Knowledge Builders

what colour is oak wood

by Gerry Barton Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Oak Wood

Color White oak tends to be a light beige thro ...
Source Oak Tree ( Quercus L.)
Hardness White Oak 1360 on Janka scale; Red Oak 1 ...
Cost $4.10 to $9.25 per board foot
Common Uses Furniture, cabinets, flooring, wine cask ...
Jun 19 2022

What Color is Oak Wood? A piece of natural oak wood can take on virtually any hue; from light beige through brown and red. While white oak tends to look more beige-to-brown and red oak looks rosier, it's not always easy to tell the difference between the various types of oak based on color alone.

Full Answer

What paint color matches golden oak wood?

Paint Color Ideas to Go With Oak Wood

  • Harmonize With Earthy Colors. Paint brush on a brown can of paint. Earth-tone colors pair beautifully with the natural grains in oak furnishings, flooring or cabinetry.
  • Light and Subtle. Wall painted gray with a window showing blue sky. ...
  • Rich, Deep Colors. Close-up of eggplants. ...
  • Tried and True Tones. Paint brush with paint swatches. ...

What is the best color stain for oak?

Stain for Oak Cabinets: Factors to Consider

  • Stain color. There are different shades of cabinet stains, which allow you to choose the best one that matches your furniture.
  • Appearance. You should consider the appearance of your cabinets. ...
  • Type of Stain. Another factor you must consider is the type of stain you want to use. ...
  • Maintenance. ...
  • Drying Time. ...
  • Applications. ...
  • Wood Grain. ...

What is the natural color of oak?

White oak tends to be a light beige through brown, while red oak has pinkish and reddish hues instead. One of the reasons why oak can take on so many different looks is that there isn’t a single type of oak tree. There are actually more than 60 varieties growing across the United States alone.

What are the characteristics of oak wood?

  • Oak - The staple of the woodworking industry. ...
  • Maple - High-quality hardwood that can elevate the visual impact of any room. ...
  • Basswood - Hardwood of great acoustic quality, most commonly found in musical instruments, carvings and lumber products.

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What color is oak wood?

Where does oak wood come from?

What is the difference between heartwood and sapwood?

What is the most popular wood used in furniture?

How to measure wood hardness?

Why does oak wood turn dark?

How to quarter a tree?

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Is oak a light or dark wood?

The most popular and common light hardwood floor is oak, usually red or white oak. Other common light-colored hardwoods are maple, ash, and pine.

Is oak a brown color?

Brown Oak is technically not a distinct species of oak, but rather refers to oak (almost always English Oak or another European species) that has been infected with a fungus. This fungus (Fistulina hepatica) has the effect of turning the wood a deep brown color.

Is oak A white wood?

While there is one specific wood species (Quercus alba) that's commonly considered the “white oak,” and there is one specific species (Quercus rubra) that's considered the “red oak,” when you buy oak lumber within North America, oftentimes you will not actually be buying these two exact species, but instead you may be ...

Is natural oak red or white?

Red Oak color is lighter than White Oak The most significant difference between Red Oak and White Oak flooring is in their color. Surprisingly, White Oak tends to be a bit darker and has more beige and brownish hues, while Red Oak color has more salmon and pink undertones.

What wood looks like oak?

Ash lumber has a light color that varies between white and gold, with some gray streaks being common. The shades are similar to maple, but the texture is more oak-like, with a rougher surface. It's very hard but lightweight compared to its strength and stiffness.

What are the different colors of oak?

What Color is Oak Wood? A piece of natural oak wood can take on virtually any hue; from light beige through brown and red. While white oak tends to look more beige-to-brown and red oak looks rosier, it's not always easy to tell the difference between the various types of oak based on color alone.

What colour is oak furniture?

Oak usually comes in a light, yellowy-gold colour, so dark oak furniture can call for a slightly different approach. Because of the rich colour of dark oak, it can look good to offset it with either airy or bold blues and greens.

How can I tell if wood is oak?

How to identify oak treesShape and Profile. Used in many company logos, oak trees have a distinctive silhouette that is easily recognised. ... Bark. In young trees the oak bark pattern has irregular shallow fissures, as if the surface layer has split then healed, with a silvery grey brown colour. ... Leaves. ... Acorns and Flowers.

What is the difference between white oak and oak?

