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what foods make baby reflux worse

by Miracle Gutkowski Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Food and Reflux

  • Breastfeedi. Citrus fruit, tomatoes, caffeine containing drinks (tea, coffee, coke) and chocolate may also need to be avoided by the breast-feeding mother of a reflux baby.
  • Volume and variety. The introduction of solids is known to either help reflux or make it worse when introduced. ...
  • Food allergy or intolerance. ...

You should avoid citrus fruits like oranges, apples and grapes, tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, cucumbers and aubergines. In addition to that, you should also avoid any foods that have cow's milk proteins as well as spicy foods.Feb 7, 2021

Full Answer

What is the best food to eat with acid reflux?

  • Wild Salmon. Wild salmon is rich in astaxanthin, an antioxidant that has been shown to reduce acid reflux symptoms in patients with indigestion or h. ...
  • Apple Cider Vinegar. This can help you naturally boost your production of stomach acid. ...
  • Turmeric. ...
  • Pineapple. ...
  • Sunflower Seeds. ...
  • Apples. ...
  • Celery. ...
  • Raspberries. ...
  • Spinach. ...

How to help baby with reflux?

Keeping your baby upright not only during feeds but also for 15 to 20 minutes after a feed can help with the symptoms of reflux. So avoid popping them straight down in their crib, or for a kick on the floor. Instead, hold them upright on your lap.

What are the signs of baby reflux?

What are the symptoms of reflux and GERD in infants?

  • Arching of the back, often during or right after eating
  • Colic - crying that lasts for more than 3 hours a day with no medical cause
  • Coughing
  • Gagging or trouble swallowing
  • Irritability, especially after eating
  • Poor eating or refusing to eat
  • Poor weight gain, or weight loss
  • Wheezing or trouble breathing
  • Forceful or frequent vomiting

What is a good diet for acid reflux?

The following tips can help keep symptoms at bay:

  • Avoid skipping breakfast or lunch, which can lead to overeating — and overdrinking — late in the day.
  • Give up late-night snacks, including beverages that may cause heartburn. ...
  • Maintain an upright position during and after eating and drinking. ...
  • Moderate your alcohol consumption. ...
  • Reduce or eliminate spicy foods and fried foods.

More items...


What foods to avoid if your baby has reflux?

What Foods Make Infant Reflux Worse?Brussel sprouts.broccoli.corn.cucumber.cabbage.cauliflower.garlic.onions.

What can make reflux worse in babies?

Over-feeding can make reflux symptoms worse. Feed the baby about every 2-4 hours during the day and on demand at night (when your infant wakes up) or as directed by your baby's doctor. Some infants need to be fed during both the day and night to gain weight.

Does Mom's diet affect baby reflux?

Excessive caffeine in mom's diet can contribute to reflux. Allergy should be suspected in all infant reflux cases. According to a review article in Pediatrics [Salvatore 2002], up to half of all GERD cases in babies under a year are associated with cow's milk protein allergy.

Can solids make babies reflux worse?

Unfortunately, there are some sensitive kids whose reflux actually gets worse when they start solids. There are no cut-and-dry answers but there are some tips and tricks to make it a little easier to determine what works for your little reflux baby. The first thing that you need to determine is when to start solids.

What should a baby with reflux eat?

The best foods to feed a baby with reflux are purees of vegetables, particularly root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, swede, parsnips and sweet potato. You can also feed your baby any non-acidic fruits.

What age does reflux peak in babies?

GER usually begins at approximately 2 to 3 weeks of life and peaks between 4 to 5 months. Most babies who are born at full term will have complete resolution of symptoms by the time they are 9 to 12 months old.

Does tummy time help with reflux?

What if They Have Reflux? Many infants who experience reflux (frequently spitting up after feeding) have a poor tolerance of tummy time. To improve their comfort level, we recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after their feeding to position them on their tummy.

How do you calm a baby with reflux?

Lifestyle and home remediesFeed your baby in an upright position. Also hold your baby in a sitting position for 30 minutes after feeding, if possible. ... Try smaller, more-frequent feedings. ... Take time to burp your baby. ... Put baby to sleep on his or her back.

Can overfeeding cause reflux?

