Knowledge Builders

what can you put in a kitchen compost bin

by Patrick Kris PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What Can I Put In My Compost Bin: The Kitchen

  1. Fruits and Vegetables: Rotten or Scraps
  2. Napkins (unbleached and/or recyclable)
  3. Pizza crusts (but not the greasy cardboard pizza box)
  4. Pulp leftover from juicing
  5. Spoiled soy/rice/almond/coconut milk
  6. Old spices – because they are made from natural products like seeds and plants, they will biodegrade over time.
  7. Popcorn kernels
  8. Old or burnt oatmeal

Compost-safe materials include green matter such as raw fruits and vegetables (flesh and peels), houseplants, grass clippings, coffee grounds, and tea leaves, along with brown matter such as nut shells, pulverized egg shells, coffee filters, tea bags, dead leaves, small twigs, hay, straw, wood chips, cardboard, ...Sep 24, 2017

Full Answer

What items can I put in a compost pile?

Here are some ideas for greens to add to your compost bin:

  • Fruit and vegetable peels
  • Citrus rinds
  • Melon rinds
  • Coffee grounds
  • Tea leaves and paper tea bags
  • Old vegetables that aren't suitable for eating anymore
  • Houseplant trimmings
  • Weeds that haven't gone to seed
  • Grass clippings
  • Fresh leaves

More items...

Can I put potting soil into my compost bin?

Yes, you can put potting soil in your compost, especially if it’s old and used. Old potting soil contains decomposed organic material from flowers, roots, stems, leaves, and more. This organic material will be beneficial to the overall structure of compost. Potting soil is designed to hold onto water and other nutrients.

How to make indoor compost bin?

What are the steps to building a DIY indoor compost?

  1. Drill five evenly-spaced holes in the lid of your container. Your bacteria will need the airflow to begin the breakdown.
  2. You can cover the lid with a piece of thin wire mesh if you want. ...
  3. Gather your collection of food scraps, your browns, greens, soil, and water, and begin constructing your pile inside the bin. ...

More items...

What is required for a compost bin?

There are only a few things you’ll need to start making your own compost at home:

  • Two large plastic storage containers, with tight-fitting lids (both the same size)
  • A drill and a ⅛ inch size bit
  • Dry decomposable materials, like leaves, thin twigs, etc.
  • Wet decomposable materials, like food scraps
  • A container of earthworms (optional, yet recommended. Learn more below!)


What should you not put in a kitchen compost bin?

7 Things You Shouldn't CompostMEAT & MILK PRODUCTS. While meat and dairy products are perfectly biodegradable, they can attract unwanted pests to your backyard or green bin. ... BAKED GOODS. ... TREATED SAWDUST. ... HIGHLY ACIDIC FOODS. ... OILS & GREASY FOOD. ... PET & HUMAN waste. ... WEEDS.

How do you use a kitchen counter compost bin?

0:261:19Using your Countertop Compost Pail - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd make it easier to clean paper bags and newspapers are compostable too after you fill your pailMoreAnd make it easier to clean paper bags and newspapers are compostable too after you fill your pail with food scraps discard them into your yard debris container to remember food scraps in the pail.

What types of kitchen scraps Cannot be included in a compost pile?

Non-Compostable ItemsFruit and vegetable scraps.Coffee grounds.Cardboard.Paper towel.Chicken manure.Paper.Grass clippings.Shredded twigs.

How often do you empty kitchen compost?

Remember - your compost bin is only a receptacle. Empty out your scraps every few days or every week in your outdoor compost pile OR your green waste bin to be collected on garbage day!

Why do kitchen compost bins have holes?

Air holes are necessary to help the composting material “breathe.” The bacteria and other microbes in charge of the decomposition need oxygen to do their jobs, and without holes compost can quickly heat up through excess gas production.

What are 3 things you shouldn't compost?

What NOT to CompostMeat and Fish Scraps.Dairy, Fats, and Oils.Plants or Wood Treated with Pesticides or Preservatives.Black Walnut Tree Debris.Diseased or Insect-Infested Plants.Weeds that Have Gone to Seed.Charcoal Ash.Dog or Cat Waste.

Can you put banana peels in compost?

So, You Can Use Banana Peels in a Compost Pile Banana peels represent a widely overlooked source of organic material that can be used to turn leftover food scraps into nutrient-rich compost for your containers or your garden plants.

What vegetables should not be composted?

Plants that should never be compostedTomatoes. Unless you are 100% sure that they are healthy, it is best to avoid composting tomatoes. ... Weeds. ... Treated wood, wood scraps, and sawdust. ... Black walnut trees. ... Pepper. ... Large branches. ... Rice. ... Diseased plants.More items...•

How do you use a tabletop composter?

