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what is a urogram test

by Bud D'Amore DVM Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

A computerized tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging exam used to evaluate the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, bladder and the tubes (ureters) that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.Sep 8, 2021

Full Answer

What is a urogram?

Why do you need a CT urogram?

What position do you lie on for a CT urogram?

What to expect before a CT urogram?

How does X-ray dye feel?

Can you drink water before a urogram?

Can you have a urogram if you are pregnant?

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How long does a CT Urogram take?

A CT Urogram will take approximately 5-10 minutes. However, you may need to allow extra time for each procedure in case of delays or the occasional need for additional images.

Is a CT Urogram painful?

A computed tomography (CT) urogram is a useful diagnostic tool for detecting conditions that affect your urinary system. It uses a series of X-rays and a computer to produce three-dimensional images of your soft tissues and bones. CT urograms are painless and have minor risks to your overall health.

How do you prepare for a CT Urogram?

Preparation for a CT urogram You can usually eat and drink normally for this test. Follow the instructions given to you by your hospital. Usually, you have to drink a certain amount of water before you arrive for your CT scan. This is so your bladder can get bigger and be seen more clearly on the pictures.

How is a Urogram done?

A CT urogram is a test that uses a CT scan and a special contrast medium or dye that a doctor injects into a vein. The contrast dye provides a high quality image to allow doctors to look at the urinary system and make a diagnosis.

How long does it take to get Urogram results?

You should get your results within 1 or 2 weeks. Waiting for results can make you anxious. Ask your doctor or nurse how long it will take to get them. Contact the doctor who arranged the test if you haven't heard anything after a couple of weeks.

What can be found on a CT urogram?

A CT urogram is used to examine the kidneys, ureters and bladder....A CT urogram may be helpful in diagnosing urinary tract conditions such as:Kidney stones.Bladder stones.Complicated infections.Tumors or cysts.Cancer.Structural problems.

Why would a urologist order a CT scan?

The CT scan is used by doctors to see and evaluate cross-sectional slices of tissue and organs. It is one of the best tools for diagnosing problems in the urinary tract and renal systems. It combines X-rays and computer calculations for detailed images.

How accurate is a CT urogram?

Conclusion: CT urography is an accurate noninvasive test for detecting bladder cancer in patients at risk for the disease.

What are the three phases of CT urogram?

Standard CT urography consists of unen- hanced, nephrographic, and pyelographic phases.

Do you need to fast for CT urogram?

Preparation for a CT urogram You can usually eat and drink normally for this test. Follow the instructions given to you by your hospital. Usually, you have to drink a certain amount of water before you arrive for your CT scan. This is so your bladder can get bigger and be seen more clearly on the pictures.

Is a cystoscopy painful?

People often worry that a cystoscopy will be painful, but it does not usually hurt. Tell your doctor or nurse if you feel any pain during it. It can be a bit uncomfortable and you may feel like you need to pee during the procedure, but this will only last a few minutes.

What are the abnormal cells that are seen in urine?

Atypical urothelial cells: This means that the pathologist found some abnormalities in your urine sample, but the cells weren't abnormal enough to be considered cancer. Suspicious for high-grade urothelial carcinoma: This means that the pathologist found abnormal cells in your urine sample that might be cancer.

Do you need full bladder for CT scan?

For most scans, it is not necessary for you to have a full bladder. You will be told in your appointment letter if this is necessary. Sometimes we need to give you an injection of 'dye' during the scan. This helps us see your internal organs and blood vessels.

What are the three phases of CT urogram?

Standard CT urography consists of unen- hanced, nephrographic, and pyelographic phases.

Why would a urologist order a CT scan?

The CT scan is used by doctors to see and evaluate cross-sectional slices of tissue and organs. It is one of the best tools for diagnosing problems in the urinary tract and renal systems. It combines X-rays and computer calculations for detailed images.

What should you not do before a CT scan?

If your doctor ordered a CT scan with contrast, do not eat anything three hours prior to your CT scan. You are encouraged to drink clear liquids. You may also take your prescribed medications prior to your exam. DIABETICS: Diabetics should eat a light breakfast or lunch three hours prior to the scan time.