An overfed baby might be diagnosed with reflux (gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD) if he regurgitates milk or 'silent reflux' if he doesn't. Either way it's assumed his distress is due to burning effects of regurgitated acidic stomach contents.

Does cutting out dairy help baby reflux?

Tip to prevent more severe reflux: Cut out cow's milk. Cutting out cow's milk could decrease some of the severe symptoms that your baby may be experiencing and would relieve the stress of assuming it is GERD. Also, try to avoid dairy products if you are breastfeeding, to avoid any traces of it in your breastmilk.

Does introducing solids help with reflux?

The idea behind an early introduction of solids is that the thicker texture might help to keep the food in the stomach. There is some evidence that feed thickeners can reduce the amount of reflux episodes per day and, therefore, the theory could be right, although there aren't any studies around this topic.

How do you stop acid reflux in babies?

To minimize reflux:Feed your baby in an upright position. Also hold your baby in a sitting position for 30 minutes after feeding, if possible. ... Try smaller, more-frequent feedings. ... Take time to burp your baby. ... Put baby to sleep on his or her back.

Can reflux flare up in babies?

There are couple of things to look for that will indicate if your baby is having an acid reflux flare up. You can always turn to the infant reflux diary to keep track of symptoms. This helps to see fluctuations. Compare the symptoms now to the symptoms you entered when you first filled out the questionnaire.

What causes baby reflux?

Reflux usually happens because your baby's food pipe (oesophagus) has not fully developed, so milk can come back up easily. Your baby's oesophagus will develop as they get older and the reflux should stop.

Is warm or cold milk better for reflux?

* Cold milk: Milk is another excellent way to combat acidity. Milk absorbs acid formation in the stomach, stopping any reflux or burning sensation in the gastric system. Anytime you feel an acid formation in the stomach or heartburn coming on, have a glass of plain cold milk without any additives or sugar.

What foods cause reflux?

Other foods that have been known to increase reflux symptoms include: 1 Dairy products (particularly milk) 2 Acidic foods, like tomatoes and oranges 3 High-fat meats 4 Carbonated drinks (not that you should be offering those to your baby anyway! 😉 )

What is the best food for a baby with reflux?

Avocado — Foods that are high in fat, like avocados, can be good for babies with reflux. Babies with reflux may eat less than babies without, so it’s considered good practice to offer them high fat, high calorie foods.) Pears — Pears are one of the least acidic fruits, and since acid can trigger reflux, pears make a great first food for your baby.

How to help a baby with reflux?

And for some babies, eating large meals triggers reflux symptoms. So consider creating your own daily feeding schedule that’ll include 4 or 5 (or even 6) small meals.

What is the least acidic fruit?

Pears Pears are one of the least acidic fruits, and since acid can trigger reflux, pears make a great first food for your baby.

Can you keep a baby upright after feeding?

If your baby’s struggled with reflux since birth, you probably know this one already. The fact is that keeping your baby in an upright position after feeding can actually help him digest food, and can help prevent vomiting. This is true for babies when they’re breastfeeding or bottle feeding; it’s also true for babies when they’re eating solid ...

Can gas cause pain in babies?

Foods that are known to cause gas can cause lots of pain and discomfort for a baby who already struggles with reflux. Those foods include:

Is rice cereal safe for babies?

Rice cereal is usually considered a good first food for babies without reflux, and it may be fine for a baby with reflux, too. However, rice cereal has been known to cause constipation and gas in some babies, so you may want to avoid offering it right away, if your baby has reflux.

High Fat Foods

High fat foods slow your digestion, which delays stomach emptying, and causes food to sit in your stomach for a longer period. The longer the food remains in your stomach, the more likely you are to experience reflux symptoms.

Acidic Fruits and Vegetables

While fruits and vegetables are a key part of a healthy, well-balanced diet, avoid high-acid fruits and vegetables, which can exacerbate your symptoms.

Garlic and Onions

Many individuals report that garlic and onion are triggers for acid reflux symptoms. Try using other herbs and spices to increase the flavor of your meals without causing heartburn.

