Knowledge Builders

what does it mean when you smell paint thinner

by Dr. Desmond Padberg IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Possible Reasons for Why Your Apartment Smells Like Thinner

  • 1. The Odor of Paint Thinner Could Be Coming from Your A/C Whether you have a full-fledged HVAC system or just a single unit A/C, leaking fluids in both systems could cause the smell of paint thinner. ...
  • 2. Lingering Paint Thinner Smell from Recent Paint Job ...
  • 3. Volatile Organic Compounds Leaking from Their Containers

A Paint Thinner or Chemical Aroma
As mentioned above, if you're smelling something that smells like paint thinner or chemicals, there's a possibility that your AC is leaking fluids.

Full Answer

Does paint thinner ruin paint jobs?

Yes, paint thinner will hurt your clearcoat. Go to an automotive paint store and get yourself some 1600 grit sand paper and wet sand the spot to help blend it into the original paint. mineral spirits will not hurt your clear coat and should do the job to remove the paint. Make sure to wash and wax afterwards.

Is it harmful to smell paint?

Your walls smell because the paint is bad. While some regular paints have a strong scent, rancid color is a serious issue. Moreover, you should never ignore a strong paint odor because it’s not safe to inhale.

What can be used as a paint thinner?


  • Ideal for thinning oil-based paint and varnish
  • Affordable substitute to spirits and other solvents
  • Turpentine is a strong, fast-drying thinner
  • Works best with nonflammable citrus oil formula

Is methylated spirits the same as paint thinner?

Sometimes it is known as “Methylated spirits” or “wood alcohol”. Mineral Spirits is a petroleum distillate and is sometimes known by other names such as “white spirits”, “mineral turpentine”, “paint thinner”, and probably a few other names.


What happens if you smell paint thinner?

But, it has to be remembered that paint thinner vapors can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, in spite of their fairly pleasant odor, and can make one dizzy and/or nauseous if the vapors are inhaled in high enough levels over a long enough time period such as in a closed-off room or factory space.

Why do I keep smelling paint?

An olfactory hallucination (phantosmia) makes you detect smells that aren't really there in your environment. The odors you notice in phantosmia are different from person to person and may be foul or pleasant. You may notice the smells in one or both nostrils.

Why do I keep smelling nail polish remover in my house?

If you smell acetone in your home, it's a sign that there could be a refrigerant leak. While this ruins the effectiveness and efficiency of your HVAC system, it can also pose a health hazard and even a fire hazard if it's exposed to an open flame.

Why can I smell paint in my house?

It's all thanks to VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which come from the materials used to make paint and emit that "freshly painted" odor. While you can reduce the chance of this outcome by choosing a paint formula with low VOCs, fumes are often still detectable.

What are phantom smells a symptom of?

Brief episodes of phantom smells or phantosmia — smelling something that's not there — can be triggered by temporal lobe seizures, epilepsy, or head trauma. Phantosmia is also associated with Alzheimer's and occasionally with the onset of a migraine.

Does Covid cause phantom smells?

More than smell - COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis. Recent anecdotal and scientific reports have provided evidence of a link between COVID-19 and chemosensory impairments such as anosmia.

What would smells like paint thinner in my house?

Chemical Aroma If your air conditioner smells like paint thinner, formaldehyde or other chemicals, it's always better being safe than sorry. Many fluids are used within your HVAC system that could result in an assortment of chemical odors with system malfunction, making prompt attention advisable.

Why can I smell acetone?

If a person's breath smells like acetone — or nail polish remover — it may indicate that there are high levels of ketones in their blood.

Why do I smell a chemical smell in my house?

Chemical Smells If this part becomes cracked or damaged, it can release dangerous carbon monoxide fumes into the air that can circulate through your HVAC ductwork and out into the air in your home. This can result in a chemical smell throughout your home.

What does a gas leak smell like?

Mercaptan smells like sulphur, or rotten eggs, to help you identify gas leaks. But you may not smell anything if the leak is very small. Evacuate the area immediately if you experience the following: smell sulphur or something like rotten eggs.

What does a electrical fire smell like?

Electrical fires tend to smell like burning plastic, so they have a telltale acrid odor. Others say the scent is reminiscent of fish. That said, electrical fires don't always produce an odor. In that case, you'd have to listen for a buzzing sound or check for a brown outlet cover.

Does a gas leak smell like paint?

Freon. Freon is a common chemical refrigerant that's likely found in your air conditioner or other cooling systems. A freon gas leak smells like a combination of sweets, ammonia, paint, or cat urine.

Why does my room still smell like paint after a week?

The smell from stonger paint formulas may take up to a week to completely dissipate. Dried paint can still emit vapors, but this drying process is what gives a freshly painted room such a distinct paint odor. This happens in many household chemicals and cleaners, such as anything that comes out of a spray can.

Is the smell of paint toxic?

Breathing solvent paint fumes for too long can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. This can happen in a poorly ventilated space or when large areas are being painted or stained. These paints can even be deadly if they are inhaled on purpose, or "huffed", to get high.

