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what does pool mean in statistics

by Arden Zieme Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In statistics, “pooling” describes the practice of gathering together small sets of data that are assumed to have the same value of a characteristic (e.g., a mean) and using the combined larger set (the “pool”) to obtain a more precise estimate of that characteristic.Oct 24, 2018

Full Answer

What is pooling in statistics?

Pooling can refer to combining data, but it can also refer to combining information rather than the raw data. One of the most common uses of pooling is in estimating a variance. If we believe that 2 populations have the same variance, but not necesarily the same mean, then we can calculate the 2 estimates of the variance from samples...

What exactly does it mean to 'pool data'?

- Cross Validated What exactly does it mean to 'pool data'? I thought that 'pooling data' simply meant combining data that was previously split into categories...essentially, ignoring the categories and making the data set one giant 'pool' of data. I guess this is a question more about terminology than application of statistics.

Is it statistically correct to pool data to estimate variance?

Whether it is statistically correct to do so depends very much on the specific case. Pooling can refer to combining data, but it can also refer to combining information rather than the raw data. One of the most common uses of pooling is in estimating a variance.

What does it mean to pool samples?

We say that samples are pooled when units that might be measured separately are processed together in such a way that the separate measurements can no longer be determined. For example, a tissue sample might be considered a pool of single cells.

How to calculate pooled mean?

What is pooled variance?

What is the square root of a pooled variance estimator?

Why is pooled variance important?

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What is pooled data with example?

Pooled data is a mixture of time series data and cross-section data. One example is GNP per capita of all European countries over ten years. Panel, longitudinal or micropanel data is a type that is pooled data of nature.

What is pooled variance used for?

You use the pooled variance estimate to compute the t statistic. The pooled variance combines (or "pools") the variance estimates within the individual groups. The pooled variance is a better estimate of the (unknown) common group variance than either of the individual group variances.

What is the pooled mean?

Meaning of pooled in English to collect something such as money in order for it to be used by several different people or groups: The kids pooled their money to buy their parents a wedding anniversary gift. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Collecting and amassing. accumulate.

What are pooled data sets?

Data pooling is a process where data sets coming from different sources are combined. This can mean two things. First, that multiple datasets containing information on many patients from different countries or from different institutions is merged into one data file.

What does it mean to pool the variance?

In statistics, pooled variance simply refers to the average of two or more group variances. We use the word “pooled” to indicate that we're “pooling” two or more group variances to come up with a single number for the common variance between the groups.

Why is pooled standard deviation better?

It is a weighted average of each group's standard deviation. The weighting gives larger groups a proportionally greater effect on the overall estimate.

How is pooled data calculated?

1. How do you calculate the pooled standard deviation?Calculate the difference between each value and its group means.Square those differences.Add them all up (for all groups).Divide by the number of degrees of freedom (total sample size minus the number of groups).Take the square root of the final number.

How do you calculate pooled effect size?

The pooled mean effect size estimate (d+) is calculated using direct weights defined as the inverse of the variance of d for each study/stratum. An approximate confidence interval for d+ is given with a chi-square statistic and probability of this pooled effect size being equal to zero (Hedges and Olkin, 1985).

How do you calculate pooled value in Excel?

How to Calculate Pooled Standard Deviations in ExcelOpen a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. ... Enter your first set of data into column A of the Excel spreadsheet. ... Enter your second set of data into column B. ... Type "=(N-1)*(STDEV(A1:Bxx)^2)" in cell C1. ... Type "=(N-1)*(STDEV(B1:Bxx)^2)" in cell C2. ... Type "=c1+c2" in cell C3.More items...

Why is pooling data important?

Benefits of pooling individual subject data include enhanced statistical power, the ability to compare outcomes and validate models across sites or settings, and opportunities to develop new measures.

What is the difference between pooled data and panel data?

Pooled data occur when we have a “time series of cross sections,” but the observations in each cross section do not necessarily refer to the same unit. Panel data refers to samples of the same cross-sectional units observed at multiple points in time.

