Knowledge Builders

what is distinctive competitive advantage

by Sean Johnston DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Key Highlights

  • A competitive advantage is what sets a company apart from its competitors, in the eyes of its consumers.
  • These advantages allow a company to achieve and maintain superior margins, a better growth profile, or greater loyalty among current customers.
  • A competitive advantage is often referred to as a “protective moat.”

Distinctive competence: A capability that is visible to the customer, superior to other firms' competencies to which it is compared, and difficult to imitate. Competitive advantage: A capability or resource that is difficult to imitate and valuable in helping the firm outper- form its competitors.

Full Answer

What is a distinctive advantage?

Distinctive advantage is not something that is exclusively derived from point of difference. Rather, it comes from taking a point of view. A 'Stand'. A Stand comes from what is true and inherent to the brand. It is purpose driven and not market driven.

What is distinctive competitive?

Distinctive competence refers to a superior characteristic, strength, or quality that distinguishes a company from its competitors. This distinctive quality can be just about anything—innovation, a skill, design, technology, name recognition, marketing, workforce, customer satisfaction, or even being first to market.

What is an example of distinctive competency?

Examples of distinctive competence include rigorous security measures, economies of scale, and lean manufacturing processes.

What are the 3 forms of competitive advantage?

There are three main types of sustainable competitive advantage: differentiation, cost leadership, and focus advantage.

What is McDonald's distinctive competence?

McDonald's best core competence is its ability to standardize its food service and delivery processes.

How do companies develop distinctive competencies?

Distinctive competencies, the basis for competitive advantage, can come from technology, industry position, market relations, cost, business processes, manufacturing processes, people, customer satisfaction, or just being first.

What are core and distinctive competencies?

A core competency relates to anything that is central to the core of the business. A distinctive competency is a quality that differentiates a company from its competitors.

What are Honda's distinctive competencies?

I'd suggest that two competencies unite Honda: The first competency is technical and product-oriented; common to all of Honda's products and divisions are engines and propulsion systems. These are present in each of its product lines, and serve as technical sources of competitive advantage.

What is the distinctive competence of Netflix?

Core Competencies of Netflix: Technological Innovation: One of the key competencies that support the fast growth of the Netflix platform is its focus on technological innovation.

What are the 4 factors of competitive advantage?

The four primary methods of gaining a competitive advantage are cost leadership, differentiation, defensive strategies and strategic alliances.

What are the 5 competitive advantage strategies?

Competitive strategy is common in many economic structures, such as capitalism....5 types of competitive strategyCost leadership. ... Product differentiation. ... Customer relationship management (CRM) ... Cost focus. ... Commitment to customers strategy.

What are the 5 factors of competitive advantage?

Competitive advantages are attributed to a variety of factors including cost structure, branding, the quality of product offerings, the distribution network, intellectual property, and customer service.

What are distinctive capabilities?

An organization's resources which are critical in imparting it with competitive advantage are called distinctive capabilities. When the capabilities originate from an attribute which other firms do not have then they form an organization's distinctive capabilities.

What are core and distinctive competencies?

A core competency relates to anything that is central to the core of the business. A distinctive competency is a quality that differentiates a company from its competitors.

What is the distinctive competence of Nike?

Some of Nike, Inc.'s core competencies are global brand recognition, success with diverse teams, strong research & development, manufacturing standards and efficient distribution channels.

What is a distinctive competence quizlet?

A distinctive competence is a competitively important activity that a company performs better than its competitors.

What is the purpose of competitive advantage?

The purpose of having a competitive advantage is to distinguish a company from its competitors by offering something different and of superior value to its customers. Competitive advantage also means the business can outperform its competition in the market and make a higher profit.

Why is competitive advantage important?

Having a competitive advantage over your competition is essential to business success because:

What is differentiation strategy?

In the differentiation strategy, the goal is to offer your customers a variation of a product or service that is of higher quality or to innovate products or services that you can then set a premium price for. Because differentiation occurs by adjusting characteristics such as features, style, design and performance, the ability to differentiate products can vary depending on what it is. For example, items that are difficult to differentiate may include:

How can a business monitor its competitive advantage?

