Knowledge Builders

what color goes good with green carpet

by Zetta Pouros Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What color walls work best with green carpet: 7 perfect combinations

  • Fresh mint You are probably wondering how two shades of the same color would look together. ...
  • Vibrant coral This contrasting color will perfectly match a green carpet. ...
  • Light gray There is no doubt gray can seem cold and set a serious environment within a room. ...
  • Pale yellow A pale shade of yellow is everything a room with green carpet is missing. ...
  • Berry blue ...
  • Creamy beige ...

Full Answer

What color walls go with green carpet?

If you are using a green carpet that goes into a more cool tone such as emerald green or dark green, then we highly suggest you to choose a warmer color for the walls to create balanced spaces. Again, the easiest and risk-free choice is to go with any warm white paint such as ivory white or linen white.

What color should I paint my carpet to match my house?

Of course, if you are going to have a green carpet, you need to find a paint color that tends to work well with this. This is a great color, sure, but you need to make sure that you get the right paint color to complement it… Green works well with “warm” neutral colors like white, cream, and beige.

How to decorate a plain-colored carpet?

Not enough to be obnoxious or clash with your other furniture, but enough to lighten up the room and give it an interesting design. You can also think outside of color to make your plain-colored carpet interesting. You can get a gray carpet that has textured designs, which distracts from the color.

Which carpet material is best for color?

This limited color options, but today technology allows us to get more colors with almost any carpet material (sometimes carpet material can make a difference. polyesters tend to dye better, but this is changing. read more about the pros and cons of carpet fibers.)

What Are The Best Wall Paint Colors For A Green Carpet?

What colors go well with green?

What Wall Colors Should You Avoid With Green Carpeting?

What is the most popular carpet color?

How to make sure your carpet and paint match?

What color is green?

What color accents beige?

See 2 more


What goes with green carpets?

10 Best Wall Color for Green CarpetWarm White. Warm white wall with green carpet. ... Light Mint. Light mint walls with green carpet floors. ... Dusty Coral. Dusty coral wall with green carpets. ... Gray. Gray wall with green carpet flooring. ... Grayish Blue. Grayish blue wall with green carpet. ... Icy Blue. ... Light Yellow. ... Tan.More items...

How can I make my green carpet look good?

Color blocks of a dark blue area rug and medium-to-pale blue couch reduce the visible amount of emerald. Pale blue or pale green walls are a good choice. Look for blue-white-green prints or even a print with tiny red, red-brown or orange accents to soften the strength of the large color blocks.

What Colour rug goes with a green carpet?

Best colours to go with green carpets: Light corals and pinks. Tan. Light terracotta.

What Colour walls go with sage green carpet?

A serene room design features sage carpet accented by textiles and paint in several shades of yellow-green, silvery blue and gray. These colors are adjacent on the color wheel, working together to make a calm impression. Pale lavender walls add a feminine, fairylike quality; light green-gray walls are more restrained.

What goes with green?

Colors that Go with Green It pairs well with a wide variety of colors including neutrals like brown and gray, as well as vibrant shades of yellow, blue, pink, and more.

What color goes with mint green carpet?

The Colors to Pair With Mint: White, beige, violet, and royal blue. Black and white is the perfect monochrome pair for mint green, especially in a kitchen like this one designed by Arent & Pyke.

Should carpet be lighter or darker than walls?

Your wall color should be two tones lighter than your carpet. If you have dark walls, you can also go a few tones lighter with your carpet. Since it's much easier to change your wall color than your carpet, choose your carpet color first and then match your wall color.

What color goes with green floor?

Pure White. White pairs beautifully with any shade of green, but it goes especially well with the lighter hues. A green-white blend tends to provoke a sense of calmness, wholeness, and completion.

What is the best neutral color for carpet?

Neutral Colors Grays, beiges, browns, and even shades of blue can be considered neutral carpet colors, so if you're hoping to choose a carpet color that will adapt to nearly any trend or style, a neutral carpet color is a great choice.

What Colours compliment sage green?

One approach is to choose complementary colors, those that sit across the color wheel from each other. Red is complementary to green, so all the shades close to it (including pink, purple, and orange) will pop against sage. On the other hand, you could go tone-on-tone by pairing sage with close shades of green.

What is a good accent color for sage green?

Sage green looks gorgeous with other soothing tones, such as muted blues and earthy browns. But for a bolder look, try pairing sage with a brighter hue. Here, yellow and black barstools add a splash of color to an otherwise neutral kitchen.

Does grey and green go together?

Grey and green Especially a bold bottle green. Grey is the perfect neutral when combined with a splash of colour, it can really bring a room to life – especially a vibrant green. Associated with nature this revitalising shade can perk up all shades of grey, from soft almost lilac tones to more brooding charcoal tones.

