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what is non pharmacological pain management

by Omer Gutkowski Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Non-Pharmacological Pain Management

  1. Introduction. Physical (sensory) interventions typically are patient-specific and inhibit nociceptive input and pain perception.
  2. Physical (sensory) interventions. Pain can complicate the patient condition as it can elevate stress, altering posture, and reduce one’s ability to participate in daily activity [1].
  3. Psychological interventions. ...
  4. Others. ...

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Non-pharmacological pain management is the management of pain without medications. This method utilizes ways to alter thoughts and focus concentration to better manage and reduce pain.

What is non pharmaceutical pain management?

What other therapies may help control pain?

  • Relaxation techniques can help you relax, relieve stress, and decrease pain. ...
  • Guided imagery teaches you to imagine a picture in your mind. ...
  • Music may help increase energy levels and improve your mood. ...
  • Biofeedback helps your body respond differently to the stress of being in pain. ...

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What is non - opioid pain management?

  • Therapies Acupuncture Cold and heat Exercise and movement Massages Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Therapy
  • Medications Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) Anesthetics Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (e.g., Aspirin, Ibuprofen)
  • High-tech treatments using radio waves and electrical signals.

How to manage chronic pain effectively?

Three ways you can help safely manage your pain:

  • Work with your doctor to make and follow a plan
  • Set realistic goals to return to an activity that pain prevents you from doing
  • Choose low risk pain relief options

How can chronic pain be managed?

Your healthcare provider may recommend certain medications to relieve chronic pain, including:

  • Anticonvulsants (medications that prevent seizures) for nerve pain.
  • Antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Corticosteroid.
  • Muscle relaxers.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen.
  • Topical products (applied to the skin) that contain pain relievers or ingredients that create soothing heat or cold.
  • Opioids (narcotics). ...

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Which is an example of a non pharmacologic strategy for managing pain?

Some measures that can reduce pain intensity and improve the patient quality of life such as massage, positioning, hot and cold treatment, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), acupuncture and progressive muscle relaxation.

What is the difference between pharmacologic and non pharmacologic pain relief?

Pharmacological strategies consider the use of drugs to treat and relieve pain. Nonpharmacological strategies favor other modalities of care, especially during the modulation stage of the painful experience.

What are some non pharmacologic methods of providing pain relief support?

Birthing techniques such as hydrotherapy, hypnobirthing, patterned breathing, relaxation, and visualization can increase the production of endogenous endorphins that bind to receptors in the brain for pain relief.

What is the meaning of non-pharmacological?

Non-pharmacological therapies (non-medication treatments): Referring to therapies that do not involve drugs.

What are 3 different types of pain management?

Key pain management strategies include:pain medicines.physical therapies (such as heat or cold packs, massage, hydrotherapy and exercise)psychological therapies (such as cognitive behavioural therapy, relaxation techniques and meditation)mind and body techniques (such as acupuncture)community support groups.

What are examples of non pharmacological interventions?

Some of the options patients have found helpful include:Massage. A lot of people find relief from gentle massage, and some hospice agencies have volunteers who are trained in massage therapy. ... Relaxation techniques. ... Acupuncture. ... Physical therapy. ... Pet therapy. ... Gel packs.

How effective is non-pharmacological pain management?

Previous research has suggested that using nonpharmacologic therapies to manage chronic pain may be effective not only in decreasing pain and improving function but also in reducing longer-term adverse effects such as substance use disorders and suicide attempts.

Why should non pharmacologic treatments be considered or used?

Non-pharmacological therapy has an important role in the treatment of pain and is recognized as a valuable, simple help to lower the dosage of analgesic drugs needed, decreasing the side effects, reducing drug dependency and reducing health care costs; however, knowledge and attitude of nurses greatly affect the use of ...

Why is non-pharmacological treatment important?

Non-pharmacological interventions manage pain, reduce stress, encourage positive changes in mood, reduce in depression, and increase awareness of self and environment (Blackburn et al., 2014). Some of the different types of non- pharmacological interventions are support groups, family support, and music therapy.

What are non-pharmacological strategies?

Non-pharmacological strategies include physical therapy, invasive procedures, psychological treatments and psychotherapy, which together with pharmacological therapies play a key role in the integrated approach to pain.

What is pharmacological pain management?

The focus of pharmacologic pain management is on alleviating your pain symptoms by administering prescription (Rx) or over-the-counter (OTC) medications.

What is pharmacological treatment of pain?

Chronic pain conditions are treated pharmacologically with a number of different medication classes via several routes of administration as drug delivery systems have progressed. These include anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, antiepileptic medicines, antidepressants, opioids, and local anesthetics.

What are the advantages of non-pharmacological pain measures?

