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what genre is chains by laurie halse anderson

by Dr. Yasmeen Nikolaus Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

When was chains by Laurie Halse Anderson published?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Chains, written by Laurie Halse Anderson, is the first novel in the Seeds of America trilogy, a series of historical fiction novels, and was first published in the United States on October 21, 2008.

What kind of author is Laurie Halse Anderson?

About the Author. Laurie Halse Anderson is a New York Times bestselling author known for tackling tough subjects with humor and sensitivity. Her work has earned numerous ALA and state awards. Two of her books, Chains and Speak, were National Book Award finalists. Chains also received the 2009 Scott O’Dell Award for Historical Fiction,...

What is the theme of the book chains by Laurie Anderson?

In 'Chains', Anderson tells the story of thirteen-year-old Isabel. Having been born into slavery, she and her sister fortunately had an owner that decided to free them upon her death. The nephew, though, had other ideas. Instead of freedom, they were sold to a heartless couple with strong loyalists ties. The American Revolution has just begun.

Who is the author of the book chaining chains?

Chains also received the 2009 Scott O’Dell Award for Historical Fiction, and Laurie was chosen for the 2009 Margaret A. Edwards Award. Mother of four and wife of one, Laurie lives in Pennsylvania, where she likes to watch the snow fall as she writes.


Are Chains realistic fiction?

Chains is engrossing, realistic, historically detailed, suspenseful. The beginning of the Revolution is certainly important to the story, but the central issue in Chains is that the Colonists' goal of freedom applied only to whites, not to the humans they owned.

What is the main theme of the book Chains?

The main themes in Chains are memory and ancestry; slavery, freedom, and rebellion; and growth and coming of age. Memory and ancestry: Isabel has a powerful memory and connection to her ancestry, both of which help guide her in adversity but are threatened by loss and trauma.

Why is the book Chains called Chains?

📕What 19th-century novelshould you read? We'll start with the obvious: The title Chains refers to slavery. From there, though, it gets a little more complicated, because there's a ton of different kinds of slavery going on in this book.

What grade level is Chains?

Chains (Seeds of America)Interest LevelReading LevelATOSGrades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 125.2Jan 3, 2018

Who is the protagonist in Chains?

Isabel, the protagonist of Chains is a 13-year-old slave girl owned by a kind Rhode Island woman named Mary Finch. Kind might seem like a poor word choice given that the woman is a slave owner, but in the context of the arduous challenges Isabel is about to face, kind might be the most appropriate word.

How old is Isabel in ashes?

In ASHES: THE SEEDS OF AMERICA TRILOGY, BOOK 3, Isabel returns as narrator. Now 17, she and Curzon, 19, are near the end of their long walk south to find Isabel's little sister, Ruth, who was taken away from Isabel five years ago.

How old is Isabel in the book Chains?

thirteen-year-oldThe trilogy follows the story of thirteen-year-old Isabel, an African-American slave fighting for her and her younger sister's freedom during the American Revolutionary War. Chains takes place mainly in New York City in 1776 into 1777, at a time when slavery was legal and common in the colonies.

What age is Chains appropriate for?

This historical fiction book is the first in the “Seeds of America” series by Laurie Halse Anderson and is published by Simon & Schuster for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division. Chains is written for kids ages 10 and up.

How old is Curzon in the book Chains?

Isabel and Curzon are now 17 and 19, their relationship strained by years of travel, disagreement and stubbornness.

What is grade 70 chain rated for?

Grade 70 has a chain working load limit available between 3,150 to 15,800 lbs. and is commonly used as a logging chain. It is also used for: Trucking and trailer tie downs.

What does the title Chains mean?

A chain of title shows all the owners of a piece of property. It is sequential in nature, going from the very first owner all the way up to the current owner.

What is the significance of the title Chains?

The chain of title is imperative to establishing legal ownership of real estate, vehicles, patents, and other tangible and intangible property. State governments and some private companies have registry systems for titles which keep accurate records of ownership from the original owner onwards.

What are book Chains?

A Bookchain can most simply be described as a reading group that doesn't meet. It is an ideal option for readers who want to share their reading experiences but don't have the time or inclination for a regular face-to-face group.

Why did Isabel get branded in Chains?

Isabel was sentenced to be branded with the letter "I" on her face to resemble Insolence because she attempted to murder her owner and run. In this chapter Isabel was dragged to the courtyard.

When was Chains published?

Chains, written by Laurie Halse Anderson, is the first novel in the Seeds of America trilogy, a series of historical fiction novels, and was first published in the United States on October 21, 2008.

How old is Isabel in Chains?

The trilogy follows the story of thirteen-year-old Isabel, an African-American slave fighting for her and her younger sister's freedom during the American Revolutionary War. Chains takes place mainly in New York City in 1776 into 1777, at a time when slavery was legal and common in the colonies.