A business can monitor the strategy it uses to adjust areas that aren't as effective and focus more resources on ones that are successful, which can further its competitive advantage. For example, a beauty and hair products company whose competitive advantage is its social media platforms can monitor the number of new customers referred to it through its social media accounts. Monitoring this information helps the company create more avenues for new clients to sign up for their products, like bonuses or referral programs.

What is cost leadership competitive advantage?

In the cost leadership competitive advantage strategy, the goal is to become the lowest-cost or most efficient producer. The traditional way to produce low-cost products or services is to be large-scale supplier. If your company can produce products at a lower cost than your competition, you can then establish a selling price your rivals can't duplicate. To be the lowest-cost producer, you can try:

What are the different types of competitive advantage?

Intellectual property. Distribution network. There are six types of competitive advantage you can make use of: Differential: This advantage means you offer products with a more unique benefit than the competition, such as better quality or quicker service.

What is a business strategy?

A business can develop and implement strategies they think could help position their products ahead of the competition. For example, a hair and makeup business might focus on rebranding their products to make them stand out from the competition.

What is the advantage of McDonald's?

McDonald’s: McDonald’s main competitive advantage relies on a cost leadership strategy. The company is able to utilize economies of scale and produce products at a low cost and, as a result, offer products at a lower selling price than that of its competitors.

What are some examples of competitive advantage?

Examples of Competitive Advantage 1 Access to natural resources that are restricted from competitors 2 Highly skilled labor 3 A unique geographic location 4 Access to new or proprietary technology#N#Intangible Assets According to the IFRS, intangible assets are identifiable, non-monetary assets without physical substance. Like all assets, intangible assets 5 Ability to manufacture products at the lowest cost 6 Brand image recognition

What is Louis Vuitton's advantage?

Louis Vuitton: Louis Vuitton’s advantage relies on both differentiation and a differentiation-focus strategy. The company is able to be a leader in the luxury market and command premium prices through product uniqueness. Walmart: Walmart’s advantage relies on a cost leadership strategy.

Why is it important to understand other competitors?

Competitors: It is important for a company to understand other competitors in the competitive landscape. To construct a competitive advantage, a company must be able to detail the benefit that they provide to their target market in ways that other competitors cannot.

Why is competitive advantage important?

A competitive advantage distinguishes a company from its competitors. It contributes to higher prices, more customers, and brand loyalty. Establishing such an advantage is one of the most important goals of any company. In today’s world, it is essential to business success.

What is differentiation strategy?

Differentiation. In a differentiation strategy, a company’s products or services are differentiated from that of its competitors. This can be done by delivering high-quality products or services to customers or innovating products or services.

How can companies exploit economies of scale?

This is achieved through large-scale production, where companies can exploit economies of scale. If a company is able to utilize economies of scale and produce products at a cost lower than that of its competitors, the company is then able to establish a selling price that is unable to be replicated by other companies.

What Is a Competitive Advantage?

Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow a company to produce goods or services better or more cheaply than its rivals. These factors allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior margins compared to its market rivals. Competitive advantages are attributed to a variety of factors including cost structure, branding, the quality of product offerings, the distribution network, intellectual property, and customer service.

How can over increase their competitive advantage?

This can include strengthening one's brand, raising barriers to new entrants (such as through regulations), and the defense of intellectual property.

Why do larger companies tend to have competitive advantages?

This happens when a service becomes more valuable to all of its users as the service adds more users. The result can often be a winner-take-all dynamic in the industry.

How is competitive advantage different from comparative advantage?

It posits that a country should focus on what it can produce and export relatively the cheapest—thus if one country has a competitive advantage in producing both products A & B, it should only produce product A if it can do it better than B and import B from some other country.

What is the difference between competitive advantage and differential advantage?

Competitive advantages can be broken down into comparative advantages and differential advantages. Comparative advantage is a company's ability to produce something more efficiently than a rival, which leads to greater profit margins. A differential advantage is when a company's products are seen as both unique and of higher quality, ...

What is an example of a company focused on building and maintaining a comparative advantage?

In the context of international trade economics, opportunity cost determines comparative advantages. Amazon ( AMZN ) is an example of a company focused on building and maintaining a comparative advantage.

What is differential advantage?

A differential advantage is when a firm's products or services differ from its competitors' offerings and are seen as superior. Advanced technology, patent-protected products or processes, superior personnel, and strong brand identity are all drivers of differential advantage.

