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what happened to saul in the old testament

by Abel Wintheiser Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Thus, David did not witness the defeat of the Israelites under Saul, who was mortally wounded by the Philistines and whose sons were killed. In an act of heroism so that he, the king of Israel, would not be captured, Saul committed suicide by falling on his own sword.

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What was wrong with Saul in the Bible?

His pride, jealousy, and fear displaced the faith he once had in his heart for God. Saul became spiritually hardhearted and blind to God and to his own sinful acts. Saul led the nation as king for about 42 years, but Saul did not fully obey the Lord, and thereby sinned against God.

What happened to Saul How does his story end?

Better Call Saul wrapped up its six-season run on Monday with a supersized series finale that saw Jimmy/Saul/Gene meet a fitting end: sentenced to 86 years in federal prison for his role in Walter White's drug empire and all his other misdeeds.

Who defeated Saul in the Bible?

the PhilistinesSaul's main foe was the Philistines against whom he fought three major battles and many skirmishes.

What did Saul do in the Old Testament?

His chief service to Israel, like that of the judges, lay in the sphere of military defense. Together with his stalwart son Jonathan and an army composed largely of volunteers, he won significant victories over the Philistines and succeeded in driving them out of the central hills.

Why did Saul confess in the end?

But in the end, after making sure that Kim was there to see him, Saul admitted to all of his crimes during his sentencing, practically demanding his full punishment, essentially fulfilling Kim's wish that he “turn himself in.” Saul knows Walt is right that he was always “that way.” But he wants to prove that he doesn't ...

Why did Saul get 86 years?

The series finale answered the big question, “Where is Kim Wexler in Breaking Bad?” Moreover, it showed what happened to Saul Goodman after the events of Breaking Bad as he was imprisoned for 86 years for his crimes after reneging on the seven-year plea bargain to protect Kim Wexler.

Where did Saul go when he died?

Saul died at the Battle of Mount Gilboa, and was buried in Zelah, in the region of Benjamin. Three of Saul's sons – Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua – died with him at Mount Gilboa.

Why was Saul jealous of David?

Introduction. Saul appointed David leader over his armies, but he became jealous and angry because of David's success and sought to kill him. David went to various places as he fled from Saul, and he and men who joined him received help from several people.

How did David react to Saul's death?

Then David and all the men with him took hold of their clothes and tore them. They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.

Why was Saul important in the Bible?

Saul was chosen by God himself to be the first king of Israel. Saul defeated many of the enemies of his country, including the Ammonites, Philistines, Moabites, and Amalekites. He united the scattered tribes, giving them greater strength. He reigned for 42 years.

Are Saul and Paul the same person?

In Acts 13:9, Saul is called "Paul" for the first time on the island of Cyprus – much later than the time of his conversion. The author of Luke–Acts indicates that the names were interchangeable: "Saul, who also is called Paul."

Did Saul become Paul?

Barnabas and Saul then traveled to Jerusalem and back to Antioch, where they preached the gospel. About this time Saul began to be called by his Latin name, Paul. Throughout the rest of the scriptures he was known by the name Paul.

Where did Saul go when he died?

Saul died at the Battle of Mount Gilboa, and was buried in Zelah, in the region of Benjamin. Three of Saul's sons – Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua – died with him at Mount Gilboa.

Where does Saul go after Breaking Bad?

In 2010, after his association with Walter White's drug empire was revealed to the public, Saul was forced to retire from his law career, going into hiding in Omaha for several months, living as a fugitive under the alias of "Gene Takavic", a manager of a Cinnabon in Omaha.

What happened to Paul in the Bible?

The exact details of St. Paul's death are unknown, but tradition holds that he was beheaded in Rome and thus died as a martyr for his faith. His death was perhaps part of the executions of Christians ordered by the Roman emperor Nero following the great fire in the city in 64 CE.

What happened to Saul on the road to Damascus?

On the road to Damascus, Saul was struck by a brilliant light, fell to the ground, heard a voice from heaven identified as the voice of Jesus asking, “Why are you using violence against me?” and ended up blind being led by his companions toward Damascus (Acts 9). That's it.

