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what happens to lucilius in julius caesar

by Wanda Kreiger Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Julius Caesar Young Cato is killed, and Lucilius is captured by Antony

Mark Antony

Marcus Antonius, commonly known in English as Mark Antony or Anthony, was a Roman politician and general who played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic from an oligarchy into the autocratic Roman Empire.

's soldiers who think that he is Brutus

Brutus the Younger

Marcus Junius Brutus, often referred to as Brutus, was a politician of the late Roman Republic. After being adopted by his uncle, Quintus Servilius Caepio, he used the name Quintus Servilius Caepio Brutus, but eventually returned to using his original name. He took a leading role in the assassinatio…

. He is then left under guard as one of the soldiers runs to bring Antony to the prisoner whom he believes to be Brutus.

Young Cato is killed, and Lucilius is captured by Antony's soldiers who think that he is Brutus. He is then left under guard as one of the soldiers runs to bring Antony to the prisoner whom he believes to be Brutus.

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What happens to Cato and Lucilius in Julius Caesar?

Filled with a desperate bravery, young Cato, Brutus’s brother-in-law, dashes headlong into battle and is killed by Antony’s soldiers. Lucilius is captured and, to confuse the enemy, tells them he... (The entire section contains 812 words.) Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this Julius Caesar study guide.

How does Brutus kill Lucilius in Julius Caesar?

Lucilius is captured and, to confuse the enemy, tells them he is Brutus, offering them money to kill him as such. However, Antony arrives on the scene, identifies Lucilius, and asks the soldiers to keep him safe under guard.

What happens in the final two scenes of Julius Caesar?

In the final two scenes of the play, the action hurtles to its by-now-certain end. The number of the idealistic dead pile up, particularly in the form of Young Cato, adding to the bleakness of the proceedings. The motif of mistakes and miscommunications spills over from the early scenes, with Antony’s soldiers mistaking Lucilius for Brutus.

What does Lucilius tell Antony when he arrives on the scene?

However, Antony arrives on the scene, identifies Lucilius, and asks the soldiers to keep him safe under guard. Lucilius tells Antony that he will never capture Brutus alive.

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Does lucilius get captured?

Later that year, Lucius participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and fought against the Order of the Phoenix. However, he was arrested and sent to Azkaban. Dumbledore believed that Lucius would feel "safe" in Azkaban because Voldemort was furious at Lucius' failure in the Department of Mysteries.

What happens to lucilius during this battle?

What happens to Lucilius? He's captured, but safe. What does Brutus ask Clitus, Dardanius, and Volomnius to do? He asks them to kill him.

What does lucilius do when he is captured?

Young Cato is killed and Lucilius, an officer in Brutus' army, is captured. To confuse the enemy soldiers, Lucilius tells them he is Brutus, and offers them money to kill him.

Why does Antony keep lucilius alive?

Why doesn't Antony kill Lucilius? Antony does not kill Lucilius because he wants to have keep him alive because he was loyal to Brutus by pretending to be him.

What is the role of lucilius?

Lucillius is an officer in Brutus's army. Highly loyal, he pretends to be Brutus on the battlefield in the hopes of being killed and thereby giving Brutus a chance to live. Though this fails, the time spent in his capture and recognizing him does buy Brutus time to flee.

Does Brutus commit suicide?

Marcus Junius Brutus, a leading conspirator in the assassination of Julius Caesar, dies by suicide after his defeat at the second battle of Philippi.

How does lucilius protect Brutus?

Impersonator on the Battlefield ' When Antony and Octavius' soldiers enter the fight, Cato is killed and Lucilius impersonates Brutus and begs a soldier from the opposing forces to kill him. Lucilius does this to save his friend Brutus. He even offers money to the soldier if he will do the deed.

What is the most likely reason that Antony responds this way to lucilius?

Will Brutus survive the battle? What is the MOST LIKELY reason that Antony responds this way to Lucilius? Antony is a politician and is good at telling people what they want to hear.

What does Antony order his men to do with lucilius once he is a prisoner in Act 5 Scene 4?

Summary: Act V, scene iv In the field, Lucillius pretends that he is Brutus, and the Romans capture him. Antony's men bring him before Antony, who recognizes Lucillius. Antony orders his men to go see if the real Brutus is alive or dead and to treat their prisoner well.

Who helps Brutus suicide?

Brutus asks each in turn to help him kill himself to avoid capture. Clitus, Dardanius, and Volumnius all refuse, and when Antony's troops approach, they run away. Strato agrees to hold Brutus' sword while he runs on it, and Brutus thus commits suicide.

Who was the last person to stab Caesar?

BrutusCasca stabs Caesar first, and the others quickly follow, ending with Brutus. Recognizing that Brutus, too, has joined with the conspirators, Caesar speaks his last words: “ Et tu, Brute? —Then fall Caesar” (III.

How does Antony respond to lucilius capture and his words about Brutus?

How does Antony respond to Lucilius' capture and his words about Brutus? He believes he is valuable, He wants to find Brutus still but is happy that they have captured Lucilius.

1.Julius Caesar Act 5, Scenes 4–5 Summary and Analysis


22 hours ago Lucilius. Lucillius is an officer in Brutus’s army. Highly loyal, he pretends to be Brutus on the battlefield in the hopes of being killed and thereby giving Brutus a chance to live. Though this fails, the time spent in his capture and recognizing him does buy Brutus time to flee.

2.Julius Caesar: Act 5: scenes 4 & 5 | English Flashcards


3 hours ago  · Mark Antony's soldiers believed Lucilius was Brutus, so they captured him. Antony was impressed by his loyalty to Brutus and treated him well, hoping to win his loyalty for himself.

3.Julius Caesar Act V, Scenes 4 and 5: Questions and …


15 hours ago  · Lucilius is captured and, to confuse the enemy, tells them he is Brutus, offering them money to kill him as such. However, Antony arrives on the scene, identifies Lucilius, and asks the soldiers to...

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