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what does the transverse cervical artery supply

by Webster Ruecker Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

This vessel supplies the posterior prevertebral muscles. The transverse cervical artery is the next branch off the thyrocervical trunk. It crosses the base of the carotid triangle, and supplies the trapezius and rhomboid muscles. Lastly, the suprascapular artery arises. It supplies the posterior shoulder area.

The transverse cervical artery provides the dominant blood supply of the trapezius muscle. The trapezius flap remains an extremely useful regional flap for head and neck reconstruction, particularly for resurfacing defects of the posterior aspect of the head and neck such as the occipital region.

Full Answer

What is the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae?

C1 cervical vertebra transverse process. The transverse processes are large; they project laterally and downward from the lateral masses and serve for the attachment of muscles which assist in rotating the head. They are long, and their anterior and posterior tubercles are fused into one mass; the foramen transversarium is directed from below, upward and backward.

Do transverse waves have compressions and rarefactions?

While a transverse wave has an alternating pattern of crests and troughs, a longitudinal wave has an alternating pattern of compressions and rarefactions. What happens when two compressions occur at the same time and space?

How many transverse foramen per cevical vertebrae?

The seven vertebrae of the neck are characterized by an opening in each transverse process known as a foramen transversarium. The upper six pairs of foramina transversaria transmit the vertebral artery. Herein, do all cervical vertebrae have transverse foramen?

Is cervical stenosis degenerative?

Cervical spinal stenosis, also called cervical stenosis, occurs when the neck’s protective spinal canal narrows due to degenerative changes or trauma. If the space within the spinal canal is reduced too much, neurologic deficits can result from spinal cord compression, a condition called myelopathy. See What Is Spinal Stenosis?


What muscles does transverse cervical artery supply?

The transverse cervical artery (also called the transverse artery of the neck) is a small blood vessel located in your neck. This artery provides blood supply to your trapezius muscle, a large muscle in your back that helps raise your arms.

What is transverse cervical artery?

The transverse cervical artery (transverse artery of neck or transversa colli artery) is an artery in the neck and a branch of the thyrocervical trunk, running at a higher level than the suprascapular artery.

What does the transverse cervical nerve do?

The transverse cervical nerve carries solely sensory fibers. Its main function is to provide sensory innervation to the skin overlying the anterolateral aspect of the neck.

What is the deep branch of the transverse cervical artery?

Deep branch: The dorsal scapular artery (or descending scapular artery) is a blood vessel which supplies the levator scapulae, rhomboids, and trapezius. It most frequently arises from the subclavian artery (the second or third part), but a quarter of the time it arises from the transverse cervical artery.

Where does the transverse facial artery supply blood to?

The TFA supplies the lateral face, parotid gland, parotid duct, masseter muscle, facial nerve, and the integument [1].

What are the four main arteries in the neck?

Overview. There are four carotid arteries, with a pair located on each side of the neck. This includes the right- and left-internal carotid arteries, and the right- and left-external carotid arteries. The carotid arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood from the heart to both the head and brain.

Where does the transverse cervical nerve innervate?

neckThe transverse cervical nerve (transversus colli, superficial colli, superficial cervical, or cutaneous cervical nerve in older and other texts) arises from the second and third cervical rami and provides innervation to the anterolateral regions of the neck.

Which cervical nerve controls what?

Nerves in the cervical spine Cervical nerves C1, C2 and C3 control your forward, backward and side head and neck movements. The C2 nerve provides sensation to the upper area of your head; C3 gives sensation to the side of your face and back of your head.

What is the purpose of the transverse?

The transverse process projects laterally from the junction of the lamina and the pedicle on each side of the vertebrae. The transverse process serves as a point of attachment for muscles that help move the vertebrae as well as ligaments that stabilize the vertebral column.

What is the most important terminal branch of the cervical plexus?

the phrenic nerveThe most important motor branch of the cervical plexus is the phrenic nerve. The plexus also provides motor fibers to the spinal accessory nerve and to the paravertebral and deep muscles of the neck.

How many cervical arteries are there?

What is cervical artery dissection? There are four main arteries that supply blood flow to the brain. Two carotid arteries and two vertebral arteries. The carotid arteries can be felt on each side of the lower neck, immediately below the angle of the jaw.

What are the 4 branches of the external carotid artery?

They are in ascending order: superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, and posterior auricular. The two terminating branches are the maxillary and superficial temporal arteries. Occasionally, the lingual and facial arteries arise as a common trunk.

Where is the transverse cervical vein?

neckVenous anatomy of the region In general, the arteries in the neck are accompanied by two veins. These venae comitantes drain into a large vein crossing the neck horizontally, the so-called transverse cervical vein. This main collector of the neck drains into the venous angle.

What does a blocked artery in the neck feel like?

Sudden numbness or weakness in the face or limbs, often on only one side of the body. Sudden trouble speaking and understanding. Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes. Sudden dizziness or loss of balance.

What does the transverse facial artery come off of?

superficial temporal arteryThe transverse facial artery is an artery that branches from the superficial temporal artery and runs across the face.

What artery is in the transverse foramen?