What happened to Saul in the second half of his reign?

The second half of Saul’s reign was characterized by torment, anger, disobedience and hatred. Eventually, Saul was replaced as king of ...

What does the name Saul mean?

Saul’s name means: “lent”, “to lend”, “asked for” or “given” in the Hebrew language. He was considered to be an impressive young man who was taller and probably more handsome than any of his fellow countrymen. Saul apparently had the physical and social characteristics that people look for in rulers (1 Samuel 9:2).

How did Saul become King?

The second version is found in 1 Samuel 10: 17-24 and 12: 1-5 and Saul becomes the king by being selected through a lottery process. The last instance of Saul’s appointment happens in 1 Samuel 11: 1 – 11 and 11:15. In this passage of scripture, Saul is appointed king after he defeats a group of Ammonites.

Why did the people of Israel not care about the king?

The people of Israel didn’t care because they were now as the other people in the world because they finally had a king. Saul was a man from the land of Gibeah, which was a small settlement a few miles outside of ancient Israel.

How many sons did Samuel have?

Samuel had two sons who were destined to take his position as leader once his time was over, but they were not men of faith. The Israelite people did not want to be ruled by them, and they demanded a king. God was against this, but he decided to allow them to have what they wanted but with a price.

Where was Saul in the Bible?

Saul was a man from the land of Gibeah, which was a small settlement a few miles outside of ancient Israel. There are three different versions of the Bible about how Saul became the first king of Israel. Saul is appointed to this position by Samuel in 1 Samuel 9:1 – 10:16. The second version is found in 1 Samuel 10: 17-24 and 12: 1-5 ...

Who did Saul defeat?

Once Saul had become king, he began to win a string of military victories. He defeated the Philistines who were subjecting the Israelites right before his reign (1 Samuel 14:47). Saul ruled well for many years but ran into problems when he went to war against the Amalekites.

What does Saul do when he realizes David will be the next king?

When Saul realizes David will be the next king, Saul’ s jealousy and envy border on insanity. That insanity leads Saul to chase David near and far, including long jaunts into the wilderness. The Spirit is replaced by evil spirits that cause Saul to rage and slaughter any and all who aid David.

Why was Saul chosen?

He was chosen by God, touched by his Spirit, and given the opportunity to be Israel’s first and greatest king. Saul’s own insistent disobedience against the Lord, however, dashed any opportunity for an enduring dynasty. Instead, jealousy and bitterness began to brew in the king’s heart. Saul’s own son Jonathan could have felt just as bitter ...

What is King Saul's story?

King Saul’s Important Story in the Bible. Before he was something, when he was ordinary, Saul was a humble man. True, he was born into a well-respected family. He was particularly good-looking. He stood much taller than other Israelite men.

How did Saul's sons die?

Saul’s three oldest sons (and many others) die in battle. Saul himself is mortally wounded and takes his own life (suicide). What a terrible legacy after such a promising start. Unlike Saul, let’s not give into pride, envy, or jealousy when God chooses to honor and use someone else more than He uses you or me.

What did God do to King Saul?

King Saul couldn’t really comprehend what that meant, but as he turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart ( 1 Samuel 10:9 ), the Holy Spirit came upon him “powerfully” ( 1 Samuel 10:10 ), and he prophesied. What a change, indeed!

What was the worst betrayal of King Saul?

Worst betrayal: King Saul turned against the Lord, slaughtering priests, and trying to kill David.

Why did Jonathan lose the kingship?

After all, Jonathan knew full well that he had lost the kingship because of his father’s sin — and that David would become king instead. Yet Jonathan was willing to be second to David if that was God’s plan. Saul, however, would hear none of it. Jealousy ate at Saul’s tormented mind.

What did the Philistines tell Saul?

He further told Saul that the Philistines would conquer Israel and Saul and his sons would be killed ( 1 Samuel 28 ). The Philistines did, indeed, route Israel and kill Saul’s sons, including Jonathan. Saul was critically wounded and asked his armor-bearer to kill him so that the Philistines would not torture him.

