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what does a wet mount show

by Carmelo Oberbrunner Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A sample of the vaginal discharge is placed on a glass slide and mixed with a salt solution. The slide is looked at under a microscope for bacteria, yeast cells, trichomoniasis (trichomonads), white blood cells that show an infection, or clue cells that show bacterial vaginosis.

Full Answer

How do you prepare a wet mount?

Wet Mount:

  • Place a drop of fluid in the center of the slide.
  • Position sample on liquid, using tweezers.
  • At an angle, place one side of the cover slip against the slide making contact with outer edge of the liquid drop.
  • Lower the cover slowly, avoiding air bubbles.
  • Remove excess water with the paper towel.

What is a wet mount compared to a prepared slide?

What is the difference between a wet mount and a dry mount preparation? Dry mount means placing sample directly on slide without putting water. Wet mount means placing a sample in drop of water on slide and then covering it with cover slip.

What are the steps of a wet mount?

What are the steps to making a wet mount?

  1. Materials. 2 More Images.
  2. Glass Slide and Specimen. Put the glass slide on your microscope and lay the specimen in the middle.
  3. Pipet and Water. Fill the pipet with water and drop 1-2 droplets onto the specimen.
  4. Slip Cover. Gently tap the slip cover onto the specimen.

What is the purpose of making a wet mount slide?

Wet Mount. In a wet mount, a drop of water is used to suspend the specimen between the slide and cover slip. This method will help prevent air bubbles from being trapped under the cover slip. Your objective is to have sufficient water to fill the space between cover slip and slide.


What does a wet mount tell you?

The vaginitis wet mount test is a test to detect an infection of the vagina. A vaginitis test looks for the cause of vaginal irritation and discharge, which is usually a yeast, bacterial, or parasitic infection.

Does a wet mount test for STDS?

Wet mounts are not used to diagnose most common STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. However, these vaginal smears can give your healthcare provider important insights about your reproductive health.

What is wet mount microscopy used for?

For the wet mount, a sample of vaginal discharge is placed on a slide. The sample is then tested and looked at under a microscope to check for bacteria, yeast, trichomoniasis, and white blood cells.

What is an abnormal wet mount?

Abnormal results from a wet mount indicate there's an infection. When looking at the sample under the microscope, the doctor is generally looking for signs of a Candida yeast infection or the presence of certain bacteria or other microorganisms. These include the bacterium Gardnerella and the Trichomonas parasite.

What STI is most frequently diagnosed with a wet mount?

Wet mount examination is the most frequently used method for diagnosis of trichomoniasis in women.

What does trichomoniasis look like on wet mount?

A white, lumpy discharge that looks like cottage cheese may mean a vaginal yeast infection is present. A yellow-green, foamy discharge that has a bad odor may mean trichomoniasis is present.

Why is wet mounting important?

Why would use a wet mount? To increase the specimens translucency and to make it easier to stain. Using a wet mount slide has the tendency to flatten the specimen making it easier to view.

What is the value of a wet mount preparation?

What is the value of a wet-mount preparation in the clinical laboratory? The value of a wet-mount prep in the clinical lab is being able to see a living specimen and look for motility, which aids in identity of the organism.

Can you have a yeast infection but test negative?

Experts estimate that microscopic examination gives false-negative results in up to half of patients. These patients test negative during a microscopic evaluation and are later proven to have a vaginal yeast infection after a culture test.

Is bacterial vaginosis an STD?

BV isn't considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD). But the chances of getting it seem to go up with the number of sexual partners a woman has.

Will a BV test show Trich?

Share on Pinterest A sterile cotton swab is used to take a sample of vaginal discharge. The test can detect the following types of infection: BV. trichomoniasis.

Can BV be mistaken for trich?

The signs and symptoms of BV and trichomoniasis may be quite similar to yeast infections in terms of redness, itching and pain. With BV, however, the discharge tends to be thin, white or yellowish, and more uniform in appearance. Trichomoniasis discharge is typically a frothy, greenish-yellow secretion.

Is bacterial vaginosis an STD?

BV isn't considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD). But the chances of getting it seem to go up with the number of sexual partners a woman has.

Can trichomoniasis be seen under a microscope?

