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what is cold panniculitis

by Dr. Aaliyah Donnelly Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Cold panniculitis (CP) is an acute, nodular, erythematous eruption usually limited to areas exposed to the cold. Cold panniculitis results from a cold injury to adipose tissue.Apr 6, 2021

Full Answer

What is panniculitis and how is it treated?

Panniculitis: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment. It is the inflammation of fatty tissue, and the medical term refers to a class of skin disorders that affects the fatty tissue layer located just under the skin’s surface. This skin layer regulates core body temperature as it is a source of insulation.

What does panniculitis look like on skin?

Panniculitis also can cause dark discolorations on the skin that look quite like bruising. These typically will fade over time, once the inflammation recedes. In some cases, it can also leave depressed areas on the skin. This happens if the tissue beneath has be destroyed.

What causes panniculitis in young women?

This type of panniculitis almost always appears in young women’s calves. It is typically caused by tuberculosis . Cold panniculitis. Also called popsicle panniculitis, this kind occurs in children when they are exposed to the cold. Subcutaneous sarcoidosis.

What is equestrian cold panniculitis?

Equestrian Cold Panniculitis causes the formation of generally painless subcutaneous skin rashes and plaques at the site of cold exposure, which may be red in color. Usually, the thighs and buttocks are affected


How do you treat cold panniculitis?

Cold panniculitis is a self-limiting disorder, usually resolving in 2 to 3 weeks. No treatment is required beyond cessation of cold exposure and symptomatic relief.

What is panniculitis and what causes it?

Panniculitis is an inflammation of the fat beneath the outer layer of skin, leaving the area red and tender. In this case, the panniculitis has occurred due to exposure to cold. Ice crystals can form within cells and the injury to the cells occur during both cooling and thawing.

How is panniculitis popsicle treated?

The only treatment required for popsicle panniculitis is to remove the source of cold or limit the child's exposure to cold.

What does panniculitis mean?

Panniculitis describes inflammation of the subcutaneous fat that can result from multiple causes. Diagnosis is by clinical evaluation and biopsy. Treatment depends on the cause. (See also Erythema Nodosum.

Can panniculitis be fatal?

Mesenteric panniculitis typically isn't life-threatening. It may go away on its own, or it could develop into a severe disease. But while the inflammation is there, it can cause pain and other symptoms that interfere with your life. Your doctor can give you medicine to manage this inflammation and control symptoms.

Can panniculitis be cancerous?

A significant number of patients having mesenteric abnormalities consistent with mesenteric panniculitis on CT scan will have an underlying form of cancer. The most common cancers with mesenteric panniculitis like abnormalities on CT scan are lymphomas.

What medications can cause panniculitis?

Common causative drugs include oral contraceptives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiobiotics and leukotriene-modifying agents.

What bacteria causes panniculitis?

Common bacteria that cause panniculitis include: Streptococcus pyogenes. Staphylococcus aureus. Pseudomonas spp.

Is panniculitis curable?

Panniculitis often resolves without treatment, but certain methods can speed up recovery. The best treatment is to tackle the underlying cause. If there is no known cause, doctors may treat panniculitis by reducing the inflammation, and in some cases, surgically removing the bumps or affected areas of skin.

Where is panniculitis found?

The most common place for panniculitis to occur is on the lower legs (shins and calves) and feet. It can develop on other areas of the body, including the hands and arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, breasts, or face.

What causes Panniculus?

Panniculus morbidus is thought to be caused by obstruction of lymphatic channels leading to the hypertrophy of skin and subcutaneous tissues. In this case, obstruction of the superficial veins of the anterior abdominal wall also appears to have contributed to the oedema.

What causes Panniculus?

Panniculus morbidus is thought to be caused by obstruction of lymphatic channels leading to the hypertrophy of skin and subcutaneous tissues. In this case, obstruction of the superficial veins of the anterior abdominal wall also appears to have contributed to the oedema.

What medications can cause panniculitis?

Common causative drugs include oral contraceptives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiobiotics and leukotriene-modifying agents.

What bacteria causes panniculitis?

Common bacteria that cause panniculitis include: Streptococcus pyogenes. Staphylococcus aureus. Pseudomonas spp.

Where is panniculitis found?

The most common place for panniculitis to occur is on the lower legs (shins and calves) and feet. It can develop on other areas of the body, including the hands and arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, breasts, or face.

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How Is Mesenteric Panniculitis Treated?

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Do Bacteria Cause Panniculitis?

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Does Panniculitis Turn Cancerous?

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What are the Signs and Symptoms of Cold Panniculitis?

The signs and symptoms of Cold Panniculitis may be seen within a few hours following exposure to cold, or even after 1-3 days. Rarely, it may be observed even after a week. The signs and symptoms may include:

How is Cold Panniculitis Treated?

In many individuals, no treatment is necessary for Cold Panniculitis, since it is known to resolve spontaneously. If required, the following measures may be considered:

How to treat panniculitis?