The vertebral arteryThe vertebral artery (VA) usually arises from the subclavian artery and passes through the transverse foramen (TF) from the C6 vertebra to the atlas.

What is the transverse cervical artery?

The transverse cervical artery is one of three blood vessels that extend from the thyrocervical trunk, a larger artery located within the neck. It is also known as the transversa colli artery.

Where is the transversal colli artery located?

It is also known as the transversa colli artery. This artery is located above the suprascapular artery, another blood vessel that forms the thyrocervical trunk. It laterally (horizontally) crosses the omohyoid muscle, which runs from the shoulder to the upper neck, and ends at the part of the trapezius muscle found in the neck and near the scapula ...

What artery is used to reshape the head and neck?

Cancer of the head and neck may require reconstruction of these areas through the mouth. The transverse cervical artery is often used to supply and receive blood flow to and from reconstructed portions of the mouth if the appropriate blood vessels cannot be salvaged.

Which artery divides into two separate blood vessels?

Below the trapezius muscle, the transverse cervical artery divides into two separate blood vessels referred to as the superficial cervical artery and the dorsal scapular artery. Together, these arteries supply blood to the neck and scapula.

What artery is used for intraoral defects?

Repairing intraoral defects, or malformations within the mouth, may also require surgery and extension of the transverse cervical artery for blood supply.

What is the transverse cervical artery?

The transverse cervical artery ( transverse artery of neck or transversa colli artery) is an artery in the neck and a branch of the thyrocervical trunk, running at a higher level than the suprascapular artery .

Where does the transverse cervical artery originate?

The transverse cervical artery originates from the thyrocervical trunk, it passes through the posterior triangle of the neck to the anterior border of the levator scapulae muscle, where it divides into deep and superficial branches. Deep branch (also called the dorsal scapular artery ).

Which arteries do the scapular anastomoses with?

It anastomoses with the suprascapular and circumflex scapular arteries.

Which branch of the cervical artery is also called superficial cervical artery?

The descending branch which is also called as superficial cervical artery, anastomoses with the deep and dorsal scapular artery which in turn links to the subscapular artery. This anastomosis is a ring circulation around the scapula where it continues to the suprascapular artery via the circumflex scapular artery.

Which artery supplies the middle and lateral portions of the trapezius?

Descending branch (also known as superficial cervical artery, which supplies the middle and lateral portions of the trapezius) Deep branch (also called the dorsal scapular artery ). Descending branch in older literature. Most often, however, this artery branches directly from the subclavian artery.

Where does the cervicodorsal trunk originate?

In that case, the artery is also known as the deep branch of the transverse cervical artery, and the junction of those two is called cervicodorsal trunk .

What is the descending branch of the trapezius?

The ascending branch distributes branches to trapezius, and to the neighboring muscles and lymph glands in the neck, and anastomoses with the superficial branch of the descending branch of the occipital artery. The descending branch which is also called as superficial cervical artery, anastomoses with the deep and dorsal scapular artery which in turn links to the subscapular artery. This anastomosis is a ring circulation around the scapula where it continues to the suprascapular artery via the circumflex scapular artery.

What is the transverse cervical nerve?

The transverse cervical nerve, also called the cervical cutaneous nerve, is a branch of the cervical plexus  (C1-C4). It is formed from the anterior rami of spinal nerves  C2 and C3. It emerges from the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle  and runs anteriorly into the anterior triangle of the neck .

Which nerve pierces the platysma?

The ascending branches give off some fibers that form a plexus with the cervical branch of the facial nerve  in the submandibular region of the neck. Other fibers from the ascending branches pierce the platysma to supply the skin of the upper anterior aspect of the neck. The descending branches of the transverse cervical nerve also pierce the platysma  to become superficial and supply the skin of the lower anterolateral neck.

Where does the ascending cervical artery originate?

The ascending cervical artery is also variable in terms of its point of origin. Usually, it originates from the inferior thyroid artery or thyrocervical trunk , but it is also reported to occasionally branch from the superficial cervical artery.

What is the thyrocervical trunk?

Thyrocervical trunk. The thyrocervical trunk is a wide vessel that arises from the first segment of the subclavian artery. It has a relatively short course in the anterior portion of the neck. The branches arising from this trunk are extremely variable.

How many branches does the dorsal scapular artery have?

In the 2/3 of the cases though, the dorsal scapular artery is a branch of the subclavian artery. The thyrocervical trunk can have up to five branches, but in most cases, it has two to four. These branches usually include: inferior thyroid artery, suprascapular artery, ascending cervical artery and the transverse cervical artery.

How many branches does the thyroid have?

The branches arising from this trunk are extremely variable. It can have up to five branches, but most commonly described are the inferior thyroid, suprascapular, ascending cervical and transverse cervical arteries. This arterial trunk has a wide supply territory. It vascularizes the thyroid and parathyroid glands, larynx, pharynx, brachial plexus, cervical and shoulder muscles and the adjacent skin .

Which branch of the thyroid artery can be absent?

The branches of the thyrocervical trunk show a significant amount of variability in terms of their origin, number or course. The inferior thyroid artery can be absent or can have an accessory vessel on each side. In about 15% of the population, this branch arises directly from the subclavian artery.