Microscope Analysis In women, the most common way to diagnose trichomoniasis is to use a microscope to examine a vaginal sample. 1 The Trichomonas parasite is very distinctive looking, and it is easy to identify.

Will a BV test show Trich?

Share on Pinterest A sterile cotton swab is used to take a sample of vaginal discharge. The test can detect the following types of infection: BV. trichomoniasis.

How do doctors test for bacterial vag?

Your doctor may examine the vaginal secretions under a microscope, looking for "clue cells," vaginal cells covered with bacteria that are a sign of bacterial vaginosis. Test your vaginal pH. Your doctor may check the acidity of your vagina by placing a pH test strip in your vagina.

What is a wet mount test?

A vaginal wet mount test, or vaginal smear, is a gynecological exam. The doctor takes a sample of discharge and sends it for testing. Results can show whether a person has vaginitis, which is a term for a range of infections and other issues. A doctor may recommend a wet mount test if a person reports vaginal symptoms, including:

How is the wet mount test performed?

A person will undress from the waist down and lay on the exam table with their feet suspended in footrests.

Where does a doctor send a sample of vaginal discharge?

The doctor’s office or clinic sends the sample of vaginal discharge to a lab for testing.

Is wet mount testing more effective than standard culture testing?

Authors of a study from 2015 found wet mount testing to be more effective at diagnosing vaginosis than simpler and quicker methods, such as pH and standard culture testing.

Is a wet mount test painful?

The procedure is not painful, but the speculum may cause discomfort. No risks are associated with the wet mount test. The doctor will use a wet, sterile cotton swab to take a sample of vaginal discharge. They then remove the speculum, and the procedure is over.

What is a wet mount?

Another type of wet mount is known as the Vaseline Mount. This type of mount is really just used in conjunction with a water wet mount to keep the water from drying out during long periods of observation where the illuminator of the microscope is producing heat that dries out the wet mount. This type of wet mount extends the time that it takes for the wet mount to dry out and preserves specimens that would die as a result.

What is a wet mound slide?

A wet mound slide is a slide that is prepared with some type of liquid placed at the center of the slide that will serve as the medium through which the specimen will move or interact with during microscopic observation.

How to prepare a vaseline mount?

To prepare a Vaseline mount, use the Q-tip and apply some Vaseline only to the outer edge of the slide coverslip. Then once you have the outer edge coated you can lower the slide coverslip just like you would on a standard wet mount (as described above).

Why does my coverslip float?

Floating Coverslip. In some cases, you may find that if you add too much water your coverslip will float after you place it over the water droplet. This can cause you slide coverslip to move to one side or the other of the slide and can also disrupt your sample in some cases.

Why does my wet mount slide have bubbles?

Air bubbles can form if your slide coverslip closes too rapidly causing air to be trapped under the coverslip or a displacement in the water that is rapidly filled by air.

How to use Q tip on microscope?

The first step is to use the Q-tip to swab your sample and apply it to the center of the microscope slide. If your specimen is a littler larger you can use tweezers or whatever tool that will help you place the specimen in the center of the slide without damaging it, killing, it or contaminating it. If your sample is some microorganism in the water, you can skip this step.

Can you observe a specimen with air bubbles?

Sometimes air bubbles are unavoidable. However, the presence of air bubbles does not mean you will not be able to fully observe your specimen. If the air bubbles do not obstruct or impair your observation of the specimen, don’t worry about re-mounting the slide just work around the existing air bubbles.

Why do doctors do wet mounts?

There are different causes of vaginitis. Your doctor might do a wet mount to help confirm or rule out some different causes of the inflammation, including:

What Is a Vaginal Wet Mount?

A vaginal wet mount, also called a wet prep or vaginal smear, is a test done to find the cause of vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina. Your doctor will usually order the test if you’re having symptoms like itching, a discharge, or pain.

What is the purpose of a KOH slide?

The slide may be sent to a lab to check for white blood cells, yeast, bacteria, parasites, or other signs of infection. A whiff test, or KOH test, may be done on the vaginal sample during the wet mount test. A few drops of potassium hydroxide (KOH) are mixed with the sample.

Can you have sex before a wet mount?