Why is distinctive competency important?

Distinctive competency should be explicitly defined to insure that it is profoundly understood, it should be protected from loss to competitors whether through trade secrets, intellectual property , or simply by making it such an integral component of an overall competitive business model that it cannot be replicated.

What is the success of a corporation?

The success of corporations is based on those of their capabilities that are distinctive. Companies with distinctive capabilities have attributes which others cannot replicate, and which others cannot replicate even after they realise the benefit they offer to the company which originally possesses them.

What is distinctive competency?

A distinctive competency is the basis for the development of an unassailable competitive advantage. The uniqueness differentiates this competency from all others, whether a core competency or simply a competency.

What is the opportunity for companies to sustain competitive advantage?

The opportunity for companies to sustain competitive advantage is determined by their capabilities. The capabilities of a company are of many kinds. For the purposes of strategy the key distinction is between distinctive capabilities and reproducible capabilities. Distinctive capabilities are those characteristics of a firm which cannot be ...

What is the dynamic environment?

In a dynamic environment, ultimately distinctive competencies, or the uniqueness of the value proposition produced using them, becomes less distinct or less unique. Therefore, in order to sustain advantage, competencies must be dynamic, evolving to more favorable forms in order to sustain advantage over the long haul.

Which company has a distinctive competency in lean manufacturing?

Toyota has a distinctive competency in lean manufacturing. GE has a distinctive competency in management development. These companies also have core competencies, core to their particular lines of business. They also have competencies necessary to operate their business but of not of strategic significance, such as payroll, the processes used to pay their employees. On the other hand, a company like ADP, which provides payroll and benefits services, certainly has payroll processing as a core competency, if not a distinctive competency.

What is dynamic capability?

Dynamic capability refers to the development of competencies, both in reaction to the environment and deliberately as part of learning and knowledge development. See dynamic capability for a perspective on the development of capability, i.e. competency. Distinctive competency should be explicitly defined to insure that it is profoundly understood, ...

How does competitive advantage work?

Three key factors can play a role in how a business might shape and develop its competitive advantage: an analysis of the target market, implementing strategies and monitoring progress and performance.

How does competitive advantage affect a business?

Developing a competitive advantage can require knowledge of the target market and how it affects the overall growth of a business. The biggest reason companies achieve a competitive advantage can be related to quality products, lower-priced goods and services or an otherwise unique selling point that piques the interest of a company's target market and can sustainably retain customers. A business can begin with analyzing their market for three key pieces of information:

What are the three factors that determine a business' competitive advantage?

Three key factors can play a role in how a business might shape and develop its competitive advantage: an analysis of the target market, implementing strategies and monitoring progress and performance. 1. Analyzing the market.

Why do companies have competitive advantage?

The biggest reason companies achieve a competitive advantage can be related to quality products, lower-priced goods and services or an otherwise unique selling point that piques the interest of a company's target market and can sustainably retain customers.

How does a business monitor its competitive advantage?

As a business operates over time, it can monitor the strategy of focus it uses to build its competitive advantage. For instance, a communication platform whose competitive advantage is its network effect might monitor the number of new users referred to the service through veteran subscribers. Monitoring this information can help the platform designers to create more incentives for users to sign up for their service, like referral programs or bonuses.

What is a focused advantage?

Businesses that have a focused advantage target predefined markets rather than one large market . The market-focused approach may use strategies that give information to a business about its target demographic, and the business then uses this information to better tailor its products or services to fulfill its market's needs. This is advantageous because companies can use this approach to building relationships with their customers by personalizing the market's purchasing experience.

What are some strategies a business can use to better position itself for a competitive advantage?

Some other strategies a business can approach to better position itself for a competitive advantage include: Differentiation strategies. Cost leadership strategies. Focused approaches.

What is competitive advantage?

Competitive advantage is a broad term that applies to anything that gives a firm an advantage over the competition. This can include economic advantages, relationships, processes and know-how.A distinctive capability is a competitive advantage that is based on a business capability such as innovation, marketing or design.

What is superior business capability?

Definition. A superior position or business capability that gives a firm an advantage over the competition. A superior business capability that competition find impossible to duplicate over an extended period of time.

What Is Distinctive Competence?

