Knowledge Builders

what does any do in linq

by Dr. Angelica Hamill Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The C# Linq Any Operator is used to check whether at least one of the elements of a data source satisfies a given condition or not. If any of the elements satisfy the given condition, then it returns true else return false. It is also used to check whether a collection contains some data or not.

Full Answer

What are the advantages of using LINQ?

LINQ offers the following advantages:

  • LINQ offers a common syntax for querying any type of data sources
  • Secondly, it binds the gap between relational and object-oriented approachs
  • LINQ expedites development time by catching errors at compile time and includes IntelliSense & Debugging support
  • LINQ expressions are Strongly Typed.

What is the purpose of LINQ?

Need of LINQ

  • Suppose the application needs the data from SQL Server Database. ...
  • The application also needs the data from an XML document. ...
  • In the application, there is also a need to manipulate the data (objects) in memory such as List, List, etc. ...

What does LINQ stand for?

What does LINQ stand for? What does LINQ mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: LINQ. Term. Definition. Options. Rating. LINQ: Language INtegrated Query. Computing » Software-- and more... LINQ: Lung Information Needs Questionnaire.

How to implement LINQ?

Using LINQ to SQL

  • Navigate to Solution Explorer, right-click your LINQ project and select "Add Windows Form". ...
  • Drag a Text Box control onto the form, and position it at towards the center of the Form. ...
  • Now your LinqToSql form in Design view should be such as shown in Figure 1-4. ...
  • Before we begin with coding the functionality, we must add the required assembly references. ...

More items...


What is the difference between any and all in LINQ?

All() determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. Any() determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies the condition.

Where any vs any?

The Any() with the predicate can perform its task without an iterator ( yield return ). Using a Where() creates an iterator, which adds has a performance impact (albeit very small).

Which LINQ method returns a Boolean value?

The All method of System. LINQ. Queryable class returns a Boolean value if all the elements of the sequence satisfy the provided condition. It returns true if all the elements satisfy the condition otherwise it returns false.

How use contains in LINQ?

The Linq Contains Method in C# is used to check whether a sequence or collection (i.e. data source) contains a specified element or not. If the data source contains the specified element, then it returns true else return false.

Is any faster than count?

Across the array sizes the Any is roughly 1/3 faster than using Count .

What is the difference between any and exists in SQL?

Exists is same as any except for the time consumed will be less as, in ANY the query goes on executing where ever the condition is met and gives results . In case of exists it first has to check throughout the table for all the records that match and then execute it.

What is expression tree in LINQ?

You can compile and run code represented by expression trees. This enables dynamic modification of executable code, the execution of LINQ queries in various databases, and the creation of dynamic queries. For more information about expression trees in LINQ, see How to use expression trees to build dynamic queries (C#).

How do I select a query in LINQ?

LINQ query syntax always ends with a Select or Group clause. The Select clause is used to shape the data. You can select the whole object as it is or only some properties of it. In the above example, we selected the each resulted string elements.

What is find method in LINQ C#?

Find() Consider the scenario where you need to get a particular object, in my case it is a user object based on the id parameter. In this case I noticed most developers will try to use the FirstorDefault() LINQ method to fetch the user based on id as in the statement given below. var userLinq = context.

How use any in LINQ C#?

The Any operator is used to check whether any element in the sequence or collection satisfy the given condition. If one or more element satisfies the given condition, then it will return true. If any element does not satisfy the given condition, then it will return false.

Is LINQ case sensitive?

LINQ StartsWith , EndsWith , and Contains are case sensitive and return false if two same string s are of different cases, e.g., " STRING " and " string ".

How use contains method in C#?

Example 1: C# String Contains()// check if str contains "ice cream" check = str.Contains("ice cream");// check if str contains "chocolate" check = str.Contains("chocolate");// returns true check = str.Contains("");

How do you find if an array contains a specific string in C#?

To check if an array contains a specific element in C#, call Array. Exists() method and pass the array and the predicate that the element is specified element as arguments. If the element is present in the array, Array. Exists() returns true, else it returns false.