Non-pharmacological therapy has an important role in the treatment of pain and is recognized as a valuable, simple help to lower the dosage of analgesic drugs needed, decreasing the side effects, reducing drug dependency and reducing health care costs; however, knowledge and attitude of nurses greatly affect the use of ...

What is the benefit of using non-pharmacological techniques?

Non-pharmacological interventions manage pain, reduce stress, encourage positive changes in mood, reduce in depression, and increase awareness of self and environment (Blackburn et al., 2014). Some of the different types of non- pharmacological interventions are support groups, family support, and music therapy.

How effective is non-pharmacological pain management?

Previous research has suggested that using nonpharmacologic therapies to manage chronic pain may be effective not only in decreasing pain and improving function but also in reducing longer-term adverse effects such as substance use disorders and suicide attempts.

What Are Non-Pharmacological Therapies For Pain?

Non-pharmacological therapies are ways to decrease pain in addition to medicine. Your healthcare provider will help you choose therapies that are r...

Why Is Pain Control Important?

If pain is not treated, it can decrease your appetite and make it difficult for you to sleep. You may feel that you lack energy or the ability to d...

What Therapies Are Used With Medicine to Help Control Pain?

1. Heat helps decrease pain and muscle spasms. Apply heat to the area for 20 to 30 minutes every 2 hours for as many days as directed. 2. Ice helps...

What Other Therapies May Help Control Or Reduce Pain?

1. Relaxation techniques can help you relax, relieve stress, and decrease pain. Common relaxation techniques include any of the following: 1. Aroma...

Where Can I Find More Information?

1. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NIHInformation ClearinghousePO Box 7923Gaithersburg , MD 20898Phone: 1- 888 - 644622...

When Should I Contact My Healthcare Provider?

1. Your pain does not get better, or you have new pain. 2. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.

What are non-pharmacological therapies for pain?

Non-pharmacological therapies are ways to decrease pain without medicine. Your healthcare provider will help you choose therapies that are right for you. Your provider will explain the advantages for each treatment and which may work best for the cause of your pain. Non-pharmacological therapies may help decrease your pain or give you more control over your pain. This can improve your quality of life.

How to treat a swollen muscle?

What are some common therapies to help control pain? 1 Heat helps decrease pain and muscle spasms. Apply heat to the area for 20 to 30 minutes every 2 hours for as many days as directed. 2 Ice helps decrease swelling and pain. Ice may also help prevent tissue damage. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Cover it with a towel and place it on the area for 15 to 20 minutes every hour, or as directed. 3 Massage therapy may help relax tight muscles and decrease pain. 4 Physical therapy teaches you exercises to help improve movement and strength, and to decrease pain. 5 A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit is a portable, pocket-sized, battery-powered device that attaches to your skin. It is usually placed over the area of pain. It uses mild, safe electrical signals to help control pain. 6 A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is an electrode implanted near your spinal cord during a simple procedure. The electrode is connected to a stimulator (a small box). The stimulator sends mild, safe electrical signals to the electrode. The electrical signals help relax the nerves that cause your pain.

What is a SCS?

A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is an electrode implanted near your spinal cord during a simple procedure. The electrode is connected to a stimulator (a small box). The stimulator sends mild, safe electrical signals to the electrode. The electrical signals help relax the nerves that cause your pain.

What is the best way to relax?

Common relaxation techniques include any of the following: Aromatherapy is a way of using scents to relax, relieve stress, and decrease pain. Aromatherapy uses oils, extracts, or fragrances from flowers, herbs, and trees. They may be inhaled or used during massages, facials, body wraps, and baths.

How to relieve pain from a swollen thigh?

They may be inhaled or used during massages, facials, body wraps, and baths. Deep breathing can help you relax and help decrease your pain. Take a deep breath in and then release it slowly. Do this as many times as needed. Tense your muscles and then relax them.

Why do we need biofeedback?

Biofeedback helps your body respond differently to the stress of being in pain. Healthcare providers may use a biofeedback machine to help know when your body is relaxed. You will learn what your breathing and heart rate are when you are relaxed.

How to get rid of a swollen thigh?

Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Cover it with a towel and place it on the area for 15 to 20 minutes every hour, or as directed. Massage therapy may help relax tight muscles and decrease pain. Physical therapy teaches you exercises to help improve movement and strength, and to decrease pain.

What is Pain?

Pain is a signal from the nerve system that something isn’t right. It can be a prickling, tingling, stinging, burning, or aching sensation. Mild, sharp, or dull, it could come and go or be constant. Pain can be felt in one place of the body, such as the back, abdomen, chest, pelvis, or throughout the entire body.

Does It Work?

Some of these are preoperative information, acupuncture, distraction in visual and auditory (music) forms, massage, relaxation, cognitive reframing, guided imagery, and breathing training.

