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what is crime as per ipc

by Larry Bosco MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

definition is that a crime or offence (or criminal offence) is an act harmful not only to some. individual or individuals but also to a community, society or the state ("a public wrong"). Such acts are. forbidden and punishable by law. The notion that acts such as murder, rape and theft are to be.

Full Answer

What do you mean by crime?

1 : an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government especially : a gross violation of law. 2 : a grave offense especially against morality. 3 : criminal activity efforts to fight crime. 4 : something reprehensible, foolish, or disgraceful It's a crime to waste good food.

What are the 7 elements of crime?

The seven elements of a crime are:Actus Reus.Mens Rea.Concurrence.Causation.Circumstances.Punishment.

What is considered a crime in India?

What is a Criminal Offence. As per the Indian Penal Code, 1860, when an act forbidden by law is voluntarily done by a person, it constitutes a criminal offense. An act alone does not amount to guilt and is only considered an offense when the performance of such an act is accompanied by a guilty mind.

What is crime and what are its elements?

In general, a crime consists of four elements: a mental state, conduct, concurrence, and causation. Crimes are defined by statutes, which are laws passed by legislatures. Statutes set forth the specific elements of each crime. Not all crimes are the same, as the statutes dictate which elements constitute a given crime.

What are the main 3 factors of crime?

The Crime Triangle identifies three factors that create a criminal offense. Desire of a criminal to commit a crime; Target of the criminal's desire; and the Opportunity for the crime to be committed. You can break up the Crime Triangle by not giving the criminal the Opportunity.

What are the stages of crime?

Stages of CrimeIntention.Preparation.Attempt.Accomplishment.

What are 4 elements of crime?

The four elements of a crime are:Criminal act.Criminal intent.A concurrence of the previous two elements.Causation.

What are the 5 elements of crime?

What Are The Five Elements Of A Crime? The actus reus; The mens rea; A unity of actus reus and mens rea; The causation, which is the fact that the conduct caused something; which. Resulted in social harm.

What are the 3 types of Offences?

There are three types of offences which help determine if there will be a trial and a preliminary hearing or just a trial: summary, indictable and hybrid(or dual).

What is the first element of crime?

Elements of a Crime In general, every crime involves three elements: first, the act or conduct (actus reus); second, the individual's mental state at the time of the act (mens rea); and third, the causation between the act and the effect (typically either proximate causation or but-for causation).

What is difference between crime and offence?

The word offense comes from offender who is a person violating a law. There are some offences that are not cognizable or punishable by law.. However, a crime is always a violation of law.

What comes first law or crime?

For an act to be considered a crime it must have a law defining why it is a crime. Before the law the act was not a crime, enacting a law made the action into a crime.

What are the main elements of crime?

Elements of a Crime In general, every crime involves three elements: first, the act or conduct (actus reus); second, the individual's mental state at the time of the act (mens rea); and third, the causation between the act and the effect (typically either proximate causation or but-for causation).

What are the 5 elements of crime?

What Are The Five Elements Of A Crime? The actus reus; The mens rea; A unity of actus reus and mens rea; The causation, which is the fact that the conduct caused something; which. Resulted in social harm.

What are 4 elements of crime?

The four elements of a crime are:Criminal act.Criminal intent.A concurrence of the previous two elements.Causation.

What are the elements of crime PDF?

A fundamental principle of Criminal Law is that a crime consists of both a mental and a physical element. Mens rea, a person's awareness of the fact that his or her conduct is criminal, is the mental element and actus reus, the act itself, is the physical element.

What does IPC mean in criminal law?

Meaning of crime in Indian Penal Code. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The Indian Penal Code indirectly owes its origin to Jeremy Bentham, who is a well-known jurist on the subject of law reforms and he gave the meaning ...

What is the penalty for attempting to commit a crime?

It is punishable under the Code with imprisonment for life or imprisonment.

What are the characteristics of a crime?

Following are the essential characteristics of crime 1 Mens Rea -The accused is proved to have knowingly committed the crime. Also that he had full knowledge of their actions. He must have mala fide intent towards the victim. Mens rea is also used in some civil suits. Act may be voluntary or involuntary, and the guilt is determined by the facts of the case. 2 Actus Reus -Actus Reus is the physical aspect of a crime. The accused needs to have done something or omitted to do something. Without a guilty act, there can be no crime and no suit for damages can arise. It can be applied while considering the fact, time, place, person, possession, consent of the victim, etc. 3 Punishment – is suffering, loss, pain, or any other penalty that is inflicted on a person for the crime by the concerned authority. 4 Prohibited Act- The act should not be prohibited or forbidden under the existing law.

