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what factors affect protein use during physical activity

by Petra Bayer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

If a workout is prolonged, especially if you haven’t fueled up properly beforehand, your body will turn to protein as a fuel source. During times of energy shortage, the amino acids from protein can be converted to glucose by the liver and delivered into the bloodstream and to the muscles that need it.

Full Answer

What factors influence the response to protein ingestion following exercise?

Another important factor that influences the response of MPS to protein ingestion following exercise is the source of ingested protein. The amino acid composition and digestive properties of a protein are considered to be important factors that impact MPS (Witard et al., 2016b).

Does the metabolic effect of exercise on muscle protein depend on amino acids?

An abundant supply of amino acids enhances the metabolic effect of exercise on muscle protein. Am. J. Physiol. 273:E122-129. Breen, L., and S.M. Phillips (2011).

What lifestyle factors affect muscle mass?

Two lifestyle factors with the most influence over muscle mass are nutrition and exercise/physical activity. The metabolic regulation of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and breakdown (MPB), i.e., net muscle protein balance (NBAL), determines changes in muscle mass.

What factors affect the performance of an athlete?

Whether a recreational athlete or an elite athlete, many factors influence performance including, but not limited to, diet, hydration, fitness level, intensity and duration. There are many factors that predict what source of fuel will be used. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are all possible sources of fuel for exercise and muscle contraction.


What factors are relevant in determining the body's protein needs?

6 Factors That Affect Your Protein RequirementsCARBOHYDRATE INTAKE. One of the most influential factors in deciding your protein requirements is carbohydrates and the amount you're consuming. ... HORMONE PROFILES. ... TRAINING VOLUME. ... GUT HEALTH. ... QUALITY OF PROTEIN. ... CALORIE INTAKE.

Under what conditions will the body use significant amounts of protein for energy during exercise?

Under what conditions will the body use significant amounts of protein for energy during exercise? (d) The body will use larger amounts of protein for energy if overall calorie intake is inadequate and if carbohydrate stores are low.

How does physical activity affect your nutrient needs?

As you get more active and more fit, and/or as you lose weight, your energy needs (how many calories you need) may change. To get the energy you require, you need to get the proper amount of: Protein, which is needed to maintain and rebuild tissues such as muscles.

How does the body use fats carbohydrates and proteins during exercise?

The human body uses carbohydrate, fat, and protein in food and from body stores for energy to fuel physical activity. These essential nutrients are needed regardless of the intensity of the activity you are doing.

How protein really affects your weight strength and health?

Protein is the building block of your muscles. Therefore, eating adequate amounts of protein helps you maintain your muscle mass and promotes muscle growth when you do strength training. Numerous studies show that eating plenty of protein can help increase muscle mass and strength ( 8 , 9 ).

Does protein provide energy during exercise?

It is true that proteins are important for building and repair of muscles. Proteins also play an important role in weight loss and they promote feeling of fullness and may facilitate reduction of appetite. But, proteins will not provide you with energy for exercising efficiently.

Why do athletes need protein?

Protein plays an important role in an athlete's eating plan as it helps repair and strengthen muscle tissue. High protein diets are popular among athletes — especially those seeking a leaner, more defined physique.

How does protein fuel the body?

How Does Protein Give You Energy? As mentioned, one way protein can give us energy is when the body metabolizes it into glucose that can be used as energy. This is especially important in the later stages of intense endurance exercise when glycogen - stored energy from glucose and carbohydrate - is depleted.

Why is carbohydrate protein and hydration needed in exercise and sport?

Consuming a combination of carbohydrate and protein is ideal for aiding in muscle recovery and repair, improving recovery time, providing energy and potentially decreasing soreness.

What are proteins in physical education?

Proteins are building blocks for other bodily tissues including bone, cartilage, skin, and blood. Additionally, proteins are needed for the production of different enzymes, vitamins, and hormones.

Why is protein not the preferred source of fuel during exercise?

Protein is used as an energy source if calories are insufficient. However, with sufficient calories, the break down of amino acids (the building blocks of protein) contributes only minimally to the total amount of energy used by working muscles.

When the body uses protein instead of fat and carbohydrates as a source of energy?

When the body uses protein instead of a combination of fats and carbs as a source of energy weight loss is very slow large amount of weight loss is in the form of water muscle turns into fat fat is lost rapidly fat can not be lost.

How is protein used as fuel for exercise?

Even then, the only time that protein becomes a fuel source is when carbohydrate stores are completely depleted. Once this happens, the body begins to breakdown its proteins in the form of precious muscle, in an energy-sapping process called gluconeogenysis, to create carbohydrate.