What is pain reliever?

Pain relievers are medications that help to alleviate or lessen pain. There are numerous pain medications available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Some are OTC (over-the-counter) medications; others are harsher, only obtained through a doctor’s prescription.

What pain relievers are prescribed by a doctor?

Prescription pain relievers and narcotics – Prescribed by a doctor and include OTC pain medication at a higher dose than what is available over-the-counter. Hydrocodone (Vicodin and Norco), oxycodone (OxyContin), and morphine are some examples, and they are significantly more powerful.

What is the most potent pain medication?

Opioids are the most potent prescription pain medications. They are effective, but they put people in danger of addiction and overdose. Here are some common options for pain relief:

What is pain management?

It is the management of pain without the use of pharmaceuticals/drugs. This strategy employs techniques that alter your patients’ thoughts and sharpen their concentration. Some aspects have been thoroughly explored during the last 20 to 30 years, while others are new. More so, some have existed for centuries and are only now scientifically investigated.

Why is pain important?

Pain harms the health of a person physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As such, relief is vital to improving people’s quality of life, particularly non-pharmacological pain management techniques. At some point in life, virtually everyone suffers some type of pain. Now more than ever, recurrent pain symptoms are becoming a severe health concern.

What Does Success Look Like?

There is increased understanding of the approaches for pain management that are most efficacious or effective for various conditions and populations, and which can best be integrated into overall pain treatment and management strategies. Thus, when possible, opioid use as a first-line treatment for pain management might be reduced.

What is pain in health?

Pain is the condition for which adults in the United States most often use complementary and integrative health approaches. This includes musculoskeletal pain (back pain, neck pain, joint pain, etc.), and pain associated with specific conditions (e.g., arthritis). Although pain is a normal, vital response to actual or potential tissue injury, in some cases acute pain can become chronic and a condition unto itself, leading to biological changes in the central nervous system as well as changes in peripheral tissues.

What are complementary health approaches?

Elucidate biological targets and pathways by which complementary health approaches (e.g., natural products, mind and body interventions ) have clinical benefits, including analgesic effects for chronic pain conditions, as well as preventing the transition from acute to chronic pain.

Is chronic pain a debilitating condition?

Chronic pain is a debilitating condition with high societal and economic costs. Growing evidence indicates that some complementary health approaches may help in its treatment and management. Now that self-management of chronic pain is recognized as a component of an overall treatment strategy, it is important to better understand how ...

Can opioids be used as a first line treatment?

Thus, when possible, opioid use as a first-line treatment for pain management might be reduced. There is increased understanding of the mechanisms by which these approaches exert their effects. Research standards for studies on chronic low-back pain are broadly accepted and used, as shown by their inclusion in grant applications ...

What is Non-Pharmacological Pain Management?

Non-pharmacological pain management uses methods outside of medication to treat and manage pain. There are many reasons someone may opt for non-pharmacological approaches to pain management, such as the medication may interact with another treatment they’re receiving, they have an allergy to the medication, or they have experienced adverse side effects in the past. They may also just prefer not to take medication, especially if they are concerned about side effects or addiction.

What pain relievers are available only by prescription?

Other pain relievers that are only available by prescription are narcotics, which include medications like hydrocodone (Vicodin and Norco), oxycodone (OxyContin), and morphine.

How does laser therapy help with inflammation?

Laser therapy increases circulation and levels of inflammation resolving mediators to help repair damaged tissue and remove waste. Laser therapy has been used to reduce pain long-term for arthritis, tendonitis, as well as resolve slow-healing wounds and repair damage from acute muscle injury.

How to relieve pain from arthritis?

Ice or cold therapy is generally used to relieve pain from inflammation from an injured joint or arthritis by restricting blood flow to relieve pain. Heat therapy is helpful for relieving muscle tension by increasing blood flow to relax the muscle. Some injuries can benefit from alternating heat and cold therapy.

What is laser therapy?

Laser therapy is one form of non-pharmacological pain management. If you’re interested in learning more about how laser therapy works and how it can be applied to a variety of chronic and acute concerns, visit our new resource library on Aspen Laser University for over 100 case studies. Learn More About Laser Therapy.

What is the best pain reliever?

There are several common treatments for pain you’re probably familiar with, and some may even be in your medicine cabinet right now. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers: Medications like ibuprofen (Mortin and Advil), naproxen (Aleve), aspirin, and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be purchased without a prescription.

What is the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis?

Cortisone injections: This treatment is done in a doctor’s office and is an injection of a corticosteroid often with a local anesthetic to relieve inflammation in the joints. This is a common treatment for inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, however, it may also be used to treat pain and swelling from osteoarthritis and tendonitis.