What is pooled regression analysis?

Pooled regression is standard ordinary least squares (OLS) regression without any cross-sectional or time effects. The error structure is simply , where the are independently and identically distributed (iid) with zero mean and variance .

What is the difference between pooled and Unpooled t tests?

Re: pooled /unpooled t test Generally, statistical Tests have preconditions, and t-test assumes normal Distribution of the dataset, pooled t-test assumes equal variance, t-test works also with different variance.

Does ANOVA use pooled variance?

ANOVA (one- and two-way) assumes that all the groups are sampled from populations that follow a Gaussian distribution, and that all these populations have the same standard deviation, even if the means differ. Based on this assumption, ANOVA computes a pooled standard deviation.

How do you find the pooled variance?

3:054:16Pooled Variance in t Tests (11-4) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWe create the pooled variance by multiplying that variance of each sample that we just calculated.MoreWe create the pooled variance by multiplying that variance of each sample that we just calculated. By each sample size adding them together and then dividing by the total sample size the pooled

How do you calculate pooled variance in statistics?

0:000:15Calculate Pooled Variance - Intro to Inferential Statistics - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipTo find the pooled variance. We add the sum of squares. And then divide by the total degrees ofMoreTo find the pooled variance. We add the sum of squares. And then divide by the total degrees of freedom. Which is the degrees of freedom from X plus the degrees of freedom from y 3 plus 2 which is 5

Mean Group Analysis and Pooled Mean Group Analysis - ResearchGate

Can anyone help me to carry out mean group analysis and pooled mean group analysis. I have used Microfit and Eviews before. Appreciate if I can get some advice on how to use these panel data ...

Pooled mean and standard deviation - File Exchange - MathWorks

Calculate pooled N, mean and STD (using, as inputs, subgroups N, mean and STD)

How to Calculate a Pooled Standard Deviation (With Example) - Statology

A pooled standard deviation is simply a weighted average of standard deviations from two or more independent groups. In statistics it appears most often in the two sample t-test, which is used to test whether or not the means of two populations are equal.. The formula to calculate a pooled standard deviation for two groups is as follows:

What is Pooled Variance? (Definition & Example) - Statology

In statistics, pooled variance simply refers to the average of two or more group variances. We use the word “pooled” to indicate that we’re “pooling” two or more group variances to come up with a single number for the common variance between the groups.

What is pooling in statistics?

Whether it is statistically correct to do so depends very much on the specific case. Pooling can refer to combining data, but it can also refer to combining information rather than the raw data. One of the most common uses of pooling is in estimating a variance.

How to use pooling?

Pooling can refer to combining data, but it can also refer to combining information rather than the raw data. One of the most common uses of pooling is in estimating a variance. If we believe that 2 populations have the same variance, but not necesarily the same mean, then we can calculate the 2 estimates of the variance from samples of the 2 groups, then pool them (take a weighted average) to get a single estimate of the common variance. We do not compute a single estimate of the variance from the combined data because if the means are not equal then that will inflate the variance estimate.

When to Calculate the Pooled Variance

When we want to compare two population means, there are two statistical tests we could potentially use:

Example of Calculating the Pooled Variance

Suppose we want to know whether or not the mean weight between two different species of turtles is equal. To test this, we collect a random sample of turtles from each population with the following information:

What does "pool" mean?

1 : a small deep body of usually fresh water. 2 : something like a pool (as in shape or depth) The lamp cast a pool of light. 3 : a small body of standing liquid : puddle a pool of blood. 4 : swimming pool. pool.

What does "pool" mean in a sentence?

2 : a group of people available for some purpose — see also jury pool. pool. transitive verb. Legal Definition of pool (Entry 2 of 2) : to combine (as assets or votes) in a common form or effort especially : to combine (interests) so as not to have a merger of companies considered a purchase for accounting purposes.

What does "pool" mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of pool. (Entry 1 of 2) of blood. : to accumulate or become static (as in the veins of a bodily part) blood pooled in his legs. pool. noun. Medical Definition of pool (Entry 2 of 2) : a readily available supply: as. a : the whole quantity of a particular material present in the body and available for function or the satisfying ...