How Is a CT Urogram Performed? - MedicineNet

A CT (computed tomography) urogram is a non-invasive radiological examination of the urinary system. The doctor injects a mildly radioactive tracer compound into your vein, which then allows the radiologist to view the structure and function of the kidneys and bladder using the CT scanner.

CT urography for hematuria - PubMed

Hematuria can signify serious disease such as bladder cancer, upper urinary tract urothelial cell carcinoma (UUT-UCC), renal cell cancer or urinary tract stones. CT urography is a rapidly evolving technique made possible by recent advances in CT technology. CT urography is defined as CT examination …

CT Urogram: Medical Procedure, Preparation & Definitions - FindaTopDoc

The main reason for a computerized tomography (CT) Urogram is to do an examination of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. It allows your doctor see the size and shape of these structures in order to determine if they are working normally and to look for signs of the disease that may affect your urinary system.

Information about your CT Scan (Water Preparation) - NHSGGC

Information about your CT Scan (Water Preparation) Your doctor has referred you for a CT Scan. This will take place in the Imaging Department (also

What is a urogram?

Overview. A computerized tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging exam used to evaluate your urinary tract , including your kidneys, your bladder and the tubes (ureters) that carry urine from your kidneys to your bladder. CT urography uses X-rays to generate multiple images of a slice of the area in your body being studied, including bones, ...

Why do you need a CT urogram?

Why it's done. A CT urogram is used to examine your kidneys, ureters and bladder. It lets your doctor see the size and shape of these structures to determine if they're working properly and to look for any signs of disease that may affect your urinary system. Your doctor may recommend a CT urogram if you're experiencing signs ...

What position do you lie on for a CT urogram?

For a CT urogram, you usually lie on your back on an exam table, though you may be asked to lie on your side or stomach. Straps and pillows may be used to help you maintain the correct position and keep still during the exam. You may be asked to change positions during the CT urogram.

What to expect before a CT urogram?

Before your CT urogram, a member of your health care team will: Ask you questions about your medical history. Check your blood pressure, pulse and body temperature. Ask you to change into a hospital gown and remove jewelry, eyeglasses and any metal objects that may obscure the X-ray images.

How does X-ray dye feel?

You may feel a warm, flushed sensation when the dye is injected, and a metallic taste may appear in your mouth for a minute or two. The contrast material may briefly make you feel like you have to urinate.

Can you drink water before a urogram?

You may be asked to drink water before a CT urogram and not to urinate until after the procedure. This expands your bladder. But, depending on your condition, guidelines about what to eat and drink before your CT urogram may vary.

Can you have a urogram if you are pregnant?

However, the benefit of an accurate diagnosis far outweighs this risk. If you are pregnant or think that you may be pregnant, tell your doctor before having a CT urogram. Though the risk to an unborn baby is small, your doctor may consider whether it's better to wait or to use another imaging test.

What to know about a CT urogram?

What to know about CT urograms. If a person experiences certain urinary tract symptoms, such as pain or blood in the urine, a doctor may recommend a CT urogram. CT urograms use imaging and contrast dye to allow doctors to diagnose problems such as kidney and bladder stones, certain cancers, and structural irregularities.

What can a doctor do to check for kidney stones?

A doctor will first conduct a non-contrast scan. This can show kidney stones and any major structural irregularities.

Why do doctors use contrast dye?

CT urograms use imaging and contrast dye to allow doctors to diagnose problems such as kidney and bladder stones, certain cancers, and structural irregularities. This article will explore why doctors may recommend a CT urogram, what the procedure involves, and some possible risks. It will also discuss when a person should contact a doctor.

Why do doctors use CT scans?

Doctors can use CT images to see if the internal structures appear healthy and work correctly and to check for any signs of disease. A doctor may recommend a CT urogram if a person is experiencing blood in the urine, known as hematuria, or pain in the groin or lower back.

How long does it take to get a CT scan of your arm?