How Do I Manage My Pain?

There are many different types of pain-relieving medications and each class works in a slightly different way. Most medications can be grouped under one of the following:

What is breakthrough pain?

Breakthrough pain is a sudden, short, sharp increase in pain that occurs in people who are already taking medications to relieve chronic pain caused by conditions such as arthritis, cancer, or fibromyalgia.

Why should opioids be used for pain?

In addition, opioids should only be used for certain types of pain, because of their risk of addiction. Nowadays, a modified three-step pain management ladder may be used, which should always take into account the type of pain.

How long does chronic pain last?

Chronic pain is pain that has persisted for longer than six months and is experienced most days. It may have originally started as acute pain, but the pain has continued long after the original injury or event has healed or resolved. Chronic pain can range from mild to severe and is associated with conditions such as:

How does chronic pain affect people?

Chronic pain can severely affect a person's quality of life and prevent them from returning to work or participating in physical activity. In some people, it may lead to depression or social isolation.

What is the term for any kind of unpleasant or uncomfortable sensation in the body?

Pain is a general term that describes any kind of unpleasant or uncomfortable sensation in the body.

Why do I feel nerve pain?

Many people with chronic nerve pain also develop anxiety or depression. People with neuropathic pain are often very sensitive to touch or cold and can experience pain as a result of stimuli that would not normally be painful, such as brushing the skin. Common causes of nerve pain include: Alcoholism.


Education and Psychological Conditioning

  • Not knowing what to expect with cancer treatment is very stressful. However, if you are prepared and can anticipate what will happen, your stress level will be much lower. To decrease your anxiety about cancer treatment, consider the following: 1. Ask for an explanation of each step o…
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  • With hypnosis, a psychologist or doctor guides you into an altered state of consciousness. This helps you to focus or narrow your attention to reduce discomfort. Methods for hypnosis include: 1. Imagery: Guiding you through imaginary mental images of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and feelings can help shift attention away from the pain. 2. Distraction: Distraction is usually used to …
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Comfort Therapy

  • Comfort therapy may involve the following: 1. Companionship 2. Exercise 3. Heat/cold application 4. Lotions/massage therapy 5. Meditation 6. Music, art, or drama therapy 7. Pastoral counseling 8. Positioning
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Physical and Occupational Therapy

  • Physical and occupational therapy may involve the following: 1. Aquatherapy 2. Tone and strengthening 3. Desensitization
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Psychosocial Therapy/Counseling

  • Psychosocial therapy/counseling may involve the following: 1. Individual counseling 2. Family counseling 3. Group counseling
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  • Neurostimulation may involve the following: 1. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) 2. Acupuncture 3. Acupressure
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1.Management of Pain without Medications | Stanford …


6 hours ago  · Non-pharmacological therapies are ways to decrease pain without medicine. Your healthcare provider will help you choose therapies that are right for you. Your provider will explain the advantages for each treatment and which may work best for the cause of your pain. Non-pharmacological therapies may help decrease your pain or give you more control over your pain.

2.Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Therapies for …


15 hours ago Nonpharmacological Pain Management. Application of superficial heat or cold treatments may reduce or relieve pain by decreasing sensitivity to pain, producing vasodilation (heat) or vasoconstriction (cold) and by altering blood flow. Heat therapy increases blood flow, metabolism, and the elasticity of connective tissue.

3.Nonpharmacological Pain Management - Pain …


15 hours ago  · What Is Non-Pharmacological Pain Management? It is the management of pain without the use of pharmaceuticals/drugs. This strategy employs techniques that alter your patients’ thoughts and sharpen their concentration. Some aspects have been thoroughly explored during the last 20 to 30 years, while others are new.

4.Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Strategies - IHT


9 hours ago  · Nonpharmacologic Management of Pain Introduction and Explanation of Need Pain is the condition for which adults in the United States most often use complementary and integrative health approaches. This includes musculoskeletal pain (back pain, neck pain, joint pain, etc.), and pain associated with specific conditions (e.g., arthritis).

5.Nonpharmacologic Management of Pain | NCCIH


24 hours ago In light of the multifactorial nature of this problem, the treatment plan has to be individualized for each patient. The nonpharmacologic management of pain is the focus of this review article with an attempt to substantiate the individual components through the peer-reviewed medical literature. Strategies that have support in patients with ...

6.The Benefits of Non-Pharmacological Pain Treatments


33 hours ago Non-pharmacological therapies in pain management It is considered that these therapies help the standard pharmacological treatment in pain management. While medical drugs are being used for treating the somatic (physiological and emotional) dimension of the pain non-pharmacological therapies aim to treat the

7.Videos of What Is Non Pharmacological Pain Management


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8.Nonpharmacologic management of pain - PubMed


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