What happened to Saul after Samuel died?

After Samuel’s death, the Philistine army gathered against Israel. Saul was terrified and tried to inquire of the Lord, but received no answer through the Urim or the prophets. Though he had banished mediums and spiritists from the land, Saul disguised himself and inquired of a medium in Endor.

Why did King Saul ask his armor bearer to kill him?

Saul was critically wounded and asked his armor-bearer to kill him so that the Philistines would not torture him. In fear, Saul’s armor-bearer refused, so Saul fell on his own sword, followed by his armor-bearer who did the same. There are three lessons we can learn from the life of King Saul.

What song did Saul sing to David?

In fact, a popular song of the day was “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands” ( 1 Samuel 18:7 ). When Saul realized that God was with David, the king sought to kill David at every opportunity.

What does the name Saul mean?

The name “Saul,” from the Hebrew word pronounced shaw-ool, means “asked.”. Saul was the son of Kish from the tribe of Benjamin. Saul came from a wealthy family ( 1 Samuel 9:1) and was tall, dark and handsome in appearance.

What did Saul do to be a king?

All he had to do was to seek the Lord wholeheartedly, obey God’s commandments, and align his will with that of God’s, and his rule would have been a God-honoring one.

Why did Saul start out so well?

Answer. Saul started out very well only to see his subsequent disobedient actions derail what could have been a stellar, God-honoring rule over the nation of Israel.

Did the Amalekite Lie?

After all, once you read both accounts, you are left with only a few possibilities, either the Amalekite was lying, or, if he was telling the truth, then the author of 1 Samuel 31 either got the details completely wrong or didn’t have all the details, and so wrote only what he knew. These last two positions are untenable for biblical inerrancy, though, especially since the author was inspired by the Holy Spirit at the time of writing ( 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21 ). Furthermore, there are many things which make it likely that the Amalekite is lying.

What did the armor bearer see Saul die from?

The Amalekite makes no mention of the armor bearer, and the 1 Samuel 31 account states that the armor bearer saw Saul die from a self-inflicted wound. The armor bearer’s job was to protect his charge, and he would have fought the Amalekite if he was living.

What is the account of Saul's words to his armor bearer?

The 1 Samuel 31 account records Saul’s words to his armor bearer; the 2 Samuel 1 account reveals the Amalekite telling David of Saul’s words and they do not align. So we have to decide whether it is more consistent for Saul to ask his fellow-Israelite armor bearer to kill him or to ask an Amalekite to do so.

Why did David kill the Amalekite?

So why did David have the Amalekite killed? Either he believed him and killed him for daring to slay the Lord’s anointed, or he knew he was lying and killed him for lying and looting, as well as trying to besmirch David’s name by associating him with the forced and premature transferal of power. David’s statement in 2 Samuel 1:16, “Your blood is on your own head, for your own mouth has testified against you, saying, ‘I have killed the Lord ’s anointed’” does not necessarily mean that David accepted his story as fact, but only that, if it were, the Amalekite had testified against himself and absolved David of any wrongdoing in ordering his execution.

What does 1 Samuel 31:1–6 mean?

by Troy Lacey on February 22, 2019. In 1 Samuel 31:1–6, 1 we read an account of the defeat of Israel in battle at the hands of the Philistines, as well as the death of King Saul and three of his sons. However in 2 Samuel 1:4–10 (the very next chapter in English Bibles 2) we are given a slightly different account of the death of Saul. ...

Was the Amalekite a looter?

As mentioned above, the Amalekite was either a “timely” opportunist or an experienced battlefield looter and almost certainly did his skulking about at dusk and at night. Saul’s sons had died a little earlier in battle, and therefore Saul (and his armor bearer who died after Saul) must have also died at or shortly before sundown. Since the Philistines were unable or unwilling to loot and desecrate the bodies of Saul and his sons right away (which was clearly their intention), it must have been late in the day when all of them died, or resistance from the remaining Israelite soldiers before they fled ( 1 Samuel 31:1) was strong enough to keep the Philistines from looting the dead until after sundown, which caused them to wait until the next morning.

