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what do you understand by a mixed constitution

by Celine Hand Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

(redirected from Mixed constitution) MIXED GOVERNMENT. A government composed of some of the powers of a monarchical, aristocratical, and democratical government.

Mixed government (or a mixed constitution) is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impossible their respective degenerations which are conceived as anarchy, oligarchy and tyranny.

Full Answer

What is a mixed government?

Mixed government (or a mixed constitution) is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impossible their respective degenerations which are conceived as anarchy, oligarchy and tyranny.

What is a mixed constitution?

As expounded by him, it is a mixed or blended constitution. Although this was a rarity in actual fact, both then and later, the notion of the mixed constitution was to play an important part in political theory both in the ancient world and more recently, from about AD 1500 to the time of the American Revolution.

What did Polybius mean by mixed government?

Polybius argued that most states have a government system that is composed of "more than one" of these basic principles, which then was called a mixed government system. The ideal of a mixed government was popularized by Polybius, who saw the Roman Republic as a manifestation of Aristotle's theory (Millar, 2002).


What is the purpose of a mixed government?

A mixed economic system is a system that combines aspects of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for governments to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve social aims.

In which book Plato had given the concept of mixed constitution?

Plato's Cretan City: A Historical Interpretation of the Laws.

Who first mentioned the idea of mixed government?

historian Polybius1. The concept of mixed government originated in the second century BC with the Greek historian Polybius' attempt to account for the outstanding stability of the Roman Republic.

What is an advantage of a mixed constitution?

1. The advantages of having a mixed constitution is that we, the people have a say in matters in which concern us. 2. The disadvantages of having a mixed constitution is that having too many allowances to choose, people can take advantage of that opportunity and ruin the government.

What is mixed constitution Aristotle?

Mixed government (or a mixed constitution) is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impossible their respective degenerations which are conceived as anarchy, oligarchy and tyranny.

What is the best constitution according to Aristotle?

Aristotle classified aristocracy as one of his "right" constitutions. Aristocracies are societies governed by a small group of men chosen because they are the "best." In Aristotle's view, aristocrats are men of wealth and leisure who have developed their minds so that they have superior intellects.

What are the three party system?

In the terminology of historians and political scientists, the Third Party System was a period in the history of political parties in the United States from the 1850s until the 1890s, which featured profound developments in issues of American nationalism, modernization, and race.

Which of the following best describes the idea of mixed or balanced government?

Which of the following best describes the idea of mixed or balanced government? Governing power will be shared by the one, the few, and the many. bad because it gives power to people who lack wisdom and self-restraint. You just studied 30 terms!

What are the 3 elements of the Roman constitution?

The Roman system is quite different. Most scholarly discussions divide it into three main elements: the senate, the magistrates, and the assemblies. The senate is politically important as the locus for political discussion but has mainly advisory powers in a formal sense.

What is the difference between limited and unlimited government?

Limited government provides a basis for protecting individual rights and promoting the common good in contrast to unlimited government which endangers these values. Limited government is constitutional government. Unlimited governments include authoritarian and totalitarian systems.

Which form of government did Aristotle prefer?

constitutional democracyAristocracy, in theory, is the next-best constitution after monarchy (because the ruling minority will be the best-qualified to rule), but in practice Aristotle preferred a kind of constitutional democracy, for what he called “polity” is a state in which rich and poor respect each other's rights and the best-qualified ...

What country is known as the cradle of democracy?

Athens is often regarded as the birthplace of democracy and remains an important reference point for democracy.

How does Polybius describe the structure of the government of the Roman Republic?

Polybius identifies and discusses three institutions of the Roman government: the Consuls, the Senate, and the Popular Assemblies. Each embodied one of the three orders of government. Monarchy was represented by the two Consuls.

What is the cycle of government?

He distinguishes five forms of government: aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny, and writes that governments devolve respectively in this order from aristocracy into tyranny. Plato's cycle of governments is linked with his anthropology of the rulers that come with each form of government.

