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what christmas trees are safe for dogs

by Dr. Ike Kris Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Before setting up your Christmas card photo of your pet bedecked in antlers or an elf hat in front of the tree, consider these potential hazards:

  • Live Trees: Fir, spruce, and pine trees make excellent Christmas trees and are generally non-toxic to pets. The needles, however, can cause oral irritation and in excessive amounts, gastrointestinal upset. 1
  • Artificial Trees: Although fake trees are oil- and sap-free, they can create gastrointestinal issues, depending on what material makes up the tree.

Live Trees: Fir, spruce, and pine trees make excellent Christmas trees and are generally non-toxic to pets. The needles, however, can cause oral irritation and in excessive amounts, gastrointestinal upset. 1.Feb 27, 2022

Full Answer

Are real Christmas trees a fire hazard?

They are usually cheaper than fake trees and, not to mention, make your home smell nice. But purchasing a real tree and wrapping it with hot lights can be a fire hazard. Christmas tree fires are infrequent, but when they do occur, they are serious, according to the National Fire Protection Association.

Do real Christmas trees have bugs?

Christmas trees, like any other household plant, will have a few bugs here and there and are a totally natural occurrence, Hundley explained. The most common insects potentially living in your...

Are Christmas trees harmful to dogs?

Natural Christmas trees, which are commonly just a type of fir or pine tree, are considered mildly toxic to dogs, according to pet care company Hartz in a Newsweek interview.

Are Christmas trees poisonous to dogs?

Christmas trees themselves are not poisonous to dogs. However, oils from fir trees can be mildly toxic and cause slight stomach problems and mouth irritations in dogs. Needles on these trees can also be extremely dangerous. Also, keep in mind that it's not just the plants and foods around your home that can be seen as edible by your pet.

What is the best tree for a dog?

How many lights does a Christmas tree have?

What is a Goplus premium spruce tree?

How tall is a spruce tree?

How many lights does an artificial spruce tree have?

How many lights does the Snowy Everest Pine have?

Is Douglas Fir tree safe for dogs?

See 2 more


Can you have a Christmas tree with a dog?

They are not digestible and can be mildly toxic depending upon your dog's size and how much she ingests. The fir tree oils can irritate your dog's mouth and stomach and cause her to vomit or drool excessively. Tree needles also can obstruct or puncture her gastrointestinal tract.

Can dogs chew on Christmas tree branches?

Promoted Stories. While real Christmas trees can cause dogs to have an upset stomach and irritated mouth if they decide to chew on the branches, they aren't too toxic to dogs. However, it's the needles that can pose more of a problem.

Are Frosted artificial Christmas trees safe for pets?

Artificial Christmas trees aren't toxic to dogs or cats so they are technically safer than live Christmas trees, but they can still be dangerous. Artificial needles can still fall off of the tree and pose a threat to your pet if ingested, however they are considered much safer than real trees overall.

How can I protect my Christmas tree from my dog?

13 Tips for Dog Proofing Your Christmas TreeGive Your Dog Time to Get Used to Your Tree. ... Consider Crate Training. ... Hang Fragile Ornaments Out of Reach. ... Cover Cords and Keep Lights Out of Reach. ... Keep Food and Toxic Items Off the Tree. ... Distract Your Dog from the Tree. ... Avoid Using Tinsel or Curly Ribbons. ... Watch for Pine Needles.More items...•

How do I stop my puppy destroying my Christmas tree?

Here are 10 tips on how to keep your Christmas tree canine-free.Buy an artificial Christmas tree. ... Put a baby gate around your tree. ... Put your tree on a table out of reach. ... Make sure your tree is properly secured. ... Avoid putting presents under your tree. ... Spray a deterrent on the tree. ... Put an alert system in place.More items...•

Should I put my Christmas tree up with a puppy?

You Can Do it! Having a Christmas tree and holiday decorations as well as a puppy will require a bit of thought. You may need to change your traditional decorations or placement of those decorations. You may even need to restrict the puppy's access to the decorated room but that's okay. Keeping him safe is important.

Is the fake snow on Christmas trees toxic to dogs?

Flocking (the artificial snow that is sometimes put on live trees) can be harmful to your dog if consumed, so if you decide to have a live Christmas tree, select one that does not have “snow” already on it.