Treatments for this kind of panniculitis include taking over-the-counter pain relief and wrapping the affected area in bandages. While those are treatments for specific types of panniculitis, simple pain management strategies can help until the inflammation from panniculitis goes away.

What is the best treatment for panniculitis?

If you have panniculitis from a bacterial infection, your doctor will most likely prescribe anti-inflammatory antibiotics, which will clear up the infection.

What is the difference between lobular and septal panniculitis?

While panniculitis can look different depending on its cause, doctors often place it into one of two categories: septal or lobular. Septal panniculitis affects connective tissue, while lobular panniculitis affects fat lobules. Panniculitis can also happen when your immune system attacks your own blood vessels.

What is the name of the disease that causes blood vessels to become inflamed and then narrow, close off,?

Panniculitis can also happen when your immune system attacks your own blood vessels. This causes blood vessels to become inflamed and then narrow, close off, or prevent blood flow. Commonly, this type of panniculitis is called erythema nodosum, and it usually happens in your shins. Other types of panniculitis include:

How long does panniculitis last?

Often, panniculitis affects the shins and the calves, then spreads to the thighs and upper body. It usually will clear away within six weeks of forming and leave no scar. If anything, sometimes a slight mark, almost like a bruise, will remain but then fade away.

How long does it take for panniculitis to go away?

Simple home treatments like rest, compression socks, and elevating affected areas are also very effective. Typically, panniculitis comes and goes and can take years to completely go away, even if you are treating it daily.

What is panniculitis 2021?

Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on April 13, 2021. Panniculitis an umbrella term that describes inflammation in the bottom layers of the skin. It can be caused by a variety of infections, diseases, or external stimuli. Because it can have so many causes, it can be difficult to diagnose.

What causes panniculitis?

Possible causes of panniculitis include: 1 infections, such as strep throat, tuberculosis, and pneumonia 2 autoimmune disorders, including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus, and systemic sclerosis 3 physical causes, such as injury or cold temperatures 4 alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, which is an inherited disorder that can cause various lung and liver diseases 5 sarcoidosis is a rare condition involving inflammation of organ and skin tissue 6 some medications, including oral contraceptives and penicillin 7 pregnancy 8 disorders of the pancreas

What is the term for a skin injury that causes panniculitis?

Traumatic panniculitis. This is caused by trauma or injury to the skin.

How long does it take for panniculitis to heal?

The most common form of panniculitis, erythema nodosum, generally resolves without treatment within 2 to 6 weeks. The recovery time depends on the cause of the panniculitis. Tackling the underlying causes of panniculitis is likely to resolve any related symptoms.

How do you know if you have panniculitis?

Symptoms. The main symptoms of panniculitis include: Large bumps that are tender to touch. The lumps, which may appear red or purple, are located deep underneath the skin and can be several centimeters wide. Bumps on the legs, feet, or arms. Less commonly, bumps may develop on the buttocks, abdomen, and face. Bumps that produce an oily fluid.

What is the term for a panniculitis caused by poor vein function in the legs?

Lipodermatosclerosis. A type of panniculitis that is caused by poor vein function in the legs and is linked with obesity. This type is more common in females and older adults.

What percentage of people have pancreatic panniculitis?

Pancreatic panniculitis. Caused by pancreas conditions, it is uncommon, affecting just 0.3 to 3 percent of people with pancreas disorders.

What is sarcoidosis idiopathic?

pregnancy. disorders of the pancreas. If the cause is unknown, the condition will be referred to as idiopathic panniculitis.

Where does panniculitis occur?

The most common place for panniculitis to occur is on the lower legs (shins and calves) and feet. It can develop on other areas of the body, including the hands and arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, breasts, or face. It's much less frequently found in those areas, though.

How long does panniculitis last?

Most panniculitis cases will heal completely even without treatment, although it can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months before subsiding. Until then, keeping the area elevated when possible can help the inflammation, as can cold compresses. Try compression stockings if panniculitis is on the legs. 9

What is the term for inflammation of the fatty layer underneath the skin?

Panniculitis is a catch-all term used to describe inflammation of the fatty layer underneath the skin's surface. It causes inflamed lumps and plaques (broad, raised areas) on the skin which range in size from several millimeters to several inches across. In the majority of cases, these lumps are painful. 1.

How do you know if you have panniculitis?

Symptoms. The most notable indicator of panniculitis is tender lumps underneath the skin. You may have just one lump or a cluster of them. They may feel like knots or bumps under the skin, or they may be broader, raised swellings called plaques. Sometimes the swellings drain oily fluid or pus.

Why is it important to get a proper diagnosis of panniculitis?

To the untrained eye, many skin problems mimic panniculitis. This is why it’s so important to get a proper diagnosis. Also, because panniculitis can be a sign of something more serious, you do want to be seen by a physician.

What is the name of the disease that is not identified?

In many cases, a specific cause isn’t identified. This is called idiopathic panniculitis. 6

Can panniculitis affect the shins?

This type of panniculitis affects the lower legs, mostly the shins, although it sometimes can happen on the calves and thighs. 8 Other types of panniculitis are incredibly rare. 6. Because so many things can cause panniculitis, it can sometimes be difficult to get a specific diagnosis.

