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what happens when overtraining

by Dr. Wade Wiegand I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

12 Signs You’re Overtraining

  • 1: Loss of Performance. The most obvious sign of overtraining is diminished exercise performance despite increases in...
  • 2: Increased Difficulty. In addition to causing poor performance, overtraining also makes training seem more difficult...
  • 3: Excessive Soreness. Muscle soreness after lifting weights or other forms of exercise, also...

Overtraining syndrome occurs when an athlete doesn't adequately recover after repetitive intense training, and can include fatigue, declining performance and potential injury. It's admirable to train hard to succeed in your chosen sport.Aug 16, 2021

Full Answer

How Overtraining can affect overall body health?

You may experience symptoms of overtraining that are directly related to exercise, including:

  • Increased muscle soreness that gets worse the more you train
  • A plateau or decline in athletic performance
  • Inability to train at the level you usually do
  • Excessive sweating and overheating
  • Feeling like your muscles are heavy or stiff, especially your legs
  • Injuries that keep coming back, like muscle sprains, stress fractures, and joint pain

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What are the consequences of overtraining?

Signs and symptoms of overtraining

  1. Not eating enough. Weightlifters who maintain an intense training schedule may also cut back on calories. ...
  2. Soreness, strain, and pain. Pushing yourself past your limits during a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout can lead to muscle strain and pain.
  3. Overuse injuries. ...
  4. Fatigue. ...
  5. Reduced appetite and weight loss. ...
  6. Irritability and agitation. ...

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Do you know the harmful effects of over exercising?

The Side Effects of Excessive Exercise

  • Overexercising Symptoms. If you are excessively exercising, you might notice the negative physical effects first. ...
  • Additional Psychological Effects. If you are not feeling your usual excitement for your fitness regimen or sport, or if you do not feel mentally prepared for exercise or competition, you ...
  • Stress and Hormones. ...
  • Prevention and Treatment. ...

What are the side effects of over exercising?

  • Decreased performance while working out
  • If you are feeling that you are physically and mentally exhausted.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability
  • Check your heart beats regularly, if it comes out to be abnormal then give yourself some time for relaxation
  • Occasional backaches or body pain.


What does overtraining do to your body?

Overtraining can cause your performance to plateau or decrease rather than improve. You may find you have less strength, agility, and endurance, which makes it more difficult to reach your training goals. Overtraining can also slow your reaction time and running speed.

How long do symptoms of overtraining last?

Recovering from Overtraining The time will vary depending on the sport and the level of activity, but most recovery takes between 4 to 12 weeks. As you recover from overtraining, you can still do a bit of low-intensity aerobic exercise to keep fit and healthy while not doing your normal workouts.

What are the 8 signs of overtraining?

8 Signs of Overtraining That You Should KnowYour workouts are feeling particularly hard. ... You lack motivation to train. ... You feel depressed. ... You're perpetually sore. ... You're not sleeping well. ... You're always tired. ... You have odd aches and pains. ... You're getting sick more frequently than usual.

How do I know if I'm overtraining?

Symptoms and warning signs of overtrainingUnusual muscle soreness after a workout, which persists with continued training.Inability to train or compete at a previously manageable level."Heavy" leg muscles, even at lower exercise intensities.Delays in recovery from training.Performance plateaus or declines.More items...•

What are four signs of over training your body?

Exercise-related symptoms of overtraining: (1) A plateau or decline in workout performance or progress. (2) A perception of increased exertion during “normal” or “easy” workouts. (3) Excessive sweating or overheating. (4) Unusual feelings of heaviness, stiffness, or soreness in muscles.

Do you lose muscle if you overtrain?

#2: You'll Lose Muscle Mass Overtraining and undereating can not only cause you to lose efficiency, but it can also cause you to lose muscle mass. If you have weight loss goals, eating less may sound like a good idea, but if it doesn't align with your fitness goals, you won't see the results you're hoping for.

How many rest days should I have a week?

A person should take a rest day every 7–10 days or as needed to help the body and mind recover. A rest day can be an active day that incorporates gentle exercises such as walking or yoga. Alternatively, a person may opt for a full day of relaxation.

How do I stop overtraining?

HOW TO AVOID OVERTRAINING SYNDROMEAvoid monotonous training activities.Avoid sudden increases in training, such as doubling workout times or intensities. Gradual increases allow the body to properly train, adjust, and recover.Integrate appropriate rest periods into all training regimens.

