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what grows well with tomatoes and peppers

by Tyra Murazik Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Vegetables to Grow Alongside Tomatoes

  • #1. Carrots Plant carrots early in the season before tomatoes take off, and then plant another set of carrots once the tomato plants are on their last leg. ...
  • #2. Peppers Tomatoes and peppers make excellent garden companions and you can even plant them together at the same time as they won't compete for soil space! ...
  • #3. Onions ...
  • #4. Lettuce ...
  • #5. Garlic ...

Peppers, both sweet and hot, are excellent companion plants. Probably since they are related; they are both in the nightshade family. Many greens, such as spinach, lettuce, and arugula, enjoy the company of tomatoes and benefit from the shade provided by the taller tomato plants.Jul 25, 2022

Full Answer

What vegetables grow well with tomatoes?

Other vegetables in the Solanaceae plant family include potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and chili peppers. In general, scented culinary herbs make good companions for nightshades like tomatoes, while brassicas (cabbage family plants) can inhibit the growth of tomato plants.

Can you plant tomatoes and peppers together?

You can certainly plant tomatoes and peppers together successfully if you follow the right steps. Planting tomato and pepper is a form of companion planting whereby different plants are grown next to each other. It is believed that these companion plants form a symbiotic relationship whereby they contribute to each other growth and development.

What plants look good with peppers?

In addition to providing a splash of color in the garden, petunias can be a great companion plant for peppers due their ability to repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, tomato worms, and aphids. 31. Lovage

What herbs go well with tomatoes?

As an aromatic herb, it makes an excellent companion for a number of different plants. 16. Marjoram Tomatoes love warmth in the summer and perennial Mediterranean herbs do too. Marjoram is one example. It is especially beneficial for attracting insects when in flower. 17. Rosemary


Can peppers and tomatoes be planted together?

The reality is that because the two have similar growth requirements, they can in fact be grown quite successfully together. Diseases common to both tomato and pepper include Verticillium wilt and bacterial spot.

What should you not plant with tomatoes?

What should not be planted with tomatoes?Brassicas (including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts) - inhibit tomato growth.Potatoes - along with tomatoes are also in the nightshade family so they will be competing for the same nutrients and will also be susceptible to the same diseases.More items...•

What grows well next to tomatoes and peppers?

Alliums – Onions, garlic, chives and other alliums can all work well as companion plants for tomatoes and peppers, as they can for a wide range of other crops. Their strong smell can work to repel or distract a wide range of pests that might otherwise plague your plants.

What plants should not be planted with peppers?

Peppers – Pepper plants make good neighbours for asparagus, basil, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, oregano, parsley, rosemary, squash, Swiss chard, and tomatoes. Never plant them next to beans, Brassicas, or fennel.

Should tomatoes be planted near peppers?

Peppers, both sweet and hot, are excellent companion plants. Probably since they are related; they are both in the nightshade family. Many greens, such as spinach, lettuce, and arugula, enjoy the company of tomatoes and benefit from the shade provided by the taller tomato plants.

What can I plant next to bell peppers?

Carrots, cucumbers, radishes, squash, and members of the Allium family all do well when grown in close proximity to peppers. Eggplant, a member of the nightshade family along with peppers, thrives alongside peppers. Spinach, lettuce, and chard are suitable pepper companions.

Why should you not plant cucumbers near tomatoes?

Cucumbers' and Tomatoes' Shared Diseases Phytophthora blight and root rot are more serious issues as these disease pathogens can ravage both cucumbers and tomatoes. Plants can be treated with commercial fungicides as a preventive measure, but it's better to just use good cultivation practices.

Why not plant beans next to peppers?

Peppers: Experts disagree on whether peppers and beans can coexist. They both can benefit the soil. However, sometimes the bean vines can spread too aggressively among the pepper plants and choke them.

What do tomatoes like to be planted with?

Plants recommended for companion planting with tomatoes include amaranth, asparagus, basil, beans, borage, calendula (pot marigold), carrots, celery, chive, cleome, cosmos, cucumber, garlic, lemon balm, lettuce, marigold, mint, nasturtium, onion, parsley, sage, and squash.

What can you not plant near bell peppers?

The plants to never plant close to all types of peppers are as follows:Beans (for jalapenos)Peas (for jalapenos)Cauliflower.Kohlrabi.Broccoli.Cabbage.Kale.Brussels sprouts.More items...•

Can I plant jalapeños next to tomatoes?

So, can you grow tomatoes and jalapeños together? Yes, you can grow tomatoes and jalapeños together in a small garden bed. Tomatoes and jalapenos are wonderful companions and require similar soil, sunlight, and nutrient conditions.

Can basil and peppers be planted together?

Arguably one of the most popular summer herbs, basil is great on its own, but also has a place next to and around pepper plants. It's claimed that growing basil next to peppers boosts their flavor, and may help to repel some common garden pests, such as aphids, spider mites, thrips, mosquitoes, and flies.

