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what does following too closely mean

by Mr. Tyrel Wintheiser V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

“ Following too closely ” means that you are not allowing a reasonable amount of space between you and the vehicle in front of you. While this amount is generally considered to be the length of a vehicle towing another vehicle, the reasonable space between vehicles depends on the speed limit, traffic conditions, and road conditions.

“Following too closely” means that you are not allowing a reasonable amount of space between you and the vehicle in front of you.

Full Answer

What does the law say about following too closely?

Following too closely may be defined as, “situations in which one vehicle is following another vehicle so closely that even if the following driver is attentive to the actions of the vehicle ahead he/she could not avoid a collision in the circumstance when the driver in front brakes suddenly."

What constitutes following too closely in Georgia?

Following Too Closely is a misdemeanor offense in Georgia. That means that it carries a maximum penalty of up to one year in jail or on probation. That said, most drivers charged with a single count of Following Too Closely are not facing the possibility of jail time. More likely, a traffic court judge will force them to pay a fine.

What does following too closely mean when driving outside?

Following too closely is a very commonly charged offense. Most following too closely tickets result from an accident where a car is rear-ended. However, following too closely can also be the precursor charge.

What happens if you get a ticket for following too closely?

Dec 07, 2021 · “Following too closely” means that you are not allowing a reasonable amount of space between you and the vehicle in front of you. While this amount is generally considered to be the length of a vehicle towing another vehicle, the reasonable space between vehicles depends on the speed limit, traffic conditions, and road conditions.


What does it mean to follow too closely?

Following too closely may be defined as, “situations in which one vehicle is following another vehicle so closely that even if the following driver is attentive to the actions of the vehicle ahead he/she could not avoid a collision in the circumstance when the driver in front brakes suddenly." 14.Feb 11, 2015

How do you determine if you are following too closely?

According to this method, a driver begins counting (by one-second intervals) when the vehicle ahead passes a certain point, such as a traffic sign. If the driver passes the same point before he counts to 3 seconds, he is following too closely.

What do you do if someone is following you too closely?

If someone is following you too closely, be careful. Tap your brake lightly a few times to warn the tailgater that you are slowing down. Brake slowly before stopping. Avoid tailgaters when possible by changing lanes.

Why is it important to not follow too closely?

Following too closely dramatically increases the likelihood that a driver will rear-end the vehicle in front of them. Tailgating can also lead to erratic driving behavior or even road rage on the part of the driver being tailgated, which increases the possibility of an accident.Jun 2, 2016

What is it called when you follow too close to another car?

Following too closely behind another motorist, or tailgating, is an aggressive driving behavior.

What should you do when a motorcycle is overtaking you?

When a motorcycle is overtaking you, you should maintain speed and lane position. As the driver of a vehicle, you should never tailgate a cyclist before passing.

When your being followed too closely it is usually best to?

Explanation If you are being followed too closely, you should increase your following distance, avoid making quick moves, and avoid relying on tricks (such as flashing your lights) to help other drivers pass. Speeding up may only increase the danger by causing the tailgater to continue tailgating you at a higher speed.

What to do if a guy is following you?

Call the police immediately. If you don't have a cell phone, walk into an establishment, tell them you're being followed, and ask if you can use their phone to call the police. If they won't let you use the phone, ask them to call for you. Tell the police someone is following you and you are scared for your life.

How do I stop being followed?

Avoid Being Followed HomeFrequently check your rear-view mirror to see if you are being followed. ... If you believe you are being followed but are unsure, make three consecutive left hand or right hand turns. ... Remember, it is important to know where you are so police officers can respond if needed.More items...

What is the following distance?

Following distance is the space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you while driving. It's important for all drivers to maintain a safe following distance, so that they have time to safely stop in case the vehicle in front of them brakes abruptly.Nov 5, 2021

When a driver is following you too closely you should give additional space to?

As the vehicle ahead passes it, count slowly, "one thousand one, one thousand two." If you reach the same object before you finish the count, you are following too closely. In bad weather and when following large trucks, increase the count to at least three or four seconds for additional space.

What is the correct following distance?

three-secondThe rule of thumb is to maintain at least a three-second following distance, giving you time to react and avoid potentially dangerous situations. You can calculate this by using a fixed object, such as a pole or an overpass to determine how far in front of you the car is.Feb 19, 2015

What is the charge of following too closely in Georgia?

Most following too closely tickets result from an accident where a car is rear-ended. However, following too closely can also be the precursor charge.

What did the police officer testify about the defendant following a truck at a distance of less than half a

State. The police officer testified that he observed the defendant following a truck at a distance of less than half a car length. The court held that the officer's testimony was sufficient to support a conviction. However, Hall was also convicted of possession of marijuana because of the following too closely stop.

What is the meaning of 40-6-49?

§40-6-49 states The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon and the condition of the highway.

What does "reasonable and prudent" mean?

What Does Reasonable and Prudent Mean? What is reasonable and prudent within the meaning of the statute is a question for the jury. The jury will consider the evidence to see if the evidence supports the charge of following too closely.

Can you get charged with a DUI for following too closely?

However, following too closely can also be the precursor charge. There has to be a traffic violation for an officer to initiate the stop, but sometimes the driver is charged with a DUI or possession of marijuana because of their driving. Officers say that often people are following others when they get the ticket for following too closely.

How many points does a driver get for following another driver?

A driver who receives a citation for following another motorist too closely could be found guilty of a moving violation that results in four points on his license and a $235 fine, even for a first offense.

