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what is a good soy milk

by Ms. Dahlia Walsh MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Is there a type of soy milk that we recommend?

Our Top Picks for Soy Milk 2021. Best Vanilla Soy Milk: Soy Dream Enriched Vanilla Organic Soymilk (Pack of 6) A delicious dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk that has a hint of vanilla for a dash of added sweetness. Perfect for your morning cup of tea.

Is soy milk better or skim milk?

The calories may depend on the product you are choosing but commonly soy milk contain 20% less calories than skim milk. Skim milk contains whey and casein which are great for building muscles at the other hand soy protein is good to improve HDL level and lower LDL. All in all, the decision is all your to make.

What if soy milk is really just regular milk?

drink soy because I'm lactose intolerant, and unlike rice or almond milk, soy milk has the same amount of calcium and vitamin D as regular milk without the calories and fat. But just for nutritional advice, 1%or skim milk has the same amount of calcium as whole milk without as many calories or fat.

Why is soy milk so good?

Top Reasons Why Soy is so Good for You

  • A nutrient-dense food. ...
  • Soy contains powerful proteins, healthier fats. ...
  • Soy has intestines-friendly carbs. ...
  • Soy contains mood-friendly carbs. ...
  • Soy is a terrific source of bone- and blood-building calcium and iron. ...
  • Soy is the original health food. ...
  • Soy reduces cholesterol. ...
  • Soy contains essential fatty acids. ...
  • Soy contains cancer-fighting phytos. ...

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What is the best quality soy milk?

The 4 Best Soy Milks You Can Buy at the Grocery StoreBest Overall: Silk. This thick, full-bodied product stands alone, both as a beverage and a cooking ingredient. ... Runner-up: Edensoy. For the purists, there's Edensoy. ... Third Place: West Soy. ... Honorable Mention: Whole Foods 365.

Is it good to drink soy milk everyday?

One to two 8-ounce servings of soy milk per day is considered safe and will give you many of the same nutrients as cow's milk, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR).

Is soy milk as healthy as milk?

Soy milk, a popular alternative option for more than four decades, was found to be the most comparable to cow's milk in terms of overall nutrient balance. It's also the highest in protein of all the alternative milk options studied, with about 7 to 12 grams (and about 95 calories) per 8-ounce serving.

Which is healthier almond or soy milk?

Almond milk comes in the lowest in the way of calories (30 to 50), but also in protein at only 1 gram per cup. Soy milk also contains phytonutrients known as isoflavones, which have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. Soy milk provides a source for heart healthy polyunsaturated fat.

Does soy milk have any side effects?

Soy can cause some mild stomach and intestinal side effects such as constipation, bloating, and nausea. It can also cause allergic reactions involving rash, itching, and breathing problems in some people.

What type of milk is healthiest?

The 7 Healthiest Milk OptionsHemp milk. Hemp milk is made from ground, soaked hemp seeds, which do not contain the psychoactive component of the Cannabis sativa plant. ... Oat milk. ... Almond milk. ... Coconut milk. ... Cow's milk. ... A2 milk. ... Soy milk.

How much soy milk is safe to drink a day?

How Much Soy Milk per Day Is Safe to Drink? You can feel confident in drinking soy milk, says Hever, who follows guidelines from the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) for moderate soy consumption: one to two servings daily of whole soy foods, including soy milk, edamame, soy nuts, and tofu.

Is soy milk anti inflammatory?

Soy and its products have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, particularly in patients with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases [12,13,14,15]. Due to the inflammatory nature of UC, consumption of soy products may affect UC disease symptoms as well.

Can soy cause joint inflammation?

Excess consumption of omega-6s can trigger the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals. These fatty acids are found in oils such corn, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, soy, peanut, and vegetable; mayonnaise; and many salad dressings.

Is oat or soy milk better?

Compared with plain, unsweetened oat milk, soy milk is slightly higher in calories, higher in fat and protein, and much lower in carbs. It's also a bit higher in potassium and iron. They're both higher in protein than many other plant-based beverages like almond and coconut milk.

Which alternative milk is best?

Soy milk has been the most popular non-dairy substitute for decades because its nutrition profile closely resembles that of cow's milk. It's the best high-protein milk alternative. Soy milk offers about 7 grams of protein per cup, compared to cow milk's 8 grams per cup.

Does soy milk cause bloating?

