Knowledge Builders

what is cedar mulch good for

by Tyreek Marvin DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Cedar mulch is good to repel pests.
  • Cedar mulch is good to preserve moisture in the ground.
  • Cedar mulch is good to control weeds.
  • Cedar mulch has high decorative value.

Cedar mulch can be used for various reasons, both functional and aesthetic. Most commonly, it is used for water retention, weed inhibition, soil insulation, improving the look of beds, and repelling insects.Feb 10, 2022

What are the advantages of Cedar mulch?

We have already seen how mulch has different “functions”, and cedar mulch is good for some of them:

  • Cedar mulch is good to repel pests.
  • Cedar mulch is good to preserve moisture in the ground.
  • Cedar mulch is good to control weeds.
  • Cedar mulch has high decorative value.

Is Cedar mulch better than regular mulch?

Is cedar mulch better than regular mulch? Cedar mulch is better than regular mulch, since it does have some advantages over regular mulch, such as: Cedar mulch lasts longer than other mulches (you won't have to replace it as often, which reduces the work needed for your garden).

When not to use cedar mulch?

• Sensitive residents – if some people or pets in your home are sensitive to cedar fragrances, you should avoid using cedar mulch because it will exacerbate their symptoms. • Greenwood chips – when you use green cedar chips as mulch, they will draw nitrogen from the soil, leaving your plants starving. Therefore, avoid using cedar chips in a garden with vegetables because they require high levels of nitrogen.

What is the best Cedar mulch?

  • Cedar Mulch
  • Cypress Heartwood Mulch
  • Melaleuca Mulch
  • Licorice Root Mulch
  • Redwood Mulch


When should you not use cedar mulch?

Wet Areas. One of the reasons for using mulch is to help the soil retain moisture. If the area has low or wet spots, a thick layer of cedar mulch can cause too much water to stay in the soil, causing root rot and other problems. Either avoid the use of mulch in those areas or use a thinner layer there.

Is cedar mulch good for all plants?

Cedar mulch is used for paths and dog walks; this is arguably its best use. Because you do not need the soil to regenerate and because the mulch does not risk affecting your plants, this is a very safe use of cedar mulch. Cedar mulch is also used to cover soil around plants and in flower beds.

Will cedar mulch keep bugs away?

Use Cedar Mulch Cedar has long been used as a natural way to repel and inhibit insects like termites, certain ants, moths, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.

How long does cedar mulch take to break down?

The practical life of mulch can be between four to seven years. This time is how long it takes for a layer of mulch to break down. When it completely degrades, the mulch will no longer provide ground cover or create heat to protect your plants.

What is wrong with cedar mulch?

Cedar mulch is known to draw nitrogen from the soil during its decomposition process. This happens with all woody plants and can deplete the soil nitrogen levels so that the nutrients aren't available to feed the plant and help with its growth.

Does cedar mulch repel mice?

If you are looking for an all-natural solution to repelling mice and rats from your home, cedar might be the answer. Not only is it safe to use around humans, but it is scientifically proven to help solve your problem.

Do snakes like the smell of cedar?

These are the only scents recommended by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to repel snakes. There are hundreds of claims about substances that repel snakes: sulfur, mothballs, cayenne pepper, cinnamon oil, cowboy rope, guard vines, clove oil, cedar oil, and even lime.

Does cedar mulch attract mosquitoes?

CEDAR TREES AND CEDAR CHIPS Fact: It's the environment where cedars grow (wet, marshy areas) which attract bugs, not the trees themselves. Cedar trees and cedar chips contain oils which mosquitoes find offensive.

Are snakes attracted to mulch?

Avoid using mulch and large rocks in your landscape, as they attract snakes and their prey and can create breeding and overwintering habitat.

Do bees like cedar mulch?

Cedar won't harm Honey Bees, but it will repel ants, ticks, gnats, mosquito's, lice and even snakes.

Is cedar mulch better than regular mulch?

