Knowledge Builders

what is meant by the learning cycle

by Ronaldo Blick Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Learning Cycle is the process through which students acquire the knowledge base. The Cycle guides learning on different levels, starting with an awareness of information and continuing until students can utilize new information in their own teaching experiences.

Full Answer

What does learning cycle mean?

The learning cycle is a sequential process for both learning and instruction. It places focus on a series of steps that encourage a more thorough understanding and a deeper application of content. The learning cycle gives teachers a process for instruction while giving students a formula for learning.

What are the four stages of the learning cycle?

  • Converger (abstract conceptualization/active experimentation)
  • Diverger (concrete experience/reflective observation)
  • Assimilator (abstract conceptualization/reflective observation)
  • Accommodator (concrete experience/active experimentation)

What are the steps of the learning cycle?

What are the steps of learning process?

  1. Assess readiness to learn. Students need various skills and attitudes towards learning for successful independent study. …
  2. Set learning goals. …
  3. Engage in the learning process. …
  4. Evaluate learning.

What does the learning cycle consist of?

The learning cycle has four phases: Engage, in which a student's interest is captured and the topic is established. Explore, in which the student is allowed to construct knowledge in the topic through facilitated questioning and observation.


What is learning cycle in learning and development?

The cycle consists of four steps: The concrete learning experience (feeling) Reflective observation (watching) Abstract conceptualization (thinking)

What are the three steps of the learning cycle?

The Learning Cycle is divided into three major phases known as Exploration, Invention, and Application (sometimes called Discovery).

What is part of the learning cycle?

Kolb's experiential learning cycle concept divides the learning process into a cycle of four basic theoretical components: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.

What are the 4 steps of the learning cycle?

Toolbox - Kolb's Four Stages of Learning Concrete Experience (CE): feeling. Reflective Observation (RO): watching. Abstract Conceptualization (AC): thinking.

What are the different learning cycles?

The four learning styles are: Diverging (preference for feeling and watching – CE/RO) Assimilating (preference for thinking and watching – AC/RO) Converging (preference for thinking and doing – AC/AE) Accommodating (preference for feeling and doing – CE/AE)

How many cycles are in learning?

The three-phase learning cycle—exploration, concept development, and expansion—was derived from Piaget's model of mental functioning (i.e., assimilation, disequilibration, accommodation, and organization).

What do you think is the most important learning cycle?

The Kolb learning cycle One of the most important ideas behind the learning cycle is that learning does not happen simply by doing. Most learning happens afterwards, as a result of reflecting on the experience, concluding, and planning what to do next.

What action begins the cycle of learning?

Concrete Experience The first stage of the learning cycle entails a concrete introduction to a situation or problem which forms the basis for a new learning experience.

Who created the learning cycle?

David KolbDavid Kolb published his learning styles model in 1984 from which he developed his learning style inventory. Kolb's experiential learning theory works on two levels: a four-stage cycle of learning and four separate learning styles. Much of Kolb's theory is concerned with the learner's internal cognitive processes.

What are the 3 things involved in learning?

Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

How is learning acquired in 3 types?

Each stage of learning is crucial in its own way. The 3 stages of learning—cognitive learning, associative learning, and autonomous learning—are proven to be successful. If you combine and use them as a progressive way to acquire knowledge and skills, you can become a lifelong learner and always learn at your own pace.

What is the learning cycle?

Learning cycle. A learning cycle is a concept of how people learn from experience. A learning cycle will have a number of stages or phases, the last of which can be followed by the first.

What are the different stages of the learning cycle?

Honey and Mumford gave names (also called learning styles) to the people who prefer to enter the cycle at different stages: Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist.

How does Kolb integrate learning styles?

Kolb integrated this learning cycle with a theory of learning styles, wherein each style prefers two of the four parts of the cycle. The cycle is quadrisected by a horizontal and vertical axis. The vertical axis represents how knowledge can be grasped, through concrete experience or through abstract conceptualization, or by a combination of both. The horizontal axis represents how knowledge is transformed or constructed through reflective observation or active experimentation. These two axes form the four quadrants that can be seen as four stages: concrete experience (CE), reflective observation (RO), abstract conceptualization (AC) and active experimentation (AE) and as four styles of learning: diverging, assimilating, converging and accommodating. The concept of learning styles has been criticised, see Learning styles § Criticism .

What are the elements of experiential learning?

Fry developed the experiential learning model (ELM), composed of four elements: Concrete experience. Observation of and reflection on that experience. Formation of abstract concepts based upon the reflection. Testing the new concepts.

What is engaged in a student?

Engage, in which a student's interest is captured and the topic is established.

Who developed Kolb and Fry's ideas into slightly different learning cycle?

Honey and Mumford. Peter Honey and Alan Mumford developed Kolb and Fry's ideas into slightly different learning cycle. The stages are: While the cycle can be entered at any of the four stages, a cycle must be completed to give learning that will change behaviour.

Who developed the Accelerated Learning Cycle?

In the 1990s, Alistair Smith developed the Accelerated Learning Cycle, also for use in teaching. The phases are:

What is the learning cycle?