For those with lactose intolerance, soy milk may seem like a good swap. But be forewarned: Processed soy (which includes tofu) can cause serious puff. It has estrogen-like effects in the body, which contribute to bloating.

What happens if you drink a lot of soy milk?

Anti-Nutrients Soy also has phytates, which are anti-nutrients that can block the absorption of certain minerals, like iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper and chromium. If you're drinking a lot of soy milk and eating processed foods that contain soy, this can increase your risk of developing nutritional deficiencies.

Is soy milk better than regular milk?

Pros of soy milk It's a good source of potassium and can be fortified with vitamins A, B-12, and D, as well as calcium. It contains as much protein as cow's milk, yet is lower in calories than whole milk and about equal to the calories in 1 percent or 2 percent milk. It contains very little saturated fat.

Can you have too much soy milk?

Just don't go overboard. Consuming over 100mg of soy isoflavones (the equivalent of 6-ounces uncooked tempeh or 16 cups soy milk) daily was linked to reduced ovarian function, found a Journal of Nutrition review. But moderate soy consumption didn't pose a problem.

Is soy milk good for weight loss?

Good for weight-loss: The most apparent advantage of soy milk over cow's milk in terms of weight-loss is the reduction in calories and sugar content. Unlike milk fat which is highly saturated and prone to form deposits, soy fat is good for weight-watchers.

Health Benefits

The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in soy milk can provide important health benefits. For example, the forms of vitamin B found in soy milk are important for helping your body maintain your nerve cells and DNA. They can also help you avoid certain forms of anemia, which can prevent tiredness and fatigue.


Most soy milk found in supermarkets and health food stores is fortified with added nutrients. This makes fortified soy milk a great source of calcium, which is the most common mineral in your body. Consuming enough calcium can help strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

What Are the Nutrition Facts of Soy Milk?

There are so many types of soy milk on the market, and the number of calories and added sugar will differ depending on what you buy. Always check the nutrient facts label on your brand of choice. The following is the nutrition facts for one cup of a popular organic unsweetened soy milk: (1)

How Does Soy Milk Compare With Regular Milk and Other Milks, Like Nut, Rice, and Coconut Milk?

When comparing all plant milks, we can say, broadly, that soy milk is the most nutritionally similar to a lowfat cow’s milk. “I call the soybean the incredible, edible bean. With all nine essential amino acids, soy milk is rich in protein and is balanced in fats and carbs,” says Schmidt.

5 Alternative, Plant-Based Milks That Are Making a Splash

There are more milk choices than ever before — and they’re not only for people with lactose intolerance. Mix up your morning latte or cereal by trying out one of these trendy milks.

Is Soy Milk Really Better for You? A Look at the Potential Health Benefits

Experts have differing opinions on the question of cow’s milk versus nondairy, alternative milks. Schmidt prefers cow’s milk and other dairy products, like yogurt, because they offer a stellar source of calcium.

Is It Safe to Drink Soy Milk or Does It Cause Breast Cancer?

Over the years, soy has gotten a bad reputation. Some people may even tell you that soy increases your risk of cancers and is especially dangerous for breast cancer survivors. This discrepancy comes from animal studies that found that when rodents consumed high doses of isoflavones, they were more likely to develop breast cancer.

A Detailed Guide to the Soy Protein Source Edamame

Edamame offers more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than animal-protein counterparts. Get the nutrition facts of this soy food and find inspiration on how to prepare it!

How to Choose a Healthy Soy Milk

You’re looking for a few things. One, go for a brand that is unsweetened, says Hever. Sweetened versions can contain around five grams of sugar per serving. (15) If you want a little flavor, unsweetened vanilla is your best bet. She also recommends choosing organic if it’s in your budget.

Silk Unsweetened

Silk is the OG soy milk brand. You can find it at nearly every supermarket and it has consistently affordable prices. I've tried pretty much every almond milk and soy milk variety that Silk offers and the Original Unsweetened is the very best. It's perfect for anything you want to use milk for, from oatmeal to coffee to smoothies.

Silk Vanilla

Silk Vanilla is also one of the best soy milk options. I usually choose unsweetened soy milk when it's available, because the added sugars in sweetened varieties can make them pretty unhealthy. However, the vanilla flavor makes the sugar worth it.

Wegman's Soy Milk

If you've never had the joy of shopping at Wegman's, I feel bad for you. This is one of the best grocery stores in the game and their products are hard to beat. Therefore, it's no surprise that their soy milk is spot on. I always pick up a carton of Unsweetened Vanilla when I stop by Wegman's.

