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what is creons tragic flaw

by Mrs. Madonna Schmeler Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In "Antigone" the tragic hero is Creon. He suffers because of his flaw: pride. He cannot imagine that anyone else can be right. He is too inflexible and narrow in outlook to heed criticism or admit a mistake.

What is Creon's tragic flaw in Antigone?

Creon is arguably the most tragic figure in Antigone, going from a powerful king to a man bereaved of everyone he ever loved due to his own arrogance. His tragic flaw is his pride, which makes him believe he can defy the will of the gods and basic decency towards his fellow human beings.

What are Creon's wrong decisions?

His wrong decisions lead him to regret. his pride makes him blind after when he decide to kill Antigone because she buried her brother. and then became the most tragedy story ever. The major error in judgment that Creon makes is his decision to give Eteocles a proper burial and not Polyneices.

How does Kreon feel about Antigone?

Kreon wanted justice against whomever buried Polyneices ' body, but when he finds out Antigone is guilty of committing the crime, he has a choice to make. One of Antigone 's tragic flaws is being loyal to the gods and her disloyalty to Creon.

What is a tragic flaw?

A tragic flaw is an innate trait that eventually contributes to the downfall of a character, often hidden from their understanding. Identify the effects of the tragic flaws of both Antigone, and Creon, and their meaning to the audience. Updated: 12/06/2021 As the title character, Antigone is the obvious choice as the tragic hero of this play.


What tragic flaw does Creon show?

prideful and stubbornCreon's Tragic Flaw Creon suffers from a hamartia of his own. Like Antigone, he is prideful and stubborn. Despite pleas from his own son, who is engaged to Antigone, to let her go, Creon will not relent until it is too late. In the end he loses his son, who commits suicide upon the news of Antigone's suicide.

What is Creon's tragic flaw quizlet?

Creon's tragic flaw is his stubbornness and his hubris. His stubbornness is displayed in his unwillingness to change Antigone's punishment. His excessive pride is displayed in his inability to take advice from his son or the Thebans. He is also embarrassed when he figures out that Haimon has been swayed by a woman.

What is Creon's tragic flaw quotes?

“ Mistakes made by a foolish mind, cruel mistakes that bring on death.” (1406 to 1407.)

What is Creon's downfall in Antigone?

In Sophocles' Antigone, Creon's own pride and stubbornness causes his tragic downfall that could've been stopped if he had made different choices along the way. His choice to remain adamant in his decree prohibiting Polynices from being properly buried largely affects the plot's actions.

Why is Creon tragic?

Creon is isolated character who keeps to himself his plans and acts. He is very misleading character tries to lead others to crime. Creon faces dishonesty from others and sees the true character of people he thought he could trust. Creon as the protagonist with his stubborn personality makes him a true tragic hero.

What was Creon's tragedy?

As demonstrated throughout the Greek tragedy Antigone, Creon's tragic flaw is hubris which causes his downfall . The downfall begins when Creon refuses to give Polyneices, the son of Oedipus and the brother of Antigone, a burial.

What is the sin or flaw that Creon and Antigone have?

The most cited flaw is hubris or self-destructive pride. "Antigone" can be classified as a Greek tragedy because we find the general conception of Greek tragedy, a tragic hero, the cause of his downfall and thematic significance. In "Antigone" the tragic hero is Creon. He suffers because of his flaw: pride.

Who is the most tragic character in Antigone?

The tragic hero of Sophocles Antigone, was Creon. Creon was a very headstrong and arrogant man who would never take advice from anyone and would always rely on his own beliefs no matter what. This makes him the tragic hero because his hubris character leads him to a downfall circumstance.

How is Creon a tragic hero quotes?

In the exodus, lines 7 and 10, the messenger says, "Creon was happy once... And now it has all gone from him!" This shows that everything was going well for Creon, but in the end all was lost. All of these lines show that Creon is the tragic hero.

How does Creon change at the end of the play?

In Oedipus the King, Creon has no intention whatsoever of being king. By the end of the play he makes it clear that his intentions have changed and he does want to take Oedipus's power and become King of Thebes. When we see Creon in Antigone he has become king and he begins to make his mistakes.

Why does Creon change his mind?

Angered, Teiresias condemns Creon's decision as an act of grave impiety, and predicts that he will be punished by the loss of his own child (1034-1090). After Teiresias has gone, Creon becomes frightened, and at the urging of the chorus finally changes his mind.

How did Creon cause his own downfall?