Cedar mulch has several advantages over regular mulch. Cedar mulch repels some types of bugs, including moths, ants, termites, and cockroaches. Cedar mulch also lasts longer because it takes more time to break down than pine and other types of wood.

Do earthworms like cedar mulch?

Repels insects naturally Cedar acts as a natural repellent for ants, termites, roaches, crickets and slugs. However, cedar mulch also acts as protection for earthworms in your soil.

Is cedar mulch better than regular mulch?

Cedar mulch has several advantages over regular mulch. Cedar mulch repels some types of bugs, including moths, ants, termites, and cockroaches. Cedar mulch also lasts longer because it takes more time to break down than pine and other types of wood.

Can you put cedar mulch around vegetable plants?

Although wood mulches such as chipped hard and softwoods, cedar, cypress and pine bark aren't used much in vegetable gardens, they can be used around perennial vegetables such as asparagus or rhubarb. Cedar and cypress will last the longest because they are resistant to decay.

Can I use cedar mulch around tomatoes?

0:552:18How to Use Cedar Mulch on Veggie Plants : The Chef's Garden - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou want to leave a little barrier about a one inch to two inch barrier around the plant. And thatMoreYou want to leave a little barrier about a one inch to two inch barrier around the plant. And that will allow the plant not to be burnt or disrupted.

What pests does cedar repel?

Cedar chips repel insects due to the chemicals they release. The main insect-repelling chemical present in cedar chips is known as thujone. Property owners love how cedar chips can repel a variety of insects including cloth-eating moths, carpet beetles, cockroaches, and certain types of ants.

Why do people use cedar mulch?

Cedar mulch is also used to cover soil around plants and in flower beds. This is very common, but there is controversy about using it in flower beds. The reason is that some people believe that cedar mulch produces allelopathic substances, chemicals that plant roots do not like.

What is cedar mulch made of?

Cedar mulch is made from clippings and shavings of the bark of cedar trees. It is used to cover the ground but it cannot be used at all times. In fact, its particular properties, including its insect-repellent smell and effects on the soil, make it excellent for some purposes, but counter indicated for others.

Why is mulch good for gardening?

Reasons Why Mulching is Good for Your Garden. Mulch keeps the moisture of the soil. This is why if you go to forward-looking organic gardens, even vegetable farms, you will find plants growing in beds of straw (mostly) or other mulch, especially in hot and dry countries.

How to mulch around a tree?

In case you want to mulch around the base of a tree, maybe a fruit tree, you will need follow these steps: First, draw a vertical line from the last leaves on the tree branches to the ground. This is called a drop line. It shows where the roots of your plants have reached underground.

Why do plants need mulch in winter?

Winter mulching is in fact very common with plants that do not tolerate low temperatures.

What color is mulch?

The mulch itself can be natural or dyed; this is for aesthetic purposes; while the natural color is reddish brown, it is often died black, yellow, dark brown or red, which adds to the decorative value of flower beds and gardens when you use it.

Does cedar mulch help soil?

Yes, but it is also a disadvantage as in the advanced stages of decomposition, it seeps nutrients into the soil, improving it, and cedar mulch will have a negligible effect in improving soil nutritiousness, unlike other mulches. Cedar mulch loses color fast; this means that the decorative effect will soon diminish.

What is cedar mulch made of?

Cedar mulch is made from the bark of cedar trees, and it’s available in chipped or shredded form.

What is the chemical element that protects cedar?

Thujaplicin. This chemical element is a true powerhouse that provides numerous benefits. Besides protecting the wood from decay, thujaplicin also gives cedar its distinctive scent. Among all the members of the cedar family, the western red variety typically has the highest thujaplicin concentration.

What cedar has the highest thujaplicin?

Among all the members of the cedar family, the western red variety typically has the highest thujaplicin concentration. If it’s available in your area, springing for western red cedar mulch, also known as red cedar mulch, is probably a good idea.

