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what is a donor in never let me go

by Gudrun Fisher Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

donor. Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them.Feb 21, 2022

What happens to the Clones in Never Let Me Go?

Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them.

What is the plot of Never Let Me Go?

Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them. The students at Hailsham are encouraged to create art.

How do you become an organ donor in Never Let Me Go?

The training that donors must undergo to become carers. A class where older Hailsham students role-play situations they will encounter in the outside world, such as ordering in a restaurant or talking to a police officer. Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors.

What is the main theme of the book donor?

Perhaps the most important theme in the novel is that of love, care, and donation. “Care” and “donation” might be interpreted each in two ways. In the first, technical definition, care is that which a carer provides to a donor-the kind of human interaction a donor needs when facing the pain of organ donation.


What is a donor and carer in Never Let Me Go?

As young adults, they begin to donate their vital organs. All “donors” receive care from designated “carers,” clones who have not yet begun the donation process. The clones continue to donate organs until they “complete,” which is a euphemism for death after the donation of three or four organs.

Does Kathy become a donor?

Kathy, in contrast, isn't a donor yet, so she just can't understand. Kathy gets upset that Tommy has turned this into an issue of donors versus carers, with her alone on one side and Tommy and Ruth together on the other. But thankfully, even though she's hurt, this doesn't blow-up into a big argument.

What organs are they donating in Never Let Me Go?

There are certainly a number of "donations" a person could make and survive: a kidney, a lung, one or both eyes, bone marrow, fingers and toes or whole limbs, etc. People have had operations where part of their liver or part of their intestines were removed, but not the whole thing and the rest was able to function.

Is Ruth a donor in Never Let Me Go?

Ruth is Kathy's close childhood friend. Kathy lives with Ruth at Hailsham and at the Cottages, and later becomes Ruth's carer when Ruth is a donor. At Hailsham, Ruth is outspoken and hot-tempered.

Are the clones in Never Let Me Go human?

In Never Let Me Go, humans create clones, hoping grow healthy replacement organs for curing their own diseases and prolonging their lives. The cloned human body has become an important “organ bank”. Organ donation itself is to treat human's and cloned human's organs as machine parts, which can be replaced at will.

Do Tommy and Kathy end up together?

Tommy has just given his third donation and is recovering at the Kingsfield center, where he and Kathy spend relaxing afternoons reading and talking. Eventually, they also begin to have sex. They are happy together, but cannot avoid feeling that they waited until it was too late.

Why does Kathy become a carer?

Kathy's decision to leave The Cottages and begin her training as a carer comes partly as a result of her irritation with the way Ruth has been behaving. Ruth tells Kathy that Tommy would never want to be in a relationship with her as she has had too many one night stands for his taste.

What does Hailsham symbolize?

Hailsham represents Kathy's passiveness, closely related to her readiness to conform to whatever society has planned for her existence.

Are the children in Never Let Me Go clones?

In an isolated incident, Miss Lucy, one of the guardians, tells the students that they are clones who were created to donate organs to others (similar to saviour siblings), and after their donations they will die young.

Does Ruth cheat on Tommy?

With Tommy still listening, Ruth admits to Kathy in the car that she “lied” to Kathy about her “urges,” and that Ruth also experienced strong sexual desires, causing her to cheat on Tommy “at least three times” at the Cottages.

What are the two Ruths?

For Kathy, there are two Ruths: the one that is her good friend and the one that is trying hard to be accepted in the Cottages.

Why is Kathy loyal to Ruth?

Kathy's confusion about why she was loyal to Ruth suggests both her native loyalty to her friends regardless of their behavior, but also suggests that perhaps what she was loyal to was the idea of the possible kidnapping rather than to Ruth herself. That ridiculous story gave meaning to their lives, gave them purpose.

What is the meaning of the song "Never Let Me Go"?

Although Kathy understands that she cannot have a normal, non-clone life —a life symbolized by the song “Never Let Me Go,” which Kathy imagines to involve a mother talking to her child—Kathy nevertheless constructs a meaningful life based on loving, caring interactions with Ruth and Tommy.