How to: Tabletop CompostingPrepare your compost bin. ... Line the compost bin. ... Place an inch of sawdust or shredded newspaper to begin your compost layers. ... Introduce compost worms if you are using them. ... Begin layering compost ingredients. ... Monitor what you add to the compost. ... Use your compost after it has processed.

How does a countertop composter work?

Electric composters quickly turn your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich dirt by creating ideal conditions for organic matter to break down and for helpful microorganisms to thrive. They're able to stimulate and accelerate aerobic decomposition through three distinct cycles: drying, mixing, and cooling.

What is a countertop compost bin?

Composting food scraps in your home is a great way to cut down on landfill waste and upcycle peels, cores and seeds into nutrients for your garden. These countertop compost bins keep it all smell-free and mess-free.

How does a benchtop composter work?

An electric composter is an indoor compost bin alternative which uses aeration, heat and pulverization to reduce food waste volume, emissions and odor. The average food recycler is countertop-friendly, though certain models are about the size of a large garbage bin.

What can't be added to compost bin?

Brown kitchen materials that CANNOT be added to the compost bin include: Colored paper. Glossy paper or inked paper (such as magazines) Non-biodegradable coffee and tea bags. Labels on fruits and vegetables. Nylon materials.

What are the two types of materials that can be added to a compost bin?

There are two major classes of materials that can be added to the compost bin: Green (wet materials) Brown (dry materials) Green materials are the fully organic materials that contain enormous amounts of nitrogen, which speeds up the decomposition process.

Why does my compost smell so bad?

These materials (excluding the onion and citrus peels) decompose far too quickly and would release an excess of gaseous compounds that would cause your compost bin to overheat , turning it into a messy, stinky mush. The decomposition process would basically be messed up. They also produce strong odors that would not only be disturbing to you, but also to your neighbors, and that’s totally unfair. People have had to move away from their homes due to the awful smell emanating from badly prepared compost.

How to decompose compost?

Oxygen is important for decomposition. An air-tight compost bin would take longer to decompose, and the process won’t turn out quite right. Turn your compost regularly to aerate it. Doing this will also even out the spread of nitrogen and micro-organisms. You can use a pitchfork or a shovel for this task, or you could just get a compost tumbler straight up. Either way, it has to be mixed and turned for air penetration.

How to make compost faster?

They will take longer to decompose when their surface areas are large. Micro-organisms break down small-sized materials faster. Chop up all your waste materials, especially the brown or dry ones. Crush piths and seeds before composting them. Tear papers into tiny shreds and smash the nut shells to crumbles. You’ll have your compost ready in a shorter amount of time.

What is the difference between brown and green compost?

Getting the right balance of green and brown materials is important for the proper decomposition of any compost mixture. Brown materials usually add to the bulk of the compost while the green materials speed up the overall decomposition of the materials in the mix.

What to do if you have no compost?

If you have no use for the compost, it’s actually a good market. You can sell it to your neighbors or friends. Compost bins are structures or containers used to make compost and house them until they are fully decomposed and ready for the garden.

What is the best material to compost?

Seaweed, kelp and nori. Cooked pasta – make sure you bury it deep in the pile or it will attract scavengers. Cooked rice – bury it in the pile, the same as pasta (uncooked rice may attract rats) Tofu. Inedible leaves and stalks from fruit or vegetables – ideal material for composting. Tempeh.

What are the elements that make up a compost pile?

Green matter is anything that comes from plants, for example, vegetable scraps, potato peels etc. while brown matter is made up of other organic materials such as paper, card, wood chips and so on.

What to avoid in worm composter?

If you have a worm composter, you should avoid citrus, garlic and onions entirely since your worms will hate it and may even die.

Can you use citrus peel in composters?

Citrus peel – in moderation but not in worm composters

Can you compost fish?

There are also a few things you should avoid composting. Don’t be tempted to add meat or fish – while they will technically break down like anything else, they can create a very unpleasant odor as they rot and are also a magnet for scavengers and pests.

Can kitchen waste be composted?

Here is a list of items from the kitchen that may be composted. Although it is not supposed to be exhaustive, it covers most of the items of kitchen waste found in the average household.

Can you compost a garden?

However, which one you choose can depend on your situation. If you live in a suburban or rural area, you may have a yard where you can keep a traditional compost pile outside.

How To Use A Kitchen Compost Bin?

Whenever the need arises to have a kitchen compost bin, you have two options: buy or make one. Your needs determine the size and shape of the kitchen compost bin you will be using. Similarly, kitchen space will dictate where you place the composter.

How to make a compost bin?

The first step is selecting a bin that will fit your kitchen scraps. You have the freedom to use a metallic tin, a sour cream bin, or even a small paint bucket. Secondly, make sure you clean the bin thoroughly. The cleaning helps remove all unwanted substances that would contaminate your compost.

How Do You Use A Small Compost Bin (Reduce Food Waste)?