A computer will then form these X-rays into a high quality image. The procedure takes around 90 minutes.

What is CT scanner?

The CT scanner is a short tunnel that contains a rotating X-ray machine. A person lies in the scanner while the inside portion rotates and takes a series of X-rays from various angles.

Where do they insert a cannula?

The doctor will insert a small tube or cannula into the back of the person’s hand or arm.

What is a CT urogram?

CT urogram. A CT urogram is a test using a CT scan and special dye (contrast medium) to look at the urinary system. The contrast medium helps show up the urinary system more clearly. You have a CT scan of your: kidney. bladder.

How long does it take to get a CT urogram?

A radiographer operates the scanner. The whole appointment can take up to an hour and a half.

What is a CT scan of the bladder?

bladder. tubes that connect the kidneys to your bladder (ureters) A CT scan uses x-rays to take detailed pictures of your body from different angles. A computer then puts them together to make a 3 dimensional (3D) image. CT stands for computed (axial) tomography.

What happens when you scan a bed?

During the scan the bed moves in and out of the scanner. You may find it a bit noisy.

How does contrast medium help with kidneys?

The contrast medium can make you: feel hot and flushed for a minute or two. have a metallic taste in your mouth.

Can you drink water before a urogram?

Follow the instructions given to you by your hospital. Usually, you have to drink a certain amount of water before you arrive for your CT scan . This is so your bladder can get bigger and be seen more clearly on the pictures.

Do you have to hold your breath when you are a radiographer?

Your radiographer will ask you to hold your breath at times.

How is a urogram performed?

A CT urogram is performed by injecting a contrast dye ( iodine contrast solution) into the vein in the hand or arm. The dye flows into the kidneys, ureters, and bladder outlining each of these structures. X-rays are used in a CT urogram to generate multiple thin-slice (5 mm) images of the urinary system at specific time intervals, starting just above the kidneys and ending just below the pubic bone. These images are then directed to a computer and are reconstructed into detailed two-dimensional (2D) images. These images can help the radiologist see the urinary system and assess if it is working well or identify any abnormalities.

Why is a CT urogram done?

A computed tomography (CT) urogram allows accurate visualization of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The size and shape of these structures can be assessed to determine if they are functioning properly and to look for any signs of diseases.

What is a CT urogram?

A CT (computed tomography) urogram is a non-invasive radiological examination of the urinary system. The doctor injects a mildly radioactive tracer compound into your vein, which then allows the radiologist to view the structure and function of the kidneys and bladder using the CT scanner.

What are the complications of a CT urogram?

A computed tomography (CT) urogram is generally safe. Some possible risks associated with a CT urogram include:

What is the purpose of X-rays in urograms?

X-rays are used in a CT urogram to generate multiple thin-slice (5 mm) images of the urinary system at specific time intervals, starting just above the kidneys and ending just below the pubic bone. These images are then directed to a computer and are reconstructed into detailed two-dimensional (2D) images.

When is a CT urogram recommended?

A CT urogram may be recommended if a patient is experiencing signs and symptoms that may be related to a urinary tract disorder such as:

What is a CT scanner?

The scanner is a large doughnut-shaped machine with a large hole in the middle through which the table slides. Before the exam begins, the table will move quickly through the scanner to determine the correct position for the scans. During the actual CT urogram, the table will move slowly through the machine while the images are taken. If needed, the machine may make several passes.

What is a computerized urogram?

1 What is a Computerized Tomography (CT) Urogram? A computerized tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging exam that is applied in the evaluation of your urinary tract, including your kidneys, bladder and the tubes (ureters) that are responsible for carrying urine from your kidneys to your bladder. CT urography uses X-rays to generate multiple images ...

Why do you need a CT for urogram?

The main reason for a computerized tomography (CT) Urogram is to do an examination of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. It allows your doctor see the size and shape of these structures in order to determine if they are working normally and to look for signs of the disease that may affect your urinary system.

What is the pain in the back of the urogram?

Your doctor may recommend a CT urogram if you are experiencing signs and symptoms, such as pain in your side or back or blood in your urine (hematuria), that may be related to a urinary tract disorder.

