard, just grow... 2. Ginger. Most of the root vegetables tolerate lack of sun. Ginger grows well in partial sun. All it needs a warm spot... 3. Fenugreek. ...

5.15 Best Balcony Plants - Apartment Balcony Plant Ideas


9 hours ago 15 Great Plants to Grow on Your Balcony Lobelia. The Lobelia looks amazing, flowing out of baskets or containers with its white and violet hues. A Lobelia does... Sweet Potato Vine. Unfortunately, you will not be actually growing sweet potatoes with this plant, so …

6.Best Vegetables for Shady Garden | Balcony Garden Web


33 hours ago  · Low-growing blue, purple, or white lobelia looks amazing cascading from containers and baskets. It blooms best before nighttime temperatures get too warm. If the plant stops flowering, trim it back and it'll rebound when cool weather returns. Lobelia likes morning sun and afternoon shade, but it will also do okay in mostly shade. SHOP LOBELIA

7.51 Easy Vegetables You Can Grow On A Balcony


8 hours ago 3. Spinach. boutiquepro. If you love creamed spinach, spinach soup, and puree; why not grow it in your shady space. Spinach is a nutritious vegetable, rich in iron, sour in taste. It’s a must grow vegetable, it loves slightly acidic and moist soil and does well in 3-4 hours of sunlight. You can also grow spinach indoors.

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