A compost tumbler is on the table. You also consider using worm castings but finally decide to use a small compost bin. However, you have no idea where to start. Use the following easy steps to turn all yard waste and food scraps into desirable compost:

What To Do With Finished Compost?

Once you have collected the finished compost, you are free to use it for freshening up your garden. Mix the compost with the soil around your plants and reap the benefits.

What happens if you don't have an air hole in your compost bin?

Bacteria take the crucial role of breaking down anything added as composting content. If there isn’t any air hole in your container, the bacteria will be deprived of oxygen resulting in poor performance.

How to get rid of the smell of compost?

The smells from your composting content will require filtering by the use of a charcoal filter.

Where do you put fruit waste?

Instead of dumping leftover food elsewhere, add it to the kitchen compost bin. Your fruit waste will also go into the bin as part of the content to be regularly emptied into a composter.

Why do you add water to compost?

If you live in a dry climate or are experiencing a lack of rainfall, add water to your compost to keep it moist. Your compost should never be soggy (and should have adequate drainage) but water is essential to help break down materials.

What are some natural fibers that can be composted?

Natural Fibers: More fibers qualify for composting than you might think: silk, leather, cotton, wool or wool felt, linen are all carbon-rich and will decompose with time. Cut the fibers into smaller pieces to help them break down faster.

How does composting affect the environment?

Improving your habits will have a direct effect on the environment, as the organic materials we throw away undergo anaerobic decomposition (rotting without oxygen) and produce methane gas, which is among the most dangerous of the greenhouse gases.

What is pine needle compost?

Pine Needles: Slower to decompose, pine needles are a great brown organic material that aids air circulation in the soil. They are acidic, however, so keep the amount you add balanced with other additives. Next holiday season, add the needles swept from beneath your Christmas tree to the compost bin. Dryer Lint: The collected fibers ...

What adds carbon to soil?

Wood: All kinds of small pieces of wood add carbon to the soil; add layers of natural wood chips, short branches or even toothpicks, burnt matches and sawdust generated from outdoor landscaping (not treated lumber) to make the microbes in the compost more balanced.

How to add nitrogen to soil?

Add nitrogen to your soil by sprinkling grounds into the compost. Many coffee shops will offer their grounds too, so even if you’re not caffeinated, there are easy ways to get your hands on this great additive. (Throw in the coffee filter too, as long as it’s unbleached paper.)

What is eco friendly packaging?

Eco-friendly Packaging: Check packaging for compostability; cornstarch- and wheat-based styrofoam, which dissolves when put underwater or added to your compost, as well as BioBags, made of a plant-derived compostable resin named Mater-Bi®, are becoming more mainstream.

What to put in compost?

At a very basic level, what to compost is as simple as anything made from organic material, but not all organic material is safe for most home compost piles. Without a doubt, the following materials are safe for your compost pile: 1 Grass clippings 2 Tree leaves 3 Vegetable food scraps ( coffee grounds, lettuce, potato peels, banana peels, avocado skins, etc.) 4 Black and white newspaper 5 Printer paper 6 Most disease free yard waste 7 Cardboard 8 Vegetarian animal manure (e.g. cows, horses, rabbits, hamsters, etc.) 9 Wood shavings or sawdust

What are some good things to compost?

Without a doubt, the following materials are safe for your compost pile: Vegetable food scraps ( coffee grounds, lettuce, potato peels, banana peels, avocado skins, etc.) Some items need a little more consideration before you decide if you should compost them or not. These are:

What are some food scraps that are good for compost?

Food scraps containing some animal products (excluding meat, fat, dairy and bones ) – Food scraps with small amounts of eggs, dairy or fats and oils can be attractive to nighttime scavengers like raccoons, rats and opossums. While eggshells, bread and noodles are good for your compost pile, they may cause an unintended pest problem.

Can you put a tomato in compost?

Diseased yard waste – If plants in your yard become diseased and die, do not place them in the compost pile. A common example is if your tomatoes develop blight or get a virus. Composting items like this will not kill the disease and will make it so they can be spread to other plants. It is best to burn or throw away diseased yard waste.

Do compost piles need to be hot?

A compost pile must get very hot before these possibly harmful microbes are killed. If your compost pile does not heat up or if you would rather not worry about it, meat-eating animal feces belongs in the what not to put in garden compost category.

Can you compost manure?

These are: Non-vegetarian manure – Manure that come from animals that may eat meat, such as dog, cats, pigs and yes, even humans, can be composted, but you need to be aware that their feces can carry pathogens that can spread disease. A compost pile must get very hot before these possibly harmful microbes are killed.

Is it easy to start a compost pile?

Starting a compost pile is easy, but that doesn’t mean that it is done without a few questions. A common question is what to put in a compost bin, and an even more important question is what not to put in garden compost. Below we will discuss what to put in a compost bin (or keep out) and why.

