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what is life process with example

by Hilma Reichert Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

five examples of life processes

  • Physiological process, those processes specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, limbs, and organisms.
  • Reproduction
  • Digestion
  • Response to stimulus: (in terms of movement impulses, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc). ...

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The basic processes of life include organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movements, and reproduction. In humans, who represent the most complex form of life, there are additional requirements such as growth, differentiation, respiration, digestion, and excretion. All of these processes are interrelated.

Full Answer

What is an example of life processes in biology?

Life processes. Many things that appear to be one organism are in fact several living together. An example is lichen. Lichen is a symbiosis between a blue-green alga e and fungi. Organisms that live together may not reproduce together, but their life processes bound up together. They help each other to live.

What is the life process?

The Life Process as the name suggests, pertains to the processes going on during life. All the processes going on in a living organism is termed as a life process. A living organism undergoes many life processes like nutrition, respiration, digestion, transportation, excretion, circulation of blood, and reproduction.

What are the essential life processes?

Life processes are regarded as the processes which are required for maintaining bodily functions and are required for survival. The essential life processes include nutrition, metabolism, transportation, reproduction, excretion, and respiration. They work together and result in the overall growth and development of the organism.

What are the 6 processes of life?

Life Processes. Altogether there are six life processes which predict the condition of life. The important life processes are nutrition, transportation, metabolism, respiration, reproduction, and excretion.


What is life process give examples?

The basic essential activities performed by an organism to withstand its life are called as life processes. These include nutrition, respiration, circulation, excretion and reproduction. Organisms obtain energy from food to perform these life processes which are essential for survival.

What is life process give Example Class 10?

The basic function performed by living organism to maintain their life are called life processes. Respiration is the biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy by combining oxygen and glucose, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.

What is life process explain?

Life processes are the series of actions, such as movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition that are essential for a living being to sustain.

What is life process Class 8?

It is a process in which a small bulblike cellular outgrowth is formed from the cell called bud. It is a process of dividing an organism into equal halves....Artery and Vein.ArteryVeinIt carries away blood away from the heart to different body organ.It carries blood from body organ to heart.3 more rows

What is life processes Class 10 short answer?

All living things are called organisms and an organism being living or non-living depends on 7 life processes. Various functions carried out by living beings; which are necessary to maintain and continue life are called life processes.

What is life process Wikipedia?

Biological life cycle, the sequence of life stages that an organism undergoes from birth to reproduction ending with the production of the offspring. Life-cycle hypothesis, in economics. Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, in psychoanalysis.

What are life processes explain the importance of life process?

Answer: Biological life processes are the activities that an organism performs to survive. These are the basic activities that have to be done in order for an organism to survive- These include nutrition, excretion, respiration, movement, reproduction, response to external stimuli, growth and movement.

Which is the most important life process?

Expert-verified answer question Respiration: Every living organism needs oxygen for survial. ... Nutrition: To sustain a healthy life, all the important nutrients should be given to our body. Excretion: It is important to dispose off the waste that is created by our bodies. Growth. Movement. Reproduction.More items...•

1.What are life processes?

All living organisms possess specific characteristics which differentiate them from non-living things. These characteristics are essential and play...

2. What is the importance of life processes?

Life processes are regarded as the processes which are required for maintaining bodily functions and are required for survival. The essential life...

3.What are the key concepts covered in life processes?

The key concepts taught in life processes are – Nutrition, autotrophic, heterotrophic nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion both in hum...

4.Explain the two types of respiration?

The Two different types of respiration or aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration is basically the respiration that take...

What do you understand by life processes?

The basic important activities performed by an organism to withstand life are called life processes. These help an organism in maintenance and surv...

What are the different life processes in human beings?

The different life processes in human beings include-nutrition, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, metabolism and transportation. The...

Which life processes can be observed in plants?

The life processes carried out in plants are slightly different from those observed in animals. The life processes in plants include- nutrition, tr...

What is the importance of life processes?

Life processes are important to carry out daily life activities. They help to produce energy and maintain homeostasis in the body. The life process...

What are the common life processes in both plants and animals?

The common life processes in plants and animals include- respiration, growth, nutrition, transportation, reproduction and excretion. These are carr...

How does respiration help in carrying out life processes?

The process of respiration utilizes food to produce energy. It oxidizes carbohydrates to produce energy. The energy released is stored in the form...

What are some examples of life processes?

five examples of life processes 1 Physiological process, those processes specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, limbs, and organisms. 2 Reproduction 3 Digestion 4 Response to stimulus: (in terms of movement impulses, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc). In animals, this is mainly the function of the nervous system. 5 Other processes: cell growth, cellular differentiation, fermentation, fertilisation, germination, tropism, hybridisation, metamorphosis, morphogenesis, photosynthesis, transpiration.

