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what causes a high white blood cell count in cats

by Meagan Kemmer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

High numbers of white blood cells indicates underlying infection or inflammation such as pancreatitis, liver disease, or kidney infection. Some types of cancer can also produce high white cell counts. Low numbers of white blood cells could indicate viral infection such as panleukopenia.May 7, 2020

Full Answer

What causes low WBC in cats?

What are the Causes of Low WBC in Cats?

  • General Infection. While white blood cell count is often discussed in the context of serious illnesses like cancer or immune-deficiency disorders, a low count doesn't always indicate a fatal disease.
  • Bone Marrow Disease. ...
  • Anti-Immune Viruses. ...
  • Other Causes. ...

What can cause low blood cell count in cats?

What Causes Anemia in Cats?

  • Kidney failure. ...
  • Hemoglobin oxidation. ...
  • Blood parasites. ...
  • Blood type incompatibility hemolytic anemia. ...
  • Virus-associated or drug-related bone marrow disorders. ...
  • Trauma. ...
  • Abnormal red cell production due to inherited conditions. ...
  • Iron deficiency. ...
  • Oxidation. ...

What does low white blood cell count in cats mean?

White blood cells (WBC) are the soldiers of your kitty's immune system, so a low count means the army is low on manpower. These squiggly leukocytes fight infections head-on and sometimes there are casualties. The reason for a low WBC count can be revealed by a blood screening.

What are possible causes of elevated white blood count?

Other high white blood cell count causes may include:

  • Excessive physical or emotional stress (such as fever, injury or surgery).
  • Burns.
  • Immune system disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Thyroid problems.
  • Dental caries (cavities).
  • Certain medicines, including lithium, corticosteroids and beta-agonists.
  • Allergies.
  • Splenectomy (removal of your spleen).
  • Smoking.
  • Obesity.


How do you treat high white blood cells in cats?

Treatment Options That's why preventative medications are so important. In most cases, cats fight off the infection on their own, but you should still see your vet. As the condition is treated the results of follow up blood tests should show white blood cell counts leveling out to the recommended range.

What is the most common reason for high white blood cell count?

Leukocytosis is most commonly caused by infection or inflammation. Other high white blood cell count causes may include: Excessive physical or emotional stress (such as fever, injury or surgery). Burns.

What kind of infections cause high white blood cell count?

A high white blood count may mean you have one of the following conditions:A bacterial or viral infection.An inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis.An allergy.Leukemia or Hodgkin disease.Tissue damage from a burn injury or surgery.

What should a cats white blood count be?

4,900-20,000/µ lThere are different types of leukocytes, and a white blood count (WBC) is a total of all the various kinds. The normal range for a WBC count in the dog would be between 6,000 and 17,000 per microliter, and in the cat, 4,900-20,000/µ l.

What are the symptoms of high white blood cells?

Symptoms of a High White Blood Cell CountFever.Fatigue.Decreased appetite.Sweats.Chills.Swelling of an area of infection.Joint swelling due to infection or autoimmune disease.Itching, with or without a rash.More items...•

How long does it take for WBC to return to normal?

Based on the nature of the infection, it takes the body up to 5 to 25 days for the white blood cell count to return to normal.

Can dehydration cause high white blood cell count?

In a person with normally functioning bone marrow, the numbers of white blood cells can double within hours if needed. An increase in the number of circulating leukocytes is rarely due to an increase in all five types of leukocytes. When this occurs, it is most often due to dehydration and hemoconcentration.

When should I be worried about high WBC?

A high white blood cell count may indicate that the immune system is working to destroy an infection. It may also be a sign of physical or emotional stress. People with particular blood cancers may also have high white blood cells counts.

Can a tooth infection cause high white blood cell count?

Results of the present study indicate that individuals with periodontal infection have a higher WBC count (7.22 ± 1.42 × 109 cells/L) and platelet count compared to healthy controls (5.64 ± 1.56 × 109 cells/L), which is presumably related to the chronic inflammatory nature of the disease.

What are the first signs of feline leukemia?

