Knowledge Builders

what can you feed wild birds from your kitchen

by Prof. Nicklaus Hammes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What to feed wild birds from the kitchen cupboard or fridge?

  • Cooked rice and pasta. Cooked white and brown rice is a healthy, protein and carbohydrates kitchen food, which the wild...
  • Sweet corn, potatoes, and peas. Feathered species have difficulties digesting veggies, but one can offer cooked, skin...
  • Peanut butter. Some wild birds, including woodpeckers, brown creeper,...

What Can Birds Eat From the Kitchen?
  • Apples. Birds that eat apples: Eastern bluebird, pine grosbeak, gray catbird, northern cardinal, northern flicker, American robin, scarlet tanager, cedar waxwing and red-bellied woodpecker. ...
  • Bananas. ...
  • Eggshells. ...
  • Melon, Pumpkin and Squash Seeds. ...
  • Peanut Butter. ...
  • Raisins.
Jun 21, 2022

Full Answer

What is the best feed for wild birds?

  • Valley Splendor Black Oil Sunflower- this is the most outstanding birdseed for wild birds.
  • Wagner’s Greatest Variety Mix – this is the top-rated seed mix for wild birds.
  • Lyric Sunflower Kernels – these are highly recognized for being no-mess bird seeds for wild birds.

More items...

Why no birds at feeder?

Why are there NO birds at my feeder

  • Birds arrival expected to soon. It may seem obvious but could it just be you are expecting backyard birds to arrive at your bird feeders way too early.
  • Feeders NOT seen in open. ...
  • Neighbors too inviting. ...
  • Foraging grounds to far away. ...
  • To summarize. ...

Is it bad to feed wild birds?

Yes, it's OK to feed wild birds in your garden – as long as it's the right food

What birds can you eat?

There are also birds you would not normally think of as food, such as owls, gulls, cormorants, and certain sea birds. All are edible, but traditional game birds such as quail or turkey can provide...

What to feed a bird to stop it from swallowing?

What do birds eat to lay eggs?

What do hummingbirds eat?

What birds eat fruit?

How long to bake egg shells for birds?

What is the best fruit feeder for a songbird?

Can birds eat dog food?

See 2 more


What should you not feed wild birds?

Birds should not be offered many of the foods humans eat. Bread (fresh or stale): provides no real nutritional value for birds; moldy bread can harm birds. Chocolate: toxic to birds, just as it is to dogs and cats (it contains theobromine); never offer birds any foods containing chocolate.

What kitchen scraps can you feed wild birds?

Best Types of ScrapsBaked goods: Stale or dry bread, bread crusts, donuts, cakes, cookies, and crackers are all appealing to backyard birds. ... Cheese: Stale, hard bits of cheese will readily be eaten by birds.More items...•

What can I feed a bird from home?

Offer sunflower seeds, nyjer (thistle) seeds, and peanuts in separate feeders. When using blends, choose mixtures containing sunflower seeds, millet, and cracked corn—the three most popular types of birdseed.

What can you feed birds instead of bread?

Many young birders first get interested in birds while they feed bread to ducks at a local pond, but experienced birders know that bread is not a suitable food to offer birds....Good Bread OptionsPeanut butter or other nut butters.Beef fat drippings or softened suet.Grape or apple jelly or orange marmalade.

What human food can you feed birds?

What to Feed Birds from the KitchenApples.Bananas.Squash Seeds, Melon, and Pumpkin.Raisins.Bread and Cereals.Various Nuts.Cooked Pasta and Rice.Eggs and Eggshells.More items...•

Can you feed wild birds uncooked rice?

Fact is, rice cooked or uncooked won't hurt wild birds at all. The rumor is that uncooked rice hits the bird's tummy and then swells causing its stomach to explode. It's simply not true. It's not hot enough in a bird's stomach to actually “cook” the rice.

Is bread OK for birds?

Bread. All types of bread can be digested by birds, but ideally it should only be just one component in a varied diet. Bread does not contain the necessary protein and fat birds need from their diet, and so it can act as an empty filler.

Can birds eat uncooked oatmeal?

Can birds eat oats? Yes, oats are nutritious treats enjoyed by many backyard birds. Birds like finches, cardinals, grouses, pigeons, and blackbirds are extremely fond of it. Oatmeal is an excellent source of nutrition for birds when it is uncooked.

What cereals can birds eat?

Cereal – many birds enjoy plain cereals. Bran flakes, toasted oat, plain Cheerios, corn flakes or plain cereals with fruit and nuts. Crush with a rolling pin before feeding so birds do not have trouble swallowing large chunks. Also remember not to feed sugar-coated cereals or cereals with marshmallows added.

Do wild birds eat carrots?