What documents does Anderson include in his book?

Under the dates, Anderson includes quotes from important historic documents such as private letters, newspapers, the Common Sense pamphlet, the Declaration of Independence of the United States, and spoken opinions from various world leaders. These openings to each chapter give a perspective on what Isabel/Sal might face in the chapter.

Who is the antagonist in Chains?

The main antagonist of Chains (and arguably the entire trilogy) and the wife of Elihu Lockton, she is also a Loyalist, though not as strongly committed as her husband. Very abusive towards Isabel, both physically and mentally, she does not call her by name and instead calls her Sal; in return demanding Isabel refers to her as Madam. Her harsh and brutal character is shown in her branding Isabel as a punishment for standing up to her and running away afterward. She strongly dislikes Isabel, as opposed to her liking Ruth because she is considered easier to order around. She is very impatient and she always blames Isabel for accidents she encounters, also often picking on the simplest mistakes such as not placing her dog statue in the right position after being dusted. When her husband's aunt falls sick, she hopes that her condition will cause her to die soon. Whenever Lady Seymour's condition improves, Mrs. Lockton seems to be saddened.

Who are the Locktons in The Little Girls?

The Locktons are the owners of Isabel and her sister Ruth throughout, pretty much the whole book. They are both loyalists and try their hardest to make the little girls' lives miserable

What is the theme of the book "Chains"?

Family ties is one of the major themes of the novel “Chains.”. Though Isabel is separated from her father, and later from her sister, the readers can see the strong bond between them. They are far away from her, but still closer to her heart. The memories of her family are an encouragement to Isabel.

What is the beginning of Chains?

Introduction: Chains begins with the funeral of Miss Finch, Isabel and Ruth’s previous owner. Though it is a sad event, Isabel is eagerly waiting for Miss Finch’s lawyer to come and read out her will which declares their freedom. However, things don’t go as planned. Unfortunately, the lawyer does not make it and not believing that Miss Finch had promised freedom to the girls in her will, Miss Finch’s brother sells Isabel and Ruth to Anne and Elihu Lockton. The girls are terribly disappointed, especially Isabel.

What is the conclusion of the story Free at Last?

She helps Curzon out of the jail and rows both of them on a stolen boat across the river to the banks of New Jersey. Free at last, the story ends in both of them walking towards an unknown future.

Who is Isabel in Chains?

Isabel, the protagonist of the novel, Chains, is a teenage girl who is bought by the cruel Lockton family. However, deep in her heart, Isabel, craved for freedom. She believes her slavery is like a knot that she knows not how to untie.

Is Chains a historical fiction?

It is a historical fiction with the American Revolution as a backdrop. The novel Chains takes the readers back in time. Though the story is continued in the next novel, it showcases a teenage girl’s courage in striving to gain freedom and live a life of fullness and joy.

Who wrote the book "Chains"?

Laurie Halse Anderson did an outstanding job on this novel. Her simple yet insightful style of writing is so original; I have never seen anything like it. 'Chains' has all the elements of a worthwhile story, this coming from an ardent reader who is experienced in judging books. A gripping plot, interesting characters, and subtle morals weaved between the lines; you'll find them from the first page. For those who are questioning whether or not to read 'Chains', I assure you of my recommendation. Sydney

How many times has Laurie Halse Anderson been nominated for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award?

She has been nominated three times for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Two of her books, Speak and Chains, were National Book Award finalists, and Chains was also short-listed for the Carnegie medal. Link to Laurie Halse Anderson's Website. Name Pronunciation. Laurie Halse Anderson: Halse rhymes with waltz.

About the author

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Who is Laurie Anderson?

Laurie Halse Anderson is an American writer, known for children's and young adult novels. She received the Margaret A. Edwards Award from the American Library Association in 2010 for her contribution to young adult literature. She was first recognized for her novel Speak, published in 1999.

Where was Laurie Halse born?

Early life. Laurie Beth Halse was born October 23, 1961, to Rev. Frank A. Halse Jr. and Joyce Holcomb Halse in Potsdam, New York. She grew up there with her younger sister, Lisa. As a student, she showed an early interest in writing, specifically during the second grade. Anderson enjoyed reading—especially science fiction and fantasy—as a teenager, ...

What is Laurie Anderson's award for Young Readers?

The ALA called the novels "gripping and exceptionally well-written" and the panel chair said that "Laurie Halse Anderson masterfully gives voice to teen characters undergoing transformations in their lives through their honesty and perseverance while finding the courage to be true to themselves." In 2017, she received the Anne V. Zarrow Award for Young Readers' Literature, a career award presented by the Tulsa City-County Library.

What is the name of the book that Anderson wrote about a slave?

In 2008, Anderson published another historical fiction novel, Chains, about a teenage Revolutionary War -era slave. The novel, the first in a trilogy dubbed Seeds of America, was awarded the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction.

