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what happens if you marry someone with debt

by Hilbert Dach Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What to Do When You Marry Someone With Debt

  • Discuss how the debt will affect your financial goals. ...
  • Decide how you'll handle repayment -- separately or together. ...
  • Anticipate how future life events, such as having children, could affect your payoff plan. ...
  • Make and live by a budget that takes your partner's debts into account. ...
  • Consider whether you need to take steps to protect yourself financially. ...

More items...

Full Answer

How to handle marrying someone with tons of debt?

“Executing a prenuptial agreement can help to define how responsibility for different kinds of debts can be allocated, including the repayment of debts that a party incurred before the marriage,” said Pollock. Without a prenup in place, much of your financial situation is left open to interpretation.

What happens when I marry someone in debt?

What Happens if I Marry Someone With Debt? Your spouse’s debt from before your marriage stays as their debt, and your debt stays as your own too. But once you’re married, the picture looks a little different, and it depends on what type of state you live in. Community Property States: You’re Jointly Liable for Debt

What happens if you marry a person with bad credit?

Marrying someone with bad credit won’t necessarily drag your credit score down. Your credit reports won’t merge together, nor will you assume your partner’s debts. However, your partner’s bad credit could still cause financial challenges for the two of you, especially if you want to borrow a loan or open a credit card together.

Would you marry someone with bad credit?

Usually credit consideration falls to the higher score, anyway. Kind of a dead point, as marrying a bad credit risk will help his/her credit rise if they enter a loan together. Both parties win! 13. Depends on why they have bad credit. 14. well i married my dream girl, i married my dream girl. but she didn't tell me her credit was bad...


What happens when you marry someone who is in debt?

In common law states, debt taken on after marriage is usually treated as being separate and belonging only to the spouse who incurred them. The exception are those debts that are in the spouse's name only but benefit both partners.

When you marry someone do their debts become yours?

Do You Inherit Debt When You Get Married? No. Even in community property states, debts incurred before the marriage remain the sole responsibility of the individual. So if your spouse is still paying off student loans, for instance, you shouldn't worry that you'll become liable for their debt after you get married.

Should you marry someone who has debt?

Student loan debt shouldn't keep you from marrying someone you want to spend the next, oh, 60 years with — if you know what you're getting into. Undisclosed financial problems can put a tremendous strain on your relationship when they emerge.

Can you marry someone and not take on their debt?

Whichever spouse's name is on the account is generally held responsible for repaying it. Put another way, the spouse whose name isn't on the debt is protected from having to cover it. Joint debt may be incurred during marriage in a common-law state if both spouses apply for a loan or credit together.

How do I protect myself from my husband's debt?

Keep Things Separate Keep separate bank accounts, take out car and other loans in one name only and title property to one person or the other. Doing so limits your vulnerability to your spouse's creditors, who can only take items that belong solely to her or her share in jointly owned property.

Is my wife responsible for my debt?

When someone dies with an unpaid debt, it's generally paid with the money or property left in the estate. If your spouse dies, you're generally not responsible for their debt, unless it's a shared debt, or you are responsible under state law.

Is wife responsible for husband's debt?

Since California is a community property state, the law applies that the community estate shared between both individuals is liable for a debt incurred by either spouse during the marriage. All community property shared equally between husband and wife can be held liable for repaying the debts of one spouse.

Can debt collectors come after your spouse?

Yes. You are still legally married and the creditor could come after you for his debts for necessary expenses, such as medical care, during this separation.

Is wife responsible for husband's credit card debt?

The bottom line. You are generally not responsible for your spouse's credit card debt unless you are a co-signor for the card or it is a joint account. However, state laws vary and divorce or the death of your spouse could also impact your liability for this debt.

Can debt collectors come after your spouse?

Yes. You are still legally married and the creditor could come after you for his debts for necessary expenses, such as medical care, during this separation.

Does your spouse's credit affect yours?

Fortunately, your spouse's past credit history has no impact on your credit profile. Only when you open a joint account will any information be shared on both of your credit reports. However, when you want to buy a home together, your spouse's negative credit history could impact your mortgage rates.

Is getting married scary?

When it comes to getting married , you’re bonding your life to another human’s, and that’s pretty cool. It’s also pretty scary. If you’ve worked hard to minimize your debt and build your credit score, are you putting all of that at risk by marrying someone who brings a fair amount of financial baggage into the union?

Can my spouse buy a house with bad credit?

One spouse ’s terrible credit doesn’t rule out buying a house or a car, but it can make these purchases a bit more difficult.

Can you get a mortgage together with a bad credit score?

This is likely to be a problem if and when the two of you apply for a joint mortgage. It doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to get a mortgage together. But it does mean you’re likely to end up paying more.

Can money cause tension?