What are two things you can do to recover from overtraining?

3. What to do if You're Overtrained:Stop exercising. ... Reduce the number of sets and reps, length of time, or intensity of training. ... Introduce recovery days and weeks. ... Relieve tension and stress. ... Identify nutritional deficiencies in your diet. ... Listen to your body.

How do you recover from overexertion?

Develop a training program that balances different types of exercise that match your fitness level and goals. Rest your muscles after you exert them, and let yourself relax. Take days off to rest and recover, and allow time for plenty of low impact exercise.

What are the signs and symptoms of overexertion?

Signs of OverexertionFeel dizzy.Feel sore.Feel too hot.Get too sweaty.Have a high pulse rate.Have abdominal pain.Experience fluttering heart.Have chest pain.

Can your body adapt to overtraining?

Overtrain a couple days a week and undertrain the others. This causes adaptation. If you overtrain too many days in a certain week then the next week you will need to undertrain to get the adaption. If you do not then the stress/fatigue builds up until something bad happens-injury, sickness, cronic fatigue etc.

How does overtraining affect performance?

8. Decline in performance. Overtraining can cause your performance to plateau or decrease rather than improve. You may find you have less strength, agility, and endurance, which makes it more difficult to reach your training goals. Overtraining can also slow your reaction time and running speed. 9.

What are the signs of overtraining?

7. Persistent injuries or muscle pain. Extended muscle soreness and injuries that don’t heal are also signs of overtraining. You may have chronic injuries or nagging injuries that linger for a long time. Rest between workouts is vital to recovery. It’s harder for your body to heal when too much stress is placed on it.

What is OTS in sports?

Overtraining syndrome (OTS) can lower your fitness level, negatively affect your performance, and cause injuries. Weightlifting, cardio, and HIIT workouts can all lead to burnout. It’s also typical in single-sport athletes.

What is overtraining syndrome?

Overtraining syndrome (OTS) can lower your fitness level, negatively affect your performance, ...

What to do when you have a muscle strain?

Opt for a deep-tissue or sports massage to prevent injuries and relieve muscle tension. If a professional massage isn’t an option, you can do self-massage using essential oils or a muscle balm. Hot and cold therapy are also options. You can use a heating pad, sauna, or hot bath to soothe aching muscles.

How to avoid overtraining?

Avoid overtraining by working out within your limits and allowing enough recovery time between workouts. Be sure to fuel your workouts so you have enough energy to sustain your training, and take care of yourself after each training session.

What happens if you run too much?

Running too often can lead to overuse injuries such as shin splints, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis. Other overuse injuries include joint strains, broken bones, and soft tissue injuries.

What is the difference between overtraining and overload?

There’s a fine line between “overload” and “overtraining.”. Overload occurs when you train at higher levels than your normal daily physical activity levels. It’s necessary to improve your physical performance. Overtraining happens when the stress from exercise and training workloads is greater than your body’s ability to recover.

How long does it take to recover from overtraining?

Full recovery from overtraining can take anywhere from days to months.

How to tell if NFOR is OTS?

The only way to tell the difference between NFOR and OTS is how long it takes to recover. OTS requires a formal diagnosis from a medical provider so other medical issues can be ruled out. Signs and symptoms. Decline in physical performance. Excessive and constant fatigue.

How long does it take to recover from NFOR?

decreased hormone levels) and mental signs and symptoms, but these don’t affect everybody. Recovery from NFOR can take a few weeks to a couple months. Overtraining syndrome (OTS) is similar to NFOR, but recovery takes several months.

How many levels of overtraining can you have?

You can break overtraining into 3 levels, usually based on how long you’ve had symptoms.

What is the overlap between overtraining and burnout?

The overlap between overtraining and burnout. Burnout, when you lose your drive to perform, is typically the result of chronic stress or a loss of purpose. It can occur when you feel there’s no light at the end of a tunnel, or a loss of meaning or purpose. It’s not a medical condition, but what the International Classification ...

How can mental health providers help with burnout?

Mental health providers can provide coping skills and stress-management techniques to help control and reduce burnout symptoms. They can also help you identify the true cause of your burnout. If everything else in life is going well for you, and you’re simply overtrained, that can simplify burnout treatment.

What Is Overtraining?