What color goes with green floor?

Pure White. White pairs beautifully with any shade of green, but it goes especially well with the lighter hues. A green-white blend tends to provoke a sense of calmness, wholeness, and completion.

What Colour goes with green floor?

Colors used with green in this room: Grey, brown, black, red, blue, yellow and white.

What colors go good with forest green?

Colors That Go Great With Forest GreenBlack.Pink.Burgundy.Mustard Yellow.Brown.Charcoal Gray.Royal Blue.Magenta.More items...•

Should carpets be darker than walls?

Your wall color should be two tones lighter than your carpet. If you have dark walls, you can also go a few tones lighter with your carpet. Since it's much easier to change your wall color than your carpet, choose your carpet color first and then match your wall color.

6 Best Colors That Go Well With Green - Marketing Access Pass

Green is present just about everywhere we look. If you have set your eyes and heart on using this color scheme in your home, make sure to refer to this list to know what colors compliment and pair well with green.

What color wall goes with green carpet?

What Color Walls Go With Green Carpet? (10 Fresh Color Ideas) When it comes to flooring, neutrals are the most reasonable choice. However, there might be some cases when homeowners decide to use a more vibrant color for their flooring, and green is one of the most popular ones among any other colorful choices.

What color is next to green?

Yellow and green are next to each other in the color wheel, thus, combining them together in form of yellow wall and green carpet can create an analogous and harmonious look.

What color makes a room feel alive?

Those combinations can make any room feel alive in simple and elegant ways. Most shades of gray can work well, but we prefer to choose any lighter ones to keep the space feel bright.

Can you use green carpet on a white wall?

Using the green carpet to cover the entire floor spaces can bring a lot of risks, so the safest way to not adding more unnecessary risks is by using a plain white wall.

Does a blue wall match a green carpet?

The blue wall doesn’t really match with the green carpet, as those two vibrant colors will compete rather than complementing each other. But if you still want to bring the serenity of the blue, consider any neutral side of blue, such as this wonderful grayish-blue.

Is green a cool color?

Shop this Color. Green is a unique shade as it can be warm or cool, depending on the tones that you are choosing. If you are using a green carpet that goes into a more cool tone such as emerald green or dark green, then we highly suggest you to choose a warm er color for the walls to create balanced spaces.

What colors go well with green walls?

Since earth tones are the closest to nature, they go quite well with green walls. Naturally occurring yellows and reds are earth tones. Dark-colored earth tones will look great with darker walls, whereas lighter earth tones will look good with light green walls.

What are the colors that are right next to green?

Analogous colors: These are three to four colors that are right next to the green. These are yellow-green and blue-green, that help defines warm and cool greens respectively.

What is the color of red?

Red is among the warm colors on the color wheel. You can find red-violet, red-orange shades in the red family.

What is the best carpet to hide dirt?

Dark grey carpets are the best at hiding dirt, dust and stains. However, carpets of lighter grey shades can hide a bit of dust too. Regular cleaning is inevitable.

What color is cool green?

Cool greens have blue undertones, whereas warm greens have yellow undertones. If your walls feel vibrant upon looking, chances are they’re a warm green.

What is the most common thing on earth toned carpet?

Dust, dirt and stain can be very common on earth-toned carpets. They are very visible, so make sure to clean daily.

Can you find earth tone on the color wheel?

Earth tones cannot be found on the color wheel, since they are neutralized. For example, yellow ochre is a shade of yellow with a hint of brown in it. So generally, add brown, the color of earth, into any other color and you will get an earth tone!

Do blue and green go together?

Both colors are bold, although it should be noted that this particular shade of blue gives a colder vibe. This is the reason why they go well together, as the bold green fills the space left by the blue. Of course, this combination will not match any interior design, but if there is the case, and you would like to make a statement, the floor is yours.

Is green carpet a neutral color?

This particular shade is not far from yellow. Thus, there is no need to explain its perfect matching with green. Furthermore, it is a neutral color, and it will fit well a bold-colored carpet by setting stability to the interior decor and harmony to the atmosphere. It should be noted that the creamy feature of this color brings calmness into a room filled with vibrance, which, of course, is the effect of the green carpet.

How to make a green carpet dark green?

Try to tie the green carpeting with a pale mint-green on your walls, white or cream coating to break the transition from pale green to dark green. You can find that the mint green walls somehow tone down the deep green tapestry.

What color goes well with dark wood floors?

These lighter shades complement the dark floor’s color and allow the option of additional accent colors in stronger media tones like teal blue, red cranberry, or burnt orange. A medium-toned neutral color such as the khaki tan works well in a classic combination with hunter green, especially significant when accentuated on white woodwork.

