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what is a modified borg scale

by Earl Christiansen Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The original Borg scale has a range from 6 to 20 (with 6 being no exertion at all, and 20 being maximum effort). This scale correlates with a person’s heart rate or how hard they feel they’re working. The modified RPE scale has a range from 0 to 10 (with 0 being no exertion and 10 being maximum effort).

The Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale (MBS) is a 0 to 10 rated numerical score used to measure dyspnea as reported by the patient during submaximal exercise and is routinely administered during six-minute walk testing (6MWT), one of the most common and frequently used measures to assess disease severity in PAH.Feb 3, 2017

Full Answer

What is the Borg perceived exertion scale?

Perceived Exertion Scale. (Modified Borg Scale) X36565bc (02/11) ©AHC ACE/General Information. Perceived exertion is simply “how hard this activity feels to you.” It refers to the total amount of effort you put forth. It takes into account your feelings of exertion, physical stress and fatigue.

What is the Borg scale and how is it used?

The Borg Scale is a tool to measure a person’s perception of their effort and exertion, breathlessness, and fatigue during physical work.

What are the limitations of the Borg RPE scale?

For example, note “Leg RPE with knee pain” (Borg, 1998). There is a possible language barrier - around 5 to 10% of adults will have difficulty understanding the instructions which will affect their ability to respond to the Borg RPE scale (Borg, 1998).

What are the cross-cultural adaptations of the Borg RPE?

Cross-cultural adaptations of the Borg RPE include Cantonese and Japanese versions (Leung, Leung & Chung, 2004; Onodera & Miyashita, 1976). Well-trained Males: (Doherty, Smith, Hughes, & Collins, 2001; n = 15; 30s of the subpraximal run for each test) Male Rowers (Marriot & Lamb, 1996; n = 9; mean age = 28.6 (6.8) years)


What does a modified Borg measure?

The Modified Borg Dyspnoea Scale is most commonly used to assess symptoms of breathlessness. Despite being a subjective measure of exercise intensity, RPE scales provide valuable information when used correctly.

How do you use the modified Borg dyspnea scale?

0:293:04Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale (MBS) | Medical Definition - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd 0 being no dyspnea at all to perform the test all you have to do is ask one simple question toMoreAnd 0 being no dyspnea at all to perform the test all you have to do is ask one simple question to the patient. Which is on a scale of 0 to 10 how hard is it for you to breathe right.

What is the Borg Scale?

The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a way of measuring physical activity intensity level. Perceived exertion is how hard you feel like your body is working.

When would you use a Borg Scale?

The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale, developed by Swedish researcher Gunnar Borg [1], is a tool for measuring an individual's effort and exertion, breathlessness and fatigue during physical work and so is highly relevant for occupational health and safety practice.

Is the Borg Scale reliable?

It was concluded that category ratings of perceived exertion according to the Borg (RPE) Scale offer a sensitive and reliable measure of stress encountered during work.

How do you explain the dyspnea scale?

What does the RPDP scale look like?0 = no shortness of breath at all.0.5 = very, very slight shortness of breath.1 = very mild shortness of breath.2 = mild shortness of breath.3 = moderate shortness of breath or breathing difficulty.4 = somewhat severe shortness of breath.5 = strong or hard breathing.More items...•

Why is it called the Borg Scale?

In medicine this is used to document the patient's exertion during a test for the severity of diseases, and sports coaches use the scale to assess the intensity of training and competition as well as endurance. The original scale introduced by Gunnar Borg rated exertion on a scale of 6-20.

How is Borg Scale calculated?

The Borg RPE Scale This is because it is designed to give you a fairly good estimate of your actual heart rate during activity. To do this, multiply your RPE by 10 to get an estimated heart rate. For example, if your RPE is 12, then 12 x 10 = 120 beats per minute. This scale was designed for the average healthy adult.

What does RPE 7 mean?

RPE 4 to 6: Moderate intensity. You can talk in short spurts, your breathing is more labored, but you're still working within your comfort zone. RPE 7 to 9: Hard intensity.

Who invented the Borg Scale?

Swedish psychologist Dr. Gunnar Borg, the creator of the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion, passed away in Sweden on February 2 at the age of 92. The Borg Scale, or Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale, is used to help you rate how hard you feel you're working.

What is Borg CR 10 scale?

The "Borg CR10 Scale" is a general method for measuring most kinds of perceptions and experiences, including pain and also perceived exertion. It can be used to measure taste and smell, loudness and noise, brightness and other sensations, but also moods and emotions (e.g., discomfort and anxiety).

What heart rate zone should you exercise in?

Temperate zone: You're exercising at 60% to 70% of your max heart rate. Roughly 65% of the calories you burn are fat. Aerobic zone: Working at 70% to 80% of your max heart rate puts you in the aerobic zone.

How do you assess the amount of dyspnea?

In quantifying dyspnea, the patient is asked to indicate on the VAS the point which corresponds to his/her own perception, evaluated as the distance from the zero extreme (non dyspnea) and expressed as a percentage of the total length of the line.