Signs that a cat has FeLV include:Loss of appetite.Weight loss.Poor coat condition.Persistent fever.Inflammation of the gums and mouth.Skin, urinary, and upper respiratory tract infections.Persistent diarrhea.Seizures, behavior changes, and other neurological disorders.More items...

Can cats pass leukemia to other cats?

Feline leukemia is a disease that only affects cats -- it cannot be transmitted to people, dogs, or other animals. FeLV is passed from one cat to another through saliva, blood, and to some extent, urine and feces. The virus does not live long outside the cat's body -- probably just a few hours.

Is feline leukemia contagious to humans?

The virus does not survive outside of a cat's body, meaning there is no risk of transmission to people or other animals through high touch surfaces or cuddling or petting a FeLV positive cat. FeLV Myth #3 – A cat diagnosed with FeLV will have a short life, or be very sick for the rest of their life.

When should I be worried about high WBC?

A high white blood cell count may indicate that the immune system is working to destroy an infection. It may also be a sign of physical or emotional stress. People with particular blood cancers may also have high white blood cells counts.

What is an alarming white blood cell count?

In general, for adults a count of more than 11,000 white blood cells (leukocytes) in a microliter of blood is considered a high white blood cell count.

How do I decrease my white blood cell count?

To lower your high white blood cell count, you should include the following in your diet:Vitamin C. ... Antioxidants. ... Omega-3 Fatty Acids. ... Avoid foods rich in sugar, fat and salt.

Can stress cause high white blood cell count?

Stress levels increase white blood cell count This indicates a connection between elevated stress levels and the body's production of what are known as inflammatory leukocytes, a particular variety of white blood cell. Normally, inflammatory leukocytes are the body's defense system against infection and disease.

Why Would a Cat Have a High Blood Cell Count?

Bacterial or fungal infections can cause neutrophil levels to increase.

What causes eosinophils to increase?

Allergic reactions can cause eosinophil levels to increase.

Where are basophils and monocytes stored?

Lymphocytes are produced in the cat's lymph nodes and spleen. Monocytes are stored in the spleen and bone marrow. Your cat doesn’t necessarily need to be exhibiting signs of an illness for your vet to recommend a complete blood count, ...

What are the symptoms of a heartworm?

If the cause is parasites, such as heartworm, symptoms will appear as coughing, rapid breathing, vomiting, fatigue, and weight loss. If the cause is an autoimmune disease, the symptoms will vary depending on the disease. Swollen joints may be present, or hair loss and ulcers on the skin, as well as fever and fatigue.

What are the cells that protect the body from viruses?

White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, defend the body against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Your cat’s blood contains a militia of white blood cells known as the differential, which take the form of neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. Neutrophils and eosinophils, which are produced in the cat’s bone marrow, ...

What are the symptoms of potassium deficiency?

If the cause is a potassium deficiency, symptoms will appear as fatigue, weight loss, frequent urination, and vomiting. If the cause is stress, symptoms will likely appear as moodiness, aggression, decrease in social interaction, and decreased appetite.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

When symptoms do appear, they appear as frequent urination, increased thirst, weight loss, fatigue, ulcers on gums and tongue, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Why do Persian cats bleed?

There is an increased susceptibility to bacterial infections due to impaired white blood cell function, an increased tendency to bleed due to platelet defects, and partial lack of color in the eyes and skin due to abnormal melanin (pigment) distribution.

What are the cells that make up the blood of mammals?

Leukocytes, or white blood cells, in the blood of mammals include neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. These cells vary with regard to where they are produced, how long they circulate in the bloodstream, and the factors that stimulate them into going in or out of the intricate network of tiny blood vessels ...

What is the difference between leukocytosis and leukopenia?

The normal numbers of each type of white blood cell also vary among species. Leukocytosis is an increase in the total number of circulating white blood cells; leukopenia is a decrease. Leukograms are blood tests that count the number of different white blood cells circulating in the bloodstream.

Is white blood cell normal in cats?

