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what is a page line summary

by River Douglas Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Page-line summaries identify important points in the deposition by the page and line(s). This type of summary is useful for attorneys who want to skim the summary or compare one summary to another. Page-line summaries can be formatted several ways but they usually include a 3-column table with or without border lines.

Full Answer

Why Do You Require a Deposition Summary?

What decides the time taken to brief a deposition?

Why Do You Need Deposition Summary Services?

What Should the Deposition Summarizer Keep in Mind?

What Are the Types of Deposition Summaries?


How do you write a good deposition summary?

What are the distinguishing features of a good deposition summary?It will present the deponent's testimony in an accurate and concise format.It will contain the name of the witness, case name, date, and a table of contents or index.All relevant details that the attorney may need are included in the summary.More items...

How do you summarize witness testimony?

Summarizing TestimoniesTo include all relevant materials that are helpful for the attorney.Make sure not to alter the context of the material.To convey the spirit of the question and the response of the witness within the summary.To avoid editorializing in the summary.More items...•

How long should it take to write a deposition summary?

Warning: Summarizing Depositions Can Be Time-Consuming! For a typical 200-page deposition transcript, it can take a litigation paralegal more than 8 hours to summarize one deposition transcript, depending on a few factors, such as: The complexity of the case. Whether the deponent is a lay witness or an expert witness.

What is a topical deposition summary?

Topical summaries are deposition summaries prepared based on predefined topics. This summary type is helpful in fact-oriented cases like workers' compensation and has 3 columns – topic, pages, summary. With chronological summary, the summary is abridged and arranged in chronological order.

What is summary evidence?

An evidence summary is a short summary of the best available evidence on a defined question. It aims to help policymakers and practitioners use the best available evidence in their decision making about interventions.

What is a witness summary?

“A witness summary is a summary of: (a) the evidence, if known, which would otherwise be included in a witness statement; (b) if the evidence is not known, the matters about which the party serving the witness summary proposes to question the witness.”

What should you not say in a deposition?

Deposition DON'Ts:Guess or speculate. “I don't know” or “I can't remember” is acceptable.Be anxious or stressed out. It will affect what you say and how you appear.Be defensive or angry. Never argue with the attorney.Offer information not requested. ... Talk too much or ramble. ... Talk too little. ... Be too extreme.

What should you not answer in a deposition?

Which Questions Shouldn't I Answer in a Deposition?Private information. You have a right to refuse any questions about a person's health, sexuality, or religious beliefs (including your own). ... Privileged information. ... Irrelevant information.

How do you win a deposition case?

9 Tips for a Successful DepositionPrepare. ... Tell the Truth. ... Be Mindful of the Transcript. ... Answer Only the Question Presented. ... Answer Only as to What You Know. ... Stay Calm. ... Ask to See Exhibits. ... Don't Be Bullied.More items...

What are the three types of deposition summaries?

Types of deposition summaries“Page-Line” deposition summary. ... Topic-by-topic deposition summary. ... Chronological deposition summary.

What are the two types of depositions?

There are two kinds of depositions, formal and informal. A formal deposition is taken for use at trial , when the witness will not be available. The informal deposition is known as a discovery deposition and is generally only used at trial for impeachment purposes if a witness changes her story.

What are the important uses of a deposition summary?

It helps the witness refresh his/her mind and provides a frame of reference for the opposing counsel's witness testimony. Deposition summaries are also useful to the judge, who may use the summary to prepare a summing up statement or use it during the trial.

What should be included in a witness testimony?

It should contain all of the evidence that you want the court to have about the case and the reasons why you want the judge to make certain orders or directions. A witness statement should be factual and state what was seen, heard or felt by the person writing the statement.

How do you evaluate a testimony?

Some of the factors that you may wish to consider in evaluating the testimony of a witness are as follows: Did the witness have an opportunity to see or hear the events about which he or she testified? Did the witness have the ability to recall those events accurately?

How do you write a witness report?

Witness StatementsStart with the name of the case and the claim number;State the full name and address of the witness;Set out the witness's evidence clearly in numbered paragraphs on numbered pages;End with this paragraph: 'I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.More items...

How do you summarize a trial?

Briefly summarize the facts of the case. Facts are the “who, when, what, where, and why” of the case. Describe the history of the dispute, including the events that led to the lawsuit, the legal claims and defenses of each party, and what happened in the trial court.

Deposition Summary Examples That Work - Legal Reader

There is no doubt that a deposition summary plays a key role not just for lawyers but everyone involved in the trial process.