How do you check if a string exists in an array C#?

Contains() is a string method. This method is used to check whether the substring occurs within a given string or not. It returns the boolean value. If substring exists in string or value is the empty string (“”), then it returns True, otherwise returns False.

How do like in LINQ?

In LINQ to SQL, we don't have a LIKE operator, but by using contains(), startswith(), and endswith() methods, we can implement LIKE operator functionality in LINQ to SQL.

What is IQueryable C#?

IQueryable is a C# interface that lets you query different data sources. The type T specifies the type of the data source that you're querying. Under the hood, IQueryable uses expression trees that translate LINQ queries into the query language for the data provided.


The following code example demonstrates how to use Any to determine whether a sequence contains any elements.


This method does not return any one element of a collection. Instead, it determines whether the collection contains any elements.


The following code example demonstrates how to use Any to determine whether any element in a sequence satisfies a condition.


This method does not return any one element of a collection. Instead, it determines whether any elements of a collection satisfy a condition.


This tutorial teaches you features in .NET Core and the C# language. You’ll learn how to:


You’ll need to set up your machine to run .NET core. You can find the installation instructions on the .NET Core Download page. You can run this application on Windows, Ubuntu Linux, or OS X, or in a Docker container. You’ll need to install your favorite code editor.

Create the Application

The first step is to create a new application. Open a command prompt and create a new directory for your application. Make that the current directory. Type the command dotnet new console at the command prompt. This creates the starter files for a basic "Hello World" application.

Create the Data Set

Before you begin, make sure that the following lines are at the top of the Program.cs file generated by dotnet new console:

Manipulate the Order

Next, focus on how you're going to shuffle the cards in the deck. The first step in any good shuffle is to split the deck in two. The Take and Skip methods that are part of the LINQ APIs provide that feature for you. Place them underneath the foreach loop:


How many shuffles it takes to set the deck back to its original order? To find out, you'll need to write a method that determines if two sequences are equal. After you have that method, you'll need to place the code that shuffles the deck in a loop, and check to see when the deck is back in order.


The sample you've built so far executes an out shuffle, where the top and bottom cards stay the same on each run. Let's make one change: we'll use an in shuffle instead, where all 52 cards change position. For an in shuffle, you interleave the deck so that the first card in the bottom half becomes the first card in the deck.


1.LINQ any | Learn How does any work in LINQ with …


17 hours ago The Boolean value that the Any (IEnumerable) method returns is typically used in the predicate of a where clause ( Where clause in Visual Basic) or a direct call to the Where (IEnumerable, Func) method. The following example demonstrates this use of the Any method.

2.Enumerable.Any Method (System.Linq) | Microsoft Docs


16 hours ago The C# Linq Any Operator is used to check whether at least one of the elements of a data source satisfies a given condition or not. If any of the elements satisfy the given condition, then it returns true else return false. It is also used to check whether a collection contains some data or not.

3.c# - What does Any() mean in this LINQ query? - Stack …


3 hours ago  · The Any operator checks whether some enumerable / collection contains at least one item, i.e. whether it is non-empty. So I guess your query could read as: "the first 100 customers that have made at least one internet sale" or, somewhat closer to the metal: "the first 100 Customer objects that have a non-empty InternetSales collection"

4.How to use LINQ Any, All and Contains - Eamon Keane


36 hours ago What does any do in C#? The Any method checks whether any of the element in a sequence satisfy a specific condition or not. If any element satisfy the condition, true is returned. What is difference between any and all in LINQ? All() determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. Any() determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies the condition.

5.Working with LINQ | Microsoft Docs


4 hours ago  · This article explains why you should use the Any () method over Count () in LINQ to SQL. When using LINQ to SQL to check whether either no records exist or at least 1 record exists, be sure to prefer Any () over Count () as the SQL will be optimised to only get the information required. Any () will use EXISTS in SQL which stops as soon as a record is found whereas …

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