Creon was responsible for his own downfall. Creon set himself upon the road to destruction when he made a law that directly contradicts the law of the gods and especially Antigonies beliefs, But by the time Creon even realizes his guilt; it is too late the death of Antigone,his son and his wife has already taken place.

How does Creon abuse his power?

Creon abused his power by thinking that he can change or brake the laws of the Gods and not allowing other people to brake his laws. He did not want to burry Polyneices' body, but one of the God's law is that every human deserves to be buried after death not depending what that certain person did in his lifetime.

Was Creon guilty of hubris?

Creon goes through all the phases of a tragic character. His hubris doesn't effectively let him deal with his problems. Teiresias's prophecy is the peripetia and Creon finds out things won't go the way he planned. Finally, Creon has his anagnorisis and realizes that his hubris has brought his downfall.

What tragedy falls on Creon's family?

The more obvious one is Creon, whose stubborn pride costs him nearly everything. Having already lost his two nephews to war, he loses his niece and his own son. The tragic losses of Antigone and Creon's son could have been avoided.

Who is tragic hero of Antigone and why?

The tragic hero of the drama Antigone is Creon, the king of Thebes. This is proven throughout many points of the drama. First of which is when he denies Polyneices a proper burial. The second is when he believes that everyone is conspiring against him....

What is Creon's hamartia?

Creon's Selfish Pride Creon's hamartia stems from his new role in power and his stubborn mindset. He is so afraid of losing his newly appointed role as King that he puts his control of Thebes before his family's feelings. Like Antigone, he feels he is doing right.

What makes Creon stubborn?

No man can defile the gods.” Creon is stubborn because of his pride and it causes him to make many unwise choices that lead to his tragedy. He would not even listen to his own son that was only wanting the best for Creon, and because of this he made his son his enemy.…

What is the tragic hero flaw in Antigone?

What tragic flaw does Antigone have? Antigone's tragic flaw is stubborn loyalty. She believes she has a sacred duty to bury her brother, even though she knows she will be killed for doing so. However, she fails to consider how her actions will affect her sister Ismene or her fiance Haemon.

What is Creon's punishment for killing Antigone?

Answer and Explanation: Creon's punishment for killing Antigone is that he loses his family to death. His son, Haemon, stabs himself when he sees that Antigone has hung herself.

What is the tragic hero flaw in Antigone?

What tragic flaw does Antigone have? Antigone's tragic flaw is stubborn loyalty. She believes she has a sacred duty to bury her brother, even though she knows she will be killed for doing so. However, she fails to consider how her actions will affect her sister Ismene or her fiance Haemon.

What is Antigone's fatal flaw What is Creon's how do these flaws lead to the tragic resolution of the play?

Creon's tragic flaw is pride. He refused to agree that Antigone did the right thing in burying her brother. Creon wanted only that she obey his decree (and ignore the gods and social law).

What Hamartia does Creon's reaction demonstrate?

Creon's Selfish Pride Creon's hamartia stems from his new role in power and his stubborn mindset. He is so afraid of losing his newly appointed role as King that he puts his control of Thebes before his family's feelings.

What is Ismene's flaw?

Ismene's tragic flaw is that she's too fearful to stand up to her uncle Creon. While she is loyal to Antigone by keeping her secret, she is not strong enough to help her honor their brother.

What does Creon say when he meets his downfall?

“Whatever I touch has come to nothing.” Creon shouted this when he met his downfall. Antigone is about a princess named Antigone who buried her brother for moral beliefs. This was illegal at the time in the city of Thebes because the first thing that Creon did as king was make the law that no one can bury Polyneices and she was sentenced to death for this. Creon, king of Thebes, filled the prophecy and met his downfall with everyone he cared about had died and lead him to emotional death. A tragic hero is a person of noble birth with heroic or potentially heroic qualities.

Why does Creon punish Antigone?

In the play, Antigone, King Creon punished Antigone for giving her brother, Polyneices a proper burial. Creon believes Eteocles devers the burl with honor but not Polyneices because Polynices attacked Thebes and his own brother, braking his exile. King Creon is furious upon hearing the news and accuses the sentry of being bribed and demands him to bring who ever broke his decree to him. Creon is a scary king because the sentries throw dice to decide who will tell King Creon this terribly bad news, no one wants to tell the him. Haemen, King Creon’s own son is afraid to confront his own dad that is actions are wrong.

What is the play Antigone about?

The play Antigone is about a family with some major family problems. The two main characters are mostly Antigone and Creon, who is also Antigone’s uncle. At the start of the play Creon becomes the new king and decides that Antigone’s brother Polyneices should not have a proper burial, because he rebelled against the city. This makes Antigone mad and she decides that she is going to bury Polyneices. Creon finds out that someone buried Polyneices and says that the person should be put to death, because they broke the King’s new rules.

