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what is galeazzi

by Mavis Funk Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

A Galeazzi fracture is a fracture of the middle to distal third of the radius associated with dislocation or subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ). Advances in radiography and fracture research have helped define, classify, and guide operative management.Jul 18, 2022

Full Answer

Why is it called Galeazzi fracture?

The Galeazzi fracture-dislocation is a fracture of the distal one-third of the radial shaft with an associated distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) dislocation. This injury was described first by Astley Cooper1 in 1826 and later named after Riccardo Galeazzi who published his series of cases in 1934.

What is Galeazzi fracture-dislocation?

Galeazzi fracture dislocations are a fracture of the distal one third of the radius shaft with a concomitant dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ). These injuries usually occur by axial loading on an outstretched arm with pronation or supination of the wrist which determines the angulation of the fracture.

How is Galeazzi fracture diagnosed?

The diagnosis of a Galeazzi fracture is confirmed on radiographic examination. Standard anteroposterior (AP) and true lateral forearm views are obtained, which must include an AP or a posteroanterior (PA) view, as well as a lateral view, of the wrist, along with AP and lateral views of the elbow.

How common is Galeazzi fracture?

A Galeazzi fracture-dislocation is a fracture of the body of the radius with an associated dislocation or subluxation of the distal radial ulnar joint (DRUJ). The Galeazzi fracture-dislocation is a rare injury occurring in approximately 6.8% of forearm fractures (Figures 1 and ​2).

What is difference between Monteggia and Galeazzi fracture dislocation?

According to Bado (3), Monteggia lesion includes radiohumeral dislocation associated with fracture of the ulna at any level. Galeazzi fracture is fracture of the distal radial shaft with DRUJ dislocation.

Which nerve is damaged in Galeazzi fracture?

Ulnar Nerve Injury as a Result of Galeazzi Fracture: A Case Report and Literature Review - PMC. The .

How is a Galeazzi fracture treated?

What Is the Treatment for a Galeazzi Fracture? A Galeazzi fracture is commonly treated by immobilizing the forearm with a cast. Children generally do better than adults with this treatment. Adults usually do not do well with immobilization.

How long does a Galeazzi fracture take to heal?

Expect a full recovery to take up to one year. There may be some lingering or occasional pain during this time. Tell your doctor about any pain or limitations in movement during your follow-up appointments.

What is Bennett fracture?

Bennett fracture is the most common fracture involving the base of the thumb. This fracture refers to an intraarticular fracture that separates the palmar ulnar aspect of the first metacarpal base from the remaining first metacarpal.

What is a Monteggia fracture?

The Monteggia fracture is a fracture of the proximal ulna associated with dislocation of the radial head. Monteggia fractures can be difficult to diagnose, and debilitating complications can occur if proper management is not instituted.

What is a Smith fracture?

A Smith fracture is a break to the end of the radius. The end part of the bone, which forms part of the wrist joint, is displaced or angled in the direction of the palm of the hand. Often, this injury occurs by a fall to the back of a flexed wrist but can occur in any fall to an outstretched hand.

What is nightstick fracture?

An isolated fracture of the ulnar shaft is defined as a nightstick fracture. The injury derives its name from the idea that a suspect struck with a police nightstick would hold his forearm above his face in a defensive posture when struck with a police baton, resulting in a fracture to the ulna.

What is Galeazzi and Monteggia fracture Mnemonic?

GRUesome MURder assists remembering which bone is firstly fractured and then secondly which is dislocated: G: Galeazzi R: radius fracture U: ulna dislocation. M: Monteggia U: ulna fracture R: radial head dislocation.

What is dinner fork deformity?

A dinner fork deformity, also known as a bayonet deformity, occurs as the result of a malunited distal radial fracture, usually a Colles fracture. The distal fragment is dorsally angulated, displaced and often also impacted.

What is a sugar tong splint?

Sugar-tong splints are used to stabilize injuries of the forearm and wrist by preventing forearm rotation and wrist motion. [3, 4] These splints may be used to maintain alignment of broken bones or to protect a patient's forearm or wrist after surgery.