What is panniculitis skin?

But, what is panniculitis? It is the inflammation of fatty tissue, and the medical term refers to a class of skin disorders that affects the fatty tissue layer located just under the skin’s surface. This skin layer regulates core body temperature as it is a source of insulation.

Why does panniculitis occur?

Panniculitis may occur due to a rare genetic disorder known as alpha 1 deficiency. The liver produces the alpha 1 antitrypsin protein that is essential for lung protection. Inflammation of cells can distort the shape of this protein, hindering its transportation to the lungs from the liver.

What Is Idiopathic Nodular Panniculitis?

Also referred to as Weber-Christian disease, idiopathic nodular panniculitis involves various rare skin conditions affecting the fat cells of the skin’s subcutaneous layer. The inflamed cells appear alone or as a collection of painful nodules, usually less than one inch in size.

How many types of panniculitis are there?

Panniculitis has four main types, each having its own various classifications of the condition. Based on the individual characteristics, a type of panniculitis may involve the presence of inflammation of the blood vessels known as vasculitis, as well as the inflammation of the cells themselves.

What causes panniculitis?

The causes of panniculitis vary and can include infections, tissue disorders, inflammatory diseases, and even some medications. But in some cases, the cause may be undeterminable. 1. Infections. This is the most common cause of inflammation of fatty tissue.

How to diagnose panniculitis?

For a proper panniculitis diagnosis, your doctor will look at your medical history and do a physical examination of the nodules. He or she will also ask about the development and pain level of the bumps.

How to treat panniculitis?

For the treatment of panniculitis, natural remedies may be combined with lifestyle changes, and the use of medications. In severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the nodules and lesions.

What is cold panniculitis?

Cold panniculitis is an acute condition resulting in the inflammation of subcutaneous fat tissue just beneath the skin, on exposure to cold temperatures. The term ‘panniculitis’ indicates an inflammation of fat (adipose) tissue. Equestrian Cold Panniculitis causes the formation of generally painless subcutaneous skin rashes and plaques at ...

What are the different types of panniculitis?

The different types may include: Lupus panniculitis.

How is Equestrian Cold Panniculitis Treated?

In many individuals, no treatment is necessary for Equestrian Cold Panniculitis, since it is known to resolve spontaneously. If required, the following measures may be considered:

What are the risk factors for equine cold panniculitis?

The risk factors for Equestrian Cold Panniculitis include exposure to severe cold or injury from cold. This may occur from: Undertaking equestrian activities (horse-riding) in winters wearing tightfitting clothing that does not offer protection from cold. Prolonged outdoor exercising of race horses during cold winters without wearing any protective ...

Can panniculitis affect buttocks?

Usually, the thighs and buttocks are affected. No severe symptoms or adverse complications have been reported from Cold Panniculitis. In many, the condition does not require any treatment and it gets better on its own. The prognosis of Equestrian Cold Panniculitis is typically excellent.

Can cold panniculitis cause emotional stress?

In a majority of women, no significant complications due to Equestrian Cold Panniculitis are noted. However, in some rare cases, the following complications may be observed: Cosmetic issues that result in emotional stress. Bleeding and ulceration of the skin may result in secondary viral or bacterial infections.


1.Cold Panniculitis - DoveMed


25 hours ago The skin is injured as fat cells freeze and rupture, resulting in firm, red, persistent patches of skin in the area in contact with the cold. The overlying skin may appear a bit taught and shiny. In contrast to a baby with a skin infection — which is hot, red, and spreads quickly — the infant appears otherwise well and may not be in any discomfort at all.

2.What is cold panniculitis? - Bundoo


5 hours ago  · What Is Cold Panniculitis? Panniculitis refers to the inflammation of the innermost fat layer of the skin. Various factors like infection, inflammatory conditions, trauma, and medications cause panniculitis. Cold or popsicle panniculitis is a specific form of panniculitis caused by cold exposure. It usually affects infants and young children.

3.What to Know About Panniculitis - WebMD


1 hours ago Cold panniculitis. Also called popsicle panniculitis, this kind occurs in children when they are exposed to the cold. Subcutaneous sarcoidosis.

4.Panniculitis: Symptoms, types, and treatment - Medical …


20 hours ago  · Very cold temperatures can cause panniculitis in exposed skin (called, quite obviously, cold panniculitis). Certain medications can also trigger its development. Some of the bigger offenders are sulfonamide antibiotics, birth control pills …

5.Panniculitis Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments


21 hours ago  · 2. Lobular Panniculitis without Vasculitis. Traumatic Panniculitis. This is where an injury or trauma to the skin’s fatty tissue layer leads to panniculitis. Cold Panniculitis. Fat cells may suffer damage from extremely cold temperatures and become inflamed. This condition is seen mostly in children. Pancreatic Panniculitis

6.Panniculitis: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment


36 hours ago

7.Equestrian Cold Panniculitis - DoveMed


20 hours ago

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