Why did Creon order Polyneices to be executed?

Antigone would not accept this law, as she was proud of her brother, even though it damaged Creon’s pride. So Creon ordered her execution. Due to this showing of pride that abandons reason, Creon’s son killed himself.

What is the difference between Antigone and Creon?

For Creon, he believes that Eteocles was the better man, so he deserves a proper burial, whereas he believes Polyneices is traitor, so he deserves no burial rights. On the other hand, Antigone firmly believes that not granting a dead man a burial is immoral and that no matter the person, everyone deserves a proper burial. After Antigone is confronted by the guard and brought to Creon she explains to him what she knows is morally right, “I did not think anything which you proclaimed strong enough to let a mortal override the gods and their unwritten and unchanging laws” (338). In this quote, she is trying to harn Creon that although he thinks very highly of himself, he will never be able to anything to disrupt the gods and their unwritten laws (being that all men deserve burial). Additionally, the word choice and tone used by the characters also differs. When Creon talks he makes it clear that he thinks of himself quite highly and is convinced that he is above everyone else because of his excessive pride and noble stature. This leads to a tone in his speech that is very obnoxious and off-putting. To the contrary, Antigone regards herself quite low and stands for

Why does Kreon feel wronged?

He believed his actions were morally right and the best option for maintaining control over Thebes. But Kreon also felt wronged by Antigone since she knowingly went against his orders, and like Antigone, Kreon had his reasons to be upset. He is the king and the male leader of the family and this meant the women of the house “owed” him respect. Kreon wanted justice against whomever buried Polyneices ' body, but when he finds out Antigone is guilty of committing the crime, he has a choice to make.

What does Creon say to the messenger at the end of the play?

Creon begs someone to kill him, for he has lost his entire family due to his actions. The messenger implies that he has a curse upon him for the death of his niece, which he caused. He replies, “It is right that it should be.” (Antigone Exodos. 121-122).

Why is Creon the central tragic hero?

The theory that Creon may be the real central tragic hero of this play is due to the unconventionality of a female tragic heroine. Women rarely occupied more than a supporting role in Greek tragedies. Even Aristotle, who would have likely been aware of Sophocles' work, refers to the tragic hero as a male figure.

What happened to Creon's son in Antigone?

In the end he loses his son, who commits suicide upon the news of Antigone's suicide. And his wife also commits suicide. Creon's stubborn pride creates a storm of destruction, which ultimately ends in Creon's own despair: 'Lead me away, a vain and silly man who killed you, son, and you, too, lady.

What is the central character's flaw in Antigone?

In Antigone, the central character believes that her flaw is her strength, though it is actually her stubborn loyalty. Antigone's overarching flaw gives her strength to follow her convictions. She is loyal to her family and her moral ...

What does Creon say to Antigone after he discovers that Antigone has defied his command?

After Creon discovers that Antigone has defied his command, he questions her. Antigone responds: 'I did not believe your proclamation had such power to enable one who will someday die to override God's ordinances unwritten and secure' (lines 496-499).

What is the lesson of Antigone?

Lesson Transcript. 'Antigone' is a classic Greek tragedy in many ways, including the fact that its main hero has a tragic flaw. For Antigone, the flaw brings about her demise and serves as a moral lesson for the audience.

What does Antigone believe?

Antigone believes that service to the gods and the dead is more important than obeying man's laws:

Who is the tragic hero in Antigone?

Antigone the Tragic Hero. As the title character, Antigone is the obvious choice as the tragic hero of this play. Like many other tragic figures from Greek drama, she has hamartia, which is a tragic and prominent flaw that brings about her downfall. There is, however, an alternate theory about the hero of Antigone.

What is Creon's tragic flaw?

He must be one who is highly renowned and prosperous".(Steiner 75-158) Creon's tragic flaw causes the deaths of both his wife and son. This is because he displays so much ignorance in every conclusion he makes. Even if his conclusions are incorrect he will not correct them, because he is the ...

Who wrote Antigone?

Antigone, which was written by Sophocles, is possibly the first written play that still exists today. There is much argument among who the 'tragic hero' is in the play. Some people say Antogone, some say Creon, others even say Heamon but actually Creon displays all of the characteristics of a 'tragic hero'.


Creon's tragic flaw, hubris, causes his downfall. Creon will not listen to anyone. He is stubborn and his pride is so great, he can not bring himself to acknowledge that he could ever wrong.

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