Red oak varieties usually have pointed tips on their jagged leaves, as well as a smoother appearance to their bark. In contrast, a white oak's more bulbous leaf will be rounded at the tips, and the bark will have deep grooves, giving it a much more textured appearance. There are advantages to building with each.

What color is red oak wood?

reddish brownIn general the sapwood of red oaks is light brown and the heartwood is often, but not always, pinkish to reddish brown. The colour difference between the sapwood and heart wood is quite distinct. The wood of red oaks is generally straight-grained and coarse textured.

What color is natural red oak?

Red Oak. The sapwood is white to light brown, and the heartwood is pink to reddish brown. The wood usually has straight grain. It is hard and durable, and it takes a wide range of colored stains quite easily.

What color is dark oak?

brownDark Oak is the darkest shade of brown in the Restol™ Wood Oil colour range. This colour is ideal for accentuating the grain and giving your wood a warm look. Pale types of wood, such as Norway Spruce and Pine, can also be treated perfectly well with Dark Oak, giving them the appearance of darker types of wood.

What is the difference between red oak and white oak?

Since it has many varieties, the colors may also vary significantly. While white oak has a beige-brownish hue, red oak has a darker, rosy color. Sometimes, two pieces from the same tree can have different colors based on where it has been extracted from. The sapwood is usually lighter than the heartwood, but not always.

What is oak used for?

Oak is a very popular hardwood used in a variety of projects, ranging from flooring to furniture, cabinetry, crafting, joinery, paneling, and decking. Though the use of oak timber is common since pre-colonial times, the wood is equally great for building modern pieces of stylish furniture. Because of its high durability, hardness and great looks, it is a first choice timber for woodworkers around the world. In this article, you can find in detail about the basic oak wood properties, characteristics and uses.

Why is oak so heavy?

However, oak is rather heavy because of its high density.

Is oak the strongest wood?

Based on hardness, it is considered one of the strongest woods. White oak has a Janka rating of 1,360 while red oak has 1,290 Janka hardness. The higher the Janka rating, the harder the wood is. In terms of hardness, oak is superior to even walnut and cherry. More hardness means the furniture and items last longer and are sturdier.

Is oak a hardwood?

There are over 60 varieties of Oak, each with its own distinct color and hue. Of all types of oak, red and white are the most popular. It is a hardwood since it comes from a dicot or leafy tree. Hardwoods are generally stronger/harder than softwoods, but that may not always be the case.

Is oak wood good for outdoor use?

Water resistance is another one of the major properties of oak wood, especially white oak which has decent resistance to water and damage because of its closed pores and higher Janka rating. The wood is quite durable and highly resistant to wear and tear insects, and fungal infestations. Oak wood furniture and construction have a fairly long life and will not go to landfill anytime soon, which also makes it eco-friendly. It can also be used as outdoor furniture because of its decent resistance to water and sunlight.

What is the color of oak?

The tetradic palette of Oak has four colors - #89D8B5 (Pearl Aqua), #89ACD8 (Light Cobalt Blue) and #D889AC (Middle Purple) in addition to the base color (#D8B589). A tetradic color palette is complex and, in most cases, should not be used off-the-shelf. We suggest tweaking the colors slightly to achieve desired results.

What are the analogous colors of oak?

The analogous colors of Oak (#D8B589) are Medium Spring Bud (#D4D889) and Shimmering Blush (#D88E89). In the RGB color wheel, these two analogous colors occur to the right and left of Oak with a 30° separation on either side. An analogous color palette is extremely soothing to the eyes and works wonders if your main color is soft or pastel.

What is the complement color of oak?

The complement of Oak is Light Cobalt Blue with the hex code #89ACD8. Complementary colors are those found at the opposite ends of the color wheel. Thus, as per the RGB system, the best contrast to #D8B589 color is offered by #89ACD8. The complementary color palette is easiest to use and work with. Studies have shown that contrasting color palette is the best way to grab a viewer's attention.

How many colors are in the Oak rainbow?

Our Oak rainbow color palette is based on the RGB model and consists of 7 colors, just like the traditional rainbow. You might not see a lot of variation in color, especially if the chosen color is dark or extremely light. However, this can lead interesting rainbow palettes that are faded, soft, pastel or dull.

Can you use oak in HTML?