While exercise is generally good for you, too much exercise can be strenuous on your body. Exercise has a “dose-response relationship,” meaning the more you work out, the better your performance will be, to a point. When you reach a certain point, you’re doing your body harm, and you’re not getting the normal benefits of exercise.

What are the symptoms of overtraining?

Health-related symptoms. Other symptoms of overtraining can affect your health. Some signs to look out for include: Repeated illnesses, like colds or respiratory infections.

How does OTS affect your health?

OTS can affect both your physical and mental health, along with your overall well-being. Exercise-related symptoms. You may experience symptoms of overtraining that are directly related to exercise, including: Increased muscle soreness that gets worse the more you train. A plateau or decline in athletic performance.

How to reach the point of overtraining?

You can reach the point of overtraining by exercising too much without enough recovery time between workouts. You can also reach this limit by not properly fueling your body with the calories and nutrients it needs. ‌. The first phase of OTS is called overreaching.

What is the first phase of OTS?

The first phase of OTS is called overreaching. This is when you feel muscle soreness that’s more intense than unusual, but you push through and train without resting. You can experience overreaching after several consecutive days of hard workouts. Past this point, you will begin to experience overtraining syndrome as you train without resting.

What is it called when your body is not getting the benefits of exercise?

The limit where your performance starts declining from exercise instead of improving is called overtraining syndrome (OTS) or burnout.

Why is it important to keep a training log?

It’s important to take cues from your body. Keeping a training log with your workouts and how you feel afterward can help you realize when to slow down. You shouldn’t try to exercise through pain just because you feel guilty about missing a day. ‌

What are the symptoms of overtraining?

Mood swings and irritability. Overtraining can throw off many hormones, which can result in mood issues. Irritability, agitation and depression are all commonly reported symptoms of overtraining. Some athletes experience persistently low moods, while others experience intense mood swings.

What is overtraining syndrome?

Ironically, overtraining syndrome is commonly an unintended product of trying to get more fit : The fitness industry would have us believe that more is better, but that's not always the case.

What does it mean when you feel tired?

Fatigue is a common sign of overtraining syndrome , and often one of the first to appear. Everyone feels tired at times, but too much exercise without enough rest and recovery can leave you feeling drained, depleted and washed out. You may feel physically tired, mentally tired or both.

What does it feel like to lose enthusiasm for a sport?

Loss of enthusiasm for your sport or routine. Another mental or emotional symptom is a feeling of apathy toward your sport or workout routine. You may find this symptom the most jarring; it can feel scary to lose enthusiasm for something you love.

What does it mean when your stamina drops?

A drop in strength, stamina or endurance -- sudden or gradual -- can indicate overtraining syndrome. Sometimes, athletes notice a decrease in fitness abilities as the first sign when it's not: It's just the first sign that matters to them, and they've worked through all of the other symptoms, such as pain and lack of sleep.

What does it mean when you overtrain?

Overtraining syndrome: Know the signs and symptoms. Dreading your workouts, nagging injuries and poor sleep may mean that you need to take a rest day (or several) from the gym. Usually, you're a fiend for the gym. You throw up weights like they're nothing, cross-train like a pro and feel more fit day by day.

What are some examples of fitness decline?

Some examples that indicate a decrease in fitness abilities: You can't lift weights as heavy as usual. You can't run as fast as usual. You seem to deplete soon after starting workouts, or earlier than what's normal for you. You feel the need to take much more rest in between sets and rounds of exercises.

What is overtraining in weight training?

The answer is simple: overtraining. The dictionary states, "Overtraining is a common problem in weight training , but it can also be experienced by runners and other athletes. It occurs when the volume and intensity of the exercise exceeds an individual's recovery capacity. They cease making progress, and can even begin to lose strength ...

What happens if Jennifer is overtraining?

If Jennifer continues to neglect the rest time her body needs, she will indeed get weaker and may experience injuries. Other physical and psychological stressors can compound the rate at which a person may experience overtraining, such as: Jet leg. Ongoing illness. Overwork.

Why do you split your workout?

Splitting the training program so that different sets of muscles are worked on different days. Once you have rested enough for your body to recover from overtraining, be smart and plan your training split ahead of time.

How long does it take to recover from hard training?

To see improvement in one's strength and fitness they must rest. The rest period following hard training is a magical process which takes at least 36 hours to complete. By skimping on rest, complete regeneration cannot occur.

