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what can you spray to keep raccoons away

by Mr. Tito Kovacek DDS Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Homemade Raccoon Repellent Recipe

  1. Mix a bottle of hot sauce or cayenne pepper powder with a gallon of water.
  2. Mix in a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap to help the mixture adhere.
  3. Spray this stuff all around the perimeter of your property, garbage bins, entry points, or any other areas of interest.

cayenne pepper spray

Full Answer

What scent repels raccoons?

Raccoon Repellents & Scents They Hate

  1. Black Or Cayenne Pepper. When they’re on the hunt for food, raccoons will utilize their olfactory receptors to pick up even faint smells.
  2. Ammonia. Here’s a scent that raccoons hate with a passion. ...
  3. Peppermint Oil. ...
  4. Eviction Fluid. ...
  5. Epsom Salt. ...
  6. Pepper & Onion Spray. ...
  7. Garlic. ...
  8. Mothballs. ...
  9. Urine From Predators. ...

How to get rid of raccoons fast at home?

Three Ways to Get Rid of Raccoons

  • Exclude them. Exclusion is the considered the best way to get rid of raccoons. ...
  • Scare Them Away. Although raccoons adapt quickly and easily to new experiences and settings, some mechanical methods may keep them out of your home and garden, at least temporarily.
  • Deter Raccoons Naturally. ...

What will repel raccoons?

Plants that repel raccoon

  1. Black pepper. You can plant them, sprinkle them on the yard or dilute the black pepper in water and soap mixture. ...
  2. Peppermint. Well, peppermint can be used for a range of pest problems. ...
  3. Goji berries. These berries grow as large shrubs with bright red fruits. ...
  4. Garlic. ...
  5. Globe thistle. ...
  6. Rose bush. ...
  7. Cayenne. ...

How do you keep raccoons away from the yard?

  • Maintain a tidy yard, free from trash and food scraps
  • Install barriers around the most prized areas of the yard
  • Remove any opportunity for shelter in and around your property
  • Stay on top of raccoon deterrent application, and remember to reapply after rainfall and watering.


What scents will keep raccoons away?

Hot pepper, garlic, peppermint oil, onion, and Epsom salt are a few scents used to repel raccoons....Raccoons Hate :Hot Pepper Keeps Raccoons at bay- ... Spray a concoction of onion and pepper- ... Peppermint essential oil- ... Garlic juice- ... Epsom Salt-

What can you spray around your house to keep raccoons away?

Mix a gallon of water together with a few drops of liquid dish soap and a bottle of hot sauce (or an entire spice jar of powdered cayenne pepper). Spray the mixture anywhere you've noticed raccoon activity. Use ammonia. Ammonia, a common household cleaning agent, mimics the smell of urine, which raccoons hate.

What really keeps raccoons away?

Install deterrents Plant cucumber along your fence and in your garden because raccoons hate the smell of them and will stay far away! Soak a few tennis balls in ammonia and place them where you think they live to send them packing. Or use vinegar on anything they may try to eat.

Does Pine Sol repel raccoons?

Homemade Raccoon Repellents that can be used Ammonia - It can be applied or soaked onto pieces of cloth or even kept in small opened bottles. The soaked pieces of cloth can be placed around the house, such as near food sources or around garbage cans and bins. Pine Sol can also be used in place of ammonia.

What does Epsom salt do to raccoons?

Raccoons detest the scent of Epsom salt as it irritates their nasal cavities. You can use this to your advantage by spreading the Epsom salt throughout your yard in areas where you need to keep raccoons away and reapplying once the scent wears off.

How do you keep raccoons away at night?

9 tips to keep raccoons out of your yardSecure trash cans. ... Remove possible food sources. ... Protect your fruits and veggies. ... Block access to hiding places. ... Eliminate water sources. ... Treat your lawn for grubs. ... Scent repellents. ... Motion-activated lights and sprinklers.More items...•

Does Irish Spring soap keep raccoons away?

Soap the yard Raccoons use their superb sense of smell to forage for food, and some scents are really effective at keeping them away. The ingredients in Irish Spring soap are generally effective in keeping raccoons and other small mammals out of your yard.

Will moth balls keep racoons away?

Mothballs get rid of all kinds of critters Raccoons dislike the strong smell of mothballs. Buy a box and scatter them around your property to prevent raccoons from taking up residence.