What is the main idea of living organisms?

Living organisms are open systems. The main idea is that the processes serve to keep them alive by homeostasis. They are always changing, but always staying within certain limits as long as they live.

What are some examples of organisms that live together?

Many things that appear to be one organism are in fact several living together. An example is lichen. Lichen is a symbiosis between a blue-green alga e and fungi. Organisms that live together may not reproduce together, but their life processes bound up together. They help each other to live.

How do living organisms respond to stimuli?

Living organisms interact with their environment, which includes members of the same and other species. Living organisms have a metabolism: they take in food which they then convert as energy to perform their daily or day to day activities.

What are the molecules that make up life?

All life processes on Earth use the chemistry of carbon compounds. In particular, all life uses long-chain molecules such as proteins and nucleic acid. With water, which is essential, the long molecules are wrapped inside membranes to form cells. This is true of all known life.

Do living organisms reproduce?

Living organisms reproduce: they give birth to others of the same species, in order to continue their ancestral living. This is not true of all individual organisms. In eusocial organisms, some castes cannot reproduce. But, since the sterile workers are all the produce of a single queen, they are one collective.

What are the life processes?

Important life processes include nutrition, transportation, metabolism, respiration, reproduction and excretion, which help in the maintenance of living organisms. The topic of life processes had been discussed in several classes. Life processes Class 10 is a detailed version of different processes carried out by plants and animals.

Why are life processes important?

Life processes are important to carry out daily life activities. They help to produce energy and maintain homeostasis in the body. The life processes help a body survive with the changes in the environment. A slight disturbance in any of the life processes disturbs the entire functioning of the body.

What is the process of obtaining energy from food?

Nutrition is the process where an entity takes food and utilizes it for energy. It is a pivotal biological process that helps living beings to obtain their energy from various sources. Nutrients are the substances which provide nutrition based on body requirements. Mode of nutrition varies from one species to another.

What are the processes of life in plants and animals?

The common life processes in plants and animals include- respiration, growth, nutrition, transportation, reproduction and excretion. These are carried out by all the plants and animals, digestion being an exception.

What is the process of respiration?

Animals have a well-defined respiratory system for respiration. In the process of respiration, glucose is broken down to extract energy.

What are the basic activities of an organism?

They are necessary for survival. These basic essential activities performed by an organism are called life processes. Important life processes include nutrition, transportation, metabolism, respiration, reproduction and excretion, which help in the maintenance of living organisms.

What are the basic functions of life on Earth?

There are certain basic vital processes, which are essential for an organism to stay healthy and to maintain the proper functioning of the body’s organ systems. They are necessary for survival. These basic essential activities performed by an organism are called life processes.

What is the introduction to life processes?

Introduction to Life Processes: The planet on which we live comprises living things and non-living things. Interactions between the living and non- living are essential to maintain the ecological balance on the Earth. But, How do we know that certain things are living ...

What are the main life processes performed by every living being to ensure its survival on the Earth?

The functioning of different organs and organs systems that support the life of organisms are called life processes. Nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion, reproduction are the main life processes performed by every living being to ensure its survival on the Earth.

How do organisms excrete waste?

Simple and unicellular organisms excrete their wastes through the body surface. If the metabolic wastes get accumulated in the body, it slows down the other life processes and hence adversely affects the health of living beings.

What is the importance of respiration in life?

Respiration is essential to provide energy to each and every cell for performing vital activities.

What is the term for the vital functions of living organisms that are necessary for the maintenance and continuation of life?

Definition: Life Processes are the vital functions of living organisms that are necessary for the maintenance and continuation of life. Physiology is the branch of biology that is concerned with the life processes of an organism and the functions of different organs and tissues.

What is transportation in organisms?

Transportation in Organisms. Complex organisms like plants and humans have highly organised body structures. Each cell requires food, oxygen, and water for its vital activities, and hence leads to the life sustainability of an organism. Oxygen, water, food, and other substances may be picked up at one end of the body.

What is the process of reproduction?

This process ensures the continuity of life on Earth. Based on the parents involved, reproduction is of two types, namely, asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction involves either of the parents for the production of offspring.

Life Processes

Living creatures must keep repairing and maintaining their structures all the time which might break down due to environmental effects. Since all these structures are made up of molecules, they must move molecules around all the time.


Nutrition is a process of intake and utilization of nutrients by an organism as an energy source or for biosynthesis of body constituents. It is a process to transfer a source of energy from outside the body of the organism, which we call food, to the inside. Different organisms use different kinds of nutritional processes.