Sample Deposition summary

2 p.9 L22- p.10 L7 Dr. DN had a license to practice medicine in New York during when he was working with St. BH. Dr. DN's License was never revoked or suspended.

Samples of DepoExpress Deposition Summaries

Topic-By-Topic Summaries. DepoExpress' Topic-by-Topic Summaries organize the deposition testimony into specific, pre-selected topics of your choice pertinent to your case or examination.

What Constitutes A Good Deposition Summary? | Medical Review

Read about the features that distinguish a good deposition summary such as that prepared by a medical review company.

Why Do You Require a Deposition Summary?

The purpose of a deposition is to help the lawyers in their complicated court procedures. Deposition contains a lot of information unrelated to the legal process. Therefore, the transcript should be made crisp for easy perusal by eliminating redundant materials. The main reasons why deposition should be condensed are as follows:

What decides the time taken to brief a deposition?

However, depending upon various factors, the time taken to compress the deposition differs from a few hours to many days. They are

Why Do You Need Deposition Summary Services?

Even if you know how to summarize depositions, the intricacies involved in summarizing depositions would undoubtedly make you consider the necessity for deposition summary companies. The following factors stress the need for outsourcing to the deposition summary services.

What Should the Deposition Summarizer Keep in Mind?

Before attempting to write the summary of the deposition, the paralegal or the summarizer should keep these points in mind.

What Are the Types of Deposition Summaries?

To draft a crispy and effective deposition summary, you should know the various types of depositions. Here we are going to see the different deposition summary examples.

What is a deposition summary?

A deposition summary, or a deposition digest, is a clerical or administrative summary of a deposition transcript.

What is a chronological deposition summary?

A chronological deposition summary is when the deposition summary is organized in such a way that the facts are presented chronologically. In some cases, particularly criminal cases, the chronological sequence of events may be crucial. As a result, to have a perfect chronological understanding of a case, ...

How to have a perfect chronological understanding of a case?

As a result, to have a perfect chronological understanding of a case, a lawyer may want to have all the depositions summarized in a chronological way and then build a master deposition summary incorporating all the depositions taken chronologically.

Why is a deposition summary important?

Deposition summaries are quite important in helping a law firm or lawyer manage a lawsuit and the factual statements offered by deposed witnesses. There are several common ways to prepare a deposition digest: Page-line summary or page-by-page summary. Topical summary or topic-by-topic summary. Chronological summary.

What is a page-by-page summary?

A page-line summary or page-by-page summary is when the deposition summary is formatted in such a way that the summary of the transcript is aligned with the page-line and possible exhibit reference.

What is a topical summary?

Topic-by-topic summaries or topical summaries are deposition summaries based on predefined topics.

How can testimony be boiled down?

By summarizing the deposition, the testimony offered by a witness can be boiled down to its simplest form without losing substantive content or denaturing the testimony.

Page Line Summaries

DepoExpress' Page-Line Summaries summarize your deposition transcript in its original order, with the summary separated into topics with relevant page-line references. Our page-line summaries provide context to borderless testimony in the form of topic titles. No facts are omitted.

Topic-By-Topic Summaries

DepoExpress' Topic-by-Topic Summaries organize the deposition testimony into specific, pre-selected topics of your choice pertinent to your case or examination.

What is a summary?

A summary is a piece of writing that tells the main ideas of something. It is basically a shortened version of a larger text that describes its main points. Writers use it to describe a story, article, movie, television show, presentation or another piece of content in a more succinct way. If you want to write an effective summary, you need to be able to identify the most important parts of a text and describe them to someone who may not be familiar with the text.

What tricks can a border collie do?

Throughout the video, Nate demonstrates every trick Beau can do, which include sit, stay, down, up, play dead, spin, weave, crawl and even cleaning up his toys. Throughout the video, Beau is wagging his tail and quite happy to do these commands. Nate is sure to give him a lot of treats throughout the entire video."

What is Redd Jones' story?

"In this article, journalist, Fiona Fargo, details the incredible story of Redd Jones. Redd grew up in a low-income neighborhood. While he loved his neighborhood and community, Redd always dreamed of a better life. That's why he saved up his entire life to put himself through medical school. He started collecting aluminum cans for money when he was in middle school, he went on to work at a fast-food restaurant in high school. Sure enough, by graduation, he made enough to pay for his first year of college, though he also had to work hard to earn a couple of scholarships.

How to write a summary of a paragraph?

Format your summary into sentences that make up paragraphs. Get started by writing down the main points of the text in your own words. Make sure to write down these main points as they were presented by the author of the text, meaning that you should write them in chronological order.