Oak is not part of the web colors list and , therefore, cannot be used by name in HTML and CSS code. The best way to apply the color to a web page is to put in the hex, RGB and/or HSL values. Please also note that the CMYK numbers mentioned on this page have been calculated from the hex code using well-known formulae and are only approximations.

What is the color of wood?

Common woods are medium density (hardwoods or softwoods) that features a color range of light brown to reddish or peach hues. Some woods also have different colored grains. But it’s interesting to know that some woods have exotic colors. Have you ever seen purple-colored wood? Here are examples of colored wood.

What wood is orange?

But the most famous orange-colored wood is osage orange wood. The heartwood of osage orange is golden to bright yellow, which inevitably ages to a darker color with time. Some woods like yellow poplar heartwood tends to be green when fresh-cut but turns to a nice brown/orange when exposed to UV and normal oxidation.

What is the most famous red wood?

Bloodwood is the most famous red-colored wood. The woods of the red color spectrum are:

What woods are green?

Greenheart wood and lignum vitae wood are the most popular green colored wood. In fact, these woods have olive green grain. Most green woods turn brown after a time. Poplar wood can get very green and holds the color.

What woods have reddish brown?

Bubinga Wood: It ranges from a pinkish red to a darker reddish-brown with darker purple or black streaks. African Padauk: The color of this wood can be variable, ranging from a pale pinkish-orange to a deep brownish-red. Redwood: Its color can range from a light pinkish brown to a deep reddish-brown.

What color is purple heartwood?

When freshly cut, the heartwood of Purpleheart is a dull grayish/purplish brown. Upon exposure, the wood in the sunlight becomes a deeper eggplant purple.

Why is wood brown?

See what is wood made of. Most woods are brown because they do not absorb photons that appear brown. In general, hardwoods such as maple wood, walnut wood, and oakwood all have dark brown color and softwoods have lighter colors. Natural wood colors can also be based on the degree of saturation ...

What is the color of heartwood?

Color/Appearance: Heartwood is a light to medium brown, commonly with an olive cast. Nearly white to light brown sapwood is not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Quartersawn sections display prominent ray fleck patterns.

What is grain texture?

Grain/Texture: Grain is straight, with a coarse, uneven texture.

How many different hardwoods are there in the US?

Machinability of Domestic Hardwoods A total of 27 different US hardwoods, ranked by their ease of working with machine tools.

Is red oak more expensive than quartersawn?

Pricing/Availability: Abundant availability in a good range of widths and thicknesses, both as flatsawn and quartersawn lumber. Usually slightly more expensive than red oak, prices are moderate for a domestic hardwood, though thicker planks or quartersawn boards are more expensive.

Does oak have a smell?

Odor: Has a tell-tale smell that is common to most oaks. Most find it appealing. Allergies/Toxicity: Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, oak has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions simply include eye and skin irritation, as well as asthma-like symptoms.

Does white oak have tyloses?

Notes: White oak heartwood tends to have tyloses (small, bubble-like structures) that can be seen in the large earlywood pores, while species of red oak lack tyloses. Additionally, ray height, when viewed on the face grain, tends to be taller/longer on white oak (sometimes exceeding one inch in length). See the article on distinguishing red and white oak for more details.

What is the color of white oak?

Conversely, White Oak tends to be slightly more olive-colored, but is by no means a reliable method of determining the type of oak.

What is black oak used for?

Common Uses: Cabinetry, furniture, interior trim, flooring, and veneer. Comments: Not to be confused with Bog Oak (which is actually black in color), Black Oak falls into the red oak group, and shares many of the same traits as Red Oak (Quercus rubra). Red Oak, along with its brother White Oak, are commonly used domestic lumber species.

What is a grain texture?

Grain/Texture: Has medium-to-large pores and a fairly coarse grain.

Does oak have a smell?

Odor: Has a tell-tale smell that is common to most oaks. Most find it appealing. Allergies/Toxicity: Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, oak has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions simply include eye and skin irritation, as well as asthma-like symptoms.

Is black oak rot resistant?

Rot Resistance: Falls somewhere between slightly durable to non-durable. Red oaks such as Black Oak do not have the level of decay and rot resistance that White Oaks possess.

What color is light oak?

Light oak woodwork adds warmth to your space because it has undertones of yellow and orange, but choosing a color palette that complements the wood can be a challenge. Shades of pink or beige will appear dirty or dull next to light oak’s yellow and orange undertones, but shades of deep blue or purple may create too much contrast, ...