Is flocking on artificial trees toxic?

When making and applying Christmas tree flocking at home, people should never use flammable materials and always keep the mixture away from children and pets. Though most mixtures aren't poisonous, they can cause intestinal obstructions if eaten, and can irritate the respiratory tract if inhaled.

What is Christmas tree flocking powder made of?

what is christmas tree flocking made of? The tree flocking I used is made up of small cellulose paper fibers that contain a self adhesive and flame retardant.

What happens if my dog eats my Christmas tree?

GI Dangers If your dog has ingested pine needles, they may vomit them up or have mild diarrhea. A more likely concern rather than toxicity level is blockage or puncture in the gastrointestinal tract. Although most cases of pine needle ingestion resolve without serious issue, injury to the GI tract can occur.

How do I keep the animals out of my Christmas tree?

Most cats hate foil and citrus scents, so wrap your tree trunk in foil, and place a few lemon or orange peels around the base. You can also place pine cones around the base.

How do you put a Christmas tree on a puppy?

Your puppy may believe the Christmas tree is a special gift just for his entertainment....Create a BarrierSet smaller trees on table or counter top out of dog reach.Place your tree inside of an enclosure like those meant to be used as dog exercise pens.Block off the “tree room” with a baby gate.

Are Christmas tree needles poisonous to dogs?

Whether they are on your Christmas tree, a wreath or some garland, pine needles can be a problem if ingested. The needles can puncture or irritate the lining of your dog's stomach, and the oils can irritate the mucous membranes. The needles may not kill your pet, but they can make him really uncomfortable and ill.

What happens if my dog eats pine needles?

If your dog has ingested pine needles, they may vomit them up or have mild diarrhea. A more likely concern rather than toxicity level is blockage or puncture in the gastrointestinal tract. Although most cases of pine needle ingestion resolve without serious issue, injury to the GI tract can occur.

Is the fake snow on Christmas trees toxic to dogs?

Flocking (the artificial snow that is sometimes put on live trees) can be harmful to your dog if consumed, so if you decide to have a live Christmas tree, select one that does not have “snow” already on it.

What wood is safe for dogs to chew?

As your dog chews and wears the Ruffwood down, you will notice small pieces of sawdust-like material come off the toy. They are about the size of a grain of rice and according to PetStages, are harmless to dogs....1. Petstages Ruffwood.Small6.5″Up to 20 lbsLarge10.5″Up to 50 lbs and over1 more row

What to do if my dog eats a Christmas tree bark?

NOTE: If your dog ingests Christmas tree’s barks or leaves, you should immediately seek your veterinarian’s help.

Why are conifers toxic to dogs?

This oil is what makes these trees dangerous for dogs. This is because it can upset your pooch’s stomach and can cause other problems, like profuse drooling and vomiting.

Is a Christmas tree toxic to dogs?

This is because Christmas trees are one of many holiday plants that can be toxic to pets. Generally, toxicity is not associated with trees, but real Christmas trees are regarded as ‘mildly toxic’. Hence, it’s imperative to keep your pup away if you are planning to have a Christmas tree.

Are Real Christmas Trees Safe for Dogs?

Although these trees are not lethal for dogs, the barks and leaves of Real Christmas trees can cause serious problems for your pup (when ingested).

How to keep dogs away from Christmas tree?

You can place a spray deterrent near your Christmas tree to keep your dog away. Spray deterrents release a burst of air when your dog gets close to an area where you don’t want him to go to teach him that area is off limits.

How to keep dogs from drinking out of tree water?

To prevent your dog from drinking out of the tree water, cover the base with a tree skirt or buy one that comes covered.

What is the best way to keep pets away from your home?

Dr. Cunningham suggests using a SSSCAT motion-sensored air canister. “It uses an unscented jet of air to keep pets away from any desired area in the home,” Dr. Cunningham said.

How much does a dog gate cost?

To keep your dog away from your tree, block off the area. You can get this highly rated dog gate from Amazon for $88.96.

What to do when a boy gets excited about a tree?

He might think the tree decorations are toys and try to play with them, so get a sturdy base for your tree in case he gets too excited, and make sure your tree is far away from anything fragile that can break in case the tree ends up falling.

What is the smell of pine trees?