White blood cell function is normal, and many cats do not have any signs of illness. In some animals, it is deadly and associated with skeletal deformities and increased susceptibility to infection.

Can leukemia cause a cat to have a bad outlook?

The severity of leukemia varies. Acute (short-term) leukemia often causes generalized signs of illness and has a poor outlook. These animals have abnormal, immature white blood cells in ...

What is the purpose of a follow up examination for a cat?

Your veterinarian will schedule follow-up examinations for your cat to monitor eosinophil counts (not always indicative of tissue infiltrates) and myelosuppression (by which bone marrow activity is decreased) if chemotherapeutic drugs are being used . Clinical signs will also be monitored along with any physical abnormalities (e.g. loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea).

What organs are affected by eosinophils?

Common sites of infiltration include the gastrointestinal tract (especially the intestine and liver), spleen, bone marrow, lungs, and lymph nodes (especial ly those in the abdominal area). It frequently has a fatal outcome.

What is the inflammatory disease of the small intestine?

An early form of this disorder may be apparent in some cats; eosinophilic enteritis, an inflammatory disease of the small intestine that is directly related to infiltration of eosinophils in the connective tissue of the intestinal lining.

What is the disorder of cats?

Hypereosinophilic Syndrome in Cats. Hypereosinophilic syndrome, characterized by persistent eosinophilia -- that is, sustained overproduction of eosinophils (white blood cells of the immune system) in the bone marrow, is a disorder of unknown cause.

What is the purpose of radiographic contrast?

Radiographic contrast, which uses an injection of a radiocontrasting agent into the area to be viewed, may be used to improve visibility of the internal organs . These X-rays may show thickened intestines and abnormalities in the lining of the intestines. Other findings may be reactive hyperplasia (abnormal enlargement) of the lymph nodes due to eosinophil infiltration, and fibrosis (excess fibrous connective tissue) and thrombosis (coagulation in the arteries) surrounding the heart.

What is mass lesions?

Mass lesions caused by eosinophilic granulomatous (inflamed masses of tissue) involving the lymph nodes and/or organs

What are the abnormalities on X-rays?

These X-rays may show thickened intestines and abnormalities in the lining of the intestines. Other findings may be reactive hyperplasia (abnormal enlargement) of the lymph nodes due to eosinophil infiltration, and fibrosis (excess fibrous connective tissue) and thrombosis (coagulation in the arteries) surrounding the heart.

What does a high WBC mean?

Generally a high white blood cell count means that Muffin has an infection or virus. However, the WBC is just one piece of the diagnostic puzzle. The rest of the blood work, such as platelets and red blood cell count, must be considered. The vet will also have to account for Muffin's medical history, her symptoms and her lifestyle.

What are the different types of white blood cells?

There are five types of white blood cells: neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes and basophils, all known as the differential. The distribution of these cells can help focus on the cause of an illness. Neutrophils are the primary white blood cells that fight infection, so if Muffin's neutrophil level is high, she's likely got an infection. Since monocytes help in this battle, a high level of monocytes indicate the same condition. Lymphocytes also help fight infection as well as develop antibodies to ward off future attacks. High levels of these cells indicate infection, viral diseases and certain forms of cancer. Eosinophils are often elevated when a cat has parasites or an allergic reaction. Basophils aren't very common and tend to appear in cases of parasite infection, particularly in animals with heartworm.

What is the normal range for a cat's WBC?

White blood cells are measured as thousands per cubic milliliter (K/uL). The normal range in a cat is between 5.5 and 19.5, meaning under normal conditions Muffin should have ...

What is the primary white blood cell that fights infection?

Neutrophils are the primary white blood cells that fight infection, so if Muffin's neutrophil level is high, she's likely got an infection. Since monocytes help in this battle, a high level of monocytes indicate the same condition. Lymphocytes also help fight infection as well as develop antibodies to ward off future attacks.

What is the normal blood count for cats?

The normal range in a cat is between 5.5 and 19.5 , meaning under normal conditions Muffin should have between 5,500 and 19,500 white blood cells per cubic milliliter of blood. Low WBCs can indicate viral infections, bone marrow issues or poisoning; in these cases, the white blood cells are concentrated in the affected area ...

