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what is a compass correction card

by Edgardo Wisozk Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Posted 31 October 2021 12:01. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash. The compass deviation card in your airplane is the little label stuck somewhere near your magnetic compass that tells you about the unresolveable errors that remain between the displayed compass heading and the actual magnetic heading of the airplane.Oct 31, 2021

Full Answer

What is a compass correction/deviation card?

Compass correction/deviation card. A small card placed in the cockpit to show the compass deviation for each heading. The card reads the courses to be steered in lieu of the required headings. Also called a deviation card.

How do you laminate a compass correction card?

Compass Correction Card Author Ronald D. Gordon Description Update with your compass correction values, print, and laminate. An inexpensive way to laminate is to apply clear packing tape to the front and back. by Ron Gordon, [email protected] Last modified by Gordon, Ron (NAUSTX) Created Date

What is a compass swing?

This advisory circular (AC) describes procedures for calibrating an aircraft magnetic compass to minimize the effect of aircraft-induced magnetic fields. These procedures are often referred to as “swinging the compass” or a “compass swing.” This AC is not mandatory and does not constitute a regulation.

What is the difference between correcting and uncorrecting a compass?

“Correcting” is converting a magnetic (M) direction to true (T). “Uncorrecting” is converting from true to a magnetic direction. “True” direction is relative to true north (north pole). Variation is the failure of the compass to point to true north. Variation is read from the compass rose on the chart.


Is a compass correction card required?

However, FAR Part 23, Airworthiness Standards: Normal Category Airplanes, no longer requires a compass deviation card (also sometimes referred to as a correction card) to exist at all. As of this writing, FAR 23.1327, Magnetic direction indicator, no longer exists.

How important is compass correction?

Failure to maintain a magnetic compass in good working condition or to monitor deviations may result in a vessel being delayed or detained and potentially the vessel owner and/or master being prosecuted.

How long is a compass deviation card valid for?

two yearlyISO 25862 : 2009 (E): States that all SOLAS vessels should have their compass swung/adjusted and a new deviation card issued at maximum two yearly intervals.

What information is on a deviation card?

The deviation card tells you the boats error on different headings. As an example, this card tells us that there is a error of 2 degrees to the west when heading due north.

How do I know if my compass is accurate?

3:599:11Discover How to Tell How Accurate Your Compass is - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipPretty accurate right right now we'll take a look at base plate compass. Again this one is a silva.MorePretty accurate right right now we'll take a look at base plate compass. Again this one is a silva. Just gonna make sure she's nice and steady on that. Line. You can see that we're all good to go.

How do you fix a compass correction?

11:1015:14compass correction - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDon't let this confuse you it's not that confusing. 10 degrees true plus 15 west is 25. Minus 3 eastMoreDon't let this confuse you it's not that confusing. 10 degrees true plus 15 west is 25. Minus 3 east is 22 if you were given this 122 degrees and you went to your deviation.

How negative can a Compass Card go?

$0.01When you use Stored Value on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus, or HandyDART, Compass allows you to complete a single journey with as little as $0.01 on your card by giving you a negative card balance. For West Coast Express customers, the minimum Stored Value amount is $4.50 due to fare structures and related considerations.

How do you use compass deviation?

Deviation is applied in the same manner as variation, but there is a correct sequence to follow. If you start with a compass course of 270°C (one with variation and deviation), you must find the deviation first, 4°W. Then using CADET; we subtract the deviation to get a magnetic course of 266°M.

How often do you record a compass error?

The performance of the magnetic compass should be monitored and deviations to be recorded in a compass deviation book at regular intervals (Ref: IMO Resolution A. 382(X)), ideally at least once every watch and also shortly after a large alteration of course.

What is the purpose of a deviation?

The purpose of the deviation is to identify, investigate and close. Also, remember that the amount of time to complete a deviation from beginning to close is very important and should be specified in your deviation Standard Operating Protocol (SOP).

What is the purpose of deviation report?

The primary purpose of a deviation investigation report in a GMP environment is to clearly and concisely demonstrate that the root cause of the deviation has been identified; corrective actions have been taken; and that safety, integrity, strength (potency), purity, and quality (SISPQ) of the product has been ensured.

What is considered a deviation?

Anything that varies from the accepted norm or standard is called a deviation. It is common in math and science, but it can refer to anything that differs from the expected. Deviation in nature is an important part of evolution.