The bio-catalysts used by the heterotrophs for the break down of complex substances into simpler ones before they can be used for the upkeep and growth of the body are called enzymes.


The process of acquiring oxygen from outside the body, and to use it in the process of break-down of food sources for cellular needs, is called respiration.

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

These are some of the most common chemical means to break-down molecules. For this, many organisms use oxygen sourced from outside the body.


In multi-cellular organisms, simple diffusion will not meet the oxygen requirements. Since the food and oxygen are now taken up at one place in the body of the organisms, while all parts of the body need them, this creates a need for a transportation system for carrying food and oxygen from one place to another in the body.


The biological process of removal of excess or toxic wastes from the body is called excretion. When chemical reactions use the carbon source and the oxygen for energy generation, they create by¬products that are not only useless for the cells of the body, but could even be harmful.

What are the stages of life?

In general, the life cycles of plants and animals have three basic stages including a fertilized egg or seed, immature juvenile, and adult.

What is the definition of a life cycle?

These stages are called a life cycle. A life cycle is defined as the developmental stages that occur during an organism's lifetime.

How do salmon live?

Salmon have a complex life cycle comprised of 6 main stages. Salmon begin their life in a stream as a fertilized egg. Once the eggs hatch, they are infant salmon called alevin. Upon leaving their nest, they become juvenile fish called fry. As they grow larger, fry start to swim toward the ocean and become smolt.

How long does it take for an organism to complete its life cycle?

The time it takes for an organism to complete its life cycle is called a life span. The life span of organisms ranges from weeks to thousands of years. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Create your account.

What are the stages of a flowering plant?

Flowering plants have a simple life cycle comprised of three main stages, a seed, seedling, and a mature plant. A germinated seed sprouts into an immature seedling. Over time, the seedling will develop into a mature, reproducing adult where it will produce flowers and seeds.

When does the life cycle end?

A life cycle ends when an organism dies. In general, plants and animals go through three basic stages in their life cycles, starting as a fertilized egg or seed, developing into an immature juvenile, and then finally transforming into an adult. During the adult stage, an organism will reproduce, giving rise to the next generation.

How long does it take for a human to enter the life cycle?

Then after 40 weeks in utero an infant is born. Infancy is considered from birth until approximately one year of age. After one year a human enters the next stage of its life cycle, childhood . Childhood lasts until puberty.


Common Types of Life Processes

There are the following life processes or physiological activities that are performed by living beings. Knowing these types of life processes are essential to understanding what are life processes: 1. Nutrition 2. Respiration 3. Transportation 4. Excretion 5. Reproduction 6. Growth Practice Exam Questions
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Importance of Life Processes

  • Life processes are of great importance in sustaining life on the planet. The major significance of different life processes are described below: 1. Nutrition in living organisms promotes a healthy and disease-free life by maintaining the proper functioning of different organs and organ systems. 2. Respiration is essential to provide energy to each and every cell for performing vital activities. …
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  • Living organisms exhibit various characteristics which distinguish them from non-living things. The overall functioning of different body organs and organ systems contribute to the survival of life. The functioning of different organs and organs systems that support the life of organisms are called life processes. Nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion, reproduction are the main li…
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  • Q.1: What is life, and what are life processes? Ans:Life is described as certain aspects of living beings that separate them from dead matter. The functions that are essential to maintain life are called life processes. Q.2: What are the five examples of life process? Ans:Nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion, and reproduction are the e...
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27 hours ago five examples of life processes Other processes: cell growth, cellular differentiation, fermentation, fertilisation, germination, tropism, hybridisation, metamorphosis, morphogenesis, photosynthesis, transpiration.

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24 hours ago The essential life processes include nutrition, metabolism, transportation, reproduction, excretion, and respiration. They work together and result in the overall growth and development of the organism. Nutrition, for example, is the process through which nutrients are used by the cells for meeting their respective needs.

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25 hours ago five examples of life processes. Physiological process, those processes specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, limbs, and organisms. Reproduction. Digestion. Response to stimulus: (in terms of movement impulses, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc).

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24 hours ago  · The common life processes in plants and animals include- respiration, growth, nutrition, transportation, reproduction and excretion. These are carried out by all the plants and animals, digestion being an exception.

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26 hours ago All the processes going on in a living organism is termed as a life process. A living organism undergoes many life processes like nutrition, respiration, digestion, transportation, excretion, circulation of blood, and reproduction. It also includes the life processes of unicellular and multicellular organisms. Every organism is different from other organisms and the life process …

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