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what is another name for the visceral pericardium

by Josefa Brekke Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The visceral serous pericardium, also known as the epicardium, covers the myocardium of the heart and can be considered its serosa. It is largely made of a mesothelium overlying some elastin-rich loose connective tissue.

What does visceral pericardium mean?

The visceral pericardium apparently produces the pericardial fluid, which lubricates motion between the inner and outer layers of the pericardium. During ventricular contraction, the wave of depolarization moves from endocardial to epicardial surface.

What is the difference between parietal and visceral pericardium?

  • Epicardium: the outer protective layer of the heart.
  • Myocardium: muscular middle layer wall of the heart.
  • Endocardium: the inner layer of the heart.

What is the difference between fibrous and serous pericardium?

When it comes to innervation, the pericardium has three main sources:

  • Phrenic nerves  (C3-C5) provide mostly somatic afferent (pain, temperature sensory) innervation and pass directly through the fibrous pericardium. ...
  • The sympathetic trunk which provides postganglionic vasomotor fibers
  • Vagus nerve (CN X) where the function is uncertain

What is another name for the visceral motor nervous system?

visceral- autonomic nervous system), carries signals to glands, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, no voluntary control, visceral reflexes Another name for visceral motor nervous system autonomic motor nervous system, ANS Two subdivisions of visceral motor nervous system sympathetic-arouse body for action parasympathetic- calming affect


Which is another term for the visceral pericardium quizlet?

The visceral pericardium is also called the endocardium.

What is the visceral layer also called?

The inner visceral layer is also called the epicardium and it lines the surface of the heart. Between these two membranes is a space, the pericardial cavity, containing a small amount of fluid to reduce friction as the heart moves. Both layers have mesothelium which produces serous fluid.

What is the visceral pericardium?

The visceral pericardium represents the portion of the pericardium that covers the heart and the blood vessels arising directly from the heart. The main purpose of the visceral pericardium is to provide a final layer of protection and lubrication for the heart.

Is epicardium the same as visceral pericardium?

Epicardium (epi-cardium) is the outer layer of the heart wall. It is also known as visceral pericardium as it forms the inner layer of the pericardium. The epicardium is composed primarily of loose connective tissue, including elastic fibers and adipose tissue.

What is parietal pericardium?

Listen to pronunciation. (puh-RY-uh-tul PAYR-ih-KAR-dee-um) The outer layer of the pericardium, which is a thin sac of tissue that surrounds the heart.

What is called pericardium?

The pericardium is a thin sac that surrounds your heart. It protects and lubricates your heart and keeps it in place within your chest. Problems can occur when the pericardium becomes enflamed or fills with fluid.

What is the visceral pericardium quizlet?

Visceral pericardium/ Epicardium- serous membrane that covers the surface of the heart and secretes serous fluid to lubricate the heart.

What are the names of the chambers in the heart?

A typical heart has two upper and two lower chambers. The upper chambers, the right and left atria, receive incoming blood. The lower chambers, the more muscular right and left ventricles, pump blood out of the heart.

Is the visceral pericardium superficial to the parietal pericardium?

Superficial to the serous pericardium is the pericardial cavity. This is defined by the layers of the visceral pericardium and the parietal pericardium that lies more superficially. Bridging the pericardial cavity, the visceral pericardium envelopes the great vessels of the heart and some of the areas between them.

What is another anatomical name for the epicardium?

Alternate titles: visceral pericardium, visceral serous layer.

What is epicardium myocardium and endocardium?

Structure of the Heart. The walls of the heart are composed of three layers: Epicardium - the outer layer. Myocardium - the middle, muscular layer. Endocardium - the inner layer.

Is epicardium a visceral layer?

The epicardium is part of the pericardium. It is the innermost layer and is referred to as the visceral layer of the serous pericardium.

What is the inner layer of the serous pericardium?

serous pericardium the inner, serous portion of pericardium, consisting of two layers, visceral and parietal; the space between the layers is the pericardial cavity. visceral pericardium the inner layer of the serous pericardium, which is in contact with the heart and roots of the great vessels. Called also epicardium.

Which layer of the pericardium is in contact with the fibrous pericardium?

fibrous pericardium the external layer of the pericardium, consisting of dense fibrous tissue. parietal pericardium the parietal layer of the serous pericardium, which is in contact with the fibrous pericardium.

What is the fibroserous sac that surrounds the heart?

pericardium. the fibroserous sac enclosing the heart and the roots of the great vessels, composed of external (fibrous) and internal (serous) layers. adherent pericardium one abnormally connected with the heart by dense fibrous tissue. fibrous pericardium the external layer of the pericardium , consisting of dense fibrous tissue.


1.What is another name for the visceral pericardium?


26 hours ago The visceral serous pericardium is covering for the myocardium of the heart and is considered as the serosa of myocardium. It is also known as the epicardium. Note: The visceral serous pericardium is made up of a mesothelium over some loose connective tissue that are elastin-rich.

2.What is another name for the visceral pericardium?


18 hours ago Another Name for Visceral Pericardium: The Unknown Function of the Cardiomyopathy. by Virginia Coleman. A few years ago, a group of doctors in Spain published a paper that suggested the name “visceral pericardium” (VP) for the unknown function of the cardiomyopathy. VP is now given to this mysterious structure in many different diseases, and it could be the new name for …

3.1. What's another name for "visceral pericardium"? 2.


32 hours ago Question: 1. What's another name for "visceral pericardium"? 2. In the space below, sketch the pericardium as simply as you can. Which part is attached to the myocardium? 3. Describe the function (s) of the pericardium. For each function, explain how the structure of the pericardium allows it to perform this function.

4.Visceral pericardium | definition of visceral ... - Medical …


1 hours ago serous pericardium the inner, serous portion of pericardium, consisting of two layers, visceral and parietal; the space between the layers is the pericardial cavity. visceral pericardium the inner layer of the serous pericardium, which is in contact with the heart and roots of the great vessels. Called also epicardium.

5.Medical Definition of Pericardium, visceral - MedicineNet


6 hours ago What is another word for visceral pericardium? Here are the synonyms for visceral pericardium, a list of similar words for visceral pericardium from our thesaurus that you can use. Noun. the innermost of the two layers of the pericardium. Synonyms. epicardium; visceral pericardium; More generic. serosa; serous membrane; Related.

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