Why do we need a break from training?

Taking a break from training to allow time for recovery. In knowing that you may be doing more harm than good at the gym, set aside today and tomorrow as a break. Some people allow one week away from fitness to revive their bodies and mind, and then when they return to training, they have more focus and are enjoying themselves again.

Is training towards a goal rewarding?

Training towards a goal can be very rewarding, and when seeing the results form, it's hard to believe that one may ever go back to their old habits.

Can bodybuilders overtrain?

Bodybuilders and other dieters who exercise intensely while limiting their food intake often find themselves overtraining.

What is Overtraining?

Overtraining refers to the mental, physical, and emotional consequences of exercising too much without enough rest and recovery

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What happens if you overtrain?

Overtraining syndrome can also lead to chronic fatigue, chronic muscle soreness, poor mental health, and other physical and psychological symptoms.

How does keto diet help with overtraining?

Keto can help prevent overtraining syndrome by reducing inflammation and improving your body’s ability to use fat for fuel

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How much does overtraining increase heart rate?

A study of endurance athletes suggests that overtraining increases morning resting heart rate by about 10 beats per minute

  • ].

How long does overtraining last?

Overtraining syndrome is a long-term decrease in performance with other severe symptoms, lasting two months or longer, that is not explained by other causes such as disease

  • ]. Another name for overtraining syndrome is unexplained underperformance syndrome
    • ].

How to recover from overtraining?

Sometimes taking time off is the only way your body can recover from physical activity, especially if you’re overtrained. Even if you aren’t overtraining, you still need a few lighter exercise days or rest days each week for optimal performance.

What happens when you have too much stress?

When you have too much stress in your life, your ability to cope with stressors — including exercise — is impaired. Training distress is the failure to cope with life stress and exercise stress, and it can lead to overtraining. And if you’re a perfectionist, you’re more likely to experience training distress

  • ].

How does overtraining affect athletes?

Cardiello explains this feeling is related to the body’s nervous system, since overtraining “affects an athlete’s level of ‘happiness’ to train, depression, insomnia, and irritability.” He also cautions overtraining can be heightened by such things as “lack of proper nutrition (hydration), proper sleep, and personal/work stressors.”

Why does my body stop changing?

“When you’re overtraining, your body is going in the opposite direction of growth, because your muscles are torn and all you’re doing is re-tearing them again ,” LaCerte points out. Don’t risk possibly entering into a muscle-burning phase. Remember: Muscles need a chance to repair, and that’s only possible when your body is given the proper time to rest and recover before being forced into more exercise.

Is exercise good for mental health?

Exercise is typically good for your mental health —but if you’re overtraining, it could have the opposite effect. “People who overtrain tend to view exercise as something it’s not—namely, a challenge, a conquest, or a space-filler,” says Lee Boyce, personal trainer and strength coach.

Is it bad to double check with a personal trainer?

It’s probably not a bad idea to double-check with a knowledgeable and experienced personal trainer who can quickly help you get your training back on track. Regardless, it’s crucial that you listen to your body and know the signs of overtraining. Here’s a list of 12 common symptoms you should constantly look out for. 12.

Is overtraining a rare occurrence?

Has your gym partner been noticeably absent lately? While Trink says overtraining is actually a “pretty rare” occurrence for most guys who train three to five hours per week, he says it’s possible for there to be an “intensification of personality traits” for guys prone to being “aggressive, irritable, or depressed.”.


1.Overtraining: What It Is, Symptoms, and Recovery | HSS


11 hours ago  · Overtraining happens when the stress from exercise and training workloads is greater than your body’s ability to recover. Full recovery from overtraining can take anywhere …

2.Videos of What Happens When Overtraining


12 hours ago You may experience symptoms of overtraining that are directly related to exercise, including: Increased muscle soreness that gets worse the more you train A plateau or decline in athletic...

3.What is overtraining? | HPRC


21 hours ago  · Other physical and psychological stressors can compound the rate at which a person may experience overtraining, such as: Jet leg Ongoing illness Overwork Menstruation …

4.Overtraining: Signs and Symptoms to Look Out For


17 hours ago  · There haven't been many overtraining studies done on humans, but it's probably safe to say that overtraining occurs when you're demanding too much from your body for too …

5.Overtraining: Here's what happens when you workout …


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9.12 Signs You’re Overtraining - Men's Journal


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