Knowledge Builders

what happens if you have too much humidity in your house

by Ms. Maureen Trantow DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why Is Too Much Humidity Bad For Your Home?

  • Growth of Mold If you let your house stay too humid for too long, one of the first things that will happen is that mold will start growing. ...
  • Rotting Floors, Furniture, and Other Wooden Materials ...
  • Poor Air Quality ...
  • Damaged Paint and Wallpaper ...
  • Damaged Brickwork ...
  • Bug Infestations ...
  • Humidity-Related Health Issues ...

Too much humidity can cause condensation on windows, wet stains on walls and ceilings, moldy bathrooms, musty odor, and/or clammy feel to the air. Rot and structural damage can also result from extended periods of high humidity in your home. And, especially in the South, it can draw pests.

Full Answer

How do I lower the humidity in my house?

How to Reduce Humidity in Your House: 8 Effective Ways

  1. Use a Reliable HVAC System Most Florida homes feature HVAC systems, but is yours up to the task of cooling and dehumidifying the whole house? ...
  2. Use Dehumidifiers Do you have a dehumidifier in your house? If not, investing in one is a wise way to reduce house humidity levels. ...
  3. Use Exhaust Fans How many exhaust fans do you have throughout your house? ...

More items...

What percent should humidity be in house?

Generally speaking, the humidity should be between 30-60% in your house. An indoor humidity of 30-60% is recommended by the EPA to reduce mold growth. However, you may want the humidity to be at a certain level depending on certain factors. These factors include outdoor conditions, health concerns, and maintenance of your home.

Why is the humidity level in my house so high?

Why does my house have high humidity in winter?

  • Use Your Air Conditioner.
  • Actively Use Your Exhaust/Ventilation Fans.
  • Take Cooler Showers.
  • Fix Any Leaking Pipes.
  • Keep Your Gutters Clean.
  • Dry Your Laundry Outside.
  • Get a Dehumidifier.
  • Move Your House Plants.

How to lower the humidity in Your House?

Reducing House Humidity In Winter – Easy Checklist

  • Have air exchange. We know it’s winter, but letting the moisture trapped inside the house leads to condensation and its consequences.
  • Insulate your pipes. It’s typical for pipes to sweat because of the change in water temperature. ...
  • Get a dehumidifier. ...
  • Clean your gutter. ...
  • Upgrade your windows. ...


How do I fix too much humidity in my house?

How Can I Reduce My Humidity Levels?Use Your Air Conditioner. ... Actively Use Your Exhaust/Ventilation Fans. ... Take Cooler Showers. ... Fix Any Leaking Pipes. ... Keep Your Gutters Clean. ... Dry Your Laundry Outside. ... Get a Dehumidifier. ... Move Your House Plants.More items...•

How do I know if my house has too much humidity?

Symptoms of High Humidity in Your HomeMoist and clammy air. One of the most noticeable signs of an excess humidity level is the air in your home feels moist and clammy. ... Foggy windows. ... Mildew smell. ... Visible mold. ... Rotting wood. ... Allergies are more intense.

Can high humidity in House health problems?

Bacteria and viruses take hold in humid conditions Spending time in an environment with too much humidity can actually make you sick, especially from respiratory infections. The bacteria and viruses that cause illness thrive and grow in air that's above 60 percent relative humidity.

What happens if a house is too humid?

High humidity over 60% can encourage mold and mildew, and damage furniture, wallpaper, paintwork, floors, and brickwork. To help combat high humidity problems, heat your home properly, use ventilation, and keep moisture-creating activities to a minimum.

Is 70 percent humidity high?

70% humidity in the house is bad because it causes difficulty in breathing while promoting the growth of mold indoors. Mold on your ceiling, walls and furniture can cause a lot of damage. To stay healthy and keep your property safe, humidity inside the house should never exceed 50%.

What symptoms can high humidity cause?

High humidity can have an adverse effect on the human body. Because the air feels warmer than the official, recorded temperature, it can contribute to feelings of low energy and lethargy....Health Risks of High HumidityDehydration.Fatigue.Muscle cramps.Heat exhaustion.Fainting.Heat stroke.

Why is my house at 70 humidity?

A poor ventilation system may be to blame. Adequate ventilation can help control a home's humidity level, impacting health and a home's structural integrity. If there are high humidity levels in your home, poor ventilation can be to blame.

What causes high indoor humidity?

Why Is My House So Humid? Several factors contribute to the humidity levels within a home such as the design, construction and materials, vapor retarder use, insulation, and how airtight the property is. Of course, the surrounding climate and temperature also have a direct effect on humidity.

What does 70% humidity mean?

When the air indoors is 75 degrees and the humidity is 30 percent, the air actually feels like 73 degrees. Conversely, 70 percent humidity makes the air feel like 77 degrees.

What is an unsafe humidity level?

When the indoor humidity level is below 30 percent, the air is too dry, which can harm both a home's structural integrity and the homeowners' health. Conversely, when the level is above 60 percent, the air is too wet, which is also harmful to both the home and the homeowners.

How can I lower the humidity in my house without a dehumidifier?

5 ways to reduce humidity levels indoors without a dehumidifierImprove the ventilation of your home.Turn on the air conditioner.Dry your clothes with a dryer or outdoors.Keep surfaces dry.Use desiccants.

What is normal indoor humidity?

The ideal relative humidity for health and comfort is somewhere between 30-50% humidity, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means that the air holds between 30-50% of the maximum amount of moisture it can contain.

Is 60 humidity too high in a house?

A home should have a relative humidity of 30% to 60%. Above 60% and you have what's considered “high” humidity. Besides being less comfortable, high humidity causes a host of other problems in your home, including: Growth of fungus and mold in various parts of the home.

Why is my house at 70 humidity?

A poor ventilation system may be to blame. Adequate ventilation can help control a home's humidity level, impacting health and a home's structural integrity. If there are high humidity levels in your home, poor ventilation can be to blame.

How do you check the humidity in a room?

Follow these steps: Leave one thermometer as it is – the dry thermometer. Wrap a wet piece of cloth (room temperature water) around the bulb of the other thermometer – the wet thermometer. Place your thermometers in the room where you want to test the humidity level.

What is the ideal humidity in a house?

between 30-50% humidityThe ideal relative humidity for health and comfort is somewhere between 30-50% humidity, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means that the air holds between 30-50% of the maximum amount of moisture it can contain.

Why Is My House So Humid?

Several factors contribute to the humidity levels within a home such as the design, construction and materials, vapor retarder use, insulation, and how airtight the property is. Of course, the surrounding climate and temperature also have a direct effect on humidity. In Florida, for instance, the average humidity inside a home is going to be much higher than that of one located in New England.

What factors affect humidity?

Several factors contribute to the humidity levels within a home such as the design, construction and materials, vapor retarder use, insulation, and how airtight the property is. Of course, the surrounding climate and temperature also have a direct effect on humidity. In Florida, for instance, the average humidity inside a home is going ...

What Are The Benefits of Good Home Humidity Levels?

As previously stated, pollutants and allergens are more prevalent in homes with higher humidity levels. So, having a moderately controlled home can have many health benefits on top of the comfort and convenience you’ll feel. Have you ever been in weather that was so hot you were sticky and covered in sweat? It’s not pleasant, and it’s certainly not something you want to experience inside your home of all places.

How to keep humidity in your home?

Here are some quick tips for things you can do outdoors, to improve the humidity levels inside your home: 1 Ensure that any drainage ditches, gutters, or easements slope away from your home. This will prevent water from running down inside the foundation of your home or basement. It also helps prevent flooding when there is excess water buildup. 2 Keep gutters and downspouts clean so that water can drain properly instead of building up. 3 You can hire professionals to treat the foundation of your home with Hydroclay, a makeshift seal that absorbs and blocks water from entering a home. It’s often used in basements to prevent leaks. 4 Have your roof regularly inspected for loose shingles, cracks, and deteriorated flashings. Also, be sure to monitor all vents leading to the outdoors, such as your dryer vent. Over time they can break down and may need to be replaced or repaired. 5 Install awnings or sloped ledges above windows and doors to ensure all water runs away from the opening.

How to tell if AC is too big?

If your system is turning on and off too often, then nothing is done for the humidity of the air entering your home. You can tell whether or not your AC is too large, by how often it runs and for how long. On the hottest of days, it will only run for about 10 to 15 minutes per cycle before turning off.

What is the best humidity level for lungs?

Energy Star states that ideal indoor humidity levels are between 30 and 50%. It’s in your best interest to follow that recommendation.

Why is humidity important in a bedroom?

A bedroom requires about 50% relative humidity year-round, to help reduce dust mites and allergens. You can sleep better too by maintaining proper humidity levels, which should stay at a sufficient moist because it’s much kinder on your mucous membranes. Furthermore, although the ideal humidity levels are less than 60% in the summer, ...

What Happens If You Have Too Much Humidity in Your House?

High humidity in a house invites microorganisms and helps them flourish. Dust mites, mold and mildew all thrive in warm and moist conditions. Once mold or mildew finds its way into your walls or floors, it can spread rapidly and be expensive to remove. Mold infestations can be toxic to some people — especially those who are allergic.

How does humidity affect air quality?

Humidity can change how you perceive temperature due to its impact on air quality. Lower humidity makes it feel cooler, while high humidity in the house makes you feel warmer. When relative humidity is high, the air has a high moisture content, making it harder for your sweat to evaporate and cool you down. Those who suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma may feel like they’re struggling to breathe when the humidity is high.

What Is the Best Way to Control Humidity?

Purchasing a hygrometer lets you keep tabs on the humidity level in your home to determine if it’s in the ideal range of 30% to 50%. Running the air conditioner regularly helps keep the humidity lower in the summer months, but you may need to place dehumidifiers in rooms that are more humid, like the basement. A humidifier (which adds moisture to the air) often helps during the winter if your heating system dries the air out. You can now purchase whole-house humidifiers that keep your home in the ideal humidity range during the dry season.

What happens if you have too much condensation?

Too much condensation can cause components in your computer or television to short circuit. If enough condensation builds inside of a computer, for example, it can cause catastrophic damage to a motherboard, hard drive or processor. Replacing these components is often pricey because they are the more expensive parts that make up a computer.

Can humidity affect drywall?

Just as with everything else in your home, your drywall can be impacted by both high and low humidity. Low humidity can cause cracks to appear in the drywall, and the plaster can crumble. Relative humidity levels in excess of 60% invite dust mites, mildew and mold into the drywall. Given enough time, mold can spread through the drywall and destroy it.

Can humidity damage wood floors?

Excessive humidity can also damage the structural components of your home. Wood floors absorb the moisture and begin to expand. This warps the wood and can ruin your floors and baseboards.

Can humidity damage furniture?

Walls, furniture, flooring and other components can suffer harm when the humidity levels are out of control.

What are the problems caused by humidity?

Here are four common problems caused by humidity: Mold/Mildew. Damage to the home. Insect infestation. Respiratory and allergy problems. The ideal indoor humidity range is 30-50% and an easy way to measure this is with a hydrometer. A hydrometer is a little devise that tells you how much moisture is in the air.

Why is humidity high?

High humidity doesn’t simply occur because of where we live . How we live and what we do about it determines if we will experience higher than normal levels of moisture indoors. Here are three common causes of high humidity: Indoor activities (cooking, bathing, dish washing, etc.) Poor insulation.

How can portable air conditioners help with humidity?

Apr 24, 2020. Portable air conditioners can help reduce indoor humidity by improving ventilation in your house. Fans, dehumidifiers, and foundational work can help prevent serious damage to your home from high levels of humidity. Do you experience high levels of humidity in your house during the summer?

How to reduce humidity in a home?

Invest in a Portable Air Conditioner. Portable air conditioners can help reduce indoor humidity by improving ventilation in your home. This type of air conditioner comes with a venting kit that helps remove hot air from a space while replacing it with cool air.

What is hydrometer in house?

A hydrometer is a little devise that tells you how much moisture is in the air. But knowing the indoor humidity range of every room in your house is just the beginning. In this post, you’ll learn some of the major causes of high humidity, and how to fix it.

How to keep humidity in bathroom after shower?

Installing a fan into your bathroom light is common practice to get rid of accumulated moisture after showers, but sometimes these appliances are no match for water droplets that cover the walls, windows, and door of a bathroom. Cut down on your shower time or lower the temperature a couple of notches. These simple tips will seriously help keep warm moisture to a minimum.

How long does it take for house plants to remove air pollutants?

And while some studies suggest that certain houseplants can remove indoor air pollutants within 24-hours, they are also shown to increase humidity in the air. They do this by undergoing a process called transpiration.

How does humidity affect your home?

How high humidity causes damage in your home. High humidity can cause problems in your home if relative humidity regularly exceeds 60%. When the air contains water vapor above that level, mold and mildew start to grow, while excess moisture can cause rot, damaging your belongings. Let’s look at some potential problems.

What happens if humidity is too low?

Introduction. When humidity in your home is too high or too low, it can make living conditions unpleasant, and it can also do lasting damage to the property. High humidity creates excess moisture and condensation that potentially leads to mold or rot, while low humidity has been linked to the rapid spread of viruses like cold, flu, ...

What is humidity?

Humidity is simply the concentration of water vapor present in the air, while relative humidity measures the amount of water in the wait in relation to the maximum amount of water vapor it can hold. For example, when outdoor humidity reaches 100%, the air cannot hold any more moisture and it starts to rain.

Why is my wall a condensation site?

The walls of your home are a prime site for condensation to gather, if high humidity is not controlled. The issue is particularly acute with exterior walls, as it’s here that warm, humid air meets a cooler surface. Flaky paint or curling wallpaper is a sign of excess moisture in the home.

Why does humidity fall?

For example, when outdoor humidity reaches 100%, the air cannot hold any more moisture and it starts to rain. In warmer temperatures , the atmosphere can hold more water vapor so, typically, turning up the heating in a room will cause relative humidity to fall. However, there are many different factors that cause these values to vary.

What is the recommended humidity level for a house?

The Health and Safety Executive recommends that relative humidity indoors should be maintained at 40-70%, while other experts recommend that the range should be 30-60%.

Why is my wallpaper flaky?

Flaky paint or curling wallpaper is a sign of excess moisture in the home. It’s important not to just paint or paper over the problem without dealing with the damp, because it won’t go away.

What causes too much humidity in a room?

Then you’ll be equipped to deal with the problem and feel better in your space. 1. Inadequate ventilation.

What are the indirect effects of too much humidity on your health?

However, the indirect effects of high humidity can be more insidious. Humidity can cause changes in your indoor environment that can cause you to become ill.

Why do we get off gassing?

This is called “off gassing.” When there’s too much humidity in the air, the concentration of these noxious chemicals rises due to the reaction of the chemicals with water vapor. Even low-level exposure to those chemicals can make people experience skin, eye and throat irritation as well as respiratory symptoms.

Why is it important to maintain proper humidity levels?

This problem is increasing with the construction of more energy-efficient buildings that may have low fresh air ventilation rates. That’s why it’s so important for modern buildings to maintain proper humidity levels for good indoor air quality.

Why is hot air so uncomfortable?

Do you ever wonder why hot, sticky, humid air feels so much more uncomfortable than hot, dry air? It’s because humidity impedes your body’s ability to regulate body temperature and cool down. Too much humidity can actually cause your body temperature to rise.

What is the best humidity level for a home?

Experts generally agree that the ideal indoor humidity levels for comfort and for avoiding health effects are between 35 and 60 percent. When you’re spending time in a home or workplace with humidity levels in excess of 60 percent, it’s increasingly likely that you will experience certain health issues.

What happens when your body gets too hot?

When temperatures get too hot, your body has defense mechanisms that kick in to keep your internal temperature steady. These include: sweating. increased respiration. altered blood circulation. Sweating is an important one, and is greatly impeded by too much humidity in the air.

What happens when humidity is too high?

When indoor humidity levels are too high, our skin can’t evaporate moisture as well.”. The Comfort Institute has recorded unhealthy relative humidity levels in excess of 80% in some homes with new air conditioning systems.

How to reduce humidity in summer?

We recommend simply running the fan and circulating air throughout your home. This will help to reduce the build-up of humidity during the summer.

What are the causes of air leaks?

Some air leaks can also bring in contaminated air. Building scientists have recently discovered that in the typical home, well over half the incoming air first passes through the attached garage, crawl space, basement, or attic, where air becomes polluted by a number of different sources. These include: 1 Mold spores 2 Moisture 3 Insulation fibers 4 Carbon monoxide 5 Automobile exhaust 6 Radon gas 7 Volatile organic chemicals

What is the source of moisture in the house?

“In much of the country, for most of the spring, summer and fall, the primary source of moisture is the outdoor air leaking into the house. It contains very high levels of humidity in the form of invisible water vapor,” explains Reid.

Why is it important to have a dry house?

Have excessive dust in their living space. Suffer from allergies. Tend to have high utility bills. “Controlling indoor humidity is just as important as controlling air temperature,” says Reid. “In the summer, a dry house is a comfortable, efficient, and healthy house.

Why do houses leak in the summer?

On the other hand, most are too leaky. This usually causes excessive summer humidity, dry air and cold drafts in winter, uncomfortable rooms, excessive dust, and high heating and cooling bills. Until you test, you just don’t know.”.

Where does the air in a house come from?

Building scientists have recently discovered that in the typical home, well over half the incoming air first passes through the attached garage, crawl space, basement, or attic, where air becomes polluted by a number of different sources. These include: Mold spores.

How to recover from high humidity?

The answer to all these problems is to drink plenty of water, take frequent breaks, and give yourself time to adjust to the high temperatures before exerting yourself physically. Make sure your home is a comfortable haven from the humidity where you can recover from the threats outside.

How to lower humidity in home?

The better answer is to lower the humidity by installing a whole-home dehumidifier. That way, you won’t need to rely on your air conditioner to get rid of the excess heat. If you are suffering from the effects of high humidity in your home, Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, Inc. can help you take control.

How to reduce indoor air pollution?

You can minimize indoor air pollutants with an air cleaner such as an air purifier or cabinet air filter. You will also greatly improve your indoor air quality if you change your HVAC filter once a month so that it can remove pollutants effectively and enable efficient air conditioning and humidity control. However, these efforts will only minimize the effects of high humidity. You’ll have a bigger impact if you control the humidity levels to begin with.

How high should your thermostat be if your home is humid?

You will perceive temperatures as being much higher when you have a lot of humidity in the air. Though you may set your thermostat to 75, it can feel closer to 80 if your home is humid. You may crank up the air in response, but your efforts won’t be as successful as you’d like.

Why is humidity important in indoors?

Managing indoor humidity properly will help you to stay comfortable and avoid many potentially serious health problems.

Does humidity cause skin to overheat?

However, humidity makes it difficult for the heat to evaporate off your skin. Though you’re probably sweating and feeling plenty damp, the air’s soaring moisture levels keep the perspiration on your skin. This, in turn, will cause the body to gradually overheat.

Can high humidity cause respiratory problems?

Dust mites also thrive in these environments. Though you can’t see much of this happening, you may feel the effects in the form of increased respiratory infections and fatigue.

What happens if you get too much humidity in your house?

Humidity sustained at that level will begin to rot the wood around your home including window sills and floorboards.

Why does humidity in basement go up?

Leaking water pipes are also found in the basement quite often and can cause the humidity level to soar.

When is the AC not useful in humidity?

Even though refrigerator air conditioning is the easiest and most effective way to bring them the humidity level indoors, there are times when air conditioning will do the opposite.

How does an air conditioner cool down a room?

The reason is, one of the primary ways that an air conditioner cools down a room is by extracting the humidity and turning it into condensation.

What is 60% humidity?

At 60%, the humidity in the house is nearing the outside of the range of what is considered comfortable and safe humidity inside of the home.

What is the best humidity level for a home?

40 to 60% relative humidity is the optimal range to protect your home and family from the spread of germs and avoid damage to your personal property.

What happens to heat that is exhausted on a dehumidifier?

But the heat that is exhausted on a dehumidifier is expelled inside of the room.

What is the humidity of a house?

Keeping the relative humidity at 25% (winter) to 50% (summer) is generally considered healthy and comfortable for occupants and better for the house.

Why is relative humidity important?

Relative humidity describes the amount of moisture in air at a given temperature. Keeping relative humidity lower helps to reduce moisture problems in homes. When the relative humidity is more than 50%, several moisture problems may occur under certain exterior and interior conditions. Generally, in cold winter conditions the relative humidity levels must be much lower to prevent condensation and potential damage to the structure of the house or to encourage mold growth which causes some people to develop allergies and respiratory problems.

How to control moisture in a home?

To control a moisture problem, you must first identify and remove the source. If that isn't possible, then moisture removal with ventilation or dehumidification should be used. Reduce or eliminate high moisture levels in your home by: 1 Reduce sources of water evaporation (bathing, cooking, humidifiers, etc.). 2 Install or inspect (and repair) exhaust fans in your bathrooms. 3 Install an exhaust fan in the kitchen to remove moisture caused by cooking. 4 Bring dry outdoor air into the home to replace stale, moist air that is being exhausted. 5 Check that exhaust ventilation systems are working properly. 6 Consider adding a whole house ventilation system. 7 In winter, temporarily open windows just a little to allow warm moist air to leave the home and also allow cold, dry air to come in. 8 In summer, use a properly sized air-conditioner or stand-alone dehumidification system to reduce the indoor humidity. 9 Seal openings that might allow warm, moist air to enter walls, ceilings and the attic where it may become a cause of structural damage to the home.

How to remove moisture from a kitchen?

Install an exhaust fan in the kitchen to remove moisture caused by cooking. Bring dry outdoor air into the home to replace stale, moist air that is being exhausted. Check that exhaust ventilation systems are working properly. Consider adding a whole house ventilation system.


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