What is a mixed government?

MIXED GOVERNMENT. A government composed of some of the powers of a monarchical, aristocratical, and democratical government. See Government.

What is Plato's ideal of an aristocracy?

There is the ideal of an aristocracy and the ideal of what he calls constitutional government, a mixed constitution. The principle of "tools to those who can use them" ought to lead him, as it does Plato, to an aristocracy.

What did Adams believe about Cicero's mixed constitution?

Adams denied that hereditary standing in the law was an essential condition for the existence of an aristocracy, (3) and so believed that the principles behind Cicero's mixed constitution are still applicable in what Madison called "unmixed and extended republics." (4)

What are the elements of the Discourse and the Histories?

Discourse and the Histories propose a mixed constitution, with power balanced among four and then three elements: the Medici, the aristocracy, the middle classes and the populace.

Who started Gerber's theory?

Gerber begins with Aristotle' s famous discussion of the theory of a mixed constitution, followed by Polybius, Marsilius of Padua, and Casparo Contarini.

What was the best form of government in the Renaissance?

In order to minimise the misuse of political power, John Calvin advocated a mixture of aristocracy and democracy as the best form of government. He praised the advantages of democracy: "It is an invaluable gift if God allows a people to elect its overlords and magistrates". To further safeguard the rights and liberties of ordinary men and women, Calvin also favored the distribution of power to several political institutions ( separation of powers ). Mixed government theories became extremely popular in the Enlightenment and were discussed in detail by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Giambattista Vico, Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Immanuel Kant. Apart from his contemporaries, only Montesquieu became widely acknowledged as the author of a concept of separation of powers (although he wrote rather on their "distribution").

What is mixed government?

Mixed government (or a mixed constitution) is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impossible their respective degenerations which are conceived as anarchy, oligarchy and tyranny.

What is the government system that is composed of more than one of these basic principles called?

Polybius argued that most states have a government system that is composed of "more than one" of these basic principles, which then was called a mixed government system.

What is the central characteristic of a republic?

One school of scholarship based mainly in the United States considers mixed government to be the central characteristic of a republic and holds that the United States has rule by the one (the President; monarchy), the few (the Senate; aristocracy) and the many (House of Representatives; democracy). Another school of thought in the United States says the Supreme Court has taken on the role of "The Best" in recent decades, ensuring a continuing separation of authority by offsetting the direct election of senators and preserving the mixing of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy.

What does the President represent in the European Union?

According to a view, in the European Union context the Commission President represents the rule by the one while the Commission represents the aristocratic dimension and the Parliament represents the democratic dimension.

What are the threats to political freedom?

It "described two sorts of threats to political freedom: a general decay of the people which would invite the intrusion of evil and despotic rulers, and the encroachment of executive authority upon the legislature, the attempt that power always made to subdue the liberty protected by mixed government.

What was the first political upheaval?

First, a series of political upheavals—the Civil War (Puritan Revolution), the exclusion crisis of 1679–1681 , and the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Second, an intense public debate about the best, most liberal and most stable form of government.

What did Aristotle agree with Plato?

In his Politics, Aristotle agrees with Plato that both the poor and the rich demand constitutions that favor their interests. Democracies, rule of the poor, and oligarchies, rule of the rich, thus arise. Both are partial, democracies favoring the poor and oppressing the rich and oligarchies favoring the rich and oppressing the poor. Both lead to bad extremes: oligarchy to a situation in which wealth is an end in itself, and democracy to anarchy and mob rule. Aristotle’s mix is thus one of oligarchy and democracy, which must be combined in a polity in accord with moderation and proportion for the sake of harmony and stability.

How is the mixed constitution threatened?