What wood mulch is gray?

Most wood mulch, like pine, hardwood or cypress, tends to break down quickly and need replacement within a few years. In the meantime, these materials often take on a grayish color as they weather.

Is cedar mulch good for termites?

Great for Termite-Prone Areas. If you love the look of wood mulch but live in a region plagued by termites, cedar could be a good solution. The oils and resins in cedar are unappetizing to termites. As a result, spreading cedar near your home may help direct termites elsewhere.

Does cedar mulch help weeds?

All mulch materials inhibit weed growth by keeping seeds out of the soil and preventing sunlight from reaching seeds that are already there. Cedar is no exception. However, certain chemical properties in cedar discourage plant germination and growth, providing an extra defense against weeds.

Is cedar mulch good for landscaping?

It’s not hard to see why cedar has a reputation for being an excellent mulch material for gardens and landscapes. However, using cedar mulch may not be the perfect solution all the time. Here are a few potential drawbacks to keep in mind while you decide which mulch is right for you.

What is cedar mulch?

Cedar mulch is a product which naturally adds some charm to your landscape. It is a natural product made from the waste materials of the cedar tree, allowing you to decorate while helping your plants to grow strong and healthy thanks to all of the benefits that mulching provides. Using the cedar tree to create mulch is advantageous to ...

Why is it important to use cedar trees as mulch?

Using the cedar tree to create mulch is advantageous to the environment because they grow quickly and easily. They can also grow in a variety of environmental zones, which means commercial processing can occur almost anywhere in the country. They handle the heat of the south just as well as the cold of the north.

How does cedar mulch work?

It works to prevent soil erosion on your property. You are forming a protective layer for your flowerbeds and gardens with cedar mulch that acts as a preventative agent against erosion. The larger pieces will secure themselves when they experience moisture because the natural textures start to swell.

How much does cedar mulch cost?

Even if you do not obtain your mulch in bulk, the cost of a container at your local repository is usually between $4 to $7 per bag.

What happens when you add cedar mulch to your yard?

When you add a cedar mulching product to your yard and gardens, then less of it disappears from the ground.

Why does mulch smell so strong?

You might notice the scent can be particularly strong when the wood and bark becomes wet from watering activities or the rain. It is a highly pleasant experience that artificial mulches or compost cannot replicate. 5. It helps the soil in your garden and landscaping beds to retain more moisture.

How does wood mulch help with pests?

3. It provides a layer of protection against insect pests.

What is cedar mulch?

It reportedly lasts longer than other mulches, as well as being fragrant and repellent to insects.

Why do you put cedar mulch on the ground?

When applied after the soil freezes in winter, mulch helps keep the ground frozen during temporary winter thaws so plants aren’t deceived into beginning to grow too early. This also prevents heaving of soil that can uproot perennial plants. That blanket also protects a garden from the most extreme cold to allow growing those plants which are only marginally hardy in your zone.

Why is cedar mulch so long lasting?

It provides a long-lasting result for your beds without requiring much maintenance. Cedar mulch reportedly takes longer to break down than other mulches. For western and white cedar this may be partly due to a chemical called thujaplicin, which is resistant to bacteria and molds.

How far away should I mulch cedar?

Always keep mulch at least 6 inches away from the trunks or stems of plants to avoid rotting them—and to avoid providing cover to rodents and slugs that would like to feast on them. Keep reading to learn more about cedar mulch. 1. It provides a long-lasting result for your beds without requiring much maintenance.

Why is cedar wood used in raised beds?

2. It adds more nutrients to the soil. The breakdown of natural materials such as cedar wood adds compost to the soil, making that soil richer in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and micronutrients such as sulfur, carbon, and magnesium. It also leaves the soil fluffier, much like the untrodden soil in raised beds.

How deep should I mulch my garden?

However, be sure you limit the mulch’s depth to 2 to 3 inches, since too much of it can smother full-grown plants as well as seedlings. Advertisement. 5. It helps the soil in your garden and landscaping beds to retain more moisture.