What does Kathy acknowledge about the clones?

From a young age, then, Kathy acknowledges that the clones have been educated to find the “donation of a part of themselves” to be integral to their lives. Kathy also admits that she knew, intuitively, even in youth, that this made the students at Hailsham special, different from the rest of (non-cloned) society.

What does Kathy love about Tommy?

Kathy realizes that she loves Tommy—that she always has—and that this love, and this bond also with Ruth, are the things that make life worthwhile. Kathy also has a genuine love and reverence for Hailsham, the place that made them all feel safe as youths.


A modified studio apartment that includes a bedroom, a sitting area, and a kitchenette.


A clone who acts as a nurse and companion to other clones who are undergoing their donations. Clones become carers through an application process; it is unclear whether being a carer actually results in deferring donations.


Students at Hailsham have few possessions, so they put great care into their "collections"––artwork that they buy from other students at the quarterly Exchanges.


A euphemism that the clones use for death. Most clones "complete" after their third or fourth organ donation.


After graduating from Hailsham around age 16, the students are sent to live in the Cottages, where young adult clones are allowed to live freely until their donations are scheduled to begin. This is where Kathy and her friends meet non-Hailsham clones for the first time.

Culture Briefing

A class where older Hailsham students role-play situations they will encounter in the outside world, such as ordering in a restaurant or talking to a police officer.


Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them.

Are "donors" assigned to individual "originals"?

In contrast to ' Parts : The Clonus Story ' and ' The Island ' (where clones are bred for the specific use of wealthy donors) it seems like the donors in 'Never Let Me Go' are simply being bred for spare parts for the general population.

What age do people start donating?

"Before you are old, before you are even middle-aged, you will start to donate your vital organs.

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What does Ishiguro compare Tommy to?

It is important to note that, even in this romantic and lovely scene, Ishiguro has chosen to compare Tommy, in Kathy’s mind, to trash—the trash that is left behind on the shore, and that blows into and is caught in the trees.

Is Kathy a good narrator?

Kathy is not a perfect narrator nor a perfect person —she has petty jealousies and angers and fears like anyone else. But her poise in coping with and acknowledging these lesser parts of her character are commendable. She knows that Ruth wronged her, and that she will always be, in part, mad at Ruth.

Does Kathy love Tommy?

Kathy realizes that she truly loves Tommy, and that Tommy truly loves her . Despite all the other tragedies and misfortunes of the novel, this remains an important fact—Ishiguro allows the novel, despite all its other trappings of drama and technology, to remain a love story between two young people. Active Themes.


1.What are the donations in Never Let Me Go?


1 hours ago  · donor. Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them.

2.Videos of What Is A Donor In Never Let Me Go


10 hours ago  · 1 Answer. It's not made clear in the book. There are some brief discussions about which organs might be taken, but the reality is that the students will eventually become whole body donors (e.g. with every single organ being available to be harvested) after their third or fourth 'donation'. The implication seems to be that after several donor ...

3.Loving, Caring, and Donation Theme in Never Let Me Go


17 hours ago donor. Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them. Secondly, what is Hailsham like in Never Let Me Go? Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go (2005) follows Kathy H, a clone, through her education at …

4.Never Let Me Go Glossary | GradeSaver


19 hours ago donor. Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them. Furthermore, what is Hailsham like in Never Let Me Go? Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go (2005) follows Kathy H, a clone, through her education at …

5.Originals vs Donors in Never Let Me Go - Science Fiction …


8 hours ago Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go (2005) follows Kathy H, a clone, through her education at Hailsham, an elite boarding school somewhere in ''England, late 1990s. Hailsham is an experiment in humane2 treatment, even an attempt at free range production of organs in an industry where factory farming is the standard.

6.Never Let Me Go Chapter 23 Summary & Analysis


14 hours ago donor. Most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become "donors"––that is, organ donors. When they reach young adulthood, they are forced to begin a series of organ donations that will eventually kill them. Also Know, what is Hailsham like in Never Let Me Go? Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go (2005) follows Kathy H, a ...

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