Does Irish Spring soap keep raccoons away?

Soap the yard Raccoons use their superb sense of smell to forage for food, and some scents are really effective at keeping them away. The ingredients in Irish Spring soap are generally effective in keeping raccoons and other small mammals out of your yard.

Does Epsom salt keep raccoons away?

Epsom Salt (bonus!) Epsom salt is a double benefit because not only will it deter raccoons, but it is an excellent fertilizer. Sprinkle some Epsom salt around places like garbage cans and gardens to keep them out.

Will mothballs keep raccoons away?

Mothballs get rid of all kinds of critters Raccoons dislike the strong smell of mothballs. Buy a box and scatter them around your property to prevent raccoons from taking up residence.

Does human urine keep raccoons away?

Ammonia is a chemical compound naturally found in urine which raccoons find rather offensive. Wolf, coyote and mountain lion urine is sold as a raccoon deterrent. The ammonia present in human urine can also be used, although it is unclear whether it is effective at keeping raccoons away for long.

How to make a raccoon repellent?

To make a cayenne pepper spray, mix a bottle of cayenne pepper or cayenne pepper flakes and 1 teaspoon of dish soap in a gallon sprayer.

What is the best repellent for raccoons?

Black pepper works as a great raccoon repellent for fruits in an orchard, garden, or yard because raccoons detest the spicy smell of the pepper.

Why do raccoons use eviction fluid?

Raccoon eviction fluid works as a deterrent because during the birthing period, female raccoons see male raccoons as a sort of predator, which makes any male scent appear as a threat to the safety of her kits (baby raccoons).

Why can't raccoons climb deck posts?

With the baffles in place, raccoons will not be able to climb your deck posts because the smooth metal cone prevents the raccoon from gripping the post to climb upwards.

Why do raccoons have a sensitive sense of smell?

Because raccoons are nocturnal and scavenge for food at night, they have very sensitive olfactory receptors that give them a heightened sense of smell. Raccoons rely on their sense of smell to navigate in the dark, discern what is around them, and find food.

How to repel racoons from trash cans?

To make a spray, mix garlic powder, dish soap, and water in a spray bottle and spray the mixture directly on plants or other surfaces.

What will scare raccoons out of my deck?

The sudden blast of light or sound will scare the raccoon into leaving your deck.

What do you need to spray a raccoon?

This spray adds another scent that raccoons don’t like. You’ll need an onion, a jalapeno pepper, and several tablespoons of cayenne pepper. Chop the onion and jalapeno pepper. Put them in a large pot with a half-gallon of water. Add the cayenne pepper and bring the water to a boil. Allow the mixture to steep for an hour.

What are some ways to scare raccoons away?

There are several ways to scare raccoons away—light, sound, and water.

Are Some Sprays Better Than Others?

Most sprays seem to work about the same. They cover small areas and do so until the scent wears off. Then the area will need to be sprayed off. Since rain washes it away, you will have to use the spray again afterward. And desperate raccoons will eventually begin to ignore the smell.

Can I Trap The Raccoons Myself?

If you are asking this question, our advice is to look for someone else to do that. Raccoons become aggressive when caged, and there are many issues that arise when they are dumped elsewhere.

How to get rid of raccoon smell?

Just like the hot pepper spray, add a drop of dish soap and then bottle and spray away. This spray requires a little extra work, but it’s another one to have in your arsenal. One of the weaknesses of most sprays is that raccoons get used to the odor and begin to ignore it.

What pepper powder do you need for spraying?

For this homemade spray, you will need either hot sauce or powdered cayenne pepper . We recommend the powder because you can control how much pepper you use.

How many people would like to repel raccoons?

For every person who thinks raccoons are cute, there are three or four people who would like to repel them.

Where to use raccoon spray?

Where to use : anywhere – indoors and outdoors. How to use : spray the solution in attics, cupboards, basements, and anywhere where raccoons invading your home. Safety : The product is 100% natural. It includes organic and natural pest control ingredients that are safe for humans and pets.

How to keep raccoons away from my house?

The key to humanely keep raccoons away from your property is to remove the attractants that will draw them there and use working repellents and deterrents that will encourage raccoons to go elsewhere: Prevention and pest control tips – You can solve your raccoon problem by removing attractants.

How long does raccoon repellent last?