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods may irritate and stimulate the digestive tract, causing increased acid production. Individuals with reflux often report abdominal pain and burning after eating spicy foods. More specifically, capsaicin, the compound that makes foods spicy, irritates the esophagus, causing pain and burning. Try sticking to mild or lightly seasoned foods.


Chocolate is a common trigger for acid reflux. Methylxanthine, an ingredient in chocolate, has been shown to relax the smooth muscle of your LES, which contributes to reflux symptoms.


While mint may seem like a soothing flavor, it also often triggers acid reflux. Avoid chewing gum, breath mints, and teas that are mint flavored.


Alcohol both relaxes your LES and stimulates stomach acid production, making it a common trigger for acid reflux. Additionally, alcohol is known to irritate your digestive tract, and increases inflammation in your gut.

What foods cause acid reflux?

The Worst Foods for Acid Reflux Sufferers. Sugar – Chocolate is a known offender, but cookies, donuts, and other sweets also cause reflux symptoms for many people. And by the way, artificial sweeteners are no better.

Why does my stomach feel like it has reflux?

Most people think that reflux is caused by TOO MUCH acid in your stomach. It’s easy to assume that’s the case because acid creeps up the esophagus. You can literally feel it. On the contrary, reflux is actually caused by TOO LITTLE acid in the stomach (supported by 16,000 research articles).

How often should I take greens for reflux?

If the reflux is bad, start 2-3 times a day, and see how you do. I also suggest the Daily Greens in the morning to improve gut function that may be causing gaseous emissions pushing up the acid from the stomach to the esophagus.

What causes gastric distension?

Fried foods – Heavy foods are tough on the stomach to break down, which leads to gastric distension, which means increased pressure on the sphincter at the top of the stomach to open, letting acid into the esophagus.

How long does it take to eliminate reflux?

Symptom tracking for reflux can be very effective if you use it as a way to determine which foods to eliminate, but keep in mind that some foods can exacerbate symptoms for 48 hours or more, so eliminate foods for a few weeks before reintroducing to be sure.

What is the best way to treat GERD?

So if you’re looking for alternatives, lo han berry extract (AKA monk fruit) or organic stevia are your best options. Processed foods – Foods made from corn, potatoes, wheat (bread and pasta), and sodium chloride (table salt) can trigger a reflux episode in some patients with GERD.

Can salt cause GERD?

Processed foods – Foods made from corn, potatoes, wheat (bread and pasta), and sodium chloride (table salt) can trigger a reflux episode in some patients with GERD. It’s not entirely clear why these foods cause reflux, although I would argue that it’s no coincidence that those are all acidic foods, but studies have shown that diets high in processed salt (not mineral salts) like those that rely on processed foods increase the likelihood of developing GERD.

What foods increase acidity?

Just like citrus, the acids in tomatoes will increase your stomach’s acid levels. 4. Spicy Foods. Chili peppers, hot sauce, paprika, salsa, wasabi and other spicy additives make food delicious. However, spicy foods contain a substance called capsaicin which gives them their spice.

Why do citrus fruits cause heartburn?

Because citrus fruits contain high amounts of citric acid, they cause your stomach to produce more stomach acid. As a result, your stomach is more full and the chances for reflux increase. You may not experience heartburn every time you eat citrus fruits, but if you enjoy a glass of orange juice every day, you might want to moderate your citrus intake if you notice a connection between your symptoms.

How to help with reflux pain?

Brewing ginger tea, drinking ginger ale, or adding ginger to a salad can help you manage painful reflux symptoms. 4. Healthy Fats. Saturated and processed fats take much longer to digest. On the flip side, your body does need healthy fats that can be found in tree nuts, avocados, olive oil and flaxseed.

What are the best medications for GERD?

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin. Antibiotics. Other medications such as alpha-blockers and calcium channel blockers can also make symptoms worse. If you suspect that one of your medications is the reason for your GERD symptoms, talk to your doctor before stopping your medication.

Can you get acid reflux surgery in Middle Tennessee?

If you need treatment for acid reflux and GERD in Middle Tennessee, the surgeons and doctors at The Surgical Clinics can help. We want you to know that surgery is the last resort when treating GERD. Many cases can be adequately treated with medications that reduce stomach acid production and help the esophagus heal.