How do you assess severity of dyspnea?

To determine the severity of dyspnea, carefully observe respiratory effort, use of accessory muscles, mental status, and ability to speak. Pulsus paradoxus may exist in COPD, asthma, or cardiac tamponade. Stridor is indicative of an upper airway obstruction.

What is Borg dyspnea?

The Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale (MBS) is a 0 to 10 rated numerical score used to measure dyspnea as reported by the patient during submaximal exercise and is routinely administered during six-minute walk testing (6MWT), one of the most common and frequently used measures to assess disease severity in PAH.

What is perceived exertion rate?

Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) is a way to measure the level of exertion a person feels during physical activity. RPE is a useful tool that helps people manage the intensity of their physical exercise.

What is the Borg RPE scale?

Borg RPE scale was developed by Gunnar Borg for rating exertion and breathlessness during physical activity; that is, how hard the activity is as shown by high heart and respiration rate, profuse perspiration and muscle exertion.

What is a Borg rating?

Borg rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is an outcome measure scale used in knowing exercise intensity prescription. It is use in monitoring progress and mode of exercise in cardiac patients as well as in other patient population undergoing rehabilitation and endurance training.

What is a scale?

The scale is a very simple numerical list. Participants are asked to rate their exertion on the scale during the activity, taking into consideration feelings of physical stress and fatigue, disregarding any factor such as leg pain or breathlessness but focusing on the whole feeling of exertion. This number chosen connotes the intensity of activity allowing the participant to speed up or slow down movements/activity. The scale takes few seconds to complete, can be self or researcher administered in single occasion or multiple times.

Is Borg RPE reliable?

Testing of the subject twice was used in ascertaining reliability in a study and Borg RPE was found to be reliable in rating exertion The verbal anchor using VAS of the scale when tested in different clinical group and setting was found to have no significant difference in meaning in the groups except for the group that has a brain injury.

Can you use the Borg RPE scale with Parkinson's?

A recent study reported that the Borg RPE scale may be used in individuals with Parkinson’s disease in which formal exercise testing may not be available.

What is the scale used for?

Scientific studies. Households. Thus, the scale can be used in a variety of situations and all levels of physical activity, which benefits: Children. Pregnant women. Postpartum women. Heart patients. People with injuries. Physical laborers.

When was the RPE scale created?

There are two RPE scale systems: the original RPE scale created in 1982 and a modified RPE scale. Both versions use a simple numerical list.

What is the CR scale?

The revised Borg RPE scale, known as Borg Category-Ratio (CR), is scored from 0 to 10. The CR scale provides short descriptions of each number. This scale mainly monitors breathlessness over a 24-hour period. The starting point of 0 is described as “no effort” and “very light” exercise, while the end point of 10 is described as “maximum effort” and “very hard” exercise.

What is the purpose of the RPE scale?

The scale is a subjective physical measurement designed to help track the intensity of your physical and mental capabilities during strenuous activity. Although the RPE scale is most popular in sports and workout routines, it’s also used in a variety of physically strenuous situations.

Why is the RPE scale important?

The RPE scale is helpful for measuring work intensity , because it helps people measure the risks for musculoskeletal injuries. These injuries commonly happen when your physical abilities can’t keep up with the physical demands of your job.

What is the test for mental vitality?

Mental vitality levels. Shortness of breath. ‌Other tests, such as the “talk test,” can be used to help with your self-assessment, during an activity such as walking, for instance. If you can walk and talk, but not sing, during your activity, you’re experiencing moderate intensity.


1.Borg Rating Scale of Perceived Exertion | RehabMeasures …


12 hours ago  · The Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale (MBS) is a 0 to 10 rated numerical score used to measure dyspnea as reported by the patient during submaximal exercise and is routinely …

2.Perceived Exertion (Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion …


16 hours ago  · A 15-point scale with verbal descriptors to standardize perceived exertion across tasks and individuals; Instructions for use: 1) Explain that the scale rates how hard a person is …

3.Modified Borg Dyspnoea Scale - Emory University


20 hours ago The Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale (MBS) is a 0 to 10 rated numerical score used to measure dyspnea as reported by the patient during submaximal exercise and is routinely administered …

4.Borg Rating Of Perceived Exertion - Physiopedia


17 hours ago What is a Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale? Watch this video for the medical definition and a brief overview of this topic.💥Respiratory Therapy Definitions [Glos...

5.(Modified Borg Scale) - Carolina Therapy Services


16 hours ago The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a way of measuring physical activity intensity level. Perceived exertion is how hard you feel like your body is working. It is based on the physical …

6.What Is The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)?


10 hours ago Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale *Instructions for Borg Dyspnea Scale . Use this scale to rate the difficulty of your breathing. It starts at number 0 where your breathing is causing you no …

7.Videos of What Is A Modified Borg Scale


25 hours ago It was later reconstructed to category (C) ratio (R) scale, termed Borg CR10 Scale or modified Borg Dyspnoea Scale which is mostly used in the diagnosis of breathlessness and dyspnea, …

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