Why should you not plant cucumbers near tomatoes?

Cucumbers' and Tomatoes' Shared Diseases Phytophthora blight and root rot are more serious issues as these disease pathogens can ravage both cucumbers and tomatoes. Plants can be treated with commercial fungicides as a preventive measure, but it's better to just use good cultivation practices.

What vegetables can I grow with tomatoes?

Basil (Ocimum basilicum): Not only is basil a great tomato companion on a plate, it's also one of the most important tomato companion plants for the garden, most notably when it comes to deterring thrips and tomato hornworms.

What herbs should not be planted by tomatoes?

While many herbs grow well with tomatoes, dill is the exception.

What vegetables should not be planted together?

Other commonly believed plant incompatibilities include the following plants to avoid near one another:Mint and onions where asparagus is growing.Pole beans and mustard near beets.Anise and dill neighboring carrots.Cucumber, pumpkin, radish, sunflower, squash, or tomatoes close to potato hills.More items...•

Know If You Can Plant Tomatoes And Pepper Together?

You can certainly plant tomatoes and peppers together successfully if you follow the right steps.

Planting Tomatoes And Peppers: Garden Tips

Simply follow these garden tips or practice below for successful tomato and pepper planting.

Planting Tomatoes

The first step is to grow your seeds either indoors and allow them to harden off or grow them outdoors.

Planting Peppers

To begin the planting process for pepper, choose a planting site and ensure it’s a sunny and well-draining spot. Then grow your seeds indoors and harden them off then plant in a warm soil of at least 60 degrees. Support your plant with a stake and don’t wait till they grow big before staking.

Conclusion On Can I Plant Tomatoes And Peppers Together

We have concluded that it’s possible you plant tomatoes and peppers together. However, you must follow some garden tips or practice for that successful plant growth.

Planting Tomatoes & Peppers Together: Pest Management

Peppers and tomatoes are both in the Solanaceae family, along with potatoes, tobacco, eggplant, false nightshade, deadly nightshade, and ground cherries.

Planting Tomatoes & Peppers Together: Soil Nutrition

Plants in the same family also tend to pull the same nutrients from the soil. This is another reason crop rotation schedules are an important part of soil management.

Planting Tomatoes & Peppers Together: Seed Saving

Pest and soil management are important to current crops, but gardeners focused on seed saving have to make decisions based on future crops.

Planting Tomatoes & Peppers Together: Support Structures

One final consideration for growing these plants together is support structures.

Good Tomato Companion Plants

A lot of plants are touted as improving the health, vigor, and flavor of tomatoes. All of these features are hard to measure, since little scientific research exists to back up the claims, and many other factors may be involved. Still, it is interesting to try them out in your own garden.

Bad Companions for Tomatoes

Cabbage (Brassica) family: All relatives of cabbage stunt the growth of tomato plants (including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, rutabaga, and turnip ).

Good Resources on Companion Planting

If you are interested in learning more about companion planting, you might want to look at two great books on the subject: Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louise Riotte and Great Garden Companions by Sally Jean Cunningham.

What is Companion Planting?

Companion planting is simply the process of planting different plants together. It is a far better alternative to mono-crop cultivation.

The Different Types of Companion Plants

Before we start to look at the options for companion plants to grow with your tomatoes, we should look at the different types of companion plants.

Vegetables & Fruits To Companion Plant With Tomatoes

If you are growing your tomatoes in an annual growing area, you must consider a number of different factors when choosing companion plants.

Herbs To Use as Companion Plants For Tomatoes

Tomatoes grown in an annual polyculture can also benefit from herbs grown nearby. Annual herbs can be rotated in your annual areas with your fruits and vegetables.

Flowers to Use as Companion Plants For Tomatoes

Flowers can also be great companions for tomatoes in beds, borders or containers. Again, they can be annual or perennial, and be included in a wide range of different garden zones.

Weeds To Allow to Grow in Your Tomato Garden

One final type of plant to consider are those commonly called ‘weeds’. Plants that are often called weeds can, in the right places, be incredibly useful and resilient.

Examples of Tomato Polycultures To Consider

One thing to remember when creating your polycultures and companion planting schemes is that while all of the above plants may work well with tomatoes, they may not all work well with one another.

1. Basil

Arguably one of the most popular summer herbs, basil is great on its own, but also has a place next to and around pepper plants. It's claimed that growing basil next to peppers boosts their flavor, and may help to repel some common garden pests, such as aphids, spider mites, thrips, mosquitoes, and flies. 1  Plus, pesto!

2. Chives

Growing chives near peppers can help to deter aphids and other insects. 2 Chives are also said to the flavor and yields of plants nearby. Chives are a handy and flavorful kitchen herb, and because it's a perennial, a single planting can come back year after year.

3. Carrots

Growing carrots around peppers can help to shade out some of the weeds, providing a living mulch, and are a great way to maximize space in the garden. Plus, who doesn't love a fresh carrot, straight from the soil?