Why do doctors need to see the size of the urinary system?

It allows your doctor see the size and shape of these structures in order to determine if they are working normally and to look for signs of the disease that may affect your urinary system.

What happens after a CT urogram?

After a CT urogram. When your CT urogram is complete, the IV line is removed from your arm and the IV entry point is covered with a dressing. You can then return to your usual activities.

What medications are used to treat X-ray dyes?

If you are taking any medications, such as metformin ( Fortamet, Glucophage, Glumetza), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), ant-rejection drugs or antibiotics. If you have had a recent illness.

Is a CT urogram a risk?

3 Potential Risks. With a computerized tomography (CT) urogram, there is a small risk of an allergic reaction if the contrast material is injected. Reactions are generally mild and easily managed by medication.

What is Urography?

Urography is an examination used to evaluate the kidneys, ureters and bladder. Excretory urography, also known as intravenous pyelogram, is performed using conventional x-ray after the intravenous administration of radiographic contrast material. This technique is still performed for pediatric patients and occasionally for younger adult patients.

What is the name of the imaging that shows blood in urine?

Urography. Urography uses imaging and contrast material to evaluate or detect blood in urine, kidney or bladder stones, and cancer in the urinary tract. Urography with conventional x-ray is known as intravenous pyelogram (IVP). Urography is also often performed using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

What are some common uses of the procedure?

Urography images are used to evaluate issues or detect abnormalities in portions of the urinary tract , including the kidneys, bladder and ureters, including:

Who interprets the results and how do I get them?

A radiologist, a doctor specially trained to supervise and interpret radiology exams, will analyze the images. The radiologist will send an official report to the doctor who ordered the exam.

What are the limitations of Urography?

A person who is very large may not fit into the opening of a conventional CT scanner. Or, they may be over the weight limit—usually 450 pounds— for the moving table.

Where to lay on a CT urography?

If CT urography is being performed, the technologist will begin by positioning you on the CT examination table, usually lying flat on your back or possibly on your side or stomach. You may be asked to change positions during portions of the examination. Straps and pillows may be used to help you maintain the correct position and to hold still during the exam.

Can you drink water before a urinary exam?

Your doctor may instruct you to not eat or drink anything several hours beforehand. In order to distend your urinary bladder, you may be asked to drink water prior to the exam and not to urinate until your scan is complete. Leave jewelry at home and wear loose, comfortable clothing. You may be asked to wear a gown.

What is a reflex test?

Is routine testing: This is a very standard routine reflex test. A urinalysis is often used to look at white blood cells red blood cells and the urethral cells in the urine as well as crystals. These things can only be identified under the microscope where's the urinalysis gives you the electrolyte composition glucose and ph. The two together give you a good indication on whether there is a bacterial infection and if there are white blood cells under the microscope then the urine can be cultured to determine the type of bacteria and best antibiotic good luck.

How long does it take to get answers from a doctor?

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers — it's anonymous and free! Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person).

What is a urogram?

Overview. A computerized tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging exam used to evaluate your urinary tract , including your kidneys, your bladder and the tubes (ureters) that carry urine from your kidneys to your bladder. CT urography uses X-rays to generate multiple images of a slice of the area in your body being studied, including bones, ...

Why do you need a CT urogram?

Why it's done. A CT urogram is used to examine your kidneys, ureters and bladder. It lets your doctor see the size and shape of these structures to determine if they're working properly and to look for any signs of disease that may affect your urinary system. Your doctor may recommend a CT urogram if you're experiencing signs ...

What position do you lie on for a CT urogram?

For a CT urogram, you usually lie on your back on an exam table, though you may be asked to lie on your side or stomach. Straps and pillows may be used to help you maintain the correct position and keep still during the exam. You may be asked to change positions during the CT urogram.

What to expect before a CT urogram?

Before your CT urogram, a member of your health care team will: Ask you questions about your medical history. Check your blood pressure, pulse and body temperature. Ask you to change into a hospital gown and remove jewelry, eyeglasses and any metal objects that may obscure the X-ray images.