Do compasses need to be recalibrated?

Calibration of the digital magnetic compass is an essential and critical step before actually using the compass. Many times, it has been observed that users tend to skip this step which is a highly unsafe practice. The compass should be re-calibrated if the soft or hard iron sources of error in the vicinity change.

Why is it important to correct magnetic declination?

We need to calibrate our compass so that it compensates for the angle between magnetic and geographic north, referred to as declination. This allows us to use the compass needle, which points at magnetic north, to navigate along a path referenced to true north.

How often should a compass error be taken?

once every watchThe performance of the magnetic compass should be monitored and deviations to be recorded in a compass deviation book at regular intervals (Ref: IMO Resolution A. 382(X)), ideally at least once every watch and also shortly after a large alteration of course.

How often must compass errors be taken?

1 Watchkeepers must check the compass error after each major course alteration, or at least once per watch where no major alteration has taken place. The observed error must be recorded in a compass deviation book. .

cgrab Pattern Altitude

On today's flight it was light and variable and I was in some empty airspace. I decided to update my compass correction card by flying the 30's compass headings using my GPS and then letting the compass settle on a number and writing it down. I now have a new compass correction card.

MauleSkinner Touchdown! Greaser!

Even with L&V winds, I don’t know that I’d trust my GPS track to equal heading.

unsafervguy Pattern Altitude

are you and A&P? that is not a 43 appendix a item. it must be signed off by a A&P

Salty Final Approach

I’m sure he’ll crash and die if an A&P doesn’t sign off his compass deviation card.

Half Fast Final Approach

FYI: it's considered maintenance per several FAA guidance docs. Here's one:

murphey Touchdown! Greaser! PoA Supporter

If there's a compass rose at the airport, that's very handy. Tedious, but handy.

Half Fast Final Approach

If there's a compass rose at the airport, that's very handy. Tedious, but handy.


If compass is perfect, I've been told by my IA, no correction card is required. Find a fed that will buy that!


is on the Minimum Equipment List. So my glider <is> required to have a

Ralph Jones

Wouldn't be too sure about that. I believe a non-required instrument which is not functioning properly (which might well include an uncorrected compass) must be covered up or removed. A power club I once belonged to ran into that, being forced to remove a failed DG from a VFR-only airplane.

Tony V

jcarlyle wrote: > At least for my LS8-18, the feds can get you another way - a compass > is on the Minimum Equipment List. So my glider <is> required to have a > "magnetic direction indicator".


I wonder if the LS8 having a MEL isn't a result of translation. I'd bet that the Germans are using MEL in the normal sense (ie, you must have these things in order to fly, but can add more if you want) instead of the FAA sense (ie, you can fly without these things if some don't work - just label them inoperative).

John Smith

It is perfecly legal even in the USA, provided you have the required qualifications. This has been discussed here many times.


no, if an instrument is on the required instrument list for a certain type of operation then it must be installed and working. if it is not on the required instrument list then it can be non-working and placarded inoperative.


1.Compass correction card | Article about compass …


34 hours ago compass correction card. A card posted in a holder near the magnetic compass, on which there is recorded the difference between the readings of the compass and the correct geomagnetic …

2.What does a compass correction card show? - Aviation …


19 hours ago Compass correction/deviation card. A small card placed in the cockpit to show the compass deviation for each heading. The card reads the courses to be steered in lieu of the required …

3.Compass correction card | Pilots of America


11 hours ago  · Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash. The compass deviation card in your airplane is the little label stuck somewhere near your magnetic compass that tells you about the …

4.Compass Correction Card - Google Groups


18 hours ago What does a compass correction card show? A. The compass variation error due to the magnetic north being different to the true north. B. The compass dip error due to the pivot of the …

5.AC 43-215 - Standardized Procedures for Performing …


30 hours ago  · Let's see. Compass card correction to half a degree at only 8 cardinal points. Then fly, holding a heading +/- 15 degrees (per ACS) that's based on winds aloft data that might be …

6.Compass Correction Card -


12 hours ago  · In the world of Federal Aviation Regulations the compass is called a "magnetic direction indicator" and the compass correction card is a "placard". Try a search of all the …

7.Videos of What Is A Compass Correction Card


15 hours ago  · Compass Correction. The answer is to correct readings from the steering or hand-bearing compass to True, or to “uncorrect” True courses to their equivalent Compass reading …

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