4. Onions

Onions don't take up a lot of room above the ground, and are said to deter many common insect pests in the garden, such as aphids, slugs, and cabbage worms, making them a good companion plant for peppers. 2 Besides the onion bulb itself, onion greens can be clipped throughout the season as an addition to salads and other fresh vegetable dishes.

5. Chard

Swiss chard is another incredibly useful plant in the garden, and interplanting it with peppers can offer partial shade and protection from winds, while also crowding out weeds. Chard also happens to be one of the easier veggies to grow, and can add some color to garden beds.

6. Lettuce

Growing lettuce as a companion planting to peppers is a great way to get an additional harvest in a small space, due to their lower growth habit, while also crowding out weeds.

7. Spinach

Spinach can be a compliment to peppers in the garden, for many of the same reasons that both lettuce and chard are, and because of their shorter stature, will not shade out peppers and other taller plants.

About Companion Planting

When planning an organic garden, companion planting is a great idea. Experimentation can help you come up with diverse polyculture planting schemes and plant combinations that work well where you live.

Fruits and Vegetables to Grow Alongside Peppers

First of all, let’s take a look at the other fruits and vegetables that you could consider growing alongside peppers in your garden:

Herbs That Make Good Companion Plants for Peppers

Next, let’s take a look at some of the many herbs that make good companion plants for peppers:

Flowers That Make Good Companion Plants for Peppers

Now, let’s take a look at some flowers that could be good additions to your pepper growing areas:

4 Plants To Grow Nowhere Near Peppers

The above can all work well when planted near peppers. But there are also plenty of other plants to consider and this is by no means an exhaustive list.

Choosing Proper Placement

Tomato and pepper plants need full sun exposure to grow their best. Tomato plants are often larger than pepper plants and may need more space in the garden than pepper plants. Full-sized tomato plants may even shade out pepper plants at certain times of the day.

Soil Preparation and Planting Procedure

Tomato and pepper plants thrive when large amounts of organic matter are incorporated into their soil before they are planted. A 1- or 2-inch layer of compost spread over the garden soil should be worked it into the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Broadcast 4 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer over the planting area, and work it into the soil as well.

Tender Loving Care

Tomato and pepper plants need large amounts of water. Frequent watering is often necessary as they become established in their new location. One inch of water per week may be adequate at the beginning of the growing season. As temperatures rise when the growing season progresses, 2 inches of water per week may become necessary.

Coastal Gardening Considerations

Gardeners who live in coastal areas where the sky is often overcast in summer may have a tough time growing pepper and tomato plants. Early-season varieties of tomatoes, such as "Stupice" and "Early Girl," will perform better than other varieties in those areas.


What Is Companion Planting?

  • Based on the principles of biodiversity and agro-ecology, planting two symbiotic plants together is a practice that has been used for thousands of years. It is also called interplanting. Interplanting has become very popular in organic farming and gardening because it maximizes the diversity a…
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Types of Companion Planting

  • Companion planting is sort of like symbiosis; it’s two organisms working together for the benefit of both, rather than competing for resources. There are a few different types of planting to achieve different goals:
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Interplanting Benefits

  • In general, when two plants have similar needs or they complement each other’s growing habits, they could be great companion plants. The main benefits of planting peppers and tomatoes together are maximizing yields from a small space, optimizing soil conditions, concentrating water and nutrient needs, and attracting the same pollinators. Both of these veggies can both b…
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Potential Drawbacks

  • Where interplanting goes wrong is when plants start to overgrow or compete with each other. For example, if two crops are planted too close together they will both end up unhappy and potentially more susceptible to diseasebecause they don’t have the space, water, and nutrients they need. It is important to provide enough space for companion plants to thrive. Airflow is also a major fact…
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Should You Companion Plant Peppers and Tomatoes?

  • Taking the pros and cons into account, planting tomatoes and peppers together is totally fine as long as you take the steps outlined above. In a smaller garden or container garden, even just a few tomato and pepper plants could yield prolifically if they get enough space, water, and nutrients. Here are a few more quick tips for getting the most out of interplanting.
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Common Mistakes and Easy Fixes

  • There are a few common mistakes you may encounter when interplanting. But luckily, there are also some pretty easy fixesyou can put into place to correct them.
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Final Thoughts

  • Both of these veggies make great companions in the gardenand a delicious pair in the kitchen. While there are many veggies that may not make the best companion plants, these two will get along just fine in most gardens. Happy planting!
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1.Can You Grow Tomatoes and Peppers Together? - All …


30 hours ago  · Tomato and pepper plants thrive when large amounts of organic matter are incorporated into their soil before they are planted. A 1- or 2-inch layer of compost spread over the garden soil should be ...

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32 hours ago  · Peppers, both sweet and hot, are excellent companion plants. Probably since they are related; they are both in the nightshade family. Many greens, such as spinach, lettuce, and arugula, enjoy the company of tomatoes and benefit from the shade provided by the taller tomato plants. Carrots are also plants that grow well with tomatoes.

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