How does the body use energy during exercise?

Muscles get energy to propel you along by tapping into your muscle glycogen (the form of carbohydrates in which carbohydrates are stored). When these are diminished, you start to depend on your blood glucose to keep going. Blood glucose is derived from carbohydrates, fat, and protein.

What is the function of protein?

Dietary protein’s major function is to provide you with enough amino acids (particularly essential amino acids) from which your body can synthesise all the proteins your body needs to function optimally. The synthesis of muscle proteins, and other body proteins, while significant is not the only demand on absorbed amino acids.

What percentage of your energy is provided by protein?

Depending on the type and duration of your physical activity or exercise session between 5-10% of your energy requirement is provided by protein. While dietary protein may indirectly contribute to this source of energy, most will come from catabolism of your body proteins during metabolism.

What is the conversion of amino acids to glucose?

A small percentage of amino acids are converted to glucose in the natural course of your metabolism and used as energy. Absorbed amino acids not used for protein or glucose synthesis may be converted to pyruvate (a molecule used in energy metabolism and other metabolic processes), and fat which is stored in your fat stores.

Can you have protein with food alone?

With so many protein shakes and supplements available and promoted as essential for good athletic performance, muscle repair, and muscle maintenance and growth, you may be persuaded that food alone cannot provide you with sufficient protein.

Is protein a major contributor to energy?

Despite this small contribution to your energy requirement, protein containing foods (such as eggs ), protein shakes and supplements are often promoted as if protein is a major contributor to energy. Furthermore, despite your body’s need for amino acids, protein supplements, in the form of protein powders and amino acid supplements, ...

What are the best proteins for muscle recovery?

Complete proteins naturally contain all the essential amino acids (amino acids our bodies cannot make and must be consumed) and varying amounts of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine and valine. Leucine in particular helps to support muscle protein synthesis when taken over time with regular resistance training. Choose complete, high-proteins to help support muscle protein synthesis. Some examples include: dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese), eggs, turkey, beef, chicken, fish, and soy-products.

Does protein increase muscle?

Consuming protein alone doesn’t equal more muscle or increased size or strength. Muscle is built through dual efforts between proper nutrition and regular resistance training. Together, over time, resistance exercise and consuming sufficient amounts of high quality, complete protein may help to support muscle building. It’s not an overnight phenomenon. Building muscle can take time, depending on the individuals training regimen, nutrition, rest, and recovery schedule.

What are the factors that determine protein intake?

I’ve outlined six things you need to consider when deciding upon your protein intake. 1. CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE. One of the most influential factors in deciding your protein requirements is carbohydrat es and the amount you’re consuming. In short, you could say that carbohydrates are “anabolic” since they are “protein sparing.”.

How does testosterone affect protein synthesis?

In relation to muscle protein synthesis, testosterone has a direct impact on the way this process works by binding to cells on the surface of the muscle cell and driving muscle protein synthesis further.

Why do you need more protein on a low carb diet?

In theory, if your diet is high in carbs, it should mean that you require slightly less protein, and if you are on a low-carb diet then you will need more protein to help retain a positive nitrogen balance. This occurs as your body will naturally look to stored glycogen as its primary fuel source, which spares your amino acids for key roles in ...

What happens if your training volume increases?

If your training volume increases significantly, then you will potentially require more protein to ensure there are enough amino acids present within your body to facilitate your full recovery— otherwise, you will quickly fall into a state of overtraining.

How often does your calorie intake fluctuate?

Let’s not forget that your calorie intake will probably fluctuate from one day to the next throughout the week, depending on things like the body part you’re training that day and your current goals. Your protein needs will then also fluctuate depending on what you do with your fat and carb intake. FLEX.

What happens if your gut is not working properly?

If your gut is not working properly, then this will influence your ability to process and assimilate nutrients, including protein. If you suffer with constant bloating, frequent gas, or abdominal pain, then you should have your gut checked with a comprehensive test.

What is the role of protein in exercise?

The Role of Protein During Exercise. During exercise, we typically think of carbohydrates and fats as our main sources of fuel, while protein is associated with recovery. Today, many sports nutrition bars, gels and drinks contain branched-chain amino acids (a special subset of amino acids) or protein. If we aren’t using protein to help muscles ...

What is the ratio of protein to carbohydrate?

In a ratio of 3:1 (carbohydrate: protein, in grams) a number of studies found that protein enhanced performance in “time to exhaustion” tests. Time to exhaustion tests are laboratory-based tests during which the subject exercises at a single workload (or speed) for as long as possible.

What is protein made of?