Did Saul's armor bearer kill Saul?

It should be noted that there are a few commentators who believe that Saul’s armor bearer mistakenly thought Saul was dead, but after the armor bearer committed suicide, Saul revived and the Amalekite stumbled upon the royal retinue. Then, acting on Saul’s wishes, he killed Saul, took his crown, and went to David and embellished the account. This is not just unlikely, given the tenor of the account in 1 Samuel 31 and the seeming certainty of the armor bearer, but in consideration of the above-mentioned “holes” in the Amalekites story, and the fact that it would call into question the accuracy of Scripture, it is demonstrably false.

What did Saul do to the church?

Saul later ravaged the church, entering the homes of believers and committing them to prison. Saul’s anti-Christian zeal motivated him not only to arrest and imprison male Christians (the “ringleaders”) but to lock up female believers as well ( Acts 8:3 ).

Where was Saul raised?

There has been some debate over whether Saul was raised in Jerusalem or in his birthplace of Tarsus, but a straightforward reading of his own comments indicates that Jerusalem was his boyhood home ( Acts 22:3 ). We know that Paul’s sister’s son was in Jerusalem after Paul’s conversion ( Acts 23:16 ), which lends weight to the idea ...

What is Paul's background?

Paul’s post-conversion correspondence to various churches reveals even more about his background. In his second letter to the church in Corinth, Paul describes himself as a Hebrew, an Israelite, and a descendant of Abraham ( 2 Corinthians 11:22 ). In his letter to the Philippian church, Paul says he was a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin ( Philippians 3:5 ).

Where was Saul of Tarsus born?

Saul of Tarsus was born in approximately AD 5 in the city of Tarsus in Cilicia (in modern-day Turkey). He was born to Jewish parents who possessed Roman citizenship, a coveted privilege that their son would also possess. In about AD 10, Saul’s family moved to Jerusalem.

Where was Paul's sister's son?

We know that Paul’s sister’s son was in Jerusalem after Paul’s conversion ( Acts 23:16 ), which lends weight to the idea that Paul’s entire family had moved to Jerusalem when he was young. It is quite possible that Saul was present for the trial of Stephen —a trial that resulted in Stephen becoming the first Christian martyr ( Acts 7:54–60 ).

Was Paul a Pharisee?

In his letter to the Philippian church, Paul says he was a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin ( Philippians 3:5 ). While on his way to Damascus to arrest and extradite Christians back to Jerusalem, Saul was confronted by the very One whom he was persecuting ( Acts 9:3–9; 22:6–11; 26:12–18 ).


1.King Saul - A Man Destroyed by His Own Jealousy - Learn …


18 hours ago  · What happened to Saul in the Old Testament? Saul died at the Battle of Mount Gilboa, and was buried in Zelah, in the region of Benjamin. Three of Saul’s sons – Jonathan, …

2.Videos of What Happened to Saul In The Old Testament


31 hours ago Saul was a weak and ineffective king who didn't do much with his life except try to murder David, his son-in-law, despite David's repeated expression of loyalty, because he knew David was …

3.Who Was King Saul in the Bible? -


21 hours ago  · The Hebrew Bible (referred to as the Old Testament by Christians) names Saul (Hebrew Sha’ul) as the first king of Israel, who reigned circa 1020 to 1000 BCE. According to …

4.Who was King Saul in the Bible? |


35 hours ago Saul died at the Battle of Mount Gilboa, and was buried in Zelah, in the region of Benjamin. Three of Saul’s sons – Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua – died with him at Mount Gilboa. Ish …

5.How Did King Saul Die? | Answers in Genesis


34 hours ago  · Since 1 Samuel 31:4–6 claims that the armor bearer saw Saul die and then killed himself, and that Saul and his three sons all died on the same day, it appears certain that the …

6.What is the story of Saul of Tarsus before he became the …


18 hours ago  · It is quite possible that Saul was present for the trial of Stephen—a trial that resulted in Stephen becoming the first Christian martyr (Acts 7:54–60). The historian Luke tells …

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