What tricks does Beau do in the video?

Throughout the video, Nate demonstrates every trick Beau can do, which include sit, stay, down, up, play dead, spin, weave, crawl and even cleaning up his toys . Throughout the video, Beau is wagging his tail and quite happy to do these commands. Nate is sure to give him a lot of treats throughout the entire video.".

What is summary in writing?

A summary is a piece of writing that tells the main ideas of something. It is basically a shortened version of a larger text that describes its main points. Writers use it to describe a story, article, movie, television show, presentation or another piece of content in a more succinct way. If you want to write an effective summary, you need ...

How to write a summary of a book?

Follow these steps when writing a summary: 1. Carefully review the work you're summarizing. If you are writing a summary of a written text, make sure to read it carefully. Take note of what the author is saying and why they are saying it. Likewise, when writing a summary about something you are watching, make sure to take detailed notes.

What is summary generator?

A summary generator is a helpful tool that automatically creates a summary of any given paper. You can copy and paste or upload a text to get its short version with all the main points. An online summarizing tool provides results instantaneously, saving your time and effort.

Why use summary typer?

Why spend your time writing something that can be done in a second? An online summary typer will automate the process, leaving you with more time for other critical things.

What is paraphrasing in writing?

Paraphrasing is the retelling or rewriting of a document in your own words. It clarifies the meaning, highlights crucial parts, and makes the text relevant. Paraphrasing software differs from summarizing software and usually does not cut down the word count.

How many symbols can you summarize in 10 sentences?

Summarizing long texts (up to 13,000 symbols) into 10 sentences or less is now possible. Struggling with mountains of compulsory reading? This FREE ONLINE summarizing tool can do the hard work for you.

Why is it important to summarise a story?

The purpose of summarizing is to quickly give the reader an idea of what a particular text is about. To do this, you need to put the main points of the story into your own words. A good summary clarifies the meaning of the text, highlights its crucial parts, and shows the author’s proper understanding of the material.

What is the purpose of extracting information from a text?

Extract crucial information from the text. It provides a summary or cohesive list of the essential ideas of a document. You don’t have to read the whole text to get to the point.

How many characters can you compress?

The maximum number of characters you can compress is 10.000. Nevertheless, you can summarize any type of text. You can even compress longer texts by dividing the document into a few parts so that each section doesn’t exceed the limit.

Why Do You Require a Deposition Summary?

The purpose of a deposition is to help the lawyers in their complicated court procedures. Deposition contains a lot of information unrelated to the legal process. Therefore, the transcript should be made crisp for easy perusal by eliminating redundant materials. The main reasons why deposition should be condensed are as follows:

What decides the time taken to brief a deposition?

However, depending upon various factors, the time taken to compress the deposition differs from a few hours to many days. They are

Why Do You Need Deposition Summary Services?

Even if you know how to summarize depositions, the intricacies involved in summarizing depositions would undoubtedly make you consider the necessity for deposition summary companies. The following factors stress the need for outsourcing to the deposition summary services.

What Should the Deposition Summarizer Keep in Mind?

Before attempting to write the summary of the deposition, the paralegal or the summarizer should keep these points in mind.

What Are the Types of Deposition Summaries?

To draft a crispy and effective deposition summary, you should know the various types of depositions. Here we are going to see the different deposition summary examples.


1.Deposition Summaries | Outsource Page Line Summary


10 hours ago Web · What does a 1 page summary? It is a succinct explanation of the characters who drive your novel, particularly the protagonist and antagonist, as well as the events …

2.Drafting a Precise Deposition Summary: 7 Facts You …


26 hours ago WebBenefits of Outsourcing Deposition Summaries. Our clientele benefit from outsourcing page line summaries to our deposition summary department in the following ways: An …

3.Deposition Summary (All You Need To Know)


10 hours ago Web · 1. Page-line Summary: Page-line summaries are prepared by straining the vital information page by page. When compared to the other methods, this is a time …

4.Samples of DepoExpress Deposition Summaries


8 hours ago Web · A page-line summary or page-by-page summary is when the deposition summary is formatted in such a way that the summary of the transcript is aligned with …

5.How To Write a Summary in 5 Steps (With Examples)


5 hours ago Web(866.933.7639) [email protected] Page Line Summaries DepoExpress' Page-Line Summaries summarize your deposition transcript in its original order, with the summary …

6.The Best Summary Generator: Free Online Summarizing …


21 hours ago Web · A summary is a piece of writing that tells the main ideas of something. It is basically a shortened version of a larger text that describes its main points. Writers use it …

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