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what is a sycon in biology

by Modesto Moore Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Sycon is a genus of calcareous sponges belonging to the family Sycettidae. These sponges are small, growing up to 7.5 cm and having length from 2.5 to7. 5, and are tube-shaped and often white to cream in colour.

What is the example of sycon?

Sycon is a marine sponge and remains attached to solid substrata like rocks, shells of molluscs and corals. The name of genus, Sycon, is replaced by Scypha by de Laubenfels (1936).

Are sycon and sponge same?

Sycon is a marine sponge which is found attached to the rocks, corals and shells of molluscs. Sponges are the members of the phylum porifera.

What body plan is sycon?

Sycon ciliata are creamy yellow in color and delicate-looking. Their bodies are arranged in the asconoid system, which is a simple tube with no folding of the outer body wall. They range from 1-3cm in height. Hairy, needle-like spines (called spicules) cover their bodies.

What is the use of sycon?

Sycon Syrup is a combination medicine used in the treatment of acidity, stomach ulcer and heartburn. It helps in relieving the symptoms of acidity and ulcers such as stomach pain or irritation. It also neutralizes excessive acid in the stomach and helps in easy passage of gas.

What is phylum of sycon?

SpongeSycon / PhylumSponges, the members of the phylum Porifera, are a basal animal clade as a sister of the Diploblasts. They are multicellular organisms that have bodies full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate through them, consisting of jelly-like mesohyl sandwiched between two thin layers of cells. Wikipedia

Where are sycon found?

Sycon ciliatum is mainly found on the shore under overhangs or attached to rocks and shells on the lower shore. It is common in the shallow sublittoral and present in deeper water to 100 m depth. It also grows on seaweeds e.g. kelp, fucoids or small red algae.

Is sycon a Marine?

WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Sycon ciliatum (Fabricius, 1780)

Is sycon a microscopic?

Microscopic Organization It is from here that the spicules seem to emerge. The layer possesses large cells known as pinacocytes. Spongocoel possesses a lining of flattened endodermal cells while the radial canal is lined by unique collar cells, each possessing flagellum (a long whip-like structure).

What is the common name of sycon?

Scypha, also called sycon, genus of marine sponges of the class Calcarea (calcareous sponges), characterized by a fingerlike body shape known as the syconoid type of structure.

How does sycon reproduce?

Sexual reproduction: Sycon is a hermaphrodite animal. In the same animal both male and female sex cells will develop. cell undergoes divisions and spermatocytes are formed. They develop into sperms.

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