What does it mean when a sample is pooled?

We say that samples are pooled when units that might be measured separately are processed together in such a way that the separate measurements can no longer be determined. For example, a tissue sample might be considered a pool of single cells. However, more typically when we discuss pooling we mean that biological replicates are processed together at some stage, such as RNA extraction or microarray hybridization.

Why do we use sample pooling?

Typically, the decision to use sample pooling is due to the inability to obtain enough experimental material from a single individual. In this era of single cell processing, this is seldom called for in well-established protocols, but may be required for protocols which require substantial amounts of starting material.

How to keep variability and variance estimates correct?

To keep the variability and the variance estimates correct for subsequent statistical analysis , you need to do your pooling in exactly the same way for each pool. Even if one of the plants has the capacity to provide a larger sample, you cannot use that plant to replace independent replicates in the pool. This is because the pools are now your biological replicates and are assumed to be equally variable. If we consider the RNA from a single feature in a pool of 10 plants, it will have about the average amount of RNA; if the bulk of the pool comes from a single plant, the RNA in the pool will be more similar to a single plant than to an average.

What is pooled variance?

Pooled variance is an estimate when there is a correlation between pooled data sets or the average of the data sets is not identical. Pooled variation is less precise the more non-zero the correlation or distant the averages between data sets.

What is the square root of a pooled variance estimator?

The square root of a pooled variance estimator is known as a pooled standard deviation (also known as combined standard deviation, composite standard deviation, or overall standard deviation ).

Why is pooled variance important?

This higher precision can lead to increased statistical power when used in statistical tests that compare the populations, such as the t -test .

What is the nk in statistics?

where n1, n2, . . ., nk are the sizes of the data subsets at each level of the variable x, and s12, s22, . . ., sk2 are their respective variances.

How to calculate pooled mean?

You calculate a pooled mean by adding up the mean times the sample size for each sample, and dividing this number by the sum of the sample sizes. For three samples, the pooled mean is:

What is pooled variance?

In statistics, pooled variance (also known as combined variance, composite variance, or overall variance, and written ) is a method for estimating variance of several different populations when the mean of each population may be different, but one may assume that the variance of each population is the same. The numerical estimate resulting from the use of this method is also called the pooled variance.

What is the square root of a pooled variance estimator?

The square root of a pooled variance estimator is known as a pooled standard deviation (also known as combined standard deviation, composite standard deviation, or overall standard deviation ).

Why is pooled variance important?

This higher precision can lead to increased statistical power when used in statistical tests that compare the populations, such as the t-test.


1.What is 'pooled mean' in statistics? - Quora


25 hours ago  · What does pooled mean in statistics? In statistics, “pooling” describes the practice of gathering together small sets of data that are assumed to have the same value of a …

2.What exactly does it mean to 'pool data'? - Cross Validated


9 hours ago What does pool mean in statistics? In statistics , “pooling” describes the practice of gathering together small sets of data that are assumed to have the same value of a characteristic (e.g., a …

3.What is Pooled Variance? (Definition & Example) - Statology


6 hours ago What does pool mean in statistics? In statistics, “pooling” describes the practice of gathering together small sets of data that are assumed to have the same value of a characteristic (e.g., …

4.Pool Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster


36 hours ago In statistics, “pooling” describes the practice of gathering together small sets of data that are assumed to have the same value of a characteristic (e.g., a mean) and using the combined …

5.7.4 - Sample Pooling | STAT 555 - PennState: Statistics …


21 hours ago In statistics, pooled variance (also known as combined variance, composite variance, or overall variance, and written ) is a method for estimating variance of several different populations …

6.Pooled variance - Wikipedia


35 hours ago The Oxford English Dictionary defines pool as: pool, v. (puːl) 1.1 trans. To throw into a common stock or fund to be distributed according to agreement; to combine (capital or interests) for the …

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