Why are lymphocytes important for cats?

Lymphocytes also help fight infection as well as develop antibodies to ward off future attacks. High levels of these cells indicate infection, viral diseases and certain forms of cancer. Eosinophils are often elevated when a cat has parasites or an allergic reaction.

What does WBC mean in cats?

The white blood cell count (WBC) is a valuable diagnostic tool. Along with other tests, medical history and symptoms, it reveals a lot about the state of a cat's health. If Muffin's older or feeling punky, chances are her vet will use this indicator to help gauge her health.

What is the difference between natural killer cells and T cells?

Natural killer cells and some types of T cells (cytotoxic T cells, for example) destroy foreign material, whereas antibodies and other T cells (helper T cells) stimulate other parts of the immune system to do so. If lymphocytes are reduced or abnormal, the cat is immunodeficient and susceptible to a wide variety of infections.

Why do neutrophils increase in the presence of inflammation?

Because of this, the number of phagocytes in the blood can provide an indication of circumstances in the tissues. For example, the neutrophil number increases in the presence of inflammation. An abnormally low number of circulating neutrophils (due to marrow failure, drugs, or toxins) can lower resistance to bacterial infections.

Why do lymphocytes act as a response?

Lymphocytes usually act appropriately to rid the body of foreign “invaders” that cause disease. An inappropriate response occurs when antibodies are produced against the body’s own cells, such as red blood cells.

What hormones cause lymphocytosis?

Lymphocytosis, an increase in the number of circulating lymphocytes, may occur as a response to the secretion of epinephrine (a hormone also known as adrenaline). A reduction in the number of lymphocytes circulating in the blood may be caused by corticosteroid drugs or hormones secreted during times of stress.

How are phagocytes regulated?

As with red blood cells, the production and number of phagocytes are tightly regulated by chemical messengers of the blood. Unlike red blood cells, which remain circulating in the blood, phagocytes use blood vessels as a pathway to the tissues. Because of this, the number of phagocytes in the blood can provide an indication ...

What is the name of the antibody that is produced in response to a new microorganism?

They include several classes, each of which has a different function. For example, one class (IgA) is commonly found in the lungs and intestines; another (IgM) is the first antibody produced in response to newly recognized foreign microorganisms; a third (IgG) is the main antibody in the bloodstream; and a fourth (IgE) is involved in allergic reactions.

What is the function of white blood cells?

The function of white blood cells (also called leukocytes) is to defend the body against infection. There are 2 main types of white blood cells: phagocytes and lymphocytes.

Why is WBC low?

With that known, any count of WBC deviating from the normal reference range for a human being is dangerous. An elevated count of WBC might be a sign of an ongoing infection which stimulated the body to raise its army of WBC abruptly. SImilarly, low counts of White Blood Cells could result due to weak immune functioning, malnutrition or other medical issues. It equally could be due to an infection that has already progressed and is silently destroying the WBC’s. There could be low or non-significant symptoms in some cases and the disease can only be detected later. However, In both the cases, the human body is prone to deadly diseases.

What is the function of white blood cells?

White blood cells or WBC are groups of nucleated cells (unlike non-nucleated mature RBC) having different shapes, sizes and possess selective functions; very crucial for our body immunity against the outer pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, viruses etc. The WBC are also responsible for cleaning the old ageing cells, cancer causing cells and cellular debris produced by cell lysis or inflammation. However, the number of WBC are less than RBC but their function is very crucial for a healthy body. Decrease in number of WBC may lead to multiple health complications caused by weak immun

What is an elevated WBC count?

Some moderately elevated counts may show a large number of immature forms of white blood cells and this can also be consistent with a malignancy or severe infection. So basically an elevated WBC count or the presence of an abnormal percentage of immature WBCs in an otherwise asymptomatic patient is an indication for further evaluation. The most likely next test would be a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy which is a relatively minor procedure when done skillfully. Using an amnestic drug like Versed can shield a patient from any memory of the procedure and a local anesthetic along with an intravenous analgesic can virtually eliminate any pain. I performed many of these using only a local anesthetic and patients tolerated the procedure with only very brief and and relatively minor pain. So I wouldn't be fearful of the test if it is recommended.