Vegetables - cold Brussels, parsnips or carrots will be eaten by starlings and other birds, but remember not to put out more than will be eaten in one day, otherwise you run the risk of attracting rats.

Can birds eat raw potatoes?

But if you're thinking about offering birds raw potatoes, then you should reconsider. Potatoes in their natural state contain an enzyme called protease. Protease is an enzyme that prevents and blocks other enzymes from breaking down the food that birds eat into energy. This enzyme makes food harder to digest for birds.

Can birds eat popcorn?

Believe it or not, many pet birds enjoy snacking on popcorn. You can serve your bird either popped or unpopped kernels. If you choose to serve the popcorn unpopped, boil the kernels for a bit in plain water to soften the tough hulls.

Can birds eat uncooked pasta?

Pasta. No matter whether it's cooked or uncooked, birds love pasta. The good thing is, it's full of energy-enhancing carbohydrates! Try boiling some bowtie pasta with vegetables and serving it to your bird when cool.

Can birds eat porridge oats?

Can birds eat porridge oats? Yes, birds can eat porridge oats, but they need to be dry – cooked (or wet) and they will stick to and set around birds' beaks.

Do birds eat carrot peelings?

2 Containing high levels of beta-carotene, carrots can go a long way in supporting optimal eye health, which is important for birds of all species. As a bonus, carrots are flavorful and fun to eat! Simply wash and peel a carrot and give it to a larger hookbill like a Macaw to offer a great snack and toy in one.

Do birds eat cooked potatoes?

Baked potatoes (cold and opened up), roast and even mashed potatoes with added real fats are all suitable food for birds. Chips are rarely eaten by birds.

What to feed a bird to stop it from swallowing?

Bran flakes, toasted oat, plain Cheerios, corn flakes or plain cereals with fruit and nuts. Crush with a rolling pin before feeding so birds do not have trouble swallowing large chunks. Also remember not to feed sugar-coated cereals or cereals with marshmallows added.

What do birds eat to lay eggs?

Eggshells – this may seem strange, but female birds expend a lot of calcium when laying their own eggs. Believe it or not, birds will eat eggshells! Eating egg shells is a quick way for them to replenish that calcium. This would be a great treat to leave out during egg-laying season. You can save and rinse your eggshells, then bake at 250 degrees F for 20 minutes. This will sterilize them and make them brittle and easy to crumble.

What do hummingbirds eat?

Especially in the winter months and during migration, kitchen scraps such as bacon grease, cheeses, and fruits can provide birds with essential nutrients that they need, and a more varied diet. It's never too late to start feeding hummingbirds. Here's a quick list of things you'll need to get you started!

What birds eat fruit?

Having fruiting trees and shrubs, such as apple, pear, orange, blackberry and raspberry, will attract many birds such as orioles, mockingbirds, catbirds and sapsuckers.

How long to bake egg shells for birds?

This would be a great treat to leave out during egg-laying season. You can save and rinse your eggshells, then bake at 250 degrees F for 20 minutes. This will sterilize them and make them brittle and easy to crumble. Pet food – most dog and cat kibble can be consumed by birds safely.

What is the best fruit feeder for a songbird?

If you are looking to stick to just sliced fruit, something simple such as the Songbird Essentials Double Fruit Feeder would do the trick. All you need is a solid wire to skewer slices / halves of fruit. Works great for something like oranges or apples.

Can birds eat dog food?

Pet food – most dog and cat kibble can be consumed by birds safely. Not all birds will enjoy this, but meat eating birds like jays may find it very attractive. Just remember, this type of food may attract other unwanted critters like raccoons.

What to feed birds to feed them?

Squash Seeds, Melon, and Pumpkin. When you are serving these items to the birds, you need to roast in the oven first. Toss outside or even better bake in the oven until dry and sprinkle on a platform feeder.

What do birds eat in the kitchen?

What to Feed Birds from the Kitchen. Many birds enjoy eating fruits and vegetables that are provided from the kitchen, such as apples, bananas, peas, sweet corn, potatoes, etc. These fruits can attract many backyard birds like orioles, mockingbirds, catbirds, and sapsuckers.

How long to bake eggshells for birds?

It is a quick way for them to renew that calcium. You can save and crush your eggshells, then bake at 250 degrees F for 20 minutes. It will sterilize them and make them brittle and easy to crumble.

What birds like peanut butter?

Many birds, including white-breasted nuthatch, black-capped chickadee, brown creeper, wood thrush, wrens, and woodpeckers, are the biggest fans of peanut butter. Cold months are the best to keep the peanut butter firm. In the warm months, it may become melted.

What bird eats bananas?

