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what is database in ado net

by Ms. Alice Lang Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

ADO.NET is the data access component for the . NET Framework. ADO.NET leverages the power of XML to provide disconnected access to data. ADO.NET is made of a set of classes that are used for connecting to a database, providing access to relational data, XML, and application data, and retrieving results.

What is ADO NET dataset?

ADO.NET includes .NET Framework data providers for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. Those results are either processed directly, placed in an ADO.NET DataSet object in order to be exposed to the user in an ad hoc manner, combined with data from multiple sources, or passed between tiers.

How does ADO net work with SQL?

When you make SQL statements, the ADO.NET Command object outputs data based on either a DataReader or a DataSet object. After the connection has been closed, you can work with the data using DataSet objects and re-connect to the data source when it needs to be updated. We can now go on to the next chapter to learn about ADO.NET Architecture.

What are Ado NET objects in Salesforce?

The ADO.NET objects encapsulate all the data access operations and the controls interact with these objects to display data, thus hiding the details of movement of data. The following figure shows the ADO.NET objects at a glance:

What are the two main components of Ado NET architecture?

Learn about ADO.NET architecture, including the two main components for accessing and manipulating data: the .NET Framework data providers and the DataSet. These examples show .NET Framework programmers how to retrieve data from a database by using ADO.NET data providers and ADO.NET Entity Framework.


What database does .NET use?

ASP.NET applications can use all of the popular databases, including Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, MongoDB and CouchDB.

What is ADO.NET and its uses?

ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources such as SQL Server and XML, and to data sources exposed through OLE DB and ODBC. Data-sharing consumer applications can use ADO.NET to connect to these data sources and retrieve, handle, and update the data that they contain.

What are the ADO.NET components?

Understanding ADO.NET ComponentsADO.Net Data Provider. Connection (connection string): Connection object is used to establish a connection between the database and .DataSet. There are two types of DataSets. 1) Typed DataSet. 2) Untyped DataSet.

What are types of data sets?

In Statistics, we have different types of data sets available for different types of information....They are:Numerical data sets.Bivariate data sets.Multivariate data sets.Categorical data sets.Correlation data sets.

Is ADO.NET backend?

ADO.NET is a tool that acts as a bridge between the front end application and the back end database. It provides consistent access to backend technologies such as SQL Server and XML. ADO.NET includes different classes and different options to fetch data with different use-cases.

How many ADO.NET architecture are there?

The architecture of ADO.NET: The ADO.NET Architecture is comprising of 6 important components.

What is ADO.NET example?

We can create a web form that has ADO.NET connectivity. A simple web form that has form controls can be submitted to the server. ADO.NET allows us to store the submitted values to store into SQL Server database.

What is ADO.NET and its architecture?

ADO.NET uses a multilayer architecture that mainly has a few concepts, for instance Connection, Reader, Command, Adapter and Dataset objects. ADO.NET introduced data providers that are a set of special classes to access a specific database, execute SQL commands and retrieve data.

What is difference between ASP NET and ADO.NET in C#?

ASP.NET is a technology through which dynamic web applications can be created whereas ADO.NET is used to access data from databases. ASP.NET is a compilation of many languages to create different web apps but ADO.NET only works with data.

What is ADO in database?

ADO is a simple component-based object-oriented interface to access data whether relational or non-relational databases. It is a successor of DAO and RDO.

What is an ADO.NET interface?

ADO.NET is such an interface that is created to connect .NET applications to RDBMS systems.

What is a data adapter?

A Data Adapter represents a set of data commands and a database connection to fill the dataset and update a SQL Server database.

What is Disconnected in ADO.NET?

Disconnected is the main feature of the .NET framework. ADO.NET contains various classes that support this architecture. The .NET application does not always stay connected with the database. The classes are designed in a way that they automatically open and close the connection. The data is stored client-side and is updated in the database whenever required.

What is a command object?

A Command object executes SQL statements on the database. These SQL statements can be SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. It uses a connection object to perform these actions on the database. A Connection object specifies the type of interaction to perform with the database, like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

What is data set object?

A Data Set object is an in-memory representation of the data. It is specially designed to manage data in memory and to support disconnected operations on data.

What is the responsibility of a connection object?

A Connection object has the responsibility of establishing a connection with the data store.

Before you Begin

There are a few things you should make sure you understand/obtain before you begin. Take a look below: • Starting up a command prompt in Windows or Linux. • .NET framework 4.5 or greater installed and ready to go. • A text editor. • An ADO.NET Database Driver contained in products such as MySQL, PostgreSQL or RDM.