Why is cedar good for landscaping?

Most people find the scent of cedar pleasant, perhaps due to its previously mentioned associations with old hope chests. Aroma therapists also claim it has a calming effect and sharpens the focus of those inhaling it.

What Is It And What Does It Add To Your Garden?

Cedar mulch is what is left after the wood has been taken from cedar trees. In other words, when cedar trees are chopped to obtain wood, the chipped and shredded byproduct is the mulch.

How Does Mulching Benefit Your Garden?

Before we get to the detailed uses of cedar mulch, it is crucial to understand what exactly mulching is and how it benefits your garden.

How And When To Use Cedar Mulch

Now that we know the most beneficial uses of cedar mulch, it is just as essential to understand when to use it and when you would be better off opting for a different type of mulch.

Using Cedar Mulch In The Garden

There are a few key rules that you need to follow when using cedar mulch in your garden.

How To Use Cedar Mulch Around The Base Of A Tree

We have already discussed how to spread mulch around grouped plants safely, but what do you do when you have spread mulch around a singular tree base?

Vegetable Gardens And Cedar Mulch

Cedar mulch is not a very good choice for vegetable gardens for various reasons.

Cedar Mulch: Pros And Cons

While discussing the uses of cedar mulch, we touched upon many pros and cons. To fully understand the advantages and drawbacks of using a mulch like cedar in your garden, we need to take a detailed look at why it is suitable in certain situations and why you should avoid it in others.

What Exactly Is Cedar Mulch?

Cedar mulch comes from shavings and clippings of the bark of the cedar trees. It is a by-product of the wood industry from these commonly sought trees. It is used by farmers to cover the gardens and keep the soil moist.

What Are Cedar Mulch Pros And Cons?

Each type of mulch comes with its advantages and disadvantages. This makes a huge difference in your garden. Mulch has qualities and drawbacks that are obvious.


Cedar mulch pros and cons help you determine early enough what type of mulch to choose for your garden. Even with the consideration of the plants to grow!

Why is cedar mulch bad for the soil?

If the area has low or wet spots, a thick layer of cedar mulch can cause too much water to stay in the soil, causing root rot and other problems. Either avoid the use of mulch in those areas or use a thinner layer there.

What is mulch in gardening?

According to Fine Gardening's Patrick Kelsey, mulch is “any organic substance used as a top cover to soil that enhances the rooting environment of plants. ”. This garden multitasker addresses issues related to water retention, temperature control and other potential problems.

Can you use cedar mulch on a low pH soil?

While it is usually a minimal amount, if the soil already has a low pH level, using cedar mulch could create a problem. If you still want to use the product, allow it to compost for a year or two or add lime or wood ash to your beds before planting and mulching.

Can cedar mulch be used in flower beds?

Some people may be sensitive to the cedar fragrance, and they may find that it exacerbates allergy symptoms. This is especially true when the chips are used in flowerbeds close to entrances and windows. Overcome this barrier by saving the cedar mulch for trees and plants that are farther from areas in which susceptible people may gather or spend significant time.

Is cedar mulch good for insects?

Beneficial Bugs. One advantage of using cedar to mulch plants is that most insects avoid it , unlike some other wood chips that attract termites and other pests. But it could discourage beneficials as well.

Is cedar mulch more expensive than other mulches?

Cedar mulch is slightly more expensive than some other products, so you might need to choose another option if you have to watch the pennies. However, the price difference is not huge, and the benefits of longer-lasting, pest-repellant mulch may outweigh the minimal extra cost.

Can you use cedar to mulch?

One advantage of using cedar to mulch plants is that most insects avoid it, unlike some other wood chips that attract termites and other pests. But it could discourage beneficials as well. If you want to keep beneficial insects in your garden, you might want to use other organic mulches, such as dried leaves or grass clippings, in place of the cedar.


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