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what does your spine look like

by Gunner Kunde Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How your spine is supposed to look?

A healthy back has three natural curves: An inward or forward curve at the neck (cervical curve) An outward or backward curve at the upper back (thoracic curve) An inward curve at the lower back (lumbar curve)

What is the spine made up of?

VertebraeVertebrae: The spine has 33 stacked vertebrae (small bones) that form the spinal canal. The spinal canal is a tunnel that houses the spinal cord and nerves, protecting them from injury. Most vertebrae move to allow for a range of motion. The lowest vertebrae (sacrum and coccyx) are fused together and don't move.

Where is your spine located?

Spine – The flexible bone column extending from the base of the skull to the tailbone. It is made of 33 bones known as vertebrae, and is referred to as the vertebral column, spinal column or backbone.

What is spine of body?

(spine) The bones, muscles, tendons, and other tissues that reach from the base of the skull to the tailbone. The spine encloses the spinal cord and the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. Also called backbone, spinal column, and vertebral column.

Can you live without a spine?

Your spine serves many important functions, including connecting your brain to other parts of your body and providing structural support. You can't live without a spine. Some conditions, such as SCI and spina bifida, can affect the spinal cord, leading to symptoms like partial or complete loss of movement or sensation.

What part of the spine controls the legs?

lumbar spineSacral region The lowest part of the spinal cord contains 5 pairs of nerves. These control the thighs, lower legs, and the genital and anal areas. Sacral nerve injury can happen anywhere from the upper lumbar spine down to the sacrum.

What causes spine pain?

Repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement can strain back muscles and spinal ligaments. If you're in poor physical condition, constant strain on your back can cause painful muscle spasms. Bulging or ruptured disks. Disks act as cushions between the bones (vertebrae) in your spine.

Why is the top of my spine sticking out?

This condition, which doctors call kyphosis, results from chronic forward-leaning, a posture that is too common in our world of computer screens and other devices. Over time, a habit of poor posture can cause you to develop an abnormal curve of the upper vertebrae and a mass of tissue at the lower part of the neck.

Where is L5 and S1 on your spine?

L5-S1 is the exact spot where the ​lumbar spine ends and the sacral spine begins. The lumbosacral joint is the joint that connects these bones. L5-S1 is composed of the last bone in the low back, called L5, and the triangle-shaped bone beneath, known as the sacrum.

What are the bumps on your spine called?

The spinous process is the bony portion opposite the body of the vertebra. You feel this part if you run your hand down a person's back. There are two transverse processes (little bony bumps), where the back muscles attach to the vertebrae.

What organs are in your back?

Your lower back consists of five vertebrae. Discs between them cushion the bones, ligaments hold the vertebrae in place, and tendons attach muscles to the spinal column. The lower back has 31 nerves. As well, organs such as the kidneys, pancreas, colon, and uterus are located near your lower back.

What is the bone in your back that sticks out?

Pedicles. Each vertebra has two cylinder-shaped projections (pedicles) of hard bone that stick out from the back part of the vertebral body, providing side protection for the spinal cord and nerves. The pedicles also serve as a bridge, joining the front and back parts of the vertebra.

What are the 5 parts of the spine?

Sections. The spine is composed of 33 bones, called vertebrae, divided into five sections: the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine sections, and the sacrum and coccyx bones.

How many bones make up the spine?

33The average person is born with 33 individual bones (the vertebrae) that interact and connect with each other through flexible joints called facets. By the time a person becomes an adult most have only 24 vertebrae because some vertebrae at the bottom end of the spine fuse together during normal growth and development.

What cartilage is in the spine?

The intervertebral disc is a soft cartilage cushion with two layers. The soft inner portion is called the nucleus pulposis, and the stronger outer ring is called the annulus fibrosis. The disc acts as a shock absorber and allows motion and bending of the spine.

What are the 26 bones of the spine called?

What are the 26 bones of the spine called? The 26 bones of the spine are called vertebrae. The first 5 bones of the spine are known as the cervical vertebrae, the next 12 bones are known as the thoracic vertebrae followed by 5 lumbar vertebrae and then one fused sacral and a coccyx at the last.

1.Spine Anatomy, Diagram & Pictures | Body Maps - Healthline


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