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what is a homograph for school

by Claud Williamson MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What are homographs?

Homographs are those words with the same spelling but have different meaning and most especially, different pronunciation. Homographs come from two terms homo which means “same” and graph which means “writing. “ These words could not get easily confused especially when spoken but can be when it is written.

How do you teach homographs to students?

Write the words fast and fair on the board and ask students to try to come up with other common homographs.

What is the difference between homograph and conduct?

: one of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or origin or pronunciation The noun "conduct" and the verb "conduct" are homographs. Get Word of the Day daily email! Which is the correct spelling?

Why do homographs make reading difficult?

Homographs add to the confusion because they look like they're the same words, but are pronounced and defined differently. Learn how to use context clues to determine which version of the word you're reading.


What are the 10 examples of homographs?

Homograph Examplesagape – with mouth open OR love.bass – type of fish OR low, deep voice.bat - piece of sports equipment OR an animal.bow – type of knot OR to incline.down – a lower place OR soft fluff on a bird.entrance – the way in OR to delight.evening – smoothing out OR after sunset.fine – of good quality OR a levy.More items...

What are 20 homographs examples?

Bow, bat, lead, fine, down, wind, tear, fair, close, desert, minute, accent, buffet, content, compact, object, wound, produce, subject, attribute, etc.

What is a homograph give 3 examples?

Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings, whether they're pronounced the same or not. Bass (the fish, rhymes with class) and bass (the instrument, rhymes with ace) are homographs. But so are bark (the sound a dog makes) and bark (the covering of a tree).

What are homographs examples?

Take a look at these 20 examples of homographs. Park - a public play area or to bring a vehicle to a stop and leave it temporarily. Bat - a type of sports equipment or an animal. Bass - a type of fish or a genre for music. Minute - small or a unit of time.

What are homographs 2nd grade?

Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings. Sometimes the words are pronounced differently too. (Homophones, on the other hand, sound alike, but have different spellings.)

What are homographs words?

Definition of homograph : one of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or derivation or pronunciation (such as the bow of a ship, a bow and arrow)

What are homographs for Grade 3?

Homographs are words with multiple meanings. In this vocabulary-building worksheet, your child will write the word that matches all three definitions given.

How do you teach homographs to Grade 3?

Activity: Homograph CharadesPut students in pairs.Give each pair a homograph (such as fly). ... Pairs plan how they can act out two different meanings of the word.Pairs take turns getting up in front of the class. ... Classmates guess the word, then use both meanings of the word in a sentence or two.

Can you give at least five examples of homographs?

Check out these homograph examples that have two different meanings....Common Homograph Pairs.HomographDefinitionsExamplesbustier1. (n.) a French word for an undergarment 2. (adj.) more busty1. She bought a lacy bustier. 2. ​​The painting made her look bustier than she really was.25 more rows

What are three types of homographs?

Heteronym. Homographs, homonyms, homophones, and heteronyms all refer to words that may look and/or sound the same but have different meanings.

Is nail a homograph?

Homographs (homógrafo) are words with more than one definition and have the same spelling: The word nail is a homograph. Examples: The nail was hit with a hammer. A finger has a nail on the end.

Is wind and wind spelled the same?

Wind and wind are two words that are spelled identically but are pronounced differently and have different meanings, which makes them heteronyms.

What is a homograph?

Put quite simply, a homograph is a group (usually a pair) of words that are spelled the same way, and may or may not be pronounced the same way, although the difference in pronunciation is often just a shift in the accented syllable. There is a whole class of homographs that end in -ate, usually with one being a verb and ...

What does it mean to write a homograph?

If you read graphic novels, you know they have pictures. Someone drew them. So “homograph” means “same picture” or “same writing.”. Homographs are written (spelled) the same.

What does homograph mean?

Definition of homograph. : one of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or derivation or pronunciation (such as the bow of a ship, a bow and arrow)

What are some examples of homographs?

Examples of homograph in a Sentence. The words “bow” for a part of a ship and “bow” for a weapon that shoots arrows are homographs.

What are the first and second types of homophones called?