What color to use for oak trim?

Not all earth tones are subdued. Deborah Baldwin, writing for This Old House, suggests terra-cotta, golden yellows and even red for historical houses with oak trim.

What color woods fade?

Fade With Neutral. Neutral colors include black, browns and grays and work with almost any type of wood because neutral colors tend fade into the background, which leaves your light oak woodwork to take center stage. But neutrals that contain undertones of yellow and orange, such as beige or light brown, may cause the light oak to fade as well.

What color wood is best for undertones?

Light oak colored wood has yellow and orange undertones, so colors with undertones of purple or blue will create a dramatic contrast that makes the wood’s undertones pop. If you want the wood to blend into the background, tone it down by choosing a color that is closer to yellow and orange on the color wheel, such as shades with red ...

How to tell if a color has yellow undertones?

If you can’t tell whether a color has yellow undertones, hold a sheet of white printer paper next to the paint chip. Undertones are distinct when compared to the pure white of the paper. Experts at Southern Living recommend you take note of the amount of sunlight in a room and. Whites look brighter in sunny rooms.

What color goes well with oak?

Gentle Cream is an awesome way to create a warm and inviting room, without going overly golden. With its almost ‘butterscotch’ undertones, this colour will sit pretty neutral with oak and won’t entirely camouflage nor accent it. Read more: Paint Colours Review of Benjamin Moore Gentle Cream.

What paint color will accent wood?

Warm or cool paint colours that are a few tones lighter or darker than the wood tone will accent it more than colours that are the same depth. However, cool colours will do a BETTER job than warm colours when it comes to ACCENTING wood tones.

What color is sea salt?

Sea Salt is a lovely complement to most woods if you’re wanting a fun, fresh look. Sea Salt is a light-toned green blend with a gray-blue undertone to calm it down. Yes, it will slightly accent your wood stain, but it will look BEAUTIFUL! Read ALL about Sea Salt in its colour review.

What is the color of collingwood?

Collingwood is a beautiful warm gray-greige with a subtle purple undertone. The undertone is quite passive and this colour still leans heavily into gray, only nodding politely towards greige/purple. It can look QUITE lovely with wood finishes that have red or purple undertones.

What color is mindful gray?

Mindful Gray is a warm, light-medium gray with a soft purple undertone (and a wink of green). While I might not partner it with OVERLY yellow cabinets, it can handle a little warmth.

What color is mountain air?

Mountain Air is a beautiful way to accent the warm tones of your orange-toned cabinets or flooring. It’s a slightly fresher choice with its subtle, earthy, gray-green blend, as shown in my client’s bedroom below…

What color is Benjamin Moore's abalone?

Benjamin Moore Abalone 2108-60. Abalone is a mix between gray, brown and purple. The purple is subtle but adds a decent dose of colour to get things out of the gray range. It’s also light enough that it can help offset a bit of the visual weight of darker cherry cabinets while still contrasting with white trim.

What color is oak trim?

Most types of oak trim will have yellow, orange, red, or brown tones, making oak trim an undoubtedly warm color. However, the level of saturation can vary between different types of oak trim, and they can also be stained to take on the look of different types of oak.

What is the color of red oak?

White and red oak trees are predominantly used to produce furniture and construction materials for homes, with white oak having a golden hue and red oak being slightly pinker colored.

What is the best flooring for a kitchen?

Tile floors look sleek next to oak trim, and the color choices are vast. Tile floors are a popular choice in kitchens and bathrooms because they are easy to keep clean, and they don’t suffer any damage from moisture.

What color contrasts oak trim?

These colors contrast oak trim because oak will typically have orange, yellow, red, or brown tones. For the strongest contrast, identify the main color in your oak trim and choose the opposite color on the color wheel for your flooring. For example, if your oak trim is predominantly yellow, then the opposite color would be purple, meaning a purple tile floor will create the most complementary contrast.

Can you have oak flooring and trim installed at the same time?

If you are having your flooring and trim installed at the same time, then you should find it no problem to choose the same type of oak to ensure a perfect match between the two. If you already have oak flooring and need to find a floor that matches, this may prove slightly more tricky.

Can you paint oak trim?