Why are white blood cells important?

They are crucial and deciding to survival of a human being, because without them the human body is prone to infinite infections and diseases. WBC works alongside other immune mechanism to defy the body against such infections, and their number is determining to a person’s immune resistance. There are different types of WBC’s in body and each have their own normal counts.

What happens if you have a high neutrophil count?

If the differential count has more neutrophils in it then lymphocytes (and I'm talking a high amount of neutrophils, like over 65%) then you would more than likely have a bacteria infection.

What does it mean when a cat's white blood cell count is high?

I'm assuming it could mean there is some sort of infection, just like with humans. White blood cells all react in the same way within the animal kingdom. They all have the same purpose. If the white blood cell count on a cat is high (whatever would be considered high for a cat), I would assume infection. Let the vet inform you of what kind of infection before trying to administer antibiotics on your own though.

What does a lab pathologist look for in a vet?

The lab pathologist and your vet look at both ABS and percentages to make their diagnosis. Normally, the percentages are stable within each group.

What type of cells secrete antibodies?

Lymphocytes. Granulocytes. Monocytes. There are two types of lymphocytes – B and T cells. B-lymphocytes secrete antibodies, special proteins that bind to foreign organisms in the body to help destroy them. Think of antibodies as special blood soldiers charged with assassinating foreign invaders.

Why is CBC not performed in primary care?

Despite this fact and in my experience, this recommended component is often not performed in primary care veterinary practices. Two most commonly cited reasons from primary care doctors for omitting a blood film evaluation are lack of confidence performing a blood film assessment and lack of time to perform the evaluation. In contrast, veterinary reference laboratories are not allowed to omit this step! If veterinary reference laboratories can’t omit peripheral blood film evaluations, then veterinarians performing CBCs in their in-house laboratories can’t omit them either!

What is a complete blood count?

Measuring WBCs is relatively straightforward. A small sample of blood is collected for a non-invasive test called a complete blood count (CBC). A CBC allows a veterinarian to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of blood, as it measures WBCs, as well as RBCs, blood clot-forming cells called platelets. Complete blood counts are performed on machines called hematology analyzers found either at reference veterinary laboratories or in hospitals. There are advantages and potential limitations to performing tests in a veterinary hospital compared to a reference veterinary laboratory. To learn more about this, click here.

What are the most common white blood cells?

Granulocytes are the most common type of white blood cells in circulation. These cells contain many granules filled with potent chemicals involved in immune responses. They help the body get rid of certain types of infectious organisms, and are also involved in inflammatory processes and allergic reactions. On the basis of how their granules take ...

What do monocytes do?

Monocytes travel from blood vessels to sites of infection to become macrophages that scavenge that phagocytosed organisms and cleanup of cellular debris. Some macrophages also aid T-lymphocytes in their immunologic responsibilities.

What are the cells that protect the body?

White blood cells, also called leukocytes, are cells that defend the body against various diseases, including infectious organisms (i.e.: bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa, etc.) and cancer. An elevated white blood cell count (called leukocytosis) can happen for a number of reasons, including: 1 Increased production to fight an infection 2 Reaction to a drug that increases production 3 A bone marrow disorder that causes increased production 4 A disorder of the immune system that increases production

What causes increased production of WBCs?

Increased production to fight an infection. Reaction to a drug that increases production. A bone marrow disorder that causes increased production. A disorder of the immune system that increases production. White blood cells or WBCs are made in the bone marrow, are released into circulation, and ultimately travel to various tissues ...

What Is Anemia?

Anemia is a term that means a decrease in red blood cells (RBCs), which may be mild, moderate, or severe. It’s caused by an underlying disease, injury, infection, or toxin.

How does anemia in cats come about?