When was Twisted by Anderson published?

Anderson's fourth YA novel, Twisted, was released in the spring of 2007 by Viking.

What is the series Seeds of America called?

Seeds of America series, also referred to as "Chains: Seeds of America" series or simply "Chains" series.

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What parents need to know

Parents need to know that Chains is the first book in Laurie Halse Anderson 's The Seeds of America trilogy, followed by Forge and Ashes. Chains is a realistic, heartbreaking depiction of life as an enslaved person in war-torn New York in 1776.

What's the story?

Before CHAINS begins, two young Black enslaved women -- Isabel and her younger sister, Ruth -- were promised they would be freed upon their mistress's death. Instead, their late mistress's nephew sells them to the Locktons, a wealthy Loyalist and his mean-spirited wife.

Is it any good?

Laurie Halse Anderson's brutally realistic novel will move and educate readers about slavery in late 18th century New York. Isabel is courageous and bright, and devoted to her little sister.

Talk to your kids about ..

Families can talk about Isabel's bravery. What gives her courage? How is she different from other female heroes you've read about?

Key Features

As the Revolutionary War begins, thirteen-year-old Isabel wages her own fight...for freedom. Promised freedom upon the death of their owner, she and her sister, Ruth, in a cruel twist of fate become the property of a malicious New York City couple, the Locktons, who have no sympathy for the American Revolution and even less for Ruth and Isabel.


As the Revolutionary War begins, thirteen-year-old Isabel wages her own fight...for freedom. Promised freedom upon the death of their owner, she and her sister, Ruth, in a cruel twist of fate become the property of a malicious New York City couple, the Locktons, who have no sympathy for the American Revolution and even less for Ruth and Isabel.



Chains, written by Laurie Halse Anderson, is the first novel in the Seeds of America trilogy, a series of historical fiction novels, and was first published in the United States on October 21, 2008. The trilogy follows the story of thirteen-year-old Isabel, an African-American slave fighting for her and her younger sister's freedom during the American Revolutionary War. Chains takes place mainly in New York City in 1776 into 1777, at a time when slavery was legal and common in the colonies. T…


Isabel and her younger sister, Ruth, were supposed to be released from slavery as promised by the will of their owner, Miss Mary Finch, when she died. Unfortunately, they landed in the hands of Miss Mary's nephew, Robert Finch, who claimed them as his property with the reason that there was no actual will in physical form. He then sold them to a Loyalist couple who brings them to New York away from their previous hometown, Newport, Rhode Island. Isabel, determined to gain her …


The protagonist and narrator of the novel, she is always striving her best to do anything she can do to get her and her sister out of slavery and back to Rhode Island, where they belong. Though at a very young age—thirteen years old—she has a very tough character and is devoted to anything she does. Her cleverness helps her in her various tasks on spying the Loyalists and planning her escape. She is very nurturing towards her younger sister Ruth, knowing that she is the only perso…


• Selected by Indie Booksellers for the Winter 2008 Kid's List
• Selected in the Booklist Editor's Choice:Books for Youth in 2008
• National Book Award finalist in 2008
• Winner of the IRA Teacher's Choices booklist in 2009


• Anderson, Laurie Halse (2008). Chains. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-1-4169-0586-8.

External links

• Chains (novel)

1.Chains (Seeds of America, #1) by Laurie Halse Anderson


30 hours ago Chains was a wonderful book by Laurie Halse Anderson - sad and filled with sorrow, but hopeful at the same time. It's historical fiction, which usually consists of deterring facts, but Anderson …

2.Chains (novel) - Wikipedia


4 hours ago Chains review. I think that this book deserves 11 points out of 10. Though i am not a historical fiction, Chains really stands out to me. i can relate to most characters, especially Isabella. I …

3.Videos of What Genre Is Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson


23 hours ago Chains Summary. Next. Chapter 1. Thirteen-year-old Isabel and her five-year-old sister, Ruth, are enslaved—but Isabel believes they’ll be free, since the girls’ owner, Miss Mary Finch, has just …

4.Summary and reviews of Chains by Laurie Halse …


7 hours ago Parents need to know that Chains is the first book in Laurie Halse Anderson 's The Seeds of America trilogy, followed by Forge and Ashes. Chains is a realistic, heartbreaking depiction of …

5.Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson Plot Summary | LitCharts


5 hours ago Chains by by Laurie Halse Anderson. Genres: Historical Fiction, Young Adult 12+ paperback: 336 pages; Publisher: Atheneum; ISBN-10: 1416905863; ISBN-13: 9781416905868

6.Chains (The Seeds of America Trilogy): Anderson, Laurie …


20 hours ago

7.Laurie Halse Anderson - Wikipedia


20 hours ago

8.Chains: The Seeds of America Trilogy, Book 1 - Common …


6 hours ago

9.product-detail-page - Scholastic


9 hours ago

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