Steps to Creating your Application

A prepackaged sample using Raima’s ADO.NET driver and the RDM database management system can be found in the demos section. Select the “Hello World” Windows or Linux package that matches your operating system. You may select the other samples after finishing this tutorial, as they show increasingly complex usages of databases through ADO.NET.

Step 1 Open a command line prompt

Change to the directory in which you have installed the files for the sample.

Step 2 Viewing your .cs file

Using your text editor, view the file “”. Alternatively, use our online copy.

Step 3 Viewing your sample class

Your class can contain the same name as the .cs file containing the class. It should appear as follows:

Step 4 Examining the main method

The main method is the entry point for your program. For this simple example, we are only using one .cs file. Therefore, the class will contain the main method as shown below. We will be accepting no arguments to this program. static void main () { … }

Step 5 Creating and initializing your Connection Object

You will initialize your Connection object before you have access to any of the methods it contains. It is good practice to start a new try block for every object that you initialize.

What is an

According to Wikipedia – “ADO.NET is a data access technology from the Microsoft.NET Framework that provides communication between relational and non-relational systems through a common set of components. ADO.NET is a set of computer software components that programmers can use to access data and data services from a database.

What is an ADO.NET controller?

ADO.NET imparts a connectivity bridge between front-end technology and back-end database. ADO.NET follows OOP’s principle of encapsulation in which it wraps all operations. These operations mainly carry data access responsibilities. ADO.NET controllers interact with ADO objects to display data. Following the principle of encapsulation, it hides the mechanism for the movement of data from the outer world. Thus this provides an additional security layer.

How does ADO.NET Makes Work so Easy?

Thus we can rightly say that working on ADO.NET is quite easy, the only thing which needs to be done is to follow the set of pre-defined protocols .

How to create an ADO connection?

The following are the steps for the same:- 1 Creating an ADO Connection to a Database: In this step, we need to create a connection to our database. The easiest way to create a connection to our database is by using a DSN-less connection. 2 Open the Database Connection: Once an ADO connection is successfully created we will open the database connection using the inbuilt “open” method. 3 Create an ADO Recordset: Once an ADO database connection is created, we need to create an ADO recordset. 4 Open the Recordset: Once the ADO recordset is created, we need to open it. Also, we would like you to know that the recordset created can be of two types – ADO Table Recordset and, ADO SQL Recordset. 5 Extract the Data you need from the Recordset: Now once the recordset is opened, we can extract data from the recordset. For this part, we will be using ADO Recordset Object. This ADO Recordset Object will be used to extract and hold a set of extracted records from our database. 6 Close the Recordset: Once records are extracted, we need to close the recordset. 7 Close the Connection: Once the recordset is closed, close the connection.

How many rules are there in ADO.NET?

As mentioned previously, there is a set of seven rules to be followed in order to effectively establish a link using ADO.NET.

Is ADO.NET scalable?

Easily Scalable: ADO.NET is highly scalable, which means if requirement appears it is flexible enough to be expanded easily.

Is ADO.NET a good product?

There is a high scope of ADO.NET, ADO.NET being one of the products of Microsoft is strong enough to further capture in the market. ADO.NET has large community support and hence it has quite a large scope ahead. One could learn ADO.NET along with goods hands-on.Net framework in order to have a better scope. Any full-stack developer, who has a good grasp over both front-end as well as back-end technology can aptly learn this creative technology. Any developer who is either front-end or back-end could also learn it.

What Is ADO.NET?

ADO.NET stands for ActiveX Data Object is a database access technology created by Microsoft as part of its .NET framework that can access any kind of data source. It’s a set of object-oriented classes that provides a rich set of data components to create high-performance, reliable and scalable database applications for client- server applications as well as distributed environments over the Internet and intranets.

How does ADO.NET work?

ADO .NET uses SQL queries and stored procedures to read write update and delete data from a data source. You use SQL queries through ADO.NET Command object, which returns data in the form of DataReader or DataSet objects. After that connection closes, you use DataSet objects to work with the data and connect to the data source again when you need to update the data source.

What is LINQ to DataSet API?

LINQ to DataSet API provides queries capabilities on a cached DataSet object using LINQ queries. The LINQ queries are written in C#. Learn more here: LINQ to DataSet

What data providers are available in.NET?