How do you stop paint smelling?

There are some ways you can speed up getting rid of paint smells.Keep the room well ventilated. Open windows, doors and keep a constant airflow circulating within the room. ... Baking soda. Baking soda is magic. ... Activated charcoal. ... Keep your house cool. ... Low VOC. ... Air purifier. ... Onions. ... Candles.

How do I get rid of the smell of paint?

Just placing a bowl full of baking soda in the painted space is enough to enjoy a room free from paint odor. Like charcoal, baking soda also has the property of absorbing bad odor. It is useful in eliminating even the strongest paint smell.

What would make your house smell like acetone?

Freon smells like acetone. It is a refrigerant gas that is used in many household appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerator, and dehumidifiers. Freon is colorless and odourless but it does not mix well with other gases. Acetone is a colourless liquid that smells similar to ammonia. It is used in cleaning products and nail polishes.

Why do I randomly smell acetone?

Acetone smells like nail polish remover. It is used in many industries such as pharmaceuticals, plastics, and electronics manufacturing. Acetone is also used in the production of synthetic fibers, resins, paints, lacquers, adhesives, and varnishes.

What causes the smell of nail polish?

Acetone smells like nail polish remover because it is a solvent. It dissolves nail polish and other types of paints. Acetone is found in many household items, including nail polish removers, paint thinners, nail polish, and cleaning supplies.

What does it mean if you can smell nail polish remover?

Nail polish removers are available in different forms such as liquid, gel, cream, and powder. These products are usually applied directly onto the nail surface. Once the nail polish is removed, the acetone evaporates quickly leaving behind only the colorless nail polish base.

Does freon smell like acetone?

You could smell acetone if you had recently used nail polish remover, or any type of cleaner containing acetone. This happens because acetone evaporates quickly from surfaces and air. So if you were using a product that contained acetone, it would leave behind a residue on your hands and clothes. If you smell acetone in your house, try these tips to remove the odor: 1 Take a explainer right away. Showering removes the acetone from your skin.

Why Does My House Smell Like Paint Thinner If I Haven’t Painted?

If you’re smelling paint thinner in your home, but haven’t painted, check out your HVAC system. Air conditioning units use various chemicals and fluids that can leak. Also, various other issues with your unit can lead to odors that resemble paint thinner.

What Is the Most Common Reason Your House Smells Like Paint Thinner?

Most likely, if your house smells like paint thinner, you’ve probably been painting recently. The smell of paint thinner is an all too common result of painting.

Why does my washing machine smell like paint?

You might notice that a paint thinner smell is emanating from your washing machine. If you’ve painted recently and washed clothes in the machine, paint thinner on your clothes can leave behind odors.

Why does my air conditioner smell like paint thinner?

If you’re smelling paint thinner in your home, but haven’t painted, check out your HVAC system. Air conditioning units use various chemicals and fluids that can leak. Also, various other issues with your unit can lead to odors that resemble paint thinner.

What to do if your house smells like paint thinner?

So, if your house smells like paint thinner, start opening up all of the windows and doors and allow for cross-ventilation. Also, turn on all your fans, exhaust fans, and use portable fans in rooms with no windows or fans.

Where to store paint thinner?

Store paint thinner in a safe location, out of children’s reach, and away from potential fire sources. Also, the place you store your paint thinner should be well-ventilated.

Can you smell paint thinner?

Smelling paint thinner in your home is never a pleasant thing, but unfortunately, it’s a common after-effect of painting. However, if you haven’t painted or remodeled recently, it can be unnerving to smell paint thinner in your home. No matter what the reason, you understandably want to deduce the odor’s source and get rid of it.

Why does my house smell like paint thinner?

Your house can smell like paint thinner if there is leakage of fluids from your Air conditioning system. It can also occur due to volatile organic compounds from stored chemical items in your home. However, the paint thinner smell can also come from a recent paint job that you did in your house.

What smells like paint thinner in my house?

Various things can smell like paint thinner in your house. Among them, the fluid of the AC, and volatile organic compounds usually smell like paint thinner.

How to get rid of paint thinner smells in your house?

That being said, you can get rid of the paint-thinner smells quite easily .

Why does my house smell like spray paint?

Your house smells like spray paint most likely because of the leakage of various fluids from the HVAC system of the AC unit. It can also occur due to the usage of paints that have high Volatile Organic Compounds. However, the spray paint smell can be cleared with a little effort and time.

What can cause a paint smell in the house?

VOCs can generally cause a paint smell in the house. The VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are available in most of the products that have gas or liquid in them. VOC mixes with the air and spreads in the whole house in a matter of seconds.

Is paint thinner smell dangerous?

The paint thinner smell that is released directly from the paint thinner is not that dangerous. However, the smell that is released due to leakage in air conditioning units and other chemical containers is very dangerous .

Why does paint smell like paint thinner?

If you smell paint thinner, proper ventilation, baking soda, white vinegar, and even water can help neutralize the odor.

What Are The Dangers Of Paint Thinner?

But, that doesn’t downplay the seriousness of the different chemicals involved.