How does modern criminology support penology?

It helps the offender to reform himself by awarding rigorous punishment and realize his mistake so that he does not commit the offence again.

What are the two conditions for penal liability?

These two conditions for penal liability guilty act and guilty mind . The maxim actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea i.e. the act alone does not amount to guilt it must be accompanied by a guilty mind applies to consider an act as an offence. Event and not the activity which caused the event constitutes actus reus.

What is criminal law?

Criminal law is a branch of public law. Crime means wrongs done by human beings. It authorizes the infliction of State punishment. A person shall be guilty of a crime under Indian Penal Code if he has mens rea and actus reus concurrently. In criminal proceedings, State is a party as crime is not only a wrong against the individual ...

How many sections are there in the Indian penal code?

The Indian Penal Code of 1860, subdivided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. A criminal offence according to the meaning of crime given in Indian Penal Code is only committed when an act, which is forbidden by law is done voluntarily by a human being.

What is crime in the modern world?

Crime is an unlawful act that is forbidden and punished by the State or the law. In other words, anything which is injurious to public welfare is a crime. Generally speaking, crime is human conduct that the society generally disapproves. But in the modern sense, crime is any act that is prohibited by the penal law in force, ...

What is crime in law?

According to Miller, crime is “to be the commission or omission of an act which the law forbids or commands under pain of a punishment to be imposed by the State by a proceeding in its own name.”

What is the second element of a crime?

The second essential element of a crime is mens rea or guilty mind or evil intent. Mens rea refers to the mental element that is necessary for a particular crime. Any wrongful act committed by a human being cannot be called a crime if committed without evil intent. There must be an evil intent while doing an act.

What is a misdemeanour?

According to Paul W. Tappen, “an intentional act or omission in the violation of criminal law, without justification and sanctioned by the law as felony or misdemeanour.”. Blackstone has defined crime in his “Commentaries on The Laws of England”.

What does Keeton mean by crime?

According to Keeton, “a crime would seem to be any undesirable act which the State finds it most convenient to correct by the institution of proceedings for the infliction of a penalty, instead of leaving the remedy to the discretion of some inured person. ”.

What is the last important element of a crime?

Injury is the last important, or we can say the essential element of a crime. It must be caused illegally to another human being or a body of individuals or society at large. ‘Injury’ has been defined in section 44 of the Indian Penal Code as ‘any harm whatever illegally caused to any person in body, mind, reputation or property.’

What is the evil intent of a human being?

Evil intent or guilty mind from the part of a human being. (Mens rea) Any act committed or omitted in accordance with the evil intent and is forbidden by law. (Actus reus) 1. Human Being. The first element of a crime is a human being. Any wrongful act to be called crime must be done by a human being.


In the eyes of society, committing a crime is a disgraceful act that shocks the public conscience. For the most part, criminal law is concerned with protecting and preserving specific essential societal values and institutions. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) specifies a set of standards for human behavior.

Intention – First Stage of Crime

The Indian Penal Code does not punish the intention stage of committing a crime since it is the first step. There must be bad intent for an act to be classified as a crime, which is referred to as Mens rea, for it to be deemed a crime. The act itself is not unlawful if there is no harmful intent behind it.

Preparation – Second Stage of Crime

The second step or stage in committing a crime is to plan and organize. To carry out the criminal act involves putting together all the resources required for it. There has not yet been an offense, and as a result, there is no punishment for the offense at this point.

Attempt – Third Stage of Crime

After the preparations have been completed, an attempt is a continuous step toward executing a crime. There are no exceptions to this rule, and even if the circumstances are such that committing the crime would be impossible, someone might be found guilty of trying to do so under English law by doing an act that goes beyond simple preparation [3].

Accomplishment – Final Stage of Crime

It is the last step of the criminal act. In this stage, the offender has completed all three primary phases, i.e., the steps of intention, preparation, and attempted offense. At this point, the individual has completed the actus reus.

Difference Between An Attempt And Preparing For An Attempt

The distinction between attempting something and preparing for it has long been debated. On the other hand, academic evaluations have defined the difference between attempt and preparation.


There are various stages of crime involved in the conduct of an offense, which leads us to the conclusion that a crime is more than simply an act or omission. All phases of the crime are not criminalized, but only after the offense has been committed is punished.

What is crime in criminal law?