Is it possible to defend yourself if you drive too closely?

However, the fact that “too closely” is a subjective measurement does open up doors for you to defend yourself. In some cases, however, accidents happen due to drivers following a lead vehicle too closely.

Do you have to leave space behind a truck?

In other words, if you’re behind a truck or a vehicle that is towing another car, you have to leave space for someone to pass. Drivers traveling in a caravan or motorcade also need to allow enough space to pass, except in cases where the drivers are in a funeral procession.

Is it legal to drive behind a lead vehicle?

A rear vehicle is mandated by the law not to drive too closely behind the lead vehicle. A determination must be made on whether a motorist in a rear vehicle is following a lead vehicle too closely by considering whether there is sufficient space between the front and the rear car in light of the current conditions on the road at the time.

What is the penalty for following too closely?

Penalties for Following Too Closely. Depending on the law of the state where you receive the ticket and other circumstances, following too closely is normally a traffic infraction or a misdemeanor. Typically, drivers who are convicted are looking at having to pay a fine of about $100 to $500 or so and having demerit points assessed ...

Is tailgating allowed in a funeral?

Most tailgating laws contain exceptions for situations where a motorcade is driving together to a certain location, such as for a funeral procession and the like. Also, tailgating laws typically provide flexibility by requiring leaving space in front of your vehicle whenever "conditions permit.". For instance, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, you ...

Is tailgating a misdemeanor?

Not only is tailgating annoying to other drivers, but it's an infraction or a misdemeanor, depending on what state you live in. Here are the basics about how following-too-closely offenses are defined, the penalties for a violation, and some possible defenses to a tailgating ticket.

What happens if you rear end another vehicle?

Most often, the ticket is written when you rear-end another vehicle and there is an accident report. However, you could also be stopped and charged with following too closely, even if there was no accident. The officer could suspect you for a DUI or other crime and use this charge as a reason to stop you. And, if convicted, you will get three ...

When traveling in a caravan or motorcade, what is the purpose of the space?

When traveling in a caravan or motorcade, “allow sufficient space between each such vehicle or combination of vehicles so as to enable any other vehicle to enter and occupy such space without danger.”. This does not apply to things like parades or funeral processions when they are supervised by law enforcement.

What happens when you enter the courtroom?

When you enter the court, the judge will run the show. He or she will ask all the questions after having everyone sworn in. First, the police officer will read his/her accident report. Then the questions will begin, including the officer, any witnesses or others and, of course, you.

What does it mean when a driver tailgates?

1. Thus, drivers are tailgating if they are following more closely than what is reasonable and prudent.

What is the California code for tailgating?

Updated October 7, 2020. Vehicle Code 21703 VC is the California statute that prohibits drivers from following the vehicle in front too closely, or tailgating. A ticket for this traffic offense is an infraction that carries a fine of $238.00 plus court costs. Officers frequently write this citation as 21703 VC or 21703 CVC.

Is it safe to tailgate at 3 seconds?

There is not one universal following distance that is safe under every driving circumstance. However, the “3-second rule” is a helpful method to avoid tailgating. According to this method, a driver begins counting (by one-second intervals) when the vehicle ahead passes a certain point, such as a traffic sign.


1.CMV Driving Tips - Following Too Closely | FMCSA


10 hours ago Following too closely may be defined as, “situations in which one vehicle is following another vehicle so closely that even if the following driver is attentive to the actions of the vehicle ahead he/she could not avoid a collision in the circumstance when the driver in front brakes suddenly."

2.Following Too Closely - Georgia Criminal Lawyer


13 hours ago Following Too Closely is a misdemeanor offense in Georgia. That means that it carries a maximum penalty of up to one year in jail or on probation. That said, most drivers charged with a single count of Following Too Closely are not facing the possibility of jail time. More likely, a traffic court judge will force them to pay a fine.

3.Following Too Closely (Tailgating) Ticket: 1129a Violation …


13 hours ago Following too closely is a very commonly charged offense. Most following too closely tickets result from an accident where a car is rear-ended. However, following too closely can also be the precursor charge.

4.Videos of What Does Following Too Closely Mean


34 hours ago Dec 07, 2021 · “Following too closely” means that you are not allowing a reasonable amount of space between you and the vehicle in front of you. While this amount is generally considered to be the length of a vehicle towing another vehicle, the reasonable space between vehicles depends on the speed limit, traffic conditions, and road conditions.

5.Traffic Tickets for Following Too Closely ... - Driving Laws


33 hours ago A driver who receives a citation for following another motorist too closely could be found guilty of a moving violation that results in four points on his license and a $235 fine, even for a first offense. Drivers need to know that if they get too many points on their license – more than 11 points in 18 months – their license is subject to being suspended.

6.How Georgia Following Too Closely Laws Work and What …


6 hours ago Penalties for Following Too Closely Depending on the law of the state where you receive the ticket and other circumstances, following too closely is normally a traffic infraction or a misdemeanor . Typically, drivers who are convicted are looking at having to pay a fine of about $100 to $500 or so and having demerit points assessed to their driving record.

7.§ 40-6-49 - Following too closely :: 2010 Georgia Code ...


5 hours ago Georgia Code 40-6-49 spells out exactly what constitutes following too closely and provides both a definition and specific details. “The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon and the condition of the highway.”

8.Vehicle Code 21703 VC - Following Too Closely (Tailgating)


27 hours ago Following too closely. (a) The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon and the condition of the highway.

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