What colors do green hunter taps work with?

Blue and yellow, green happily applies to green-blue, green-yellow, blue-green, and yellow-green, along with each other’s colors and shades. By creating tints when adding white and adding black, analog colors, several attractive colors are possible in a room with a green hunter tap.

What color is the hunter green?

A vibrant, analogic hunter green palette blends clothing colors like peacock blue, chartreuse, and white with pale gray-green walls.

What color is best for inner space?

Green has an immediate appeal as a familiar and beloved color in nature in inner space. Dark green tapestry evokes a relaxed and soothing feel of grass and shade. A palette that blends dark green and pale natural neutrals provides wall colors such as the calcareous, silver moon, wobble, or creamy white.

What color wall is best for accenting white walls?

A contrastingly colored accent wall brings life and interest to a room. For instance, with the hunter green tapestry, the red-green complementary to the color wheel – forms a great wall of accent with three white walls.

What is accent wall color?

A deep or pale shade of a neutral color on the wall forms a subtle low contrast wall. Accent wall colors are most effective if the color in fabrics and accessories is replicated in the room.


Green is an earthy color which in some instances, can appear to be almost neutral because it is so in tune with nature and the natural world. Shades of green that encourage a more earthy vibe are olive green, crocodile green, and sage green.


Brown carpets work well with green walls for the same reason that beige carpets do. Brown is a warm neutral shade that is heavily linked with nature and the outdoor environment. Brown and green are frequently seen together in nature, which tells us that these are two colors that work together well. Examples of this include trees and plants.

White or Off-White

Green can be a refreshing color, and this is maximized when it is paired with white which allows its vibrancy to shine. As a pure neutral, white carpets will go with any shade of green wall paint. To create a bright, airy, and contemporary decor, use white carpets with very pale shades of green.


Gray carpets are a popular choice in modern home decor, and they work really well with green walls. Any shade of green can be paired with gray because gray is a neutral, but shades that look particularly good with gray are sage green, mint green, and blue-green teal shades.


Blue carpets can look great with green walls as long as you choose your shades and tones carefully. You don’t want to overwhelm a space with intense color and cause it to feel overstimulating, so choose either your wall color or carpet color to be a bolder or brighter shade, leaving the other surface to have a more neutral effect.


A room can look really sophisticated and well-styled if you decorate various surfaces using different shades of the same color. If you have dark olive green walls, then consider a carpet in a very pale shade of olive green.


Black carpets work really well in rooms that you want to define as moody, dramatic, or intimate. This would typically be in a snug, a bedroom, a formal dining room, a home bar, or a theatre room.

What carpet colors and color patterns are options?

The short answer is any color you can imagine. It used to be difficult to dye carpets. This limited color options, but today technology allows us to get more colors with almost any carpet material (sometimes carpet material can make a difference. polyesters tend to dye better, but this is changing. read more about the pros and cons of carpet fibers.)

What is a good example of a carpet?

Berber carpet is a good example. It can be any color, but this is a classic flecked Berber carpet color:

How long should carpet be in your home?

You want to know what colors are trendy, but you don’t want too cutting-edge. After all, you expect the carpet to be in your home for at least 10 years.

What does green symbolize?

Green is life’s color or the color associated with money. True greens and lighter green symbolize nature, renewal, and health. Darker greens symbolize money and possibly greed, and yellow-greens tend to have negative associations of sickness and jealousy.

What is the most cheerful color?

Gold/Yellow is the most cheerful energetic color. It can symbolize extravagance due to its association with money. This could be used in to promote energy and motivation in an office room or to be fun and welcoming in an entertainment room. Green is life’s color or the color associated with money.

Do you know the color of carpet?

You don’t know the true color of the carpet until you’ve seen it in your home. Captain’s mystery! A general rule of thumb in the carpet industry is carpet will look lighter in your home than in the store. This effect definitely catches people by surprise.

Is dirt the same as stains?

In some ways, they are the same. But there is a key difference. Stains are spots on the carpet from spills. Dirt is a brownish dirty appearing carpet from oil buildup. A carpet that is good at repelling stains, isn’t necessarily good at also good at being dirt resistant.

What is a Berber carpet made of?

When it comes to beauty and durability, you can’t beat a classic Berber carpet, which features fiber loops rather than cut pile. Made of 100 percent sheep’s wool, this eco-friendly Berber comes in a range of neutrals including Vanilla Bean, a warm ivory that won’t look bleached out in light-filled rooms.

What is taupe antelope carpet made of?

Plus, the carpet is woven with proprietary Kashmere nylon threads for a super-soft finish as durable as the design.

What is the shade of beige with lilac?