Christmas trees contain a chemical called pinene, which is a type of terpene that gives pine trees their classic Christmas-y smell. It’s also super toxic to cats.

Can a dog eat tree water?

Plus, if you don’t change the tree water frequently, it can develop bacteria that can be harmful to your dog, too. “Standing water can also grow harmful bacteria or mold that can cause digestive distress if ingested,” Dr. Cunningham said.

Can cats eat tree water?

Needles and tree water are two of the most dangerous aspects of the holiday item for your cat or dog. According to PetMD, the trees’ needles can cause “gastrointestinal irritation” if ingested by a cat or dog, as well as possibly causing an obstruction or puncturing the animal’s intestinal lining.

Can lights burn animals?

Lights can become too hot and potentially burn animals that come into contact with them, warns Hartz . Dogs or cats that chew on the wire could also unknowingly put themselves at risk to suffer an electric shock or mouth burn.

How do you keep dogs away from a Christmas tree?

A great way to keep your dog away from your Christmas tree is through erecting a barrier. Just block off the entrance to the room where the tree is situated with a baby gate.

What to do if your dog eats Holly?

So, if you happen to see your pup munch on Holly, visit the local vet immediately.

What happens if a dog eats tinsel?

Tinsel: Avoid tinsel! If a dog swallows the “shiny goodness”, it can vomiti, get diarrhoea, weight loss, and a decreased appetite. In many cases, the one way to help a dog that ate tinsel is to remove the foreign body through surgery.

How to keep dogs away from water stand?

Many Christmas trees will have a great amount of fertilizer when brought home. It’s what makes water undrinkable. Aside from fertilizers, tree stand water can contain bacteria and bacteria can make matters worse. The good news is that you can dog-proof the water stand quite easy. All you will need is a trash bag and some scissors. Cut a hole in the bag, big enough for the tree to go through. Tape it around the stand to prevent your dog getting in touch with bacteria-ridden water. Voila! Your water stand is dog-proof.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is a time to celebrate family and those you love.

Do dogs need roguery?

Yet, the same as with children, pups need roguery and damage control as overexcitement strikes. With choking hazards, poisonous foods, and electrical decorations at hand, you have to remain vigilant and keep your eyes open.

Can dogs choke on wire hooks?

Hooks: Wire hooks pose a choking hazard. Due to being sharp, they cause great complications if consumed by a dog. To avoid such festive problems, replace hooks on your tree with ribbons, yarn or even twine.

How to alert a dog to a tree?

You can also create an “alarm” to alert you if the tree is in danger: simply place aluminum foil or a can filled with beans on the tree’s bottom limbs. If your dog starts nosing around the tree, you’ll hear it in time to intervene.

How to get a Christmas tree to glow?

To get that flickering glow effect on the Christmas tree, try clip-on LED candles.

How to keep dog from breaking glass?

To keep your family heirlooms safe, and protect your dog from broken glass, put fragile ornaments towards the top of the tree, or switch to plastic altogether. Depending on how rambunctious and curious your dog is, you may want to leave the bottom third of the tree bare.

How to keep cords from falling off a tree?

You should also secure cords leading to and from the tree. Hide cords with the tree skirt or decorative package, or use adhesive-backed cord clips to keep them off the floor and out of reach.

Can dogs be in front of Christmas trees?

Nothing makes a cuter holiday picture than your dog posed in front of the Christmas tree. But dogs and Christmas trees aren’t always the perfect mix. Decorated trees pose hazards to dogs, like breakable ornaments and electric lights, and curious dogs can be hazardous to the tree.

Can dogs eat popcorn?

Popcorn garlands, cookie ornaments, and candy canes, oh my! Holiday treats make beautiful decorations, but they’re a no-no for dogs. Leave the popcorn for eating, and try a dog-friendly paper garland on the tree instead.

Can dogs go to Christmas?

Christmastime is extra-special with a dog. By following our tips for Christmas tree safety, you can make sure the holiday is happy and bright for you and your best friend!

Why do pets like Christmas trees?

For cats, a Christmas tree presents a new perch up high and a new place to hide, as well as offering up a ton of potential new toys whether it's baubles in the shape of balls, glittery tinsel, or dangling ribbon.

Are Christmas trees poisonous to dogs?