Which artery gives rise to three branches?

In the most anatomical textbooks, the thyrocervical trunk is described as the artery that gives rise to three branches (inferior thyroid, suprascapular and transverse cervical). But according to more recent research, this is the case only in about 30% of the population.

Where does the dorsal scapular artery come from?

Sometimes (30% of cases) the dorsal scapular artery arises also from the thyrocervical trunk. Along its course, it passes between the upper and middle trunks of the brachial plexus.

What is the transverse cervical artery?

The transverse cervical artery, also known as the cervicodorsal trunk, is 1 of the 4 branches of the thyrocervical trunk (off the first part of the subclavian artery ). It is a short artery that bifurcates into the superficial and deep branches, both which course superficially and laterally across the phrenic nerve and anterior scalene muscle.

Which artery passes anterior to the trapezius muscle adjacent to the spinal accessory nerve?

The superficial cervical artery which passes anterior to the trapezius muscle adjacent to the spinal accessory nerve (CN XI). The dorsal scapular artery which accompanies the dorsal scapular nerve, coursing deep to the levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles, supplying both and contributing to the scapular arterial anastomosis.

Where is the transverse cervical artery located?

The transverse cervical artery arises from the thyrocervical trunk and can be located at the root of the neck accompanied by the transverse cervical vein (see Figure 4.1 ). It is extremely useful as a recipient vessel for free flap vascularization and even in patients who have had a neck dissection, both of these vessels are invariably available, although often overlooked. The transverse cervical artery provides the dominant blood supply of the trapezius muscle. The trapezius flap remains an extremely useful regional flap for head and neck reconstruction, particularly for resurfacing defects of the posterior aspect of the head and neck such as the occipital region.

How far is the transverse cervical artery from the sternal notch?

The transverse cervical artery is consistently 7 cm from the sternal notch, 3 cm superior to the clavicle, and 2 cm posterior to the sternocleidomastoid.88,118

What muscle is used for head and neck defects?

Coverage of head and neck defects using the trapezius muscle myocutaneous system was first described by Conley. 121 Before this report, a staged, skin-only flap from the same general location had been described for the closure of pharyngeal fistulae. The mastoid-occiput–based shoulder flap described by Zovickian was staged twice with the insetting of a skin graft on the deep side of the skin paddle at the first staging operation. 122 The original work by Conley was subsequently modified and popularized as the superior trapezius flap by Ariyan. 123

Which artery is located medial to the scalene fat pad?

The carotid sheath, containing the carotid artery and internal jugular vein, lies medial to the scalene fat pad and may be injured during dissection. Branches of the thyrocervical trunk, the transverse cervical and suprascapular arteries, also run through the fat pad and may be injured and result in bleeding.

Which artery provides blood flow to the trapezius muscle?

The trapezius muscle receives blood flow from a dominant transverse cervical artery with additional flow from the occipital artery and the posterior intercostal paraspinous perforators. The dorsal scapular artery provides blood flow to the caudal aspect of the trapezius muscle. This vessel may have separate origin, or more commonly it arises as a deep branch of the transverse cervical artery.

What is the superior boundary of sublevel VA?

The posterior boundary is the anterior border of the trapezius muscle, and the anterior boundary is the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. For sublevel VA, the superior boundary is the apex of the convergence of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles, and the inferior boundary is the horizontal plane defined by the lower border of the cricoid cartilage. For sublevel VB, the inferior boundary is the clavicle and the superior boundary is the inferior boundary of sublevel VA.

Where does the phrenic nerve run?

The phrenic nerve runs along the anterior scalene muscle in the same direction as its fibers. It runs deep in the scalene fat pad. Careful identification of the nerve should occur during sharp dissection to prevent injury.


1.Transverse Cervical Artery: Anatomy, Function, Significance


28 hours ago WebThe transverse cervical artery (also called transverse artery of the neck, Latin: arteria transversa colli) is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk that supplies the superficial …

2.Transverse Cervical Artery Anatomy, Function & Diagram …


12 hours ago Web · The transverse cervical nerve is a sensory branch of the cervical plexus that supplies the anterolateral neck. Learn more about its anatomy now on Kenhub! …

3.Transverse cervical artery - Wikipedia


21 hours ago WebWhat does the Transverse Cervical Artery supply? Superficial cervical artery, deep scapular artery. What does the Suprascapular Artery arise from? Thyrocervical trunk. What does …

4.Transverse cervical nerve: Origin, course and function


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26 hours ago Web3 rows ·  · The transverse cervical artery is a branch that runs transversely, in a lateral direction ...

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36 hours ago Web · The transverse cervical artery, also known as the cervicodorsal trunk, is 1 of the 4 branches of the thyrocervical trunk (off the first part of the subclavian artery). It is a …

7.Thyrocervical trunk: Anatomy, branches, supply | Kenhub


17 hours ago WebThe transverse cervical artery provides the dominant blood supply of the trapezius muscle. The trapezius flap remains an extremely useful regional flap for head and neck …

8.Transverse cervical artery | Radiology Reference Article


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9.Transverse Cervical Artery - an overview | ScienceDirect …


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