You access a data source and fill a dataset via data providers. The .NET framework provides three different types of data providers: Sql, OleDb and ODBC. Microsoft is also working on providing a data provider for Oracle database and other Database Management System (DBMS) suppliers may produce their own data providers. You use a DataAdapter object of a data provider and call its Fill method to fill a dataset.

What are the components of ADO.NET?

You can categorize ADO.NET components in three categories: disconnected, common or shared and the .NET data providers. The disconnected components build the basic ADO.NET architecture. You can use these components (or classes) with or without data providers. For example, you can use a DataTable object with or without providers and shared or common components are the base classes for data providers. Shared or common components are the base classes for data providers and shared by all data providers. The data provider components are specifically designed to work with different kinds of data sources. For example, ODBC data providers work with ODBC data sources and OleDb data providers work with OLE-DB data sources.

What is XML in ADO?

Today, XML is an industry standard and the most widely used method of sharing data among applications over the Internet. As discussed earlier in ADO .NET data is cached and transferred in XML format. All components and applications can share this data and you can transfer data via different protocols such as HTTP.

What is a connection object?

The Connection object is the first component of ADO.NET that you should be looking at. A connection sets a link between a data source and ADO.NET. A Connection object sits between a data source and a DataAdapter (via Command). You need to define a data provider and a data source when you create a connection. With these two, you can also specify the user ID and password depending on the type of data source.

What is an ADO.NET?

ADO.NET provides a bridge between the front end controls and the back end database. The ADO.NET objects encapsulate all the data access operations and the controls interact with these objects to display data, thus hiding the details of movement of data.

What is DBConnection?

The DbConnection object represents a connection to the data source. The connection could be shared among different command objects.

What is a datareader?

The DataReader object is an alternative to the DataSet and DataAdapter combination. This object provides a connection oriented access to the data records in the database. These objects are suitable for read-only access, such as populating a list and then breaking the connection.

How does iDataReader fill data?

Fills a DataSet with values from a data source using the supplied IDataReader, using an array of strings to supply the names for the tables within the DataSet.

What is the function of CreateDataset?

The Createdataset () method is a user defined function, which creates a new DataSet object and then calls another user defined method CreateStudentTable () to create the table and add it to the Tables collection of the data set.

What is a data table?

The DataTable class represents the tables in the database. It has the following important properties; most of these properties are read only properties except the PrimaryKey property:

What is the purpose of the CreateStudentTable method?

The CreateStudentTable () method calls the user defined methods AddNewColumn () and AddNewRow () to create the columns and rows of the table as well as to add data to the rows.

What is a data set in ADO.NET?

A DataSet is made up of a collection of tables, relationships, and constraints. In ADO.NET, DataTable objects are used to represent the tables in a DataSet. A DataTable represents one table of in-memory relational data; the data is local to the .NET-based application in which it resides, but can be populated from a data source such as Microsoft SQL Server using a DataAdapter For more information, see Populating a DataSet from a DataAdapter.

What is a data table?

The DataTable class is a member of the System.Data namespace within the .NET Framework class library. You can create and use a DataTable independently or as a member of a DataSet, and DataTable objects can also be used in conjunction with other .NET Framework objects, including the DataView. You access the collection of tables in a DataSet through the Tables property of the DataSet object.

What is schema in data table?

The schema, or structure of a table is represented by columns and constraints. You define the schema of a DataTable using DataColumn objects as well as ForeignKeyConstraint and UniqueConstraint objects. The columns in a table can map to columns in a data source, contain calculated values from expressions, automatically increment their values, or contain primary key values.

Advantages of Using ADO.NET

ADO.NET has several advantages over Data Access Models and other components. Some of these advantages are-

How Does ADO.NET Work?

ADO.NET works either in a connected or disconnected way. Connected mode is more popular as it has faster performance than disconnected mode because it works on the forward read-only method.

ADO.NET Architecture

The ADO.NET Architecture comprises six essential components, and each element is linked with the previous one to maintain a steady data flow. These components are:

Side-By-Side Execution in ADO.NET

The ability to execute an application on any computer having multiple .NET Framework versions installed is called Side-by-side execution in ADO.NET. This execution is exclusively done using the application compiled version.


With a perfect learning map, the concept of ADO.NET is easy to grasp. To help you master ADO.NET, our Post Graduate Program in Full Stack Web Development and Global Online Coding Bootcamp with Caltech CTME.

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Simplilearn is one of the world’s leading providers of online training for Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Data Science, IT, Software Development, and ma…

What is a.NET data provider?