Bananas. Bananas are favorite to the birds like the northern cardinal, gray jay, gray catbird, and scarlet tanager. To serve the birds some bananas, you have to remove the peel and chop them in half lengthwise.

What to do if pet food is dried?

If the pet food is dried, then crush or moisten the food before providing it to the birds.

How to serve apples to birds?

When you are serving apples to these birds, you need to slice them up and remove the seeds from the apples. Or you can chop them in half and remove the parts of the apples. Then, you again need to fill with sugar water.

What do birds eat?

They particularly love fruits like raisins, berries, grapes and mashed-up bananas. Avocados, however, are harmful to birds so make sure to keep them in your fridge! Check out our guide on what not to feed wild birds to make sure you’re not feeding them anything that could be potentially harmful.

Can birds eat porridge oats?

Here at Kennedy Wild Bird Food, we often get asked: “can birds eat porridge oats?” The short answer is yes, they can! Whether you have flaked, rolled or instant oats in your kitchen cupboard, they’re one of the most nutritional kitchen foods you can give to birds. Always make sure the oats are uncooked as cooked oats become soggy and could cause problems by hardening around our feathered friends’ beaks!

Can you feed wild birds eggs?

It might seem strange to feed them eggs, but cooked eggs are a highly nutritious and wholesome meal for many wild birds. They also love crushed eggshells, so you could even cook and crush up your boiled egg leftovers to feed to the garden birds! Be sure to bake them for 20 minutes or so first, just to kill off any harmful bacteria, and don’t leave them out overnight to avoid pests like rats.

Can birds eat bread?

Birds love baked goods just as much as we do! Bread, cakes and crackers are all suitable for birds, although they are not recommended in large amounts due to their low nutritional benefit. However, if you’re looking for something to replace your bird seed for a day or so, baked goods will make a sufficient replacement – and whole grains are the healthiest option.

Can you feed birds nuts?

It goes without saying you can feed birds nuts and seeds, after all, they’re some of our best selling products! If you ever run out of their favourite bird food, like our bird peanuts, you can always feed them other nuts from your cupboard – including walnuts and almonds. Either mash them up or serve them whole and the birds will flock.

What do birds eat?

What can birds eat? Birds visit backyard bird feeders for seed, peanuts, suet, mealworms and more, but you can also feed birds occasional treats from your kitchen. Just look in your pantry or refrigerator for these kitchen foods that birds will love.

What birds eat apples?

Birds that eat apples: Eastern bluebird, pine grosbeak, gray catbird, northern cardinal, northern flicker, American robin, scarlet tanager, cedar waxwing and red-bellied woodpecker. Serving suggestion: Slice them up and remove the seeds. Or slice them in half, scooping out part of the fruit and filling with sugar water, ...

What are some good additions to suet?

P.S. Raisins are also a great addition to suet. Check out our guide to making suet for birds.

What can you feed wild birds?

What can you feed wild birds from your kitchen can be foods with nutritional value, and not just a filler. Bread is a filler but can be offered once in a while, plus cereal, pasta or rice. Fresh or old fruit is a must and so is real meat fat, plus cheese, pastry or potato. Alternatively you can offer unwanted cat or dog food.

What do birds eat?

Many birds are likely to take to feeding on small chunks of raw or cooked pastry which is great for absorbing real bacon grease or real beef fat when supplying birds additional fatty scraps - found in packaging or cooked up fresh in the kitchen.

What is the best way to subsidize a bird's diet during the winter?

Pastry is a source of fat that can subsidize a birds diet during the winter in a way to replace lost body fat.

What birds eat cereal?

Birds who will eat your cereal could be similar to those who eat bread, pastry or pasta, which could be Blackbirds to Sparrows.

What fruits can birds eat?

Best dried fruits to offer wild birds will be raisins of course along with apricot or possibly dried banana slices.

What can you slice up to offer to American Robins?

You can slice up apples to offer to American Robins or cut in half an orange to impale on a spike or branch to attract orioles.

Can wild birds eat uncooked pastry?

Options can include offering cooked or uncooked pastry that is meant to go in pastry treats, but would be reserved for wild birds instead.

What are some good foods to feed birds?

Baked goods: Stale or dry bread, bread crusts, donuts, cakes, cookies, and crackers are all appealing to backyard birds. Break the products up into small pieces and soak very stale pieces in water before offering them to the birds. Uncooked pastry dough is also suitable. Whole grains and less processed baked goods are preferable.

What is the best food for birds?

Cereal: Stale or leftover cereal and oats, including rolled or quick oats, is a tasty bird treat. For the best nutrition and most attractiveness, offer birds cereal with lower sugar content and fewer artificial dyes.

Why do birds eat scraps?