What is nightstick fracture?

An isolated fracture of the ulnar shaft is defined as a nightstick fracture. The injury derives its name from the idea that a suspect struck with a police nightstick would hold his forearm above his face in a defensive posture when struck with a police baton, resulting in a fracture to the ulna.

What is a Galeazzi fracture?

A Galeazzi fracture is a rare type of forearm injury that involves a fracture of the distal third of the radius with dislocation or subluxation of...

What causes a Galeazzi fracture?

Galeazzi fracture-dislocations are generally caused by a fall on an outstretched arm. In most cases, the fall is a result of a high-energy trauma,...

How is a Galeazzi fracture diagnosed?

Diagnosis of a Galeazzi fracture begins with a detailed medical history and physical exam. Examination of the forearm may reveal tenderness, swelli...

How is a Galeazzi fracture treated?

In adults, Galeazzi fractures generally require surgical intervention by specialized orthopaedic surgeons to achieve good functional outcomes as Ga...

What are the most important facts to know about a Galeazzi fracture?

A Galeazzi fracture consists of a distal radius fracture with disruption of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ). The most common mechanism of injury...

What is a Galeazzi fracture?

A Galeazzi fracture is a rare type of forearm injury that involves a fracture of the distal third of the radius with dislocation or subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint, also known as DRUJ.

What are the most important facts to know about a Galeazzi fracture?

Signs and symptoms include pain, swelling, and deformity over the fracture site as well as instability with forearm rotation. Diagnosis is based on X-ray imaging, which confirms the radial fracture and disruption of the distal radioulnar joint. Because of the unstable nature of the fracture, treatment generally consists of surgery.

How is a Galeazzi fracture diagnosed?

Diagnosis of a Galeazzi fracture begins with a detailed medical history and physical exam. Examination of the forearm may reveal tenderness, swelling, and deformity over the fracture site as well as instability with forearm rotation (i.e., turning the palm upwards or downwards). In certain cases, the displaced ulna may press onto the ulnar nerve, resulting in associated nerve injury that may be felt as a burning, numb, or tingling sensation in the arm or hand.

Do Galeazzi fractures require surgery?

In adults, Galeazzi fractures generally require surgical intervention by specialized orthopaedic surgeons to achieve good functional outcomes as Galeazzi fractures are very unstable and tend to have poorer results with more conservative methods (e.g., closed reduction and cast immobilization).

Can a Galeazzi fracture be treated with an elbow cast?

On the other hand, most Galeazzi fractures in children can be treated conservatively with closed reduction (i.e., realignment of the broken bone by manipulation under anesthesia without a surgical intervention) followed by immobilization with an elbow cast. Young adults are more likely to need open or percutaneous (i.e., through the skin) fixation to stabilize the DRUJ after reduction.

What Causes a Galeazzi Fracture?

Blunt trauma is what typically causes a Galeazzi fracture. Whether you're in a car crash or experience a fall, if you stretch out your arm for protection just before impact, you increase the risk of fracturing a bone in your arm or wrist. You also risk dislocation of the ulna at the DRUJ.

How Is a Galeazzi Fracture Diagnosed?

A Galeazzi fracture is diagnosed through a physical exam and an X-ray. If you have this type of fracture, your forearm may be bruised and appear twisted. You'll also experience pain in the injured area with possible radiation to the other parts of the arm and hand.

What Bones Are Affected in a Galeazzi Fracture?

Composed of the radius and the ulnar bone s, the forearm is very important for day-to-day functioning, allowing for movements called pronation and supination.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Galeazzi Fracture?

Rehab usually lasts from six to eight weeks.

Signs and symptoms

Pain and soft-tissue swelling are present at the distal-third radial fracture site and at the wrist joint. This injury is confirmed on radiographic evaluation. Forearm trauma may be associated with compartment syndrome.


The dislocation of ulnar head in Galeazzi fracture dislocation may be dorsal (commoner) or volar (rare) depending on the mechanism of injury. If the fall is on the outstretched hand with forearm in pronation, the dislocation is dorsal, and if forearm is in supination at the time of injury, the dislocation is volar.