The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server supports both local and distributed transactions. For distributed transactions, the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server, by default, automatically enlists in a transaction and obtains transaction details from Windows Component Services or System.Transactions. For more information, see Transactions and Concurrency.

What is a data provider in a.NET framework?

A .NET Framework data provider is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. Those results are either processed directly, placed in a DataSet in order to be exposed to the user as needed, combined with data from multiple sources, or remoted between tiers. .NET Framework data providers are lightweight, creating a minimal layer between the data source and code, increasing performance without sacrificing functionality.

What is an entityclient provider?

The EntityClient provider is used for accessing data based on an Entity Data Model (EDM). Unlike the other .NET Framework data providers, it does not interact directly with a data source. Instead, it uses Entity SQL to communicate with the underlying data provider.

What version of.NET Framework Data Provider is required for ODBC?

The .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC requires MDAC 2.6 or a later version, and MDAC 2.8 SP1 is recommended.

What version of.NET Framework is required for Oracle?

The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle requires Oracle client software (version 8.1.7 or a later version) on the system before you can connect to an Oracle data source.

What is the base class for all connection objects?

The base class for all Connection objects is the DbConnection class. Command. Executes a command against a data source. Exposes Parameters and can execute in the scope of a Transaction from a Connection. The base class for all Command objects is the DbCommand class.

Does.NET work with OLE?

The .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB does not work with the OLE DB provider for ODBC (MSDASQL). To access an ODBC data source using ADO.NET, use the .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC.


What Is ADO.NET?

ADO.NET is a technology that was developed by Microsoft technology and it is also built on the .NET framework. Acronym for ADO is ActiveX Data Objects. ADO.NET gives us the facility to set up a bridge between backend technology and a database. However, this database could be both relational as well as non-relation…
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Understanding ADO.NET?

  • ADO.NET imparts a connectivity bridge between front-end technology and back-end database. ADO.NET follows OOP’s principle of encapsulation in which it wraps all operations. These operations mainly carry data access responsibilities. ADO.NET controllers interact with ADO objects to display data. Following the principle of encapsulation, it hides the mechanism for the …
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How Does ADO.NET Makes Work So Easy?

  • ADO.NET follows sets of instructions using which we can establish connectivity between back-end technology and database. There are seven steps declared which need to be followed in order to achieve our requirement. Thus we can rightly say that working on ADO.NET is quite easy, the only thing which needs to be done is to follow the set of pre-defined protocols. As mentioned pr…
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  • The following are the biggest advantages of ADO.NET, let us look at each one by one. 1. Ability to Cross:Communicate between Heterogeneous Environments – ADO.NET has the exceptional benefit of establishing a connection between two heterogeneous environments. Once the connection is established, ADO.NET could easily communicate between these two heterogeneo…
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  • There is a high scope of ADO.NET, ADO.NET being one of the products of Microsoft is strong enough to further capture in the market. ADO.NET has large community support and hence it has quite a large scope ahead. One could learn ADO.NET along with goods hands-on.Net framework in order to have a better scope. Any full-stack developer, who has a good grasp overboth front-end…
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How This Technology Will Help in Career Growth?

  • As discussed earlier in the section on What is ADO.NET? We have learned that this ADO.NET has quite a good scope, hence knowing and learning this will always be of great fun. ADO.NET along with any knowledge of any database will be very good from a growth perspective.
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  • ADO.NET is an important technology that was developed by Microsoft on the framework of .NET. The basic roles and responsibilities of ADO.NET technology are to establish a bridge between backend language and our database. A good hands-on of this interesting technology will be of great use from a development point of view.
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  • This is a guide to What is ADO.NET?. Here we discuss the working of ADO.NET, along with the scope and Advantages of ADO.NET. You may also look at the following articles to learn more – 1. Career in ASP.NET 2. Asp.Net MVC Interview Questions 3. ASP.NET MVC Routing 4. ASP.NET MVC Authentication
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1.Overview - ADO.NET | Microsoft Docs


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2.Videos of What is Database in Ado Net


16 hours ago ADO.NET provides a bridge between the front end controls and the back end database. The ADO.NET objects encapsulate all the data access operations and the controls interact with …

3.ADO.NET | Microsoft Docs


30 hours ago  · In ADO.NET, DataTable objects are used to represent the tables in a DataSet. A DataTable represents one table of in-memory relational data; the data is local to the .NET …

4.How to Create a Database Using ADO.NET - Raima


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13 hours ago  · A .NET Framework data provider is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. Those results are either processed directly, placed in a …

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8.DataTables - ADO.NET | Microsoft Docs


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