Benefits for Birds. Offering scraps as food for birds is a great way to save money on birdseed by using food that might otherwise be thrown away. By turning scraps into bird food, less is wasted and at the same time, the birds enjoy a greater variety of treats that can keep them coming back to your feeders.

How to feed kitchen scraps to birds?

The easiest way to feed kitchen scraps to birds is by sprinkling the food on a platform feeder, but oily scraps, especially, can leave undesirable stains. Instead, consider using a hanging cage feeder for larger scraps, or cut up the scraps to mix into a simple bird suet recipe. Feeding scraps on the ground is suitable but may attract pests ...

What are the pests that eat kitchen scraps?

Pests: Kitchen scraps readily attract rodents and other pests such as mice, rats, and raccoons that can be dangerous to backyard birds. To minimize pests, offer scraps in small quantities or choose hanging cage feeders that are less accessible for pests. This will also keep the scraps out of reach of pets.

What do birds eat in a bird feeder?

Avoid offering leftover pasta with heavy sauces, strong spices or thick cheeses. Vegetables: Birds eat a lot of seed and plant material, and scrap vegetables can be a welcome feeder treat.

What fruit can birds eat?

Other fruits, such as old berries, raisins, grapes, bananas, oranges, grapefruits and the seeds of watermelons, honeydew melons, pumpkins, and cantaloupes can also be offered to birds .

What to feed a bird to stop it from swallowing?

Bran flakes, toasted oat, plain Cheerios, corn flakes or plain cereals with fruit and nuts. Crush with a rolling pin before feeding so birds do not have trouble swallowing large chunks. Also remember not to feed sugar-coated cereals or cereals with marshmallows added.

What do birds eat to lay eggs?

Eggshells – this may seem strange, but female birds expend a lot of calcium when laying their own eggs. Believe it or not, birds will eat eggshells! Eating egg shells is a quick way for them to replenish that calcium. This would be a great treat to leave out during egg-laying season. You can save and rinse your eggshells, then bake at 250 degrees F for 20 minutes. This will sterilize them and make them brittle and easy to crumble.

What do hummingbirds eat?

Especially in the winter months and during migration, kitchen scraps such as bacon grease, cheeses, and fruits can provide birds with essential nutrients that they need, and a more varied diet. It's never too late to start feeding hummingbirds. Here's a quick list of things you'll need to get you started!

What birds eat fruit?

Having fruiting trees and shrubs, such as apple, pear, orange, blackberry and raspberry, will attract many birds such as orioles, mockingbirds, catbirds and sapsuckers.

How long to bake egg shells for birds?

This would be a great treat to leave out during egg-laying season. You can save and rinse your eggshells, then bake at 250 degrees F for 20 minutes. This will sterilize them and make them brittle and easy to crumble. Pet food – most dog and cat kibble can be consumed by birds safely.

What is the best fruit feeder for a songbird?

If you are looking to stick to just sliced fruit, something simple such as the Songbird Essentials Double Fruit Feeder would do the trick. All you need is a solid wire to skewer slices / halves of fruit. Works great for something like oranges or apples.

Can birds eat dog food?

Pet food – most dog and cat kibble can be consumed by birds safely. Not all birds will enjoy this, but meat eating birds like jays may find it very attractive. Just remember, this type of food may attract other unwanted critters like raccoons.


1.What Can You Feed Birds From Your Kitchen - 14 Best …


9 hours ago What Can You Feed Birds From Your Kitchen? 1. Cheese Wild birds love cheese. It’s full of fat, protein, and calcium which make it very nutritional for birds. 2. Fat Trimmings I’m sure you’ve seen suet balls as treats for your backyard birds. But did you know that fat trimmings... 3. Fruit Birds …

2.Videos of What Can You Feed Wild Birds From your Kitchen


33 hours ago  · 10 Kitchen Scraps to Feed Birds 1. Cereal. Breakfast cereal can work great as a tasty food source for wild birds in your backyard. But not just any... 2. Baked Goods. This is a …

3.What To Feed Birds From The Kitchen? 13 Items | Birds …


23 hours ago Banana is a good fruit to feed wild birds from your kitchen. It’s convenient because it’s also human food. Moreover, both green and ripe bananas would do. Food #6: Cheese. Brown …

4.What to feed birds from the kitchen | Kennedy Wild Bird …


28 hours ago  · What kitchen scraps can birds eat Hardly any bread if possible. Bread can be one food group of many others to offer wild birds in our yards, with emphasis... Mild grated …

5.What Can Birds Eat From the Kitchen? - Birds and Blooms


14 hours ago Mild, grated Cheddar cheese is the one to be offering to birds, though all types of hard cheeses would be fine. Grate cheese as small as you can would help the small garden birds feed, well …

6.What kitchen scraps can birds eat (with 9 food ideas)


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