Crime is basically disobedience of penal law. For example, a gambler disobeys the prohibition against gambling. He is liable to be punished. The consequence of violation of law is sufferance of punishment by the offender. The object of criminal law is penal retribution.

What is crime in law?

Crime is an act or omission prohibited by law. Crime is an act which is both forbidden by the law and is revolting to the moral sentiments of the society.

What is the second element of crime?

This latin maxim constitutes the second element of crime. It includes the mental element and the physical element. The mental element is called Mens Rea. The physical element is called actus reus. Mens rea means guilty mind. Actus reus means guilty act. The literal translation of actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea is that act is not guilty and not liable to be punished unless it was performed with a guilty mind. The act is not guilty unless mind is also guilty.

When is murder culpable?

mere Culpable Homicide. Section 300, says that Culpable Homicide is Murder if the act by which the death is caused is done. with the intention of causing death.

Who was Gangaram's victim?

Gangaram lost the auction of Tehbazari of a vegetable market to the victim, Munimji. When Gangaram visited the market, Munimji told Gangaram, “ You won’t get vegetables from here anymore” and got him pushed out of the market by his minions.

Whoever conveys any person beyond the limits of India without the consent of that person or of some person legally authorized to?

Section 360 – Whoever conveys any person beyond the limits of India without the consent of that person or of some person legally authorized to consent on behalf of that person, is said to kidnanap that person from India.

Who is the burden of proving a crime?

The burden of proving a crime is on the prosecution. The prosecution must prove the g uilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. If any doubt is present in the mind of the court, then the court shall have to acquit the accused.

What is Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code?

Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code criminalises attempted suicide as well as suicide assistance. Section 309 states: Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such offence, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine, or with both.

When was the presumption of innocence passed?

The bill was voted upon and passed by the Rajya Sabha on 8 August 2016, and passed by the Lok Sabha on 27 March 2017.

What article of the Constitution does Section 309 violate?

In the 1996 Gian Kaur vs State of Punjab, the appellant failed to convince the five judge bench that section 309 violated article 21 of the Constitution of India. A bill to strike the section was subsequently introduced in parliament, but failed to pass.

What is the Indian Penal Code?

Due to this underlying tone, the Indian Penal Code (IPC) prescribes a set of norms of human behavior and forbids the human conduct that inexcusably exhibits disrespect or inflicts or threatens substantial harm to individual. A crime is an act which does not happen automatically.

Why is an attempt to commit a crime punishable?

In the case of Aman Kumar v State of Haryana, 2004 (4) SCC 379 the Supreme Court observed that an attempt is made punishable because it creates alarm in the minds and the moral guilt of the person omitting an act is the same had he succeeded in his actions.

What is the intention of a crime?

The intention is the first and initial stage in the commission of a crime and this stage has not been penalized under the Indian Penal Code (hereinafter referred to as IPC). Actus non facitreum nisi mens sit rea is a latin maxim which translates into ‘an act does not make a defendant guilty without a guilty mind’.

What is the last stage of the commission of a crime?

COMMISSION-. It is the last stage of the commission of a crime. This is the stage where the offender has crossed all the three initial stages i.e., intention, preparation, and attempt. At this stage, the person completes the actus reus. The act would also include omission.

What is crime in law?

A crime is an act which does not happen automatically. But rather it is an act or omission which passes through a process before it reaches the threshold of being termed as a crime.

What is the first stage of a crime?

The court while giving its verdict reiterated that there are different stages in a crime. The court clearly spelled out that the first stage is the very intention to commit a crime. The first stage is followed by the second stage of preparation and the third stage is the attempt to commit the offence. It was held by the court that ...

What is the liability to conviction of an individual?

The liability to conviction of an individual depends not only on his having done some outward acts which the law forbids, but on his having done them in a certain frame of mind or with a certain will. It is the combination of the act and the intent which makes a crime. The intent and the act both must concur to constitute a crime.


Offences Against The Human Body

  • Whoever causes any harm or injury to the human body comes under this category. Chapter 16 of the Indian Penal Code contains the offences against the human body, which are considered heinous crimes. They are discussed in sections 299 to 377 of IPC. These include murder, attempt to murder, culpable homicide, dowry death, kidnapping and abduction, etc...
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Offences Against Property

  • Offences committed against any property, whether movable or immovable, comes under chapter 17 of the Indian Penal Code, which contains the offences against property. They are described from sections 378 to 462 of IPC. These offences include dacoity, preparation for dacoity, robbery, preparation for robbery, extortion, theft, mischief, housebreaking, etc.
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Offences Relating to Public Tranquillity