Can eating the wrong thing cause GERD?

Everyone needs to eat, but for people who have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), eating the wrong thing can have painful consequences. If you’re just starting to experience GERD symptoms and you’re not sure what’s causing your symptoms, here’s a list of eight foods that are making your GERD symptoms worse. 1.

Does soda cause acid reflux?

There are two factors from soda and soft drinks that aggravate acid reflux symptoms. One, just like coffee, is caffeine content. The second is carbonation. Energy drinks, cola and even some citrus sodas all have caffeine.

What foods cause reflux in babies?

Let’s take a look at a list of foods that increases the amount of burping and therefore may worsen an infant’s reflux. Brussel sprouts. broccoli.

What is the best food for a baby with reflux?

On the fruit side, avocados, pears, and bananas tend to be good first foods for babies with reflux. All aid in digestion, are low in acidity, and provide great nutrients.

What Solid Foods are Good for Babies with Infant Reflux?

Having a comprehensive list of the solid foods that babies with reflux tolerate well would be a wonderful tool to have—unfortunately the reality is that every baby is different. How one baby reacts to certain foods will be different than another. But there are mainstay solid foods that can help infant reflux.

What percentage of babies have reflux?

Currently, medical research indicates that roughly fifty percent of babies are born with some degree of infant reflux. Sadly, in many cases infant reflux is misdiagnosed as colic and as a result many months may pass without the simple diet modifications that will make your baby healthier and more comfortable.

How do you know if you have reflux in your baby?

Below are the symptoms of infant reflux that you should be aware of: frequent crying. vomiting or spitting up. arching of the back or neck during or after feeds. frequent ear infections. inability to sleep or frequent waking. irritability. frequent hiccups. A vast majority of children will grow out of infant reflux around age two.

When to use cereal for reflux?

However, in the case of infant reflux a growing number of medical professionals recommend using cereal to thicken the formula or breastmilk before they are six months old to help keep down the milk.

Can oatmeal help with reflux?

How one baby reacts to certain foods will be different than another. But there are mainstay solid foods that can help infant reflux. With your doctor’s permission, you can try introducing oatmeal instead of rice cereal or even pureed vegetables. For some babies with reflux, rice cereal contributes to excessive gas and even constipation.


1.Feeding Solid Foods To A Baby With Reflux: 5 Tips


2 hours ago  · The worst foods for acid reflux include: High fat foods; Acidic fruits and vegetables; Garlic and onions; Spicy Foods; Chocolate; Mint; Alcohol and carbonated beverages; Caffeine; High Fat Foods. High fat foods slow your digestion, which delays stomach emptying, and causes food to sit in your stomach for a longer period. The longer the food remains in your …

2.Worst Foods for Acid Reflux | Full List - OnPoint Nutrition


27 hours ago The reality is that eating consistently poor diet can lead to gut health issues. I think we can all agree with this. We typically will lump a number of things in like fatty foods, fried foods, refined foods, processed foods, foods that are high in sugar. We’ll typically ring fix it in that way.

3.The 10 Worst Foods That Make Acid Reflux More Severe


16 hours ago  · the plum stuff is really nice if you ignore the instructions and make it a bit thicker and with lo's milk- we added pear puree to it to make it tastier, and also fed butternut squash, parsnip and peas (seperately to start) carrots made him sick for a while, and sweet potato brought on massive stomach aches, broccoli does cause wind, and if trying anything from a jar, …

4.8 Foods That Are Making Your GERD Worse | The …


20 hours ago As a result, stomach acid can backwash up into the esophagus much easier. 2. Citrus. Lemons, oranges and limes are all foods that can make your GERD symptoms worse. Grapefruit is another food you might want to avoid in order to manage your symptoms.

5.Solid Foods To Help with Infant Reflux in Babies - Regalo …


11 hours ago Acid Reflux and Baby Food. Thank you for your article “ Rice Cereal and Constipation ”. It got my attention because my 7.5 months baby is suffering again from acid reflux and his pediatrician recommended adding a teaspoon of rice per oz of milk (we give him Isomil) along with 3 times a day Axid solution. I was always afraid of rice, because ...

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