How it works: The solution lasts up to 30 days. Raccoons hate the scent of it. By disturbing their sensitive noses with this powerful taste and sense repellent you can easily drive raccoons away from certain areas. How to use: Sprinkle granules on the ground to deter raccoons from accessing protected areas.

What is the best product to use for raccoons?

When it comes to raccoon repellents, it is better to choose natural products that are safe for use around kids and household pets. We suggest using Critter Ridder Spray by Havahart.

How to get rid of cayenne bugs?

These pesky pests hate the smell of cayenne. Therefore using this repellent spray is a good solution. Add 1 small canister of cayenne and 1 bottle of hot sauce to a gallon of water. Spray the solution all over your garden plants, bushes, and shrubs.

What are the ingredients in a raccoon repellent?

Ingredients: The product consists of all-natural ingredients including piperine, capsaicin, and black pepper. How it works : This irritation sensation sends raccoons running. After a couple of visits, raccoons associate it with your garden and learn to stay away.

What are the problems with racoons?

One of the biggest problems with raccoons, that many people may experience, is that these creatures may be quite destructive. From stealing food to rooting through garbage, the mess left behind by these animals is not a pleasant thing to deal with. You can call an expert who specializes in raccoon abatement, raccoon removal, and exclusion or resolves the problem using our tips.

How to protect your house from raccoons?

Seal up any holes you find around the siding, foundation or roof of your house. Any hole that’s three inches wide or larger can be scratched open by a raccoon, creating an optimal entrance for them. You can easily cover these holes yourself with wood, caulk, expandable foam, or concrete. Use a perimeter fence.

How to stop raccoons from entering my house?

Use barrier screens. Many purposeful openings exist throughout the outside of your home, which you may not ever think of as raccoon entrances. These could include the space leading to your crawl space, your chimney opening, and any side vents in your house that help with ventilation. Place barrier screen over these openings. You can use simple materials like mesh or screen, or nail plywood over openings like your crawl space.

What is the egg that raccoons carry?

While rare, raccoon droppings may contain a roundword egg called Baylisacaris procyonis that can transfer a dangerous illness to human children. If a child makes contact with raccoon feces that carry the egg, the roundword’s larvae may reach the child’s eyes or brain and result in blindness or even death.

Why do raccoons leave droppings in the pool?

This is an animal’s way of concealing its odor from predators in the area. Covering the top steps with plastic may be an easy way to force a raccoon elsewhere.

What does it mean when a raccoon makes a loud noise?

If the raccoon is making abnormal noises or seems more aggressive or lethargic, call a professional immediately to help remove the animal from your property. These symptoms could mean that it has rabies, which will be very dangerous for anyone bitten.

What do raccoons eat?

A raccoon will take its plant meals from acorns, grains, wild berries, and fruits. To satisfy its animal hunger, the raccoon eats frogs, squirrels, mice, beetles, crawfish, and poultry eggs. Shelter: Home is everywhere for raccoons. They are a common sight near farms and woodlands because of abundant trees.

How to tell if a raccoon is visiting your home?

To determine whether a raccoon is visiting your home, check for tracks. Their distinctive paw prints carry a distinctive shape that sets them apart from other small mammals. The hind print usually measures 3 ¼” – 4 ½” long, making it much longer than wide. The fore print is only about 3” long, with a similar width.

What is the best way to keep raccoons out of your backyard?

A common household product you are most likely to have already in your house is ammonia. This is fantastic because it is another effective, inexpensive method to prevent a raccoon party in your backyard.

What is the best repellent for raccoons?

As a general rule, the best raccoon repellents irritate the senses of a raccoon to keep them away. Peppermint essential oil, bright lights, coffee grounds, chili pepper, cayenne pepper, epsom salt, predator urine, ammonia, vinegar, loud noises and fragrant soaps all can repel raccoons.

How to keep raccoons away from tree?

You can apply vinegar similar to how you apply ammonia – soaking a rag with vinegar and hanging it on a pole or tree in the area you want to repel raccoons will be a strong enough area repellent to keep raccoons from the area.

How to get rid of raccoons in my yard?

You can distribute the chili flakes and cayenne pepper in different ways to get rid of the raccoon problem in your yard. Try spreading them around your yard where you’ve seen raccoons lurking around, or in your garden where they’ve been stealing your prized fruits and vegetables.

How far can a Havahart sprinkler pick up animals?