There are many other ways in which our mixed constitution model is threatened today, most notably by the atmosphere of censorship exemplified by, among other things, the government’s apparent acquiescence in High Tech’s suppression of the Hunter Biden story in the days leading up to the election. Rod Dreher focuses on that climate of fear in his recent book Live Not By Lies, in which, quoting the late Alexander Solzhenitsyn as well as Hannah Arendt, he warns of an impending “soft totalitarianism” threatening our society. [12] To see such a tyrannical future as imminent may be an exaggeration. Still, it is important to perceive the considerable threats to our mixed constitution tradition—not only in the concentration of power in the same political party in the legislature and the executive, but also in the proposals for radical judicial reform, the use of impeachment as a mere political weapon, and the use of censorship to advance one political agenda.

What does John Locke say about separation of powers?

In his Second Treatise on Government, John Locke says that “it is too great a temptation to human frailty, apt to grasp at power, for the same persons who have the power of making laws, to have also in their hands the power to execute them, whereby they may exempt themselves from obedience to the laws they make, and suit the law, both in its making and execution, to their own private advantage.” Locke thus goes on to call for a separation of powers between the legislative (law making) and the executive and federative (law executing). Such separation, Locke tells us, is necessary to avoid tyranny, which he defines, very much in the ancient tradition, as “the exercise of power beyond right,” or “making use of the power anyone has in his hands, not for the good of those under it, but for his own private separate advantage.” [10]

What was the purpose of the Court Packing?

Roosevelt, at the start of his second term in office, to enlarge the Supreme Court to protect his New Deal legislation, which was being struck down by the “nine old men” on the bench. Roosevelt’s idea was simple enough: When any Justice reached the age of 70, he was to be offered retirement at full pay. If he refused to retire, he would stay on, but a new Justice would be added to the Court by presidential appointment, up to a maximum of six additional Supreme Court Justices.

What is the greatest security against the gradual concentration of the powers in the same department?

But the great security against the gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others. The provision for defense must, in this, as in all other cases, be made commensurate to the danger of attack. Ambition must be made to counteract ambition…. It may be a reflection on human nature that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government, but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions. [11]

What is the best possible regime for Polybius?

For Polybius, then, a mix of kingship, aristocracy, and democracy is the best possible regime. It is not a permanent way out but a temporary expedient that delays the inevitable progress of the cycle.

What is the theory of mixed constitution?

In his book The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity, classical scholar Kurt von Fritz says that “no part of ancient political theory has had a greater influence on political theory and practice in modern times than the theory of the mixed Constitution.” [1] The theory proceeded from the assumption that there are two classes in every state—the rich and the poor—and that it is important that neither class dominates the law or the government. Both oligarchy, rule of the rich, and democracy, rule of the poor, were seen as defective because each permitted one of the two classes to dominate. The solution was to mix these types of government into a political structure in which moderation, proportion, and balance would prevail. [2]

What is the Constitution made of?

Much of the Constitution is made up of lists of powers granted by the people to persons and groups.

What is the first thing most people notice when they pick up the Constitution?

The first thing most people notice when they pick up the Constitution is its majestic preamble. It explains why “We the People” do “ordain and establish this Constitution.”. Preambles were common in 18 th century legal instruments. Preambles did not have the force of law.

What happens if the Constitution doesn't grant an enumerated power to an officer or agency?

But as stated earlier, they are also limited. If the Constitution doesn’t grant an enumerated power to an officer or agency, then the officer or agency doesn’t have it. I have found that many people find this difficult to grasp.

What are the restrictions on freedom of religion?

The Constitution bans restrictions on free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms. Some of these limits are designed to ensure good and responsive government. Others are included to further justice; still others to protect natural rights.

What are the rules of construction?

Rules of construction don’t change the document’s meaning. They are guides to understanding. For example, the Necessary and Proper Clause tells us to read Congress’s enumerated powers to include lesser authority of the kind lawyers call “incidental.” Other rules of construction include the Supremacy Clause and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.

What is the structure of the new federal government?

Hence, the Constitution outlines the structure of the new federal government: Congress, the President, and the courts.

Does the Constitution give powers to the police?