This macronutrient is made up of amino acids bound together by a peptide bond, similar to how glycogen is just a bunch of glucose molecules bound together. Protein has many roles in the body including an important part of cell structure (like muscle), to act as important enzymes or hormones, carry other molecules in the blood as well as serve ...

Does protein help with muscle growth?

The addition of protein during exercise (or soon after) has an added benefit of creating a positive net protein balance environment, which basically means more making-new-muscle proteins than breaking-down proteins. Specifically, the ingestion of protein seems to selectively decrease protein degradation rather than enhancing protein synthesis.

Do amino acids go up during exercise?

Studies which use “tracers” to follow the path of specific molecules clearly show that during exercise, branched-chain amino acids are also used by the mitochondria to create energy similar to fats and carbohydrates but to a much lesser degree, and the usage does not really go up during normal exercise in the fasted condition.

Does protein help with endurance?

So, in theory, it seems that proteins are used during exercise, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the addition of protein to exercise will improve performance. Knowing that carbohydrate is key during endurance exercise, researchers started looking at the role of protein by adding it to carbohydrate drinks consumed during exercise.

How do nutrients affect physical performance?

How nutrients impact physical performance. Many physiological and nutritional demands occur within the body during exercise. As muscles contract, the demand for oxygen, hydrogen and other key nutrients increases. The human body requires a continuous supply of energy to perform its many functions. As energy demands increase with exercise, additional ...

How much fluid should an athlete drink before an event?

Athletes should not rely on thirst as a sign of fluid loss. Consume roughly 14–22 ounces of fluid before an event, 6–12 ounces every 15–30 minutes during an event, and after the event, 16–24 ounces for every pound of body weight lost. Anne Harguth is a registered dietitian with Mayo Clinic Health System in Waseca.

Why is resynthesis of glycogen promoted?

Resynthesis of muscle glycogen is promoted when carbohydrates are consumed immediately after exercise. Unfortunately, due to an elevated body temperature, appetite is usually depressed and many athletes have difficulty consuming foods immediately after exercise.

What happens if you eat a high carb diet?

If a person consumes a high-carbohydrate diet, more glycogen will be used for fuel. If the diet is high in fat, fat will be used as the fuel source. A high-fat diet is not recommended as even the leanest person has plenty of stored fat for long endurance exercise. A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet can lead to poor performance due ...

What is the main source of energy for muscle contraction?

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are all possible sources of fuel for exercise and muscle contraction. During moderate-intensity exercise, roughly half of the energy is derived from glycogen, while the other half comes from glucose in the blood and fatty acids. Carbohydrates (glucose/glycogen) serve as the primary source ...

Why does the human body need energy?

The human body requires a continuous supply of energy to perform its many functions. As energy demands increase with exercise, additional energy must be supplied or the exercise will end.


Key Points


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Source of Protein

  • Another important factor that influences the response of MPS to protein ingestion following exercise is the source of ingested protein. The amino acid composition and digestive properties of a protein are considered to be important factors that impact MPS (Witard et al., 2016b). The leucine content of the protein is considered to be the most import...
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Summary and Practical Applications

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  • Areta, J.L., L.M. Burke, M.L. Ross, D.M. Camera, D.W. West, E.M. Broad, N.A. Jeacocke, D.R. Moore, T Stellingwerff, S.M. Phillips, J.A. Hawley, and V.G. Coffey (2013). Timing and distribution of protein ingestion during prolonged recovery from resistance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis. J. Physiol. 591:2319-2331. Atherton, P.J., T. Etheridge, P.W. Watt, D. Wilkinson, A. Sel…
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20 hours ago Eating during exercise It is also important to consume regular fluid during prolonged exercise to avoid dehydration. Sports drinks, diluted fruit juice and water are suitable choices. For people exercising for more than four hours, up to 90 grams of carbohydrate per hour is recommended.

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30 hours ago  · Matt Laye 04/18/2019. During exercise, we typically think of carbohydrates and fats as our main sources of fuel, while protein is associated with recovery. Today, many sports nutrition bars, gels and drinks contain branched-chain amino acids (a special subset of amino acids) or protein.

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13 hours ago  · Maternal protein requirement increases from early gestation period and reaches its maximum level during the third trimester. Physical Activity A higher protein requirement for an active person, such as athlete and bodybuilder, is required to repair and replace damaged proteins, remodel protein within muscle, bone, tendon and ligament. References

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23 hours ago  · There are many factors that predict what source of fuel will be used. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are all possible sources of fuel for exercise and muscle contraction. During moderate-intensity exercise, roughly half of the energy is derived from glycogen, while the other half comes from glucose in the blood and fatty acids.

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