You can also take a peak at the Havahart Critter Ridder Sprinkler which is a motion-activated sprinkler that picks up animals walking within a range of 100 feet. It is incredibly easy to use. Just stick the spike anywhere you desire and, when activated, the spray will work continuously until you turn it off.

What salts can you use to kill raccoons?

If you can manage to get your hands on some Epsom salt such as Eps o ak’s Epsom Salt Magnesium Sulfate, grab a couple of handfuls and sprinkle it around the areas where you see raccoons at night.

What are the predators of raccoons?

Generally, raccoons’ predators are animals like coyotes, foxes, and even large owls. It’s not really possible to grab one of these predators and make them wait for the raccoon to scare it away.

How to keep raccoons away from my house?

Protect your trash. Raccoons can’t resist trash, so you’ll need multiple strategies in this area. Secure non-locking trash can lids with bungee cords or cinder blocks. Use heavy-duty trash bags and double-bag waste meat items to help reduce the odor. 2.

How to keep raccoons out of my garden?

The most effective fence to exclude raccoons is electric. Use a 2-wire electric fence, placing wires 6 and 12 inches above ground. Set the fence on a timer, running it only after dark. 5.

How to tell if a raccoon is in your yard?

Here are some signs that raccoons are visiting your yard or garden: 1 Garbage cans opened and trash tossed about 2 Holes in the lawn and mulch 3 Fish missing from a water garden or fountain 4 Empty birdfeeders each morning (feeders are often mangled and destroyed, too) 5 Half-eaten produce and/or corn stalks pulled down and ears half-eaten 6 Tubular droppings on logs, wood piles, or near the bottom of trees

What do raccoons eat?

They’re omnivores, which means they’ll eat pretty much anything. Sweet corn, grubs, fallen fruit, prize koi, leftover pet food —these critters aren’t picky. Despite their wild-at-heart nature, raccoons have adapted to suburban conditions, and yards with gardens provide the perfect hangout. Toss in a birdbath as a water source, and you’ve created a raccoon paradise.

How do raccoons hide?

Like many animals, raccoons love yards with places to hide as they scurry along. Remove brush, keep grass mowed, and prune overgrown shrubs. Limit other hiding places by sealing the space around the bases of sheds and decks with chicken wire or hardware cloth.

How to scare racoons off?

If raccoons are raiding your garden, try scaring them off with motion-detecting sprinklers or strobe lights. Radios and other noise-makers can also deter raccoons. Switch up your scare strategies to keep raccoons from becoming accustomed to one method.

Where do raccoons drop their droppings?

Tubular droppings on logs, wood piles, or near the bottom of trees. Raccoons display a certain degree of ingenuity and persistence that’s alarming if you’re trying to deter them from their nightly jaunts through your yard. But there are ways to outwit this nocturnal marauder. Here are 7 simple ways to help keep raccoons away.

How to make raccoon repellent?

1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon of chopped yellow onion. tb1234. Cook the ingredients in boiling water for approximately 20 minutes. Let the homemade pepper spray cool, and then strain it through a cheesecloth. Apply the DIY raccoon repellent spray onto any areas you suspect the raccoons may go.

How to get rid of raccoons naturally?

Spicy Raccoon Repellent Recipe. For one of the natural ways to get rid of squirrels and other bothersome creatures, combine the ingredients listed above and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture over vegetation, bushes, fruit trees, and other areas you are concerned about for a heavy-duty solution.

How to trick raccoons?

If you’ve spotted a raccoon or two around your house, head to your local sporting goods store to purchase predator urine. This method will trick the raccoons and make them think that a predator is nearby.

How to keep raccoons out of chicken coop?

Build a roof for your coop so that the little animals can’t climb up the fencing to get in. If you’ve secured the coop with items like bungee cords and padlocks, the raccoons will likely give up and move onto the next household with chickens.

What to do if it rains on a raccoon?

If you’re looking for a simple solution to your raccoon problem, create what’s called a hot sauce spray; this recipe will work wonders but keep in mind that if it rains, you’ll have to reapply it to the vegetation to continuously keep the little animals away.

How to keep scarecrows away from my house?

You can purchase a scarecrow, use motion sensor flashing lights, or get solar-powered repellents to keep them away. Be careful with this suggestion, as it may only last for the first few attempts. You may want to start planning your next move.

Can raccoons eat mothballs?