The powers granted by the Constitution are extensive. But as stated earlier, they are also limited. If the Constitution doesn’t grant an enumerated power to an officer or agency, then the officer or agency doesn’t have it. I have found that many people find this difficult to grasp. But the fact is that the Constitution does not authorize the federal government to be a national health agency, a school board, or a police department.



Mixed government (or a mixed constitution) is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impossible their respective degenerations which are conceived as anarchy, oligarchy and tyranny. The idea was popularized during classical antiquity in order to describe the stability, the innovation and the success of the republic as a form of government developed under the Roman constitution.

Ancient Greek philosophers

Plato in his book The Republic divided governments into five basic types (four being existing forms and one being Plato's ideal form, which exists "only in speech"):
• democracy: government by the many
• oligarchy: government by the few
• timocracy: government by the honored or valued

Roman Era

The ideal of a mixed government was popularized by Polybius, who saw the Roman Republic as a manifestation of Aristotle's theory (Millar, 2002). Monarchy was embodied by the consuls, the aristocracy by the Senate and democracy by the elections and great public gatherings of the assemblies. Each institution complements and also checks the others, presumably guaranteeing stability and prosperity. Polybius was very influential and his ideas were embraced by Cicero (Mill…

Middle Ages

St. Thomas Aquinas argued in his letter On Kingship that a monarchy, with some limitations set by an aristocracy and democratic elements, was the best and most just form of government. He also emphasized the monarch's duty to uphold the divine and natural law and abide by limitations imposed on the monarch by custom and existing law.

Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment

Cicero became extremely well regarded during the Renaissance and many of his ideas were embraced. Polybius was also rediscovered and the positive view of mixed governments became a central aspect of Renaissance political science integrated into the developing notion of republicanism. In order to minimise the misuse of political power, John Calvin advocated a mixture of aristocracy and democracy as the best form of government. He praised the advantages of dem…

Modern era

One school of scholarship based mainly in the United States considers mixed government to be the central characteristic of a republic and holds that the United States has rule by the one (the President; monarchy), the few (the Senate; aristocracy), and the many (House of Representatives; democracy). Another school of thought in the U.S. says the Supreme Court has taken on the role of "The Best" in recent decades, ensuring a continuing separation of authority by offsetting the dire…

See also

• Anacyclosis
• Constitutionalism
• Constitutional economics
• Fusion of powers
• Rule according to higher law

External links

• Polybius and the Founding Fathers: the separation of powers
• De Republica Anglorum, Sir Thomas Smyth's description of the English Constitution under Queen Elizabeth I

1.mixed constitution | law | Britannica


15 hours ago Other articles where mixed constitution is discussed: Polybius: Conception of history: His analysis of the mixed constitution, which had enabled Rome to avoid the cycle of change and deterioration to which simple constitutional forms were liable, is full of problems, but it has exercised widespread influence, from Cicero’s De republica down to Machiavelli and Montesquieu.

2.what do you understand by mixed constitution -


9 hours ago Answer:Mixed government (or a mixed constitution) is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impos… AshikaDas …

3.Mixed constitution legal definition of Mixed constitution


17 hours ago MIXED GOVERNMENT. A government composed of some of the powers of a monarchical, aristocratical, and democratical government. See Government. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to …

4.Mixed government - Wikipedia


14 hours ago  · Mixed government (or a mixed constitution) is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impossible …

5.The Mixed Constitution in Crisis ~ The Imaginative …


26 hours ago  · Understood as a system in which neither poor nor rich dominated, the mixed constitution idea seems to have had its origin with the ancient Greek lawgiver Solon and his …

6.Civics 101: How to understand the Constitution


32 hours ago As expounded by him, it is a mixed or blended constitution. Although this was a rarity in actual fact, both then and later, the notion of the mixed constitution was to play an important part in …

7.What do you understand about the constitution? - Quora


13 hours ago  · There is no mixed constitution. Wiki User. ∙ 2017-10-16 03:17:36. This answer is:

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