Anemia in cats may come about in three ways: by blood loss, by a problem with RBC production, or by conditions in which RBCs are destroyed. Sometimes, more than one of these factors is involved.

Why is it bad for cats to go outside?

Also, going outdoors puts cats at an increased risk of anemia due to trauma/injuries, parasites, and infections.

What does looking at a blood smear under a microscope tell you?

Looking at a blood smear under a microscope also provides information about RBC size and appearance (which helps determine if the anemia is regenerative or non-regenerative) and allows visualization of blood cell parasites.

What is the term for a decrease in the body's circulating red blood cells?

Anemia is the term for a decrease in the body’s circulating red blood cells (RBCs). Depending how low the RBC count goes, this may cause anything from mild symptoms to a life-threatening emergency.

How long do RBCs live?

RBCs only live for about two months, so the body regularly produces a new supply. The demand for new red blood cells is even higher during anemia.

What does anemia mean in cats?

Anemia causes a wide variety of symptoms. The pictured cat shows signs of jaundice, which occurs in very severe cases of anemia. Usually, this is only seen with sudden rupture (hemolysis) of large numbers of RBCs.




  • The cause of hypereosinophilic syndrome is unknown. However, it is believed to be cause by a severe reaction to an underlying, as yet unidentifiable antigenic stimulus that may be composed of two different strains of a virus. An early form of this disorder may be apparent in some cats; eosinophilic enteritis, an inflammatory disease of the small in...
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  • The veterinary examination will consist of standard laboratory work, including a complete blood profile, chemical blood profile, a complete blood count, and a urinalysis. You will need to give a thorough history of your cat's health and onset of symptoms. Additional diagnostics will include a bone marrow aspiration and/or core biopsy of the cells, and a biopsy of the affected organ or m…
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  • Long-term maintenance therapy will be employed to control or reduce the eosinophilia and organ damage. High serum immunoglobulin concentrations (the fraction of the blood serum that contains antibodies) can signify a good response to treatment with prednisone, a corticosteroid given to reduce inflammation, and therefore a better prognosis. Prednisone can be effective at s…
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Living and Management

  • Your veterinarian will schedule follow-up examinations for your cat to monitor eosinophil counts (not always indicative of tissue infiltrates) and myelosuppression (by which bone marrow activity is decreased) if chemotherapeutic drugs are being used. Clinical signs will also be monitored along with any physical abnormalities (e.g. loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea).
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1.Overproduction of White Blood Cells in Cats - Symptoms, …


15 hours ago Leukemia is a malignant cancer that is characterized by an increase in abnormal white blood cells in the bloodstream. Veterinarians may consider leukemia as a potential cause of disease when there is an increase in the number of white blood cells in your cat's bloodstream. The severity of leukemia varies.

2.White Blood Cell Disorders of Cats - Merck Veterinary …


21 hours ago Phagocytes (from the Greek word meaning “to eat”) are cells in the bloodstream and tissues that surround and consume foreign particles, cell waste material, and bacteria. Their main function is to defend against invading microorganisms. There are 2 types of phagocytes: granulocytes and monocytes. Granulocytes protect against bacteria ...

3.Overproduction of White Blood Cells in the Bone Marrow …


5 hours ago Bacterial infections actually come with an increased WBC count —- in a cat a low WBC count usually signal a viral infection —- there are other possibilities but that is the most common cause if all the other cell counts are normal Your response is private Was this worth your time? This helps us sort answers on the page. Absolutely not

4.Increased WBC Blood Count in Cats | Pets - The Nest


1 hours ago  · A disease of bone marrow, causing abnormally high production of white blood cells. An immune system disorder that increases white blood cell production. Specific causes of a high white blood cell count include: Acute lymphocytic leukemia. Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) Allergy, especially severe allergic reactions.

5.White Blood Cells of Cats - Cat Owners - MSD Veterinary …


14 hours ago

6.Is it dangerous if a cat's White blood cells count is very …


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7.White Blood Cells - Elevation Does Not Always Mean …


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8.Anemia In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment - All …


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9.High white blood cell count Causes - Mayo Clinic


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