Raccoons cannot stand the strong odor of mothballs. If you’ve discovered that there are raccoons nesting or roaming in areas like your attic, near a tight crawl space, or around your wood piles, place a few mothballs in the area.

How to get rid of raccoons in my yard?

Fill a spray bottle with the solution and keep the rest in the refrigerator. Spray the pepper repellent around your plants if you have a raccoon trying to get your plants and vegetables, or spray it around the perimeters of your yard and next to trashcans.

How to keep raccoons from smelling garbage?

Urine contains ammonia, the scent of which is very strong. You can try to deter a raccoon from hanging around your house and your garbage by soaking some rags in ammonia and placing them strategically around your yard. Place them beside or on top of your garbage cans as well. When the raccoon smells the ammonia, it may think it is the urine of an animal, and it may decide to go elsewhere.

Why are raccoons drawn to humans?

Raccoon Repellent: Natural Home Recipes - Raccoons are drawn to areas populated by humans because of the abundant food supply. People leave out food for pets, and it is easy for a raccoon to eat the food instead. They are also quite adept at getting into garbage cans and making a meal of the food scraps inside.

What happens if a raccoon leaves its territory?

If a raccoon leaves its territory, this is a death sentence , and the animal knows it. It will tolerate any possible repellent or deterrent device, from high pitch sound machines, or any kind of noise like a loud radio, strobing or flashing light, or any unpleasant scent. Raccoon repellents just don't work.

How to keep raccoons away from fruit trees?

If you have fruit trees, be sure to clean up the fruit that falls from the tree. As it rots, the smell of the fruit becomes more pungent, which could attract a raccoon. Get rid of the fruit before this happens. You also need to make sure that you keep your garbage cans secure. Get a heavy duty can that is hard to knock over, and make sure the lid fits securely. If you can find one, get a can that has a latch attachment to keep the lid closed or weigh it down so that a hungry raccoon can’t get to your garbage bags.

How to make pepper repellent?

To make the pepper repellent, get a bottle of hot sauce or a jar or can of cayenne pepper. Fill a one gallon container with water and then add the hot sauce or pepper. Stir the mixture, and then add a few drops of liquid dish detergent. This will help the repellent stay where you spray it.

What are the problems with raccoons?

Thus, they cause some of the following problems: Breaking into an attic, and setting up a nest. Crawling into a chimney and living there. Concern over fearless raccoon, or attack on pets. Concern about a sick or rabid raccoon on property.

What do you need to repel raccoons?

Things You'll Need. Motion-controlled sprinkler. Floodlights. Raccoons are typicially nocturnal. Raccoons share a lot of characteristics with house cats, so strategies to repel raccoons sometimes disturb cats, too. Techniques like ultrasonic devices, predator urine or hot pepper can also disturb pet cats.

How to get rid of raccoons in my house?

Step 1. Bring the cats indoors at night. Bring your cats indoors after sunset so the measures you apply to the raccoons will not affect your cats. Encourage outdoor cats to come home at night with an evening meal.

How to scare raccoons away from my house?

Install a motion-controlled sprinkler in an area where raccoons have been seen. Use a timer so the sprinkler will only go on after sunset, when the cats and other pets are indoors. These sprinklers are activated through infrared sensors when they detect motion. They turn on automatically with a lot of noise and water and are very effective at scaring wild animals of all types away.

Is there a garbage can that is raccoon proof?

The only raccoon-proof garbage can is an empty one.

Do raccoons like bright lights?

Raccoons are not comfortable in bright light and will normally avoid it. Lighting up your yard or other area where raccoons have become comfortable will make them less likely to congregate there. You can also make lights motion-activated.


1.Videos of What Can You Spray to Keep Raccoons Away


22 hours ago  · Raccoon Repellents & Scents They Hate. 1. Black Or Cayenne Pepper. When they’re on the hunt for food, raccoons will utilize their olfactory receptors to pick up even faint smells. It’s how ... 2. Ammonia. 3. Peppermint Oil. 4. Eviction Fluid. 5. Epsom Salt.

2.How To Keep Away Raccoons & Scents They Hate - BC …


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6.14 Best Raccoon Repellents (and How to Use Them)


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7.7 Steps on How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Yard


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8.11 Smart & Simple DIY Raccoon Repellent Solutions


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9.Raccoon Repellent - What deterrent works? - Wildlife …


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10.How to Repel Raccoons Without Repelling Cats | Hunker


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