Learning can be defined as the acquisition of abstract concepts that can be applied in real life situations. Experience plays an important role in this learning process. The learning cycle of Kolb was developed in 1984 by David Kolb and shows how an effective experiential learning process can be designed. The cycle consists of four steps:

What are the two learning cycles in Magic Circle?

G. Klabbers (2009), in this game approach we actually have two learning cycles: the macro and micro cycle . The macro cycle is the Kolb learning cycle as described above. But there is also another one, the micro cycle. The micro cycle occurs during the experience within the business simulation and within the team you play the game. In this cycle the team members play a round in the simulation. The cycle consists again of four steps:

What is the micro cycle in Magic Circle?

Klabbers (2009), in this game approach we actually have two learning cycles: the macro and micro cycle. The macro cycle is the Kolb learning cycle as described above. But there is also another one, the micro cycle. The micro cycle occurs during the experience within the business simulation and within the team you play the game. In this cycle the team members play a round in the simulation. The cycle consists again of four steps:

How many times does a team go through a training cycle?

A training is typically designed to go through this cycle three to six times . Every cycle a new topic or learning objective can be highlighted and a new round in the simulation will be played.

What is diverging learning style?

The diverging learning style, combining watch and feel. People with this learning style are good in idea generation and brainstorming. They have a broad interest, are open minded and like to work in groups.

What is the learning cycle?

The Learning Cycle indicates that it is not sufficient just to have an experience in order to learn. The cycle suggest is also necessary to reflect on the experience then to make generalizations and formulate concepts which can then be applied to new and different situations. The concepts must then be tested in new situations ...

What is the first stage of the learning cycle?

The first stage of the learning cycle entails a concrete introduction to a situation or problem which forms the basis for a new learning experience.

How does the cycle begin?

The cycle begins with a concrete situation which we experience. Kolb believes we then consciously reflects on this experience and what it means. After we reflect on the experience, we then begin to understand what is to be learned from the experience and attempt to conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed. He suggests we then attempt to apply what we learned by creating an experiment. By actively performing an experiment which is a concrete experience, the forth stage leads back into the first stage and continues around the cycle. The learner must make the link between the theory and action by planning, acting out, reflecting and relating it back to the theory.

What is the third stage of learning?

In the third stage, the learner begins to understand the general concept of which their concrete experience was an example.

What are the styles of learning?

These styles are: assimilators, who learn better when presented with sound logical theories to consider. convergers, who learn better when provided with practical applications of concepts and theories.

What is David Kolb's theory of learning?

David Kolb’s learning theory is based on a four-stage learning cycle. Kolb believes that as we learn something we go through a learning cycle. Kolb’s four-stage learning cycle shows how experience is translated through reflection into concepts, which in turn are used as guides for active experimentation and the choice of new experiences.

What is the learning cycle?

As an instructional model, the learning cycle provides the active learning experiences recommended by the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). The learning cycle used in these lesson plans follows Bybee's (1997) five steps of Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation.

What is the role of the teacher in the learning cycle?

The teacher gives students new information that extends what they have been learning in the earlier parts of the learning cycle. At this stage the teacher also poses problems that students solve by applying what they have learned. The problems include both examples and non-examples.

What is the purpose of engagement in teaching?

The purpose of engagement is to: Focus students' attention on the topic. Pre-assess what students' prior knowledge. Inform the students about the lesson's objective (s).

How to engage students in a lesson?

The purpose of engagement is to: 1 Focus students' attention on the topic. 2 Pre-assess what students' prior knowledge. 3 Inform the students about the lesson's objective (s). 4 Remind students of what they already know that they will need to apply to learning the topic at hand. 5 Pose a problem for the students to explore in the next phase of the learning cycle.

Is knowledge and learning closely intertwined?

This paper suggests that knowledge and learning are closely intertwined. An overview of some of the key differences between the respective concepts of the learning organisation and knowledge management forms a basis for exploring the link between these two concepts. Both concepts are under evolution. A model that contributes to the formation of an ontology for analytic discussion, and...

Is the learning cycle a transmission model?

Numerous studies have shown that the learning cycle as a model of instruction is far superior to transmission models in which students are passive receivers of knowledge from their teacher (Bybee, 1997). As an instructional model, the learning cycle provides the active learning experiences recommended by the National Science Education Standards ...

Is evaluation the last step in the learning cycle?

Evaluation is not the last step. Evaluation occurs in all four parts of the learning cycle. The description of each part of the learning cycle draws extensively from Smith's work.

6.1 The Learning Cycle

As previously mentioned the focus will be on adult learning within a learning organization. This concept is a rich experience, given tat a university can have a diverse range of adults taking classes at any time. Diversity is seen with age, gender, experience, and education level.


The concept of preparation relates to the student’s readiness. Within an institution or organization, preparation is the individual’s readiness to pursue knowledge within a class, semester, or program.