Distinctive competence refers to a superior characteristic, strength, or quality that distinguishes a company from its competitors. This distinctive quality can be just about anything—innovation, a skill, design, technology, name recognition, marketing, workforce, customer satisfaction, or even being first to market.

What are the advantages of distinctive competencies?

Distinctive competencies enable companies to: Increase competitive advantage. Improve customer delight and loyalty. Stand apart from competitors. Be difficult to imitate. Strengthen strategy. Distinctive competence isn’t set in stone, however. Changes and trends in the market will inevitably impact competencies.

What is core competence?

Core competence refers to anything that a company does well and is critical to a company’s value-generating activities and overall business performance. This characteristic isn’t necessarily distinctive, however. Likely all competitors in that particular market share the same core competence.

What is superior characteristic?

A superior characteristic that is unique, special, or differentiating for a company is a distinctive competence. Customers identify that unique characteristic solely with a particular company or brand and are drawn to that company–or remain loyal–because of it.

What is a competency in business?

Whatever it is that a company does well can be described as a competency. Companies need at least one to stay in business, and they often have more than one.

Is Google a distinctive competency?

In addition to name recognition, Google’s status as the most widely recognizable search engine serves as a distinctive competency.


Examples of Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantages come in many shapes and sizes. They include, but are not limited to, some of the following: 1. Access to natural resources not available to competitors 2. Highly skilled labor 3. Strong brand awareness 4. Access to new or proprietary technology 5. Price leadership
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Components of Competitive Advantage

  • For a competitive advantage to be established, it is important to know the following: 1. Value Proposition– A company must clearly identify the features or services that make it attractive to customers. It must offer real value in order to generate interest. 2. Target Market– A company must establish its target market to further engrain best practices that will maintain competitiven…
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Building A Competitive Advantage

  • Michael Porter, the famous Harvard Business School professor, identified three strategies for establishing a competitive advantage: Cost Leadership, Differentiation, and Focus (which includes both Cost Focus and Differentiation Focus).
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Competitive Advantage in The Marketplace

  • Three notable examples are: 1. Walmart:Walmart excels in a cost leadership strategy. The company offers “Always Low Prices” through economies of scale and the best available prices of a good. 2. Apple: Apple uses a differentiation strategy to appeal to its consumer base. It provides iconic designs, innovative technologies, and, therefore, highly sought-after products; this ensure…
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Importance of Competitive Advantage

  • A competitive advantage is what sets a business apart from its competitors. It is essential in order for a business to succeed, whether it’s by ensuring higher margins, attracting more customers, or achieving greater brand loyalty among existing customers. Higher margins, a better growth profile, and lower customer churn tend to also be very popular among both investors an…
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Video Explanation of Competitive Advantage

  • Watch this short video to quickly understand the main concepts covered in this guide, including the definition of competitive advantage and how companies create it using various business strategies.
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Other Resources

  • Thank you for reading CFI’s guide to Competitive Advantage. To keep learning and advancing your career, the following resources will be helpful: 1. Absolute Advantage 2. Opportunity Cost 3. Monopoly 4. Law of Supply
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What Is A Competitive Advantage?

Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow a company to produce goods or services better or more cheaply than its rivals. These factors allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior margins compared to its market rivals. Competitive advantages are attributed to a variety of factors including cost struct…
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Understanding Competitive Advantage

  • Competitive advantages generate greater value for a firm and its shareholders because of certain strengths or conditions. The more sustainable the competitive advantage, the more difficult it is for competitors to neutralize the advantage. The two main types of competitive advantages are comparative advantageand differential advantage.
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Competitive Advantage vs. Comparative Advantage

  • A firm's ability to produce a good or service more efficiently than its competitors, which leads to greater profit margins, creates a comparative advantage. Rational consumers will choose the cheaper of any two perfect substitutes offered. For example, a car owner will buy gasoline from a gas station that is 5 cents cheaper than other stations in the area. For imperfect substitutes, li…
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Competitive Advantage vs. Differential Advantage

  • A differential advantage is when a firm's products or services differ from its competitors' offerings and are seen as superior. Advanced technology, patent-protected products or processes, superior personnel, and strong brand identity are all drivers of differential advantage. These factors support wide margins and large market shares. Apple is famous for creating innovative product…
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