How does X-ray dye feel?

You may feel a warm, flushed sensation when the dye is injected, and a metallic taste may appear in your mouth for a minute or two. The contrast material may briefly make you feel like you have to urinate.

Can you drink water before a urogram?

You may be asked to drink water before a CT urogram and not to urinate until after the procedure. This expands your bladder. But, depending on your condition, guidelines about what to eat and drink before your CT urogram may vary.

Can you have a urogram if you are pregnant?

However, the benefit of an accurate diagnosis far outweighs this risk. If you are pregnant or think that you may be pregnant, tell your doctor before having a CT urogram. Though the risk to an unborn baby is small, your doctor may consider whether it's better to wait or to use another imaging test.



Uses several X-ray images and computer processing to create cross sectional images.

Type: Imaging

Duration: Usually 30-60 mins

Results available: Usually 2-3 days

Conditions it may diagnose: Irritable bowel syndrome · Fatty liver · Gallstones · Lung nodules · Cancer and more

Is Invasive: Noninvasive

Type: Imaging

Duration: Usually 30-60 mins

Results available: Usually 2-3 days

Conditions it may diagnose: Irritable bowel syndrome · Fatty liver · Gallstones · Lung nodules · Cancer and more

Is Invasive: Noninvasive

Ability to confirm condition: High

Ability to rule out condition: High

Why It's Done


How You Prepare

  • A computerized tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging exam used to evaluate the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, bladder and the tubes (ureters) that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. A CTurogram uses X-rays to generate multiple images of a slice of the area in your body being studied, including bones, soft tissues a...
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What You Can Expect

  • A CTurogram is used to examine the kidneys, ureters and bladder. It lets your doctor see the size and shape of these structures to determine if they're working properly and to look for any signs of disease that may affect your urinary system. Your doctor may recommend a CTurogram if you have signs and symptoms — such as pain in your side or back or blood in your urine (hematuria) …
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  • With a CTurogram, there's a slight risk of an allergic reaction to the contrast material. Reactions are generally mild and easily managed by medication. They include: 1. A feeling of warmth or flushing 2. Nausea 3. Itching 4. Hives 5. Pain near the injection site A single CT urogram carries no risk of developing cancer after radiation exposure. But, multiple tests or radiation exposures …
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1.CT Urogram: Purpose, Procedure, Risks & Results


29 hours ago Medical professionals use a computed tomography (CT) urogram to examine your urinary system, including your kidneys, bladder and ureters (yer-IT-ters), which are the two thin tubes that carry urine (pee) from your kidneys to your bladder. A CT urogram uses a special contrast …

2.Computerized tomography (CT) urogram - Mayo Clinic


25 hours ago An IVP is a test to look at the function of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Your appointment. Please see your appointment letter to find where your study will be performed. If you have any …

3.Urogram | University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics


28 hours ago CT urogram. A CT urogram is a test using a CT scan and special dye (contrast medium) to look at the urinary system. The contrast medium helps show up the urinary system more clearly. …

4.CT urogram | Tests and scans | Cancer Research UK


32 hours ago  · A computed tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging test used to evaluate the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to …

5.How Is a CT Urogram Performed? - MedicineNet


27 hours ago A computerized tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging exam that is applied in the evaluation of your urinary tract, including your kidneys, bladder and the tubes (ureters) that are responsible …

6.CT Urogram | FindATopDoc


35 hours ago  · A CT urogram is a test using a CT scan and special dye (contrast medium) to look at the urinary system. The contrast medium helps show up the urinary system more clearly. You …

7.Urography -


30 hours ago Urography is an examination used to evaluate the kidneys, ureters and bladder. Excretory urography, also known as intravenous pyelogram, is performed using conventional x-ray after …

8.What does urinalysis w/reflex to microscopic …


8 hours ago  · Urine test: Urinanalysis is test commonly done to check for infection, blood, sugar, ketones etc. The reflex microscopic portion is done automatically if the initial test shows any …

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