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what happen during prophase

by Shane Murray Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

During prophase, the complex of DNA and proteins contained in the nucleus, known as chromatin, condenses. The chromatin coils and becomes increasingly compact, resulting in the formation of visible chromosomes. Chromosomes are made of a single piece of DNA that is highly organized.

What are the major events that occur in prophase?

  • Prophase I is the beginning phase of Meiosis I while Prophase II is the beginning phase of Meiosis II.
  • There is a long interphase before Prophase I, whereas Prophase II occurs without an interphase. ...
  • The pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs in Prophase I, whereas such process cannot be seen in Prophase II.

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What are four things happen in prophase?

What four things happen in prophase? 1) The nuclear membrane disintegrates 2) The nucleolus disappears 3) Chromatin condenses into chromosomes 4) abiotic spins forms between poles. Spindle apparatus. Moves and organized chromosomes prior to division; composed of spindle fibers, centrioles and aster fibers.

What has occurred by the end of prophase?

mitosis. Mitosis begins at prophase with the thickening and coiling of the chromosomes. The nucleolus, a rounded structure, shrinks and disappears. The end of prophase is marked by the beginning of the organization of a group of fibres to form a spindle and the disintegration of the nuclear membrane.

What happens in early and late prophase?

early prophase - the nuclear membrane becomes more and more indistinct and the chromatin fibers become more and more packaged and condensed. It is usually not possible to follow individual threads, but the condensation of the material into individual units is becoming obvious. ... late prophase - the nuclear membrane and the nucleolus finally ...


How do you describe prophase?

Prophase is the first step in both mitosis and meiosis that prepares the cells for the next stage, the metaphase.

What main event happens in prophase?

Prophase occurs in both mitosis and meiosis. An additional step called crossing over occurs during prophase I of meiosis. This leads to additional...

What happens during the prophase?

Prophase is the first step in both mitosis and meiosis. During prophase, chromatin fibers start to condense and chromosomes become visible under a...

What is Prophase?

However, the purpose and outcome of these two processes is very different. Prophase is the first step of cell division in both mitosis and meiosis.

What is the process of meiosis?

Meiosis has similar phases to mitosis, but is more complex and involves different types of cells. During meiosis, specialized cells called "germ cells" undergo two rounds of division to produce four gametes. Gametes are cells involved in reproduction (ex: sperm and egg cells). Not only are these gametes genetically different from the parent cell, but each gamete contains half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.

What are spindles used for?

Mitotic spindles begin to form. These spindles contain microtubules and are used to organize and move chromosomes during mitosis.

When does prophase occur?

5. Prophase occurs during both stages of mitosis and meiosis.

When a cell enters prophase of mitosis, the chromatids that were replicated?

When a cell enters prophase of mitosis, the chromatids that were replicated during interphase are joined together at the centromere. It is important to remember that there are no chromosome pairs during mitosis. This chromatin begins to condense allowing the chromosomes to become the visible X shape were are familiar with. It is important that the DNA condenses, as this allows the chromosomes to separate during anaphase (a later phase of mitosis).

How many chromosomes are in a human reproductive cell?

Human reproductive cells (gametes) have 23 chromosomes. During fertilization, a sperm cell with 23 chromosomes and an egg cell with 23 chromosomes will come together, resulting in an organism with a full set of 46 chromosomes .

How many rounds of cell division are there in meiosis?

Unlike mitosis, there are two rounds of cell division in meiosis. These are referred to as meiosis I and meiosis II.


1.Prophase - Definition and Stages in Mitosis and Meiosis


21 hours ago  · Prophase is the starting stage of cell division in eukaryotes. Prophase, in both mitosis and meiosis, is recognized by the condensing of chromosomes and separation of the …

2.Prophase Picture, Stages, & Example | What Happens in …


23 hours ago  · What happens during prophase in mitosis and meiosis? 1 During prophase, the separation of the DNA that was synthesized in the interphase phase takes place, forming two …

3.Videos of What Happen during Prophase


8 hours ago  · Prophase is the first step in both mitosis and meiosis. During prophase, chromatin fibers start to condense and chromosomes become visible under a microscope. The …

4.What happens in the prophase of mitosis? - BYJUS


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7 hours ago During the prophase stage, the chromosomes condense into an X-shaped structure. Each chromosome is composed of two sister chromatids with the same information. Chromosomes …

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