Whole Foods Vanilla

This is one of the best soy milk options simply because it's so smooth. It's light, silky and perfect for enjoying with your favorite cookies. It's also cheaper than most of the others on this list since it's the store's own brand. If I'm in a smoothie mood, I'll typically go for this since it's light enough to not be overpowering.

Trader Joe's Unsweetened

TJ's never disappoints, and this soy milk is no exception. It has the perfect balance of sweetness without feeling like too much in the morning. Enjoy it with these filling and affordable Trader Joe's breakfasts or in your favorite oatmeal.

1. Soy Milk Packs Protein

Try including soy milk in your diet as a source of protein. Soy protein can help lower levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Each cup of unsweetened, plain soy milk provides 7 grams of protein, according to the USDA.

3. It's Healthy for Men, Too

Soy-based foods like tofu and soy milk contain isoflavones that perform functions in the human body similar to the hormone estrogen. Some men may avoid soy foods out of worry that too many phytoestrogens can have a negative effect on the hormone balance of the male body.

4. It Contains Calcium and Iron

Drinking soy milk also helps boost your calcium and iron intake. Your body relies on the calcium from your diet to maintain dense and strong bone tissue. Without it, your body draws on your bones as a source of calcium, which can reduce your bone density over time.

5. It Boasts Riboflavin and Vitamin B12

Soy milk also helps you get more B-complex vitamins and serves as an especially rich source of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin B12. Getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet helps your cells produce DNA, aids in red blood cell function and also keeps your nerves healthy.

6. Soy Milk Is Vegan

Vegans can eat soy and soy milk is a good alternative for anyone who chooses to avoid dairy products for health or other reasons.

1. Soy Allergy

Don't shy away from including soy milk in your diet out of fear of soy — as noted above, soy foods are safe for most people. The exception is those who have soy allergies.

2. Added Sugars

Some types of soy milk do have a major nutritional disadvantage because of their added sugar content. Added sugars boost your calories without offering nutritional value, and can increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

What Is Soy Milk?

Soy milk is a beverage that is made from soybeans that have been soaked and ground up. The mixture is then boiled and filtered to produce a smooth, creamy consistency.

Nutrition Facts

The soy milk nutrition profile is high in protein, manganese, selenium and copper and provides a low amount of soy milk calories in each serving.

Is It Good for You? Potential Benefits

Research has unearthed several potential soy milk benefits. For starters, soy contains specific compounds known as isoflavones, which are polyphenols that act as antioxidants in the body.

Risks, Side Effects and Downsides

Despite the potential benefits of this popular beverage, there are a few disadvantages of soy milk that need to be considered as well.

Soy Milk vs. Almond Milk vs. Other Milks

So what’s the difference between soy milk vs. cow milk and other types of dairy alternatives, such as almond, cashew or oat milk?

Better Alternatives

If you do decide to incorporate soy milk into your daily diet, be sure to select a product that is organic and free of ingredients, such as additives, added sugar and fillers.


1.The Best Soy Milk You Can Buy at the Grocery Store | Bon …


16 hours ago  · In respect to this, is soy milk good for you? Soy milk's protein is plant-based and can aid in the maintenance of healthy muscles and organs. Omega-3 fatty acids, which your …

2.Soy Milk: Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, …


25 hours ago Soy milk is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are “healthy” fats that your body cannot form on its own. Omega-3 fatty acids are linked to a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

3.Soy Milk 101: Nutrition, Benefits, Risks, and More


24 hours ago  · One cup of soy milk provides 2.7 micrograms of vitamin B12, which is more than the 2.4 micrograms you need each day. The riboflavin in soy milk helps your cells produce …

4.The 5 Best Soy Milks, According to Taste - Spoon University


19 hours ago  · The soy milk nutrition profile is high in protein, manganese, selenium and copper and provides a low amount of soy milk calories in each serving. One cup (about 243 grams) of …

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34 hours ago Soy milk is popular, but negative claims also surround it. So it’s natural to wonder whether it’s good for you or not. Soy milk is good for you because it’s a nutritional powerhouse with many …

6.Is Soy Milk Good or Bad for You? - Dr. Axe


26 hours ago  · Unfortified, unsweetened soy milk tends to be a good source of vitamin B6, magnesium, folate, and zinc. Some brands also deliver vitamin K and iron.

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26 hours ago

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