What to put in compost?

"Browns" are the carbon-rich materials that add aeration to the pile and structure to your compost. They break down more slowly, so it's a good idea to chop them up fairly small. Here are some browns to put in your compost: 1 Shredded newspaper 2 Shredded office or school papers 3 Shredded, non-glossy junk mail 4 Torn up plain corrugated cardboard boxes (not with glossy coatings) 5 Straw 6 Bedding from hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits 7 Fall leaves 8 Chopped up twigs and small branches 9 Pinecones 10 Nutshells (avoid walnut shells as they can inhibit plant growth) 11 Excelsior 12 Raffia 13 Used napkins 14 Toilet paper, paper towel, or wrapping paper tubes 15 Fallen bird's nests 16 Pine needles or straw 17 Used paper coffee filters 18 Pressed paper egg cartons, torn into small pieces 19 Sawdust (only from untreated wood) 20 Brown paper shopping bags, shredded or torn 21 Brown paper lunch bags, shredded or torn 22 Leftover peat or coir from seed starting 23 Coir liners for hanging baskets 24 Wood chips 25 Bedding from chickens

What to do if your compost bin gets wet?

If your bin gets wet and smelly, add more browns and cut back on the greens for a while, then give it a turn.

Can you compost rice?

Not everything on this list will be for everyone. Some people, worried about pests in their compost, will decide to forgo composting grains like rice, pasta, and bread. Others will decide that they would just rather recycle newspapers than compost them.

Can you compost meat in a Bokashi compost bin?

You'll notice some items missing from this list, such as meat, dairy, and fats. While you can technically compost all of these (especially if you have a Bokashi compost bin), we've left them off because extra care must be taken to compost these items safely. The items here are safe for you and for your garden.

What can you compost with bokashi?

Using bokashi composting you can compost all of your kitchen and food scraps. Vegetable peelings, fruit skins, peels, leftover salads and everything that you would throw in a ‘traditional composter’. Unlike a traditional compost system, you can also add cooked food scraps, meat, bones, dairy, baked goods (bread, cookies etc), egg shells….

What to keep out of bokashi bucket?

Things to keep out of your bokashi bucket. Moldy or rotten food (excessively moldy food will introduce too much blue/green mold and may send your bin bad. An occasional moldy grape or apple core is fine but don’t overload your bokashi bin with rotten items) Excess liquids including grease and oil.

Can you put moldy food in a bokashi bin?

So, if it is just a small amount (say a few cubic cm’s), then chop it up and spread it through the bin, making sure to add a generous amount of bokashi bran as you do so. If it is a larger amount of moldy food, then it is best to keep it out of the bokashi bin.

Can you put food scraps in a Bokashi composter?

All food waste! To be honest, it’s probably easier to just think about what should not go in the bokashi kitchen composter. That list is much shorter!!

Why is my garbage bin bad?

Excess liquids including grease and oil. Too much liquid prevents the good bacteria from thriving and may send your bin bad.

Can you put meat in a composter?

Yes, you can add raw meat and bones to your bokashi composter. The bokashi microbes help to kill pathogens and make it safe to compost raw meat and bones. Note that bones will take longer to break down than most other items in your bokashi composter, but they will break down in your soil eventually.

Can you put compost in a Bokashi bucket?

If they say that they are fully compostable, then they can be added to the bokashi bucket and will break down in time. Remember, if the wipes contain human waste, then the resulting compost should be buried at least 2m away from any areas used for growing fruits or vegetables. Reply.

Why does bread smell like compost?

Again, baked goods attract unwanted attention from pest species, and bread molds very fast, which can result in a moldy, smelly compost pile.

How to keep dairy from flies?

If you do need to add dairy to the compost, try to bury it in the center of the heap to disguise its scent and keep it away from flies.

Can you compost meat?

This might seem like a very broad category, but you should avoid composting meat. While meat is an organic substance that will break down over time, like other compostable materials, it is not something you should be adding to a home composter.

Can you compost a shriveled apple?

This sticky label is very easy to forget about and if you compost a shriveled apple or pear, you may not even think about the label, but it won’t break down in the compost heap.

Is orange peel bad for compost?

Orange peel might not seem like a bad thing to add to your compost bin, but it can cause big problems. Firstly, it takes a long time to break down because it is fibrous and tough. Secondly, the worms – which are a big contributor to the composting process – do not like citrus much.

Is dairy good for compost?

Dairy is also an attractive food to many pest species, and can add unwanted oiliness to your compost bin (depending on the kind of dairy you include). In small quantities, it is unlikely to cause a problem, but a large amount of dairy is not good for your compost.

Is it safe to put bread in compost?

Bread and other baked goods are another apparently harmless food that you should think twice before adding to your compost heap. It’s not a problem to add a little bit, but significant quantities may cause issues.


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