For the most accurate vaginal wet mount test results: Don’t have sex before the test . Don’t, douche or use tampons before the test. Don’t have a vaginal wet mount during your period. If you’re having your period, wait until it’s over to have a vaginal wet mount. Blood can make it hard to get clean test results.

What is a wet mount?from

Another type of wet mount is known as the Vaseline Mount. This type of mount is really just used in conjunction with a water wet mount to keep the water from drying out during long periods of observation where the illuminator of the microscope is producing heat that dries out the wet mount. This type of wet mount extends the time that it takes for the wet mount to dry out and preserves specimens that would die as a result.

Why do doctors do wet mounts?from

There are different causes of vaginitis. Your doctor might do a wet mount to help confirm or rule out some different causes of the inflammation, including:

What Is a Vaginal Wet Mount?from

A vaginal wet mount, also called a wet prep or vaginal smear, is a test done to find the cause of vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina. Your doctor will usually order the test if you’re having symptoms like itching, a discharge, or pain.

Why does my coverslip float?from

Floating Coverslip. In some cases, you may find that if you add too much water your coverslip will float after you place it over the water droplet. This can cause you slide coverslip to move to one side or the other of the slide and can also disrupt your sample in some cases.

How to prepare a vaseline mount?from

To prepare a Vaseline mount, use the Q-tip and apply some Vaseline only to the outer edge of the slide coverslip. Then once you have the outer edge coated you can lower the slide coverslip just like you would on a standard wet mount (as described above).

How to use Q tip on microscope?from

The first step is to use the Q-tip to swab your sample and apply it to the center of the microscope slide. If your specimen is a littler larger you can use tweezers or whatever tool that will help you place the specimen in the center of the slide without damaging it, killing, it or contaminating it. If your sample is some microorganism in the water, you can skip this step.

Why do you add a quieting solution to a specimen?from

If you are observing a specimen that has very rapid movements or is difficult to keep in the field of view because it is constantly moving, you can add a quieting solution that will actually slow the movement of some microorganisms.

Why do wet mounts happen?

Why It Is Done. A vaginal wet mount is done to find the cause of vaginal itching, burning, rash, odor, or discharge. How To Prepare. Do not douche, use tampons, or use vaginal medicines for 24 hours before the test. A vaginal wet mount is not done during your menstrual period.

What is a KOH slide?

KOH slide. A sample of the vaginal discharge is placed on a slide and mixed with a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Can you do a wet mount during your period?

A vaginal wet mount is not done during your menstrual period. Menstrual blood on the slide can change the results. If you are or might be pregnant, tell your doctor before the vaginal wet mount is done. You will take off your clothes below the waist and drape a gown around your waist.


1.Wet Mount (Vaginitis Test): Procedure, Results & More


10 hours ago A vaginal wet mount, also called a wet prep or vaginal smear, is a test done to find the cause of vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina. Your doctor will usually order the test if you’re ...

2.Wet Mount Slide: A Complete Guide – Microscope Clarity


19 hours ago What can a wet mount diagnose? A vaginal wet mount (sometimes called a vaginal smear) is a test to find the cause of vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina and the area around the …

3.Vaginal Wet Mount Test for Bacterial Vaginitis Diagnosis


28 hours ago Preparing a Wet Mount Introduction The Wet Mount is a procedure performed in the laboratory to observe motile organisms. It is commonly used to examine material collected from the vaginal …

4.Preparing a Wet Mount - Centers for Disease Control …


30 hours ago A vaginal wet mount (sometimes called a vaginal smear) is a test to find the cause of vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina and the area around the vagina (vulva). Your doctor may talk to …

5.What does a wet mount show? -


24 hours ago Readers ask: What does a wet mount test show? Moist vagina fitting test is a test to detect vaginal infection. A test for vaginitis looks for the cause of vaginal irritation and discharge, …

6.Understanding a vaginal wet mount or wet prep — My …


8 hours ago  · A wet mount or wet prep is used to determine the presence of semen as part of a rape investigation. A wet mount is not usually performed during your period, since the blood …

7.Vaginal Wet Mount - Kaiser Permanente


31 hours ago A vaginal wet mount (sometimes called a vaginal smear) is a test to find the cause of vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina and the area around the vagina (vulva). Your doctor may talk to you …

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