The first and second types are sometimes called homophones, and the second and third types are sometimes called homographs —which makes naming the second type a bit confusing. Some language scholars prefer to limit homonym to the third type.

What are homoonyms?

Homonyms may be words with identical pronunciations but different spellings and meanings, such as to, too, and two. Or they may be words with both identical pronunciations and identical spellings but different meanings, such as quail (the bird) and quail (to cringe).

What are some examples of homographs?

So some other examples of homographs are 'lead' as in 'lead the way' and 'lead' as in 'lead pipe.'. Or 'bass' as in 'bass guitar' and 'bass' as in the fish 'big mouth bass'. Some dictionaries say that homographs have to sound different, and some don't say that that's a rule, so this can get a little confusing.

What is homograph in action?

These are homographs in action! Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Most homograph pairs are pronounced the same, but they don't have to be. You must c C reate an account to continue watching. Register to view this lesson.

What is a homoonym?

A homonym is a word that is spelled the same and sounds the same as another word, but means something different. So all our earlier examples can also be homonyms. A homograph is a word that's spelled the same as another word and means something different, but it doesn't have to sound the same.

Is "fly" a homograph?

In the first sentence, the word 'fly' refers to that pesky little insect with wings . In the second sentence, the word 'fly' is a verb referring to what the airplanes do when they're soaring high above the mountains. These are homographs in action!

Is a word a homograph or homonym?

But just know: if a word is spelled the same and pronounced the same, it can be a homograph and a homonym. If it's spelled the same and pronounced differently, it's a homograph! Lesson Summary. Homographs are words that have the same spelling, but have different meanings.

What is a homograph?

Homographs are those words with the same spelling but have different meaning and most especially, different pronunciation. Homographs come from two terms homo which means “same” and graph which means “writing. “. These words could not get easily confused especially when spoken but can be when it is written.

What is the difference between homophone and homonym?

Homophones come from two terms homo which means “same” and phone which means “sound. “. Homophones are those words that have the same pronunciation but have a difference in meaning. They are different from homonyms because they are not spelled the same. Examples:

What does homo mean in a nym?

The term homo means “same ” while the term nym means “name, “ thus, it literally means having the same name. It is important to take note not to misuse homonyms because the meaning of what you intend to say can drastically change or misunderstand most especially if you would get confused with its various definitions.

Teaching Activities

Divide the class into teams. Make a jeopardy board dividing with the easiest worth a 100 points (for example a piece of sports equipment or an animal.The student would have to answer what is a bat.) The more the point value, the harder the question. For example, thin or slant means lean).

Book Selection

This book is geared for grades 3rd through 6th and could easily be used for several different types of classroom projects. Mr. Terban uses great illustrations to lead the readers through a variety of homographs. This book is divided into five sections that look at the different types. Each makes it very easy to use as an introduction for them.

Lesson Question

How can students use the Visual Thesaurus to make sense of some common homographs and to discover a pattern among stress homographs?

Lesson Overview

This lesson — which could be appropriate for ESL and mainstream students alike — introduces students to homographs. Students brainstorm common homographs and then use the Visual Thesaurus to help them discover a relationship between part of speech and pronunciation when encountering stress homographs.


Present students with a riddle or a cartoon (e.g., a "Far Side" cartoon) that hinges upon a homograph pair. For example, you could write the following riddle on the board:


Explain to students that the humor of many puns, riddles, and cartoons depends upon people's knowledge of homographs.


Have groups share their answers to the "Making Sense of Stress Homographs" sheet orally, placing extra emphasis on the stressed or accented syllable in each of the homographs.

Extending the Lesson

As a related creative writing or art assignment, students could create illustrated riddles or cartoons that derive their humor from homographs.


Check groups' completed "Making Sense of Stress Homographs" sheets to assess whether or not students accurately identified parts of speech and stressed syllables.


What Is A homograph?

  • Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, origins, or pronunciation.
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Examples of Homographs

  • bass: a kind of fish/ a deep voice or tone content: happy/ the subject of a book or speech fine: money paid in penalty/ very good
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Homographs in Sentences

  • Content: Matt was contentwith his life. (happy and satisfied) The book has some interesting content. (the articles contained in it) Fine: Maya is perfectly finenow. (happy and healthy) Dad paid a heavy finefor speeding. (money paid as a punishment for violating a rule)
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Identifying Homographs

  • As there are two or three different meanings and pronunciations at play in a homographic context, we need to use contextual clues to work out which pronunciation and meaning are appropriate. Examples: John couldn't fly the kite, for there wasn't enough wind. Mom asked me to winda wire around the coil. In the first sentence, "wind" is a noun meaning "a current of air". The contextual c…
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Use of Homographs

  • Homographs serve a wide range of creative usages. They are mostly used in riddles and puns; they also come in handy while introducing ambiguity and revealing irony.
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Homographs Used For Ambiguity

  • In literature, homographs have traditionally been used to introduce ambiguity to the text and boost the literary effect. Example: Being heavy, I will bear the light. (Romeo and Juliet) Romeo is using the homographs "heavy" and "light" to mean both emotional states (sad and happy respectively) and weights (hefty and thin respectively). He is also talking about a literal torch. So "light" here i…
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Homographs, Homophones, Homonyms

  1. The word "graph" is connected to writing, so homographs mean words that are written alike but different in meanings. Example: desert: to leave/a dry region Example Sentences: After the war, a lot o...
  2. The word "phone" is connected with sound or pronunciation. So homophones are words that sound the same but differ in meanings. Example: tail: the tail of an animal, tale: a story Exam…
  1. The word "graph" is connected to writing, so homographs mean words that are written alike but different in meanings. Example: desert: to leave/a dry region Example Sentences: After the war, a lot o...
  2. The word "phone" is connected with sound or pronunciation. So homophones are words that sound the same but differ in meanings. Example: tail: the tail of an animal, tale: a story Example Sentences:...
  3. Homonyms are the trickiest of all of these. The word "nym" means "name". There are three categories of words that can be called homonyms.

Homonyms - 1, 2, and 3

  1. They may be identical in pronunciation but different in meanings or spellings. Examples: to (preposition), too (very), two (number) I want to study, This is too expensive, We are twosisters.
  2. They may also be words that are identical in both spelling and pronunciation but different in meanings. Example: bank (the institution where people store money), bank (the bank of a river) Where is...
  1. They may be identical in pronunciation but different in meanings or spellings. Examples: to (preposition), too (very), two (number) I want to study, This is too expensive, We are twosisters.
  2. They may also be words that are identical in both spelling and pronunciation but different in meanings. Example: bank (the institution where people store money), bank (the bank of a river) Where is...
  3. They may also be words spelled alike but different in meaning and pronunciation. Example: lead (to lead a team), lead (a grey heavy metal) Garry will lead the team, The pipe was made of lead.

Noun vs Verb Distinction in Homographs

  • An important thing to notice in homographs is their changing stress patterns. By identifying which part of speech the word belongs to (often a noun or verb), students can figure out the stressed syllable. If the word is used as a noun, the first syllable is stressed; if it's used as a verb, the stress shifts to the second syllable. Examples: Contest (noun), Contest(verb) It was a close contest. Mr…
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1.What Are Homographs? | Definition & Examples


31 hours ago noun ho· mo· graph | \ ˈhä-mə-ˌgraf , ˈhō- \ Definition of homograph : one of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or derivation or pronunciation (such as the bow of a …

2.Videos of What Is A Homograph For School


23 hours ago Distribute the lesson Homographs: Lesson for Kids and read the first section 'What Is a Homograph?' with students. As a group, define the term 'homograph,' writing the term and its …

3.Examples of Homographs: Same Spelling, Different …


16 hours ago What is a homograph? A homograph comes from the Greek words “homos”, meaning same, and “grapho”, meaning write. A homograph is a word that shares the same written form as another …

4.Homograph Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster


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5.Homographs: Lesson for Kids - Video & Lesson …


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6.6 Homograph for Kids Examples | Examples


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7.Homograph Activities For Elementary Teachers


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8.Making Sense of Homographs : Lesson Plans - Visual …


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