  • In simple terms, whoever disturbs the peace of society, commits the offence relating to public tranquillity. (Tranquillity means free from disturbance; calm.) Offences against public peace are mentioned in chapter 8 of the Indian Penal Code from sections 141 to 160. These include unlawful assembly, rioting, affray, etc.
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Offences Relating to Document

  • Chapter 18 of the Indian Penal Codementions offences relating to documents and property marks. They are covered from sections 463 to 489E of IPC. These include forgery, falsification of accounts, using forged documents or property marks, counterfeiting currency notes or banknotes, etc.
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Offences Against Women and Children

  • The Indian Penal Code deals with various offences against women and children. They are covered in different chapters and scattered throughout the IPC. Against women, these offences include grievous hurt by acid attack (section 326A, 326B), attacking modesty of women (section 354), rape (section 376), voyeurism (section 354C), stalking (section 354D), etc. Against children, it in…
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Offences Against The State and Terrorism

  • The offences that are planned against the Government of India are established by law and considered offences against the state. Chapter 6 of the Indian Penal Code, from sections 121 to 130, deals with crime against the state. These include waging war, sedition, etc.
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Offences Relating to Elections

  • Elections are essential to ensure the smooth running of a state, and thus they must be carried out in a fair manner. Chapter 9A of the Indian Penal Codedeals with the offences relating to elections. The main aim is to conduct free and fair elections so that nobody is influenced while exercising their legal rights. They are covered under sections 171A to 171I of IPC. These include bribery, pe…
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  • In the eyes of society, committing a crime is a disgraceful act that shocks the public conscience. For the most part, criminal law is concerned with protecting and preserving specific essential societal values and institutions. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) specifies a set of standards for human behavior. It prohibits conduct that inexcusably shows c...
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Intention – First Stage of Crime

  • The Indian Penal Code does not punish the intention stage of committing a crime since it is the first step. There must be bad intent for an act to be classified as a crime, which is referred to as Mens rea, for it to be deemed a crime. The act itself is not unlawful if there is no harmful intent behind it. To be a crime, both the intention and the conduct must be present. Intention, knowled…
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Preparation – Second Stage of Crime

  • The second step or stage in committing a crime is to plan and organize. To carry out the criminal act involves putting together all the resources required for it. There has not yet been an offense, and as a result, there is no punishment for the offense at this point. There are specific activities, however, that are prohibited under the IPC from beginning to end, even if they are just being plan…
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Attempt – Third Stage of Crime

  • After the preparations have been completed, an attempt is a continuous step toward executing a crime. There are no exceptions to this rule, and even if the circumstances are such that committing the crime would be impossible, someone might be found guilty of trying to do so under English law by doing an act that goes beyond simple preparation. Narayandas vs. State of …
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Accomplishment – Final Stage of Crime

  • It is the last step of the criminal act. In this stage, the offender has completed all three primary phases, i.e., the steps of intention, preparation, and attempted offense. At this point, the individual has completed the actus reus.
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Difference Between An Attempt and Preparing For An Attempt

  • The distinction between attempting something and preparing for it has long been debated. On the other hand, academic evaluations have defined the difference between attempt and preparation. 1. The term “preparation” refers to acquiring the tools necessary to try the crime, while “attempt” refers to the actual action toward performing the crime after the initiation. 2. The act of preparin…
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  • There are various stages of crime involved in the conduct of an offense, which leads us to the conclusion that a crime is more than simply an act or omission. All phases of the crime are not criminalized, but only after the offense has been committed is punished. The Indian Penal Code has several exceptions to the general rule that certain activities are criminal and punished. The t…
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1.Meaning of Crime under IPC - CLATalogue


22 hours ago  · According to Blackstone, a crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law either forbidding or commanding it. Meaning of crime in Indian Penal Code. The …

2.Learn Meaning of Crime Under Indian Penal Code


17 hours ago STAGES OF CRIME Under IPC, 1860 If a person commits a crime than the doing of it involves four different stages. Intention to commit crime; Preparation to commit crime; Attempt to commit …

3.Definition of Crime and its Essential Elements - WritingLaw


24 hours ago Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code. Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code Is now decriminalized attempted suicide as well as suicide assistance. Section 309 states: Whoever attempts to …

4.Stages of Crime in Indian Penal Code (IPC) - Law Corner


7 hours ago Definition and Meaning of Crime. Difference between Crime and Tort. Theories and Kinds of Punishment. Stages of Crime. Elements of Crime. Codification of Law of Crime in India. …

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