Why does my washing machine smell?

If you get paint thinner on your clothing, then wash your clothes, your washing machine can hang on to some odors. This problem can occur with numerous smells, which is why you can purchase washing machine cleaners.

Why does my water smell like paint?

If your water smells like paint thinner, it’s likely due to certain bacteria in the water. For example, iron bacteria feed off the iron in the water, but they pose no health threat.

How to seal paint lids?

Seal the lids on all paint containers, paint thinner, and other products entirely. You can use a rubber mallet to seal paint lids in place. First, cover the container with paper towels or a rag to prevent anything from splashing on you or nearby surfaces.

How to get rid of odors from paint?

You can use bowls of water to help absorb the chemicals in the air and neutralize the odor. Simply fill a few bowls and set them around the rooms you’ve painted.

Where to store paint thinner?

It’s also essential to store paint thinner in a well-ventilated area away from fire sources.

Why does my house smell like paint thinner?

While these are two very common reasons your house smells like paint thinner, they’re not the only ones. 1. Your Old Refrigerator is Leaking. If you have an older refrigerator, it’s possible that it may be leaking Freon. This is often the result of a puncture in your fridge.

How to neutralize paint thinner smell?

Using nothing more than simple bowls of water, you can neutralize paint thinner smell in your home.

Why does my air conditioner smell like paint?

In most cases, a paint thinner smell from your air conditioning comes from a fluid leak in the system. AC units use chemicals to quickly convert between gases and liquids.

How to get rid of paint thinner smell in house?

Ventilation is another great way to mitigate the smell of paint thinner in your house.

What are some ways to get rid of paint thinner odor?

The chemicals in onions may help to counteract the paint thinner odors you’re smelling.

What is the best way to remove paint thinner from a kitchen?

White Vinegar. Another household staple for cooking and cleaning is vinegar. White vinegar is the prescribed variety for removing paint thinner smell, and as with water, you’ll need some bowls. Fill the bowls with vinegar and let the acids in the vinegar do their work.

Why does paint smell?

Typically, the paint thinner smell is caused by volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. Volatile organic compounds can quickly escape into the air and have a strong odor like that of paint thinner.

What to do if your air conditioner smells like paint thinner?

If your air conditioner smells like paint thinner, don’t delay, call Texas Air Repair right away, or leave your name and contact info below. A friendly representative will get back to you ASAP!

What does it mean when your AC smells like paint?

As mentioned above, if you’re smelling something that smells like paint thinner or chemicals, there’s a possibility that your AC is leaking fluids.

Why does my AC smell so bad?

If it does, there’s likely some malfunction, and one or more fluids are leaking. That’s not good because many fluids in your AC system are toxic.

Why does my AC smell like rotten eggs?

Because natural gas is colorless and odorless, a chemical is used to create a smell when there’s a leak. That’s the smell of rotten eggs and, if you smell it, you should call an AC repair company right away. It would be best if you also had everyone in your home evacuated until the problem is fixed.

What does it mean when you smell something burning?

If you smell something burning and you can’t detect what it is, it’s possible that your AC’s fan, compressor, wiring, or an electrical component have failed and burned.

What to do if you smell gas in Texas?

If you smell gas, you should also call your local gas company to come and turn off the gas ASAP until we arrive.


1.What Does Paint Thinner Smell Like?


5 hours ago  · The paint’s thinner smell is volatile; this means it is evaporative. Paint thinner smell sometimes evaporates quickly, and other times it takes longer to evaporate. When left …

2.My house smells like paint thinner or nail polish


24 hours ago  · If you smell something burning or smelling like paint thinner or nailpolish, it could mean that there is a leak somewhere in your home. It could be from a pipe, a faucet, or even a …

3.House Smells Like Paint Thinner? (Possible Causes and …


2 hours ago The most common reason for smelling paint thinner in your house is a recent paint job or remodel. However, if you haven’t picked up a paintbrush recently, a faulty A/C can also cause …

4.Why Does My House Smell Like Paint Thinner or Spray …


4 hours ago You should be careful as the smell of paint thinner contains poisonous particles, and being exposed to it for long periods could cause inflammation and even potentially damage your …

5.Why Does My House Smell Like Paint Thinner?


31 hours ago Why does my house smell like paint thinner? Your house can smell like paint thinner if there is leakage of fluids from your Air conditioning system. It can also occur due to volatile …

6.House Smells Like Paint Thinner (Reasons, Fixes)


27 hours ago  · Smelling paint thinner in your house most commonly occurs following a new paint job or remodeling. However, another culprit of paint thinner smell in your house could …

7.What Does it Mean When Your Air Conditioner Smells …


26 hours ago  · What does it mean when you smell paint thinner? If you’ve noticed a weird or noxious smell coming from your AC unit, it probably means something has fouled it or gone …

8.Videos of What Does It Mean When You Smell Paint Thinner


13 hours ago  · Inhaling paint thinner near your air conditioner is typically a clue that something is wrong with it. A paint thinner odor from your air conditioner is almost always the result of fluid …

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