Natural Christmas trees, which are commonly just a type of fir or pine tree, are considered mildly toxic to dogs, according to pet care company Hartz in a Newsweek interview. The oils from the fir or pine trees and the tree needles themselves can upset a dog's stomach, with the oils causing excessive vomiting and drooling and the needles posing a potential risk to puncture the intestinal lining.

What are some good Christmas trees to give to dogs?

Live Trees: Fir, spruce, and pine trees make excellent Christmas trees, but their oils can irritate your pet’s mouth, leading to excessive drooling or vomiting.

What are the most toxic plants for dogs?

Besides the star attraction of the Christmas season, other holiday plants can take the stage with causing toxicity in your pet. Avoid these four most dangerous plants when decorating for the holidays: 1 Mistletoe: Just one sprig from a mistletoe plant can cause vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and a low heart rate in cats and dogs. 1  2 Holly: While the berries have a low toxicity rating, the holly plant can create mechanical injuries through its pointed leaves. Holly also contains soap-like compounds called saponins, which can cause severe stomach upset. The spiky leaves and saponins can lead to blood in your pet’s vomit or stool. 3 Lilies: Cats are highly sensitive to lilies. In fact, they’re so sensitive that grooming lily pollen off their fur can lead to kidney failure. Other signs of lily toxicity can include gastrointestinal upset, heart arrhythmias, and convulsions. 4 Amaryllis: The bulb of this beautiful bloom can cause salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, decreased appetite, lethargy, and tremors in cats and dogs. 1 

Why do you barricade a Christmas tree?

Barricade your Christmas tree behind baby gates or pens to keep your pet out.

What can make a dog sick from a tree stand?

These chemicals, mold, and bacteria can make your pet ill if she drinks from the tree stand. 2 . Ornaments: Your pet may think your glass baubles, clay keepsakes, and ceramic ornaments are excellent toys for batting, but they can crash to the floor and shatter, cutting paws.

Do dogs like Christmas trees?

While pets can be attracted to delicious smells wafting from the kitchen, glittering decorations adorning the tabletops, or brightly colored greenery spread throughout your home, many cats and dogs are awed by the star of the show—the Christmas tree. Outfitted in sparkling lights, shiny baubles, and at the perfect height for climbing or chewing, many Christmas trees have met their fateful end at the paws of a pet.

Can fake trees cause gastrointestinal issues?

Artificial Trees: Although fake trees are oil- and sap-free, they can create gastrointestinal issues, depending on what material makes up the tree.

Is a Christmas tree dangerous for pets?

Even without food-based and shiny decorations, your Christmas tree can pose a threat to your furry friend. Before setting up your Christmas card photo of your pet bedecked in antlers or an elf hat in front of the tree, consider these potential hazards:

What is the best tree for a dog?

If you are looking for something basic for your Christmas Tree, Pine is the obvious choice. Don’t let the fact that this is an artificial tree fool you, it looks realistic and your dog will love it.

How many lights does a Christmas tree have?

It is a pre-lit Christmas tree. That means that it comes with a set of 450 Clear Lights.

What is a Goplus premium spruce tree?

The Goplus Premium Spruce also comes with more than 70 pine cones and 1000 branch tips, so it will certainly look like a real Christmas tree. The well-built iron stand will provide a lot of support to the tree and prevent the base from breaking and causing havoc.

How tall is a spruce tree?

This 7.5 feet high Spruce tree will make any room look like a piece of nature since it is incredibly realistic and eye-catching. It has a full-body shape with more than 1000 branch tips and plenty of room for ornaments of your choice.

How many lights does an artificial spruce tree have?

This artificial tree is another Spruce on our list, but it has some amazing features. For example, it comes pre-lit with 540 led lights that are easy to use and energy-saving, which makes them last longer than usual.

How many lights does the Snowy Everest Pine have?

The ABUSA Snowy Everest Pine is pre-lit with 750 LED clear tree lights and made from flame-proof materials. You won’t have to worry about any dog-related accidents leading to a Christmas tree on fire.

Is Douglas Fir tree safe for dogs?

Besides being completely safe for your dog since it is non-allergenic, the National Tree Douglas Fir Tree is also fire-resistant. You won’t have to worry about your pooch setting it on fire by accident, which is not an unusual thing to happen if you have a big dog who is also very curious and naughty.


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