If your home has oak trim that you want to keep, when you update your flooring, you’ll need to find a color that goes with it . While many people may choose to paint or stain their oak trim so that they aren’t held back by it when choosing new flooring, there are actually a vast number of flooring options that work really well with oak trim.

Can you stain wood floors to match trim?

Alternatively, you could buy an oak stain and stain your wooden floor so that it looks like real oak to match the trim.

What color is oak wood?

A piece of natural oak wood can take on virtually any hue; from light beige through brown and red. While white oak tends to look more beige-to-brown and red oak looks rosier, it’s not always easy to tell the difference between the various types of oak based on color alone.

Where does oak wood come from?

Oak wood comes from a plethora of oak trees. Even when we say “red oak” or “white oak,” it could still be referencing any number of trees within the category. For example, “red oak” could come from a northern red oak tree, a southern red oak tree, or another variety.

What is the difference between heartwood and sapwood?

Most trees show a significant color shift between the heartwood (innermost portion of the tree) and the sapwood (layer closest to the bark which transports the tree’s nutrients). You’ll see this in oak too, as the sapwood is usually a bit lighter, though this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, the heartwood and sapwood blend seamlessly in an oak tree.

What is the most popular wood used in furniture?

Oak is one of the most popular woods used in furniture and flooring in the US. It’s often found in traditional, craftsman, and mission style furniture and is the wood of choice for the Amish, as well as famed furniture designers Gustav Stickley and Frank Lloyd Wright. Oak is highly durable, easy to work with, and looks great stained ...

How to measure wood hardness?

In the United States, we use the Janka Scale to demonstrate damage resistance. Wood is put under a basic compression test. A steel ball is pressed on the board until it embeds half way and the amount of force needed to do it is measured. With white oak, it takes 1,360 lbf or 1,360 pounds-force to embed the ball half way. Ergo, white oak is represented as being 1,360 Janka, while red oak comes out at 1,290 Janka.

Why does oak wood turn dark?

Oak wood may darken slightly over time, taking on more amber tones. This happens due to exposure to oxygen and UV light, making it a largely unavoidable process. When it comes to oak furniture, most people won’t even realize the change is happening, as the color change is fairly subt.

How to quarter a tree?

From there, each quarter is then cut into smaller boards running from the widest portion down the direction of the point. This makes the grain of the wood look different because the rings reach the face of the board at a 60-90-degree angle instead. Whereas a piece of flat sawn wood will have clear thick rings on it, which can sometimes even look like they were drawn with ink that bled, a quarter sawn piece will have finer lines which tend to run straighter. The grain pattern makes the wood easier to work with and can be used to craft more structurally-stable furniture. Plus, it’s gorgeous to look at, so it’s often used in premium pieces even though it’s a little costlier to manufacture.


1.Oak Wood: Color, Grain, & Characteristics - Vermont …


35 hours ago 9 rows · Oak has the hex code #D8B589. The equivalent RGB values are (216, 181, 137), which means it is ...

2.Oak color hex code is #D8B589 -


5 hours ago Red oak (Quercus rubra) tends to have a slightly redder cast (as opposed to olive), but color alone isn’t always a reliable method of determining the type of oak. Grain/Texture: Grain is straight, with a coarse, uneven texture. Rot Resistance: Rated as very durable; frequently used in boatbuilding and tight cooperage applications.

3.Natural Wood Colors Chart - Wood Dad


32 hours ago  · Oak is a perfect source of warmth and comfort, which sometimes requires a strong companion to balance the environment. This is when the cold shades enter the game. One should note that by cold we mean dark shades with noticeable cold undertones. Among the best colors to refer to are dark gray, blue, and even black. Are you intrigued?

4.White Oak | The Wood Database - Lumber Identification …


26 hours ago  · Light oak colored wood has yellow and orange undertones, so colors with undertones of purple or blue will create a dramatic contrast …

5.Black Oak | The Wood Database - Lumber Identification …


21 hours ago  · These colors contrast oak trim because oak will typically have orange, yellow, red, or brown tones. For the strongest contrast, identify the main color in your oak trim and choose the opposite color on the color wheel for your flooring.

6.Good Colors with Light Oak Woodwork | Home Guides


6 hours ago

7.The 16 Best Paint Colours To Go With Oak (or Wood): …


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8.What Color Flooring Goes with Oak Trim? - Homenish


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