Nouveau nuances basic beige with a slight blush of lilac for a sure-to-please shade that adds a soothing vibe to any room. Paired with Mohawks’ SmartCushion pads to improve insulation and durability, it’s as wonderful to walk on as it is to admire. Another plus: It’s part of Mohawk’s Air.O line, which has the distinction of being the industry’s first 100 percent recycled carpeting.

What color is sway?

A mix of beige, brown, and gray fibers, Sway ’s blend of warm and cooler neutrals will coordinate beautifully with almost any wall, trim, or furniture color, says Katy Chmela, trend analyst for Empire Today. As part of Shaw’s In the Know Collection, Sway benefits from the R2X® Stain and Soil Resistance System, which prevents discoloration and repels accidents.

Is Sonora a hypoallergenic carpet?

Want to carpet your home stylishly and boost your eco-cred in the process? Choose the classic chic of Sonora, a heather gray that’s part of Empire Today’s Incomparable HOME Fresh™ collection, the world’s first and only 100 percent hypoallergenic carpet. Not only is this easy-to-clean carpet ideal for allergy or asthma sufferers, but it’s also made of 90 percent recycled materials—and is 100 percent recyclable should you ever tire of the timeless hue.

What Are The Best Wall Paint Colors For A Green Carpet?

Green is one of those colors that looks beautiful, but can be a pain to match. Thankfully, you have a few options that won’t fail you. Let’s take a look at some of the more popular options out there…

What colors go well with green?

Green works well with “warm” neutral colors like white, cream, and beige. If you want to add a larger contrast, it’s best to opt for pinks and corals. People who want a tropical option can choose yellows or deeper tans. Another option would be to add a different shade of green to the mix.

What Wall Colors Should You Avoid With Green Carpeting?

While green can be versatile, it’s still not a neutral color. It is still a color that tends to err on the cool side of things. There is a possibility of having pairings that just don’t look good with green. The worst choices include:

What is the most popular carpet color?

Neutral colors are the most popular carpet colors to this day. The most popular color of all is grey, since it is both modern and capable of working with almost every color on the market. A close second is beige, followed up by blue.

How to make sure your carpet and paint match?

Green. One of the easiest ways to make sure your carpet and paint match is to go for a green-on-green aesthetic. Green naturally has the same undertones as other shades of green. This look amps up the lushness of a solid green carpet and can contribute to a monochromatic look.

What color is green?

Green is the color of grass, nature, and freshness. It’s not surprising that people are increasingly drawn to this color for carpeting and rugs of all types. Of course, if you are going to have a green carpet, you need to find a paint color that tends to work well with this. This is a great color, sure, but you need to make sure ...

What color accents beige?

You really can’t go wrong with any accent colors with beige, but terra cotta seems to be a new fave.




  • grey is the color that you need when you want to turn down the atmosphere of your room. Picking a grey carpet for your green walls will give a sense of weakness and modernity and also create elegance. On the Color Wheel You will not find grey on the color wheel as it is a neutral color. Varying shades of grey are used to create tints of colors that...
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Great Combination of Green Walls with Earth-Tones Carpet

  • Imagine combining earth tones with your green walls. It is like bringing a forest right into your home. Stones usually consist of warm or cool shades of brown. Since earth tones are the closest to nature, they go quite well with green walls. Naturally occurring yellows and reds are earth tones. Dark-colored earth tones will look great with darker walls, whereas lighter earth tones will …
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  • What comes to your mind when you think of green? The grass, the leaves of plants and trees, or something else? Maybe you’re thinking of a green carpet? A green carpet makes an excellent choice to make the room look more alive and fresh. It also feels more welcoming as it mimics the irreplaceable beauty of nature. If you’re deciding on a green carpet, you wouldn’t want to miss th…
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  • White reflects purity and simplicity. Green, no matter which shade, can overwhelm your room. By picking a white carpet, you will add a sense of modernity to your room and make it look more spacious. On the Color Wheel White is used to create tones of other colors. It does not appear on the color wheel, although you can create pastel shades of other colors by mixing white with the…
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  • Patterns have always been the number one choice. The best part about patterns is that there are just so many choices! You can go back in time and pick something cultural or you can go for a modern design like polka dots or stripes. The list is never-ending, truly. On the Color Wheel Using the color wheel, you can select a base color for your particular patterned carpet. Style Guide
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Black and White

  • Black and white, two opposite colors. One light and one dark, bring them together and they’ll rule the world. Combining light and dark means creating a well-contrasted, well-balanced carpeted floor that your green walls will adore. A black and white patterned carpet will also help you neutralize the overall grandeur of the green walls. Think of carpeting like zebra stripes, or zig-za…
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