What comes to mind often is the simile of the sponge. When absorbing knowledge, the student is the sponge and the water is the knowledge getting absorbed. Keep in mind that the sponge has the ability not to only absorb water, but to absorb a host of liquids (coffee, soup etc.) as well.


When absorbing material, sometimes it does not stay in the sponge and leaks out. This is where capturing comes in, and relates to the re-interpretation of knowledge for better understanding and contextualization. For leaders and managers within learning organizations, consistent review and process is done on a daily basis.


Going over all of the information from absorption to capturing is important to fully grasp a concept and to gain full understanding. Once this is done, the student should be able to identify, describe and contextualize a piece of knowledge. This is referred to as reviewing.

How Memory Works

The concept of learning is closely tied to memory and retention of relevant learning materials. Memory works in two ways: short-term memory and long-term memory . Memory in the short term is the active approach to memorization, and focuses on learning in the moment.

Continue reading about the ELC..

Erika Petrelli is the Senior Vice President of Leadership Development (and self-declared Minister of Mischief) for The Leadership Program, a New York City-based organization. With a Masters degree in Secondary Education, Erika has been in the field of teaching and training for decades, and has been with The Leadership Program since 1999.

By Erika Petrelli

Erika Petrelli is the Senior Vice President of Leadership Development (and self-declared Minister of Mischief) for The Leadership Program, a New York City-based organization. With a Masters degree in Secondary Education, Erika has been in the field of teaching and training for decades, and has been with The Leadership Program since 1999.



A learning cycle is a concept of how people learn from experience. A learning cycle will have a number of stages or phases, the last of which can be followed by the first.

John Dewey

In 1933, John Dewey described five phases or aspects of reflective thought:
In between, as states of thinking, are (1) suggestions, in which the mind leaps forward to a possible solution; (2) an intellectualization of the difficulty or perplexity that has been felt (directly experienced) into a problem to be solved, a question for which the answer must be sought; (3) the use of one suggestion after another as a leading idea, or hypothesis, to initiate and guide observ…

Kurt Lewin

In the 1940s, Kurt Lewin developed action research and described a cycle of:
1. Planning
2. Action
3. Fact finding, about the result of the action
Lewin particularly highlighted the need for fact finding, which he felt was missing from much of …

In the 1940s, Kurt Lewin developed action research and described a cycle of:
1. Planning
2. Action
3. Fact finding, about the result of the action
Lewin particularly highlighted the need for fact finding, which he felt was missing from much of …

Kolb and Fry

In the early 1970s, David A. Kolb and Ronald E. Fry developed the experiential learning model (ELM), composed of four elements:
1. Concrete experience
2. Observation of and reflection on that experience
3. Formation of abstract concepts based upon the reflection

Honey and Mumford

In the 1980s, Peter Honey and Alan Mumford developed Kolb and Fry's ideas into slightly different learning cycle. The stages are:
1. Doing something, having an experience
2. Reflecting on the experience
3. Concluding from the experience, developing a theory


In the late 1980s, the 5E learning cycle was developed by Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, specifically for use in teaching science. The learning cycle has four phases:
1. Engage, in which a student's interest is captured and the topic is established.
2. Explore, in which the student is allowed to construct knowledge in the topic through facilitated questioning and observation.

Alistair Smith

In the 1990s, Alistair Smith developed the accelerated learning cycle, also for use in teaching. The phases are:
1. Create the supportive learning environment – safe but stimulating
2. Connect the learning – useful knowledge we already have


In the 2000s, Fred Korthagen and Angelo Vasalos (and others) developed the ALACT model, specifically for use in personal development. The five phases of the ALACT cycle are:
1. Action
2. Looking back on the action
3. Aspects of essential awareness

1.Videos of What is Meant By The Learning Cycle


19 hours ago The Learning Cycle is the process through which students acquire the knowledge base. The Cycle guides learning on different levels, starting with an awareness of information and continuing until students can utilize new information in their own teaching experiences. What are the 4 steps of the learning cycle?

2.Learning cycle - Wikipedia


2 hours ago Originally developed in an elementary science program called the Science Curriculum Improvement Study, the learning cycle (LC) teaching approach involves students in an active learning process modeled on four elements of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development: physical experience, referring to the biological growth of the central nervous system; social …

3.The learning cycle: Kolb’s model - Inchainge


20 hours ago The Learning Cycle is a model for professional learning that undergirds most of the partnerships in which INSPIRE engages. This model is an outgrowth of the research and practice of UW College of Education faculty as well as faculty and practitioners from other institutions. It's use has been evolving over the past 15 years in pre-service teacher education methods courses and in …

4.Learning cycle - kolb learning styles - The Peak …


13 hours ago  · This phase of the planning cycle involves educators putting their plans in action in ways that would meet children’s learning outcomes according to approved learning frameworks. The implementation would address children’s learning routines, transitions, interactions, indoor and outdoor environments, group projects and investigations.

5.learning cycle : The University of Akron, Ohio


3 hours ago

6.6.1 The Learning Cycle – Leadership and Management in …


36 hours ago

7.experiential learning cycle explained - Leadership Program


32 hours ago

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