Galeazzi fractures are best treated with open reduction of the radius and the distal radio-ulnar joint. It has been called the "fracture of necessity," because it necessitates open surgical treatment in the adult. Nonsurgical treatment results in persistent or recurrent dislocations of the distal ulna.


Galeazzi fractures account for 3-7% of all forearm fractures. They are seen most often in males. Although Galeazzi fracture patterns are reportedly uncommon, they are estimated to account for 7% of all forearm fractures in adults. They are associated with a fall on an outstretched arm.


The Galeazzi fracture is named after Ricardo Galeazzi (1866–1952), an Italian surgeon at the Instituto de Rachitici in Milan, who described the fracture in 1934. However, it was first described in 1842 by Cooper, 92 years before Galeazzi reported his results.

An Overview of a Galeazzi Fracture

In a Galeazzi fracture, the distal part of the radius is broken. This means that the fracture in the radius takes place in the part of the wrist that is closer to the hand. In addition, the joint that connects the radius and ulna at the distal end (called the distal radioulnar joint) is also dislocated.

How Does a Galeazzi Fracture Occur?

A Galeazzi fracture can be encountered in individuals of any age ranging from children to adults. The primary mechanism of this injury is a fall onto a hand that has been outstretched. When someone falls, they typically extend their arms to protect their chest and abdomen from injury.

Diagnosis of a Forearm Fracture

If someone presents with pain to their forearm following a traumatic accident, the doctor will probably order an x-ray series. In order to make a diagnosis of this fracture, an x-ray of the forearm taken from multiple views will be needed.

Treatment and Recovery

Once the diagnosis has been made, the treatment process can begin. Unfortunately, these fractures are almost universally unstable. This means that the bone fragments are free to move around and might lead to serious complications. To avoid this, these fractures are corrected using surgery.

Personal Injury Lawyers in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer. A Galeazzi fracture is a significant break of the forearm which can lead to substantial complications.

What is a Galeazzi fracture?

A Galeazzi-equivalent fracture is a distal radial fracture with a distal ulnar physeal fracture 2.

How often is ulnar physeal arrest seen in Galeazzi-equivalent fracture?

In Galeazzi-equivalent fractures, ulnar physeal arrest is frequent, seen in 55% of cases.


1.Galeazzi Fracture: Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery, and …


26 hours ago A Galeazzi fracture is a rare type of forearm injury that involves a fracture of the distal third of the radius with dislocation or subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint, also known as DRUJ.

2.Galeazzi fracture: What is it, Diagnosis, and More | Osmosis


10 hours ago A Galeazzi fracture is a fracture of the middle to distal third of the radius. It also involves the dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), which is located in between the radius and ...

3.How Does a Galeazzi Fracture Happen? - WebMD


4 hours ago The Galeazzi fracture is a fracture of the distal third of the radius with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint. It classically involves an isolated fracture of the junction of the distal third and …

4.Galeazzi test - Wikipedia


17 hours ago  · A Galeazzi fracture is a significant break in the forearm. Often called a Galeazzi fracture -dislocation, those who have been diagnosed with this injury might be facing a long …

5.Videos of What Is Galeazzi


30 hours ago  · A Galeazzi-equivalent fracture is a distal radial fracture with a distal ulnar physeal fracture 2. Epidemiology... Galeazzi fracture-dislocations consist of a fracture of the distal part …

6.Galeazzi fracture - Wikipedia


19 hours ago A Galeazzi fracture is a fracture of the middle to distal third of the radius associated with dislocation or subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ).

7.A Galeazzi Fracture is a Serious Injury of the Forearm


34 hours ago  · A Galeazzi Fracture occurs as a result of a series of fractures or broken bones at the meeting point of the distal third and middle third of the radius along with dislocation of the …

8.Galeazzi fracture-dislocation | Radiology Reference …


25 hours ago

9.Galeazzi Fracture: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, …


34 hours ago

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