Most couples argue some of the time. But problem debt, and other money worries, can cause particular tension. This is true no matter your income, but if you’re on a tight budget it’s sure to be especially stressful. The effects of problem debt can include health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression, as well as more immediate trouble such as a visit from bailiffs. All these things can put you, and your relationship, under a lot of strain.

Is it a bad idea to marry somebody in debt?

At least 8 million people in the UK have debt problems. It’s not unusual. It can happen to anyone! And it’s nothing to be ashamed of. So the fact that your partner has debts – even if they’re struggling with them – doesn’t mean you need to break up with them, or to avoid getting married.

What Happens if I Marry Someone With Debt?

Your spouse’s debt from before your marriage stays as their debt, and your debt stays as your own too. But once you’re married, the picture looks a little different, and it depends on what type of state you live in.

How many periods of debt are there in a marriage?

When it comes to who’s responsible for debt in a marriage, it’s generally split up into two periods: debt that you took out before the marriage, and debt that you took out during the marriage.

How Can I Help My Spouse Get Over Their Credit or Debt Problems?

There’s an entire world of personal finance articles written out there about how to improve your credit score and get out of debt. All of this is advice that you and your spouse can use to start working on these problems. What we’ll describe here are ways that you can specifically help your spouse do these things.

What happens if my spouse is referred to debt collectors?

If your spouse’s debt has been referred to debt collectors, that can introduce a new level of anxiety into your life. Your spouse might receive phone calls or letters at your home in an effort to get them to pay up. Although they’re not directed at you, they can still be anxiety-inducing to see.

Why do people get bad credit?

People get into debt and get bad credit for a lot of different reasons. According to one 2019 study in the American Journal of Public Health, for example, 71% of people cited medical bills as a reason for declaring bankruptcy, whereas only 44% of people said it was because they were living above their means.

What happens if my spouse's credit score isn't good?

But if your spouse’s credit score isn’t very good, you might have to pay higher interest rates. You might even be denied entirely.

How much of your income do you have to pay off your spouse's debt?

For example, coming into a marriage with student loans is very common. But under some federal income-driven repayment plans, you’ll have to pay 20% of your disposable income…for up to 25 years, depending on the plan. That can be a big drag on your financial goals, like paying off that debt in the first place, saving for a house, or saving up for your kid’s college.

What Happens When You Marry Someone With Debt?

As more and more Americans find themselves deeper and deeper in debt, it’s less and less likely to marry someone with zero debt, leading you to likely wonder if you and your future spouse are exchanging debt on top of vows. Read the top must-know aspects regarding the following question: when you marry someone do you take on their debt?

Ways To Protect Yourself from Debt When You Get Married

Just because someone has debt does not mean they cannot or should not be involved in a loving and healthy marriage. However, if there are reasonable fears that financially your future partner is not so responsible and could potentially harm your finances, there are ways to protect yourself.

What Happens If I Marry Someone With Debt

The Takeaway: There’s no scenario where you inherit your spouse’s past debts unless you legally sign documentation where you agree to do so (which is an uncommon occurrence in the first place).

What happens when one partner is in debt?

When one partner is in debt, this can affect every aspect of your joint financial lives. For example, you may not be able to buy a house as soon as you planned because your partner's debt-to-income ratio will be too high thanks to loan payments.

What happens when you have debt?

For example, you may not be able to buy a house as soon as you planned because your partner's debt-to-income ratio will be too high thanks to loan payments. Or you may not have as much money to devote to other goals, such as saving for retirement or starting a family, because money needs to go towards servicing the debt.

How to avoid fights and resentment during debt payback?

Sit down and work out what you'll spend, what you'll save, and what you'll put towards the debt and make sure the budget is realistic and agreeable to you both. This will help you avoid a lot of fights and resentment during the debt payback process.

Why is it important to make a plan for debt free marriage?

Taking each of these steps is very important because you don't want the debt your spouse has to introduce resentment in your relationship or to cause money fights. When you make a plan together for how to handle the debt, you can make sure you're on the same page and that becoming debt free fits well into your joint financial goals.

Why is it important to have a real understanding of what a lot of debt could mean for you?

It's important to have a real understanding of what a lot of debt could mean for you and to set goals together that are realistic in light of the financial situation you're in. You should also consider whether debt payoff will be a primary goal that you try to accomplish ASAP or whether you'll live with the debt for decades.

Why is it important to address debt upfront?

Debt can add stress to a relationship and make money fights much more likely, so it's important to address the issue upfront as early as possible. You and your beloved need to be on the same page, and you need a plan for how you'll tackle the debt. Here are a few tips to help you make that plan.

How to protect yourself from marital debt?

To protect yourself, understand your state's rules for when one person's debt becomes shared marital debt that you could be held legally liable for. And if necessary, consider talking with a lawyer about a prenuptial agreement. It's not romantic, but it could spare you a lot of financial heartache if something goes wrong.

What does it mean when you have nothing to do with your spouse's debt?

If you have nothing to do with your partner’s original debt then you are an injured spouse. The original debt here refers to federal or state debt that’s past due.

What is an injured spouse?

An injured spouse refers to the person whose tax refund check is used to pay the past-due debts of their current spouse or their ex-spouse. When a married couple files taxes jointly, the IRS doesn’t automatically distinguish which of the 2 has debt even if the debt existed before the marriage. As an injured spouse, you basically tell the IRS to differentiate which member of the couple has a refund and which one owes money.

What is the IRS taking into account when calculating the amount to refund?

First, the salary/self-employment incomes, expenses, and credits are each allocated to the individual spouses as per how those items would have been listed in their respective returns had they filed separately.

How to file an injured spouse form?

You can download the injured spouse form from the IRS website and file it electronically or through the mail. You have 2 options here: Attach it to your tax return and mail both documents together or, alternatively, you can send it in separately if you had already filed your tax return.

How long have Jeff and Sally been married?

Meet Jeff and Sally. The 2 love birds have been married for a little under a year. As an added way of solidifying their devotion towards each other, they’ve decided to file their taxes jointly.

How long do you have to live together to file for head of household?

If you and your spouse haven’t lived together for 6 months prior to filing, either of you may file under the “head of household” status.

Can you use a potential refund check to offset federal tax debt?

A potential refund check isn’t only used to offset federal tax debt. According to the Treasury Offset Program tax refunds can be used to collect on:

Who is liable for half of the debts or assets acquired during the marriage?

Each spouse is liable for, or entitled to, half of the debts or assets acquired during the marriage (with the exception of gifts and inheritances).

What happens if my spouse borrows money?

If your spouse borrows money or incurs a debt after you’re married, you could be liable. This depends on the state you live in and other factors.

What happens if my spouse gets weighed down?

If your spouse is weighed down with a significant monthly loan payment, it could affect your financial future as a couple.

Can you merge your finances as a married couple?

This will depend on how you decide to manage and merge your finances as a married couple. For example, you may focus on household bills while your spouse repays their student debt. Alternatively, you could choose to each pay half of the household bills and continue paying your individual debts separately.

Can you be liable for your spouse's debts?

As a general rule of thumb, your liability for your spouse’s debts depends on when those debts were incurred: Money borrowed or debts incurred before marriage remains separate in terms of liability. If your spouse borrows money or incurs a debt after you’re married, you could be liable.

Is debt separate property?

Separate Property States: Consider debts and assets “separate property”. Assets and debts owned before marriage remain separate. Assets and debts acquired during marriage are only owned by whoever’s name appears on the loan, contract, registration or deed.

Is money a romantic topic?

Money isn’t the most romantic topic of conversation, but avoiding it can lead to friction and a lack of transparency in your relationship. This tends to be especially true if one partner holds debt while the other does not. Your spouse may feel embarrassed by their debt, or you may be surprised to find out how much debt they actually have.

What to do when your partner brings debt into a relationship?

There are layers of emotions on both sides when it comes to a partner who brings debt into a relationship. Do whatever you can to attack the debt and not each other.

How to avoid debt?

Take a deep dive into your finances, learn to manage your money, and avoid debt. This can be challenging as you start your life together! Pull both of your credit reports and be transparent about what you owe. Start tracking your expenses and use a budget .

How to pay off debt faster?

There’s also the “debt snowball” strategy, which boosts your motivation as you pay off debt faster. With the snowball method, after paying the minimum payment on all of your accounts, you’ll put extra money toward your smallest debt balance first. Once that debt is paid off, you put all the money once allocated for that debt toward the next smallest debt and repeat until you’re debt-free.

How much do Americans owe in student loans?

Student loan debt is a massive problem in the United States. Close to 45 million people—1 in 4 Americans—collectively owe almost $1.57 trillion in student loans. This amount is greater than what people owe on auto loans and credit cards.

How does debt consolidation work?

A debt consolidation or personal loan might simplify the process of paying off your debt. It could also reduce the interest rate on some of your loans depending on your credit history and score. But watch out for high fees that are often associated with these types of financial products.

How to keep student loans from affecting marriage?

11 Rules To Follow To Keep Student Loan Debt From Affecting Your Marriage. As you tackle student loans (or any money matters), strive to put your relationship first . That doesn’t mean you should compromise your own need for financial security. Follow these eleven rules to help keep your love alive, your money in order, ...

Why do couples take out new loans?

Some couples take out new loans together (i.e., home equity lines of credit) to combine loans, reduce interest rates, and pay